Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Mysteries of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

 When I was in school, I used to stay with one of my classmates whose parents were cowherds. I used to bathe beside a water well in their village home at 5 am under an open sky before we both cycled to school at 7 am  

There under an open sky in the early morning sky I could see the Milky Way and countless stars twinkling up there. I wondered if there was life out there among so many, many stars. It was then that I started to have an early interest in astronomy.

I thought then all those stars were what heavens have. Today, astronomers estimate there could be as much as 10 trillion, trillion (1 followed by 26 zeros) other stars or worlds up there. Is that all we could visibly see even with our best ground-based and orbiting telescopes or even theoretically estimate?  All those visible stars, and galaxies are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms.

I then wrote an article on particle physics two ago, followed by another article on quantum mechanics only last evening. In the article on particle physics, I briefly mentioned a Switzerland-based nuclear research facility called European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) where particle physics is carried out.  

Today, I am going to write a little about dark matter and dark energy in the universe, an area scientists have some idea what they might be. 

One leading hypothesis is that dark matter consists of exotic particles that don't interact with normal matter or light but that still exert a gravitational pull. Several scientific groups, including one at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, are currently working to generate dark matter particles for study in the lab. 

One of the most surprising discoveries of this century is that this ordinary, or baryonic matter makes up less than 5 percent of the mass of the universe.

The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent). This is what I shall be writing now.


Unlocking the Mystery:


Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments. But scientists are confident it exists because of the gravitational effects it appears to have on galaxies and galaxy clusters.

Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most mysterious and fundamental components of our universe. They are both critical to our understanding of cosmology, yet neither has been directly observed. Let’s dive into what each of these is, their importance, potential applications, and references for further reading.


What is Dark Matter?


Dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible to electromagnetic observations. It is called "dark" because it doesn't interact with electromagnetic forces, meaning it doesn’t emit light, radio waves, or any other form of radiation detectable by our current instruments. However, it exerts gravitational effects on visible matter, such as stars and galaxies.

Evidence for dark matter comes from observation. The first is shown by the galaxy rotation curves. By this we mean that the rotation speed of galaxies cannot be explained solely by the visible matter they contain. Stars at the outer edges of galaxies rotate faster than can be accounted for by the gravitational pull of visible matter alone. This suggests the presence of an unseen mass—dark matter.

The second evidence is gravitational lensing where light from distant galaxies is bent more than it should be by the gravitational fields of galaxy clusters. This bending suggests the presence of much more mass than is visible, implying dark matter.

The third evidence we have come from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).  The CMB, the afterglow of the Big Bang, contains slight temperature fluctuations that reflect the distribution of matter in the early universe. These fluctuations suggest that about 27% of the universe's mass-energy content is dark matter.

But what is the importance of dark matter in astronomy? Dark matter plays a critical role in the formation of cosmic structures. Its gravitational influence is believed to have led to the formation of galaxies, galaxy clusters, and large-scale structures in the universe. In the field of cosmology, the presence of dark matter is essential for the current standard model of cosmology, known as the Lambda-CDM model, which explains the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to its current state.

Currently, dark matter has no direct application or usefulness because it hasn’t been detected in a way that would allow us to manipulate or harness it. However, understanding dark matter could revolutionize physics by uncovering new particles or forces and leading to new technologies.


What about Dark Energy? What is it?


Dark energy is a mysterious force that is driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. Unlike dark matter, which clumps and exerts gravitational attraction, dark energy appears to have a repulsive effect, working against gravity to push galaxies apart.

What evidence do we have for dark energy? Observations of distant supernovae in the late 1990s revealed that the universe's expansion is accelerating, contrary to the expectation that gravity would slow it down. This acceleration suggests the presence of dark energy.

Scientists now think that the accelerated expansion of the universe is driven by a kind of repulsive force generated by quantum fluctuations in otherwise "empty" space. What's more, the force seems to be growing stronger as the universe expands. For lack of a better name, scientists call this mysterious force dark energy.

Unlike for dark matter, scientists have no plausible explanation for dark energy. According to one idea, dark energy is a fifth and previously unknown type of fundamental force called quintessence, which fills the universe like a fluid.

Many scientists have also pointed out that the known properties of dark energy are consistent with a cosmological constant, a mathematical Band-Aid that Albert Einstein added to his theory of general relativity to make his equations fit with the notion of a static universe. According to Einstein, the constant would be a repulsive force that counteracts gravity, keeping the universe from collapsing in on itself. Einstein later discarded the idea when astronomical observations revealed that the universe was expanding, calling the cosmological constant his "biggest blunder."

Now that we see the expansion of the universe is accelerating, adding in dark energy as a cosmological constant could neatly explain how space-time is being stretched apart. But that explanation still leaves scientists clueless as to why the strange force exists in the first place.

The other evidence we have like dark matter also comes from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Detailed measurements of the CMB suggest that dark energy makes up about 68% of the universe's total energy density. The other evidence comes from the large-scale distribution and clustering of galaxies on large scales which is consistent with the presence of dark energy.

The importance of dark energy will enable us to understand what will finally happen to our universe. Dark energy is crucial in determining the ultimate fate of the universe. If dark energy continues to dominate, the universe could keep expanding indefinitely, leading to scenarios like the "Big Freeze" or "Heat Death."

 Dark energy is often associated with the cosmological constant (Λ), a term Einstein introduced in his equations of General Relativity. Understanding dark energy could provide insights into the fundamental nature of space-time.

As far as applications and usefulness to us is concerned, I really cannot see any direct application of dark matter and dark energy at the moment unless we are able to harness them for future energy requirements when our Sun dies out in another 5 billion years. Our Sun is already in its middle age. After the hydrogen runs out, there will be a period of 2-3 billion years whereby the sun will go through the phases of star death. By then probably mankind would have the technologies to harness the dark energy which make up an impressive 70 % of all the energy in this Universe. Understanding this could lead to profound changes in our understanding of the universe and potentially new technologies.

Unfortunately, humanity may only last for another 2 or 3 centuries more, for reasons I have already written several articles about our fate here in this blog post of mine

References for Further Reading

  1. Books:
    • “The 4 Percent Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality” by Richard Panek.
    • “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe” by Brian Clegg.
  2. Scientific Papers and Articles:
    • “A Brief History of Dark Matter” by J. W. Moffat, published in the European Journal of Physics (2011).
    • “Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe” by S. Perlmutter, B. Schmidt, and A. Riess, Nobel Lecture (2011).
  3. Websites:



The visible universeincluding Earth, the sun, other stars, and galaxiesis made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms. Perhaps one of the most surprising discoveries of the 20th century was that this ordinary, or baryonic, matter makes up less than 5 percent of the mass of the universe.

The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent).

Unlocking the Mystery

Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments. But scientists are confident it exists because of the gravitational effects it appears to have on galaxies and galaxy clusters.

For instance, according to standard physics, stars at the edges of a spinning, spiral galaxy should travel much slower than those near the galactic center, where a galaxy's visible matter is concentrated. But observations show that stars orbit at more or less the same speed regardless of where they are in the galactic disk. This puzzling result makes sense if one assumes that the boundary stars are feeling the gravitational effects of an unseen massdark matterin a halo around the galaxy.

Dark matter could also explain certain optical illusions that astronomers see in the deep universe. For example, pictures of galaxies that include strange rings and arcs of light could be explained if the light from even more distant galaxies is being distorted and magnified by massive, invisible clouds of dark matter in the foreground-a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing.

Scientists have a few ideas for what dark matter might be. One leading hypothesis is that dark matter consists of exotic particles that don't interact with normal matter or light but that still exert a gravitational pull. Several scientific groups, including one at CERN's Large Hadron Collider, are currently working to generate dark matter particles for study in the lab.

Other scientists think the effects of dark matter could be explained by fundamentally modifying our theories of gravity. According to such ideas, there are multiple forms of gravity, and the large-scale gravity governing galaxies differs from the gravity to which we are accustomed.

Expanding Universe

Dark energy is even more mysterious, and its discovery in the 1990s was a complete shock to scientists. Previously, physicists had assumed that the attractive force of gravity would slow down the expansion of the universe over time. But when two



independent teams tried to measure the rate of deceleration, they found that the expansion was actually speeding up. One scientist likened the finding to throwing a set of keys up in the air expecting them to fall back down-only to see them fly straight up toward the ceiling.

Scientists now think that the accelerated expansion of the universe is driven by a kind of repulsive force generated by quantum fluctuations in otherwise "empty" space. What's more, the force seems to be growing stronger as the universe expands. For lack of a better name, scientists call this mysterious force dark energy.

Unlike for dark matter, scientists have no plausible explanation for dark energy. According to one idea, dark energy is a fifth and previously unknown type of fundamental force called quintessence, which fills the universe like a fluid.

Many scientists have also pointed out that the known properties of dark energy are consistent with a cosmological constant, a mathematical Band-Aid that Albert Einstein added to his theory of general relativity to make his equations fit with the notion of a static universe. According to Einstein, the constant would be a repulsive force that counteracts gravity, keeping the universe from collapsing in on itself. Einstein later discarded the idea when astronomical observations revealed that the universe was expanding, calling the cosmological constant his "biggest blunder."

Now that we see the expansion of the universe is accelerating, adding in dark energy as a cosmological constant could neatly explain how space-time is being stretched apart. But that explanation still leaves scientists clueless as to why the strange force exists in the first place

From Chat GPT

We were talking about particle physics yesterday. We also talked about Switzerland-based nuclear research facility have some social media users on edge. In their view is CERN, also known as the European Organization for Nuclear Research.






The visible universeincluding Earth, the sun, other stars, and galaxiesis made of protons, neutrons, and electrons bundled together into atoms. Perhaps one of the most surprising discoveries of the 20th century was that this ordinary, or baryonic, matter makes up less than 5 percent of the mass of the universe.

The rest of the universe appears to be made of a mysterious, invisible substance called dark matter (25 percent) and a force that repels gravity known as dark energy (70 percent).

Unlocking the Mystery

Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments. But scientists are confident it exists because of the gravitational effects it appears to have on galaxies and galaxy clusters.




Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most mysterious and fundamental components of our universe. They are both critical to our understanding of cosmology, yet neither has been directly observed. Let’s dive into what each of these is, their importance, potential applications, and references for further reading.

Dark Matter

What is Dark Matter?

Dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible to electromagnetic observations. It is called "dark" because it doesn't interact with electromagnetic forces, meaning it doesn’t emit light, radio waves, or any other form of radiation detectable by our current instruments. However, it exerts gravitational effects on visible matter, such as stars and galaxies.

Evidence for Dark Matter:

Importance of Dark Matter:

Applications and Usefulness:

Currently, dark matter has no direct application because it hasn’t been detected in a way that would allow us to manipulate or harness it. However, understanding dark matter could revolutionize physics by uncovering new particles or forces and leading to new technologies.

Dark Energy

What is Dark Energy?

Dark energy is a mysterious force that is driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. Unlike dark matter, which clumps and exerts gravitational attraction, dark energy appears to have a repulsive effect, working against gravity to push galaxies apart.

Evidence for Dark Energy:

Importance of Dark Energy:

Applications and Usefulness:

Like dark matter, dark energy has no direct applications currently. However, understanding it could lead to profound changes in our understanding of the universe and potentially new technologies.

References for Further Reading



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