Saturday, December 10, 2022

Some Collections of Articles Concerning Creation, Mysteries of Life, Unexpalined Miracles, Body and Soul, and Death

 Articles on Mysteries of Life, Soul and Death


A friend of mine sent me an article about life and death written by this gentleman, A. Kathirasen who wrote:

"When we die, do we really die?" 

Is that all  we need to ponder on? 

Here's just a short list of other thoughts and articles of mine  on this same subject .

 I have  penned many more articles elsewhere on this subject. Have a look at this partial list first to ponder even much deeper on the mysteries of life and death than what Mr. Kathirasen was able to deliver.


Cherish our eternal souls, nourish and enrich them first that give us our

current existing life for our brief existence here, not enrich our

temporary physical life,  or our health or vain thirst for longevity here 

in  this temporary world. 

Seek wisdom to see beyond this physical dimension, not earthy

knowledge or wealth, and the rest shall be added  

Good luck 

lim ju boo 


The Age and Beginning of Creation of the Universe


Scientific Logic: Creation or Evolution? The Bible vs. Science

The Bible Lost in Transition

The Apple in Bible: Lost in Transition


Scientific Logic: Creation or Evolution? The Bible vs. Science


Earliest and Smallest Life Forms in Evolution:


The Spark of Life: From Birth - A Journey Till Death


Can Life in Other Worlds Exist Without Water?:


Jesus First Miracle:

Mysteries of Life: An Non-measurable Vital Force:


The Irreversible Chemistry of Death:


Body and Soul:


The Existence of Life After Death:


The Persistence of Memories After Death?


Biology of Aging: Why we need to grow old and die


Were there Previous Heavens and Future Heavens Yet to Come?


Why Does People Cannot Understand Worlds Beyond Theirs: A Question A Reader Asked?




Kelly Heather said...

Amazing! simply amazing. Visions hardly anyone see, talk or write about

Mrs Evelyn Mason said...

Beyond our our knowledge in science. A series of logical visions worth our efforts, time to invest on before our lives end in this world

Evelyn Mason

Charlotte.Miles said...

Fascinating. I believe most people these days including scientists do not believe there is a soul. They say if there is a soul surely scientists would be able to find and detect their presence? But so far they could not. Perhaps you are some of the few scientists from your CV and biolography who believe in spiritual beings like souls and ghosts. But I am unsure. Anyway you seems to have vision logically explained. Fascinating articles

Sim Choo May said...

Dear Dr Lim Ju Bu

In a lot of your highly interesting write-ups here concerning the soul, mystery of life and death, you mentioned the reason why we die is because our soul left us.

But most doctors, health experts, scientists and all ordinary people in this world say that death is due to some disease or accidents and definitively not because our soul left us

I challenge you as a doctor, nutritionist and ex senior medical researcher yourself, how do you intend to explain to your expert medical counterparts and all of us here as ordinary people in your sole belief that it is the soul that leaves us first and not death due to diseases

Sorry for this very challenge for you, you shall never be able to answer unless God help you

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