Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Apple in Bible: Lost in Transition

The Bible Lost in Transition

An e-mail circular I received recently from a friend Ir. Tan Seng Koon who argued with another person that no where in the Bible does it says that the apple was the first fruit created.

Ir. Tan was perfectly right. Neither does it says anywhere that the apple is the forbidden fruit Eve was told not eat. Neither does the Bible say that the apple is lowly-rated as claimed by someone in the e-mails exchanges I received.

Where in these two verses did it mention ‘apple’ or ‘forbidden’ or ‘the first fruit’?

“You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." 18. (Genesis 2: 17-18).

Adam’s apple:

Neither does Adam’s apple, caused by Adam having eaten the forbidden fruit in Garden of Eden and having the apple stuck there in his throat? Adam’s apple is actually just a laryngeal prominence or a protrusion in the neck formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx.

This is usually more prominent in adult men than in women and in prepubescent children. It has nothing to do with an apple stuck there.

The only explanation I can offer right now as I type this sentence as to why children before puberty do not have Adam’s apple, is because young children are innocent, ignorant and sinless. They are still at the age of learning and gathering knowledge. In short, because they have not eaten the ‘fruit of knowledge’ as adults do, they do not have the ‘forbidden apple’ stuck in their throat as in Adam and Eve. Okay, I am just joking about Adam’s apple.

Myths and distortions:

Unfortunately all these myths came only from people who interpreted the Bible in their own special way. Such belief misdirects others in the same way. It is the same way Satan who came in disguise as a serpent misdirected Eve. She in turn misdirected Adam to do the same. This is one of the Devil’s clever ways to confuse people to draw them away from God. That is the major reason why there are so many religions in the world to divert people’s beliefs.

Apple is a low-rated fruit?

Furthermore, where in the Bible did it say the apple is a low-rated fruit? On the contrary, I thought the adage says ‘an apple a day, keeps the doctor away’? All these beliefs are contradicting each other, created only by people who have their own ideas and thinking. In fact there are dozens of references on the health-protective values of an apple. It is not a low-rated fruit.

Evolution is not life itself:

Naturalists believe that life on earth was due to evolution and survival of the fittest. But they stopped at telling us how life first came into being on Earth? Evolution does not tell us how the first spark of life first jump started the chain of evolution from the first life to the next until we have a wide variety of living creatures on this planet. They conveniently kept quite about this extremely difficult but very crucial question. No one dared ask a scientist this question.

A body without life inside:

Instead, they continue to write volumes of books on biology, biological sciences and all about evolution. But they avoid answering the first and most important question as exactly what life is? How do we define life, and what is it exactly that makes a living thing tick? Is it some kind of mysterious living force, some kind of unknown energy, qi, vital force, or anything like that living inside a body?

Just say living or dead, that’s all?

Scientists pretend that life is always there, and there is no need to answer that question. No question should be asked. So they can continue to write tons, and tons of books on biology, zoology, botany, microbiology, DNA, physiology, etc, etc. They filled up entire libraries in this world on books and periodical on biological science, but none of them define or explain what exactly is this vital force or life residing inside a living body.

No question should be asked why all these organism posses something living called ‘life’ residing inside, but can leave the body on death at any time? Scientists refuse to answer this question. They try to avoid it because they will be confronted with something they cannot explain or answer.

Science teaches us to accept only the physical:

This is like asking people to accept only a physical body without a vital force residing inside. This is like forcing us to accept the existence of a body but we should not question what happened to the head and the brain which actually controls the physical body. What is this mysterious vital force(s) inside a body that make it come to life?

The Bible is not a Science book:

The Bible is also not a book on chemistry, anatomy, nutrition, food science, agriculture, botany, zoology, etc. Neither is it a book on the origin of the species, on natural selection, about survival of the fittest, or anything that deal with evolution.

Neither is the Bible a book on geology, paleontology, or on cosmology to allow it to describe and explain exactly how God created the heavens and the earth. It does now deal with how the water below was separated from the heaven or sky above till dry land appeared. It is not a book on geology, hydrology or metrology.

Neither is the Bible about quantum mechanics, cosmology, or theoretical physics to tell us in detail how light first came into being

Just a simple and humble message to mankind:

The Bible simply tells us in a very simple and humble manner that God created all that without troubling us with unnecessary details on nuclear fusion and nucleo-synthesis in the stars, and how nuclear fusion generate heat, light, and other sources of energy across a wide spectrum of electromagnetic waves.

God feels there is no need for all that; else the entire purpose of the Bible to save mankind from ultimate destruction and death will be lost. God only wanted to pass the message to tell us the essence on how to gain eternal life when life ends for us in this world.

In just one or two simple verses, He let us know that He created everything for us and that He provided all the essential things for us to live a temporary life in this world. That’s all He wanted us to know without troubling us with unnecessary details on science and all those stuff. A psalmist tell a little more about God’s creation is:

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament
sheweth his handywork. (Psalm. 19:1)

His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof (Psalm 19:6).

The entire heaven is revolving:

This above last verse sounds to my mind; it is not the Sun or the Moon that is making a circuit around the sky as many would read it. The still small voice in me strongly tells me to say it loudly that it is the entire heaven (universe), and not just our Galaxy alone He created, that is revolving from one end of the universe to the other end of the other without any intervention or energy or heat to brake this motion (circuit).

This may be something new yet to be revealed to the cosmologist and astronomer. One day they will know, but right now, as long as we still remain on this Earth, our eyes can never be opened to know entirely.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Corinthian 13:12)

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. (Col.1:16-17).

He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing (Job 26:7)

Earth hangs on nothing:

Almost 3500 years ago Job stated in chapter 26 verse 7 that the earth hangs upon nothing. However, various civilizations recorded that either the earth was situated on the back of Atlas (in Greek mythology), or that it was on the back of an elephant which was standing on the back of a turtle, which was supposed to be swimming in some kind of a cosmic sea (in the culture of India), or that the earth was flat being held up by pillars (in the Egyptian culture).

However, as true science progressed, it is now proven that the earth really does hang upon nothing. This means nothing physically holds Earth up as the above verse reveals.

A child accepts things without understanding:

No young child in this world would question his natural father how he is able to bring home money, food, clothing, pay for his upkeep, pay for his education, pay for this and pay for that? No father would explain all these to his young child about his job, how he does it, what happens in the office, how he pays tax to the government, how did he trade his expertise, skill, goods, business for the money and the provision which he finally brings home to feed his family?

There is no need for any parent to explain all these complicated things to his young child, and there is also no need for a child to know all these highly complex procedures of earning a living. All the parent is interested is to be able to provide for his child and family, and the child be able to lie secure in trust of his parent so that he can continue to receive all these provisions for his day-to-day living.

That’s all God wants us to know:

That’s all God wants us to know, and not question Him. This is exactly what God has done for us. There is no need to question the ability of God, a Creator of the Heaven and how He did it. If a child wants to know later in life, he can go to school, the university, to the library and read plenty of books about earning a living and how things work, or are manufactured for him, and so on to get the provision.

Knowledge and traveling is increasing exponentially:

Today we have countless institutions of higher learning, libraries, volumes of books, fast access to information through the Internet and Information Technology. Today countless millions of people are traveling all over the world, across vast oceans and continents in extremely fast jet planes.

They shuttle to and fro all over this planet and communications between peoples across this planet in just seconds by the click of a few buttons via Internet, mobile phones, fax machines, radios, televisions, and satellite communications. They achieved all these at unprecedented speed and rate never before in the history of mankind.

But in doing so we are also damaging the environment and cause global warming. All these have been told and warned to us by God even before Jesus Christ. It is so lucidly clear the end times are nigh.

‘But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased’ (Daniel 12:4)

Global warming:

At the same time, this Earth is slowly warming and heating up. All these do not look good for our survival in near future. It is like a movie coming to life.

"As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world." (Matthew 13:40).

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2 Peter 3:10).

"And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." (Revelation 20:9).

There are many other verses and references in the Bible how Earth and even the entire Universe will be burnt up. Just the above three verses as examples will do.

The Bible is meant for saving mankind from eternal death:

Instead, the Bible is wholly devoted on the history of mankind towards God, their sins, and the path they need to take for their salvation and eternal life. If you are a cosmologist, you will understand how horrendously complex the universe (heavens) is, and yet the Bible made it so simple for us to understand by telling us that God created everything for us in just a few verses in Genesis. You can instantly see how humble God is. All these horrendously complex creation He just use a few verses to let us know, but He spent the entire Bible to tell us His fears and worries about our salvation. It only tells us our fate to face eternity without salvation is far, far more important to Him than His entire physical creation of heaven and Earth.

Life in eternity is far more important than earthly knowledge:

God does not intend to trouble us with unnecessary complicated technical details about creation. The Bible is for the humble and uncomplicated mind to understand because the most important objective of the Bible is our salvation throughout all eternity. This is the most important message God continuously stressed to us in our short life.

It is not the technical details about evolution, how the land was separated from the waters, how light was first created, how nucleo-synthesis in the stars gives out heat, light and energy, and so on that worries Him. It is our salvation that is far more worrisome to Him.

Else the entire purpose of the Bible to lead us into eternal life will be lost with unimportant technical details about creation, evolution, about the floods, about this and that mountain, name of this or that animal, and how many animals entered into the Ark. Even God who created the entire heavens with horrendous complexities did not give unnecessary details. So why do we need to trouble our lives and souls about them.

God is extremely humble and modest about His handiwork. Knowledge on all these for you and I is not going to save us from eternal darkness and death.

16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, "You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." 18 (Genesis 2: 16:18).

“You shall not eat of any tree of the garden'?" 2 And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" 4 But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die.5 For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate.7 (Genesis 3:2-7).

We can see the word ‘apple’ was not even mentioned in Genesis as Ir. SK Tan pointed out in an e-mail to his friend, with a copy to me.

No specific name of fruit or animal was mentioned:

We can also clearly see there is no mention of the name of any fruit in the above verses. The verses did not even tell us which food or tree was good for gaining knowledge and wisdom except ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’.

Noah Ark:

Neither did the Bible mention any name of animal(s) or the total number to be brought into Noah’s Ark.

Yet it is people who started to put words into God’s mouth by painting pictures of giraffe, lions, dinosaurs, birds (except dove or raven), cattle, etc that went inside the Ark. Why start drawing pictures of various animals entering the Ark inside children’s books, and then start calculating the size of the Ark and the animals the Ark could hold and so on? How do we know which specific animals were ushered into the Ark? It is not even mentioned in the Bible?

The broad words "And of every living thing of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark" (Genesis 6:19)

When did Noah build the Ark?

Neither did it say whether the rains flooded only the area around Mt. Ararat, where Noah’s Ark was presumed found resting.
“The ark rested . . . upon the mountains of Ararat" (Genesis 8:4).
The Ark was discovered in eastern Turkey presumably (with some doubts) by Ron Wyatt in 1986 or was it the Turkish and Chinese explorers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International who actually made the discovery earlier?

Radiocarbon-dated the wood taken from the discovery site—whose location they're keeping secret claimed that the purported ark was about 4,800 years old, which was claimed to coincide roughly with the time of Noah's flood, implied by the Bible. No confirmation on this date was shown. We just do not know.

How many animals?

In the past there were back and forth arguments among Ir. Tan Seng Khoon and another of his friend whether or not Noah took in dinosaurs into his ark, and whether his ark could possibly hold so many animals. I have yet to think about this.

But for the moment, all I can say is that the selection of the species is a continuous process that takes hundreds of millions years to evolve. It is not an overnight affair as many people mistakenly interpreted the accounts given in Genesis as Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3…and so on. Perhaps just only one type of a living creature each was created initially with no mutation into different species of animals or even race of mankind then. Mutation into various varieties and species probably came in much, much later over millions of years, various species of the same animal or even different race for humans (humans are biologically classified as ‘animals’). The Bible does not give us the dates, the periods and length of time. What is a thousand years to man is just a day to God.

‘With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’ (2 Peter 3:8).
‘For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night’ (Psalm 90:4)

Unfortunately people interpret the Bible, time, period and so on literally in the physical sense according to their wall clock, Julian, Gregorian and Solar Calendar etc. They become very blind figuratively speaking, and they only measure and count everything physically according to what they see, measure and what they currently understand.

Same as Nicodemus:

This reminds me of Nicodemus, the ruler of the Jews and Pharisees who came to Jesus by night. He could not understand what was meant by ‘being born again’ Nicodemus was a man of great learning and power, and yet despite his intellectual understanding, and great power among the Jews, he interpreted what Jesus told him literally in a physical sense.
He was just blind spiritually. He could not see the spiritual aspect of ‘being born again’, and the deep, deep meaning behind it. He used his limited human understand to see and interpreted literally what Jesus actually meant. Nicodemus could only see like everybody else, everything only in the physical sense and only in this dimension. He could not see and read holistically.

Did Noah bring in a pair of dinosaurs?

Thus back to the same issue whether it was creation or evolution, and many people, including Ir. SK Tan and Simon argued whether Noah took in a pair of dinosaur into his ark. Many people question this literally.
My answer for them is that the dinosaurs have already died millions of years before even Noah was born. The Ark was claimed to be found by Ron Wyatt in 1986. We cannot get confirmation on this. I was told Ron was fraud.

It was also reported that it was actually the Turkish and Chinese explorers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International who found the Ark in Mt. Ararat. Either one, there is no confirmation.
It was also reported that radio dating of the Ark if indeed it was found, gave the Ark around 4800 years old. Again, we do not know how true this was. But if this was true, then Noah came far, far later after all the dinosaurs have already disappeared from the surface of earth around 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous Period. If that was true, that meant there was no question of Noah bringing in the dinosaurs, or a pair of giant reptiles into the Ark? Think this carefully.

Creation comes and goes as life and death:

No where in the Bible did it say that all the living creatures on Earth were already completely created, and there was nothing left to be created, or need to be altered into a new a better and more adaptable species after that? Animals and plant emerged, adapt to the environment, died and better hardy species and kind came after that, and began to multiply and spread throughout the world after that. The older ones then died again and new species then arose, then wave after wave of different types of plants and animals, including different human races began to occupy the surface of this world.

Various creatures on earth come and go in waves. They give rise to generations after generations of plants and animals over millions of years before they slowly began to cover the entire earth with a large variety of different living things (plants, animals and different human races). This took several million years.

The Bible did not say that all the wide, wide variety of life including spices, and sub-species, and variant sub-types were all created in ‘one human day’ But God did tell them to ‘multiple’ and be ‘fruitful’
“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” (Genesis 1:22)

Hence we can see the generations of life on earth is actually a continuous process of ‘multiplying and multiplying’ and bearing ‘fruits after fruits’ This process of duplicating is an endless process over millions of years which most people interpret it literally as ‘one day’
The process of multiplying and bearing fruits and offspring give us such a wide, wide variety of life today than what was initially first created. Perhaps in the beginning there were limited numbers of just one type of life each. Plants and animals then were so very few in types without much variety to choose from.

Maybe Noah need not have to have so many types, and sub-types, and colours and shapes of the same animal into the Ark? One representation of each kind and pair is good enough, and such numbers are drastically limited with just a pair each. That was exactly what God told Noah.

Gold fish and fruits:

I remember when I was small, I knew only one type of gold fish, and all of them were red in color. But now gold fishes also come in yellow, white, and even totally in black colour. Some have even mixed colors on their bodies.

This is the same with fruits such as duku, langsat, and mangoes to name a few. Now we have cross-breed of duku-langsat, and mangoes of all varieties in colors, fragrances, shapes, succulence, etc, etc. The same is with rambutans where the flesh can now be easily peeled off from the seed, probably with better variety of cross breeding.

When I was a child all these varieties are not available. These new varieties are the result of adapting to changes, multiplying and fruiting into new varieties, species into totally different strains which were never there before.

This is what I feel about the initial ‘creation’ emerging out to form ‘a huge variety of totally new species’ Does this answer initial creation and later evolution into different types of animals into their thousands which were never there before. It is just a matter of creation and evolution merging together into variety and harmony. At least this is how I see it.

The lamps:

Another way to make this easier to understand is like this. Take an analogy of thousands or millions of unlit lamps in endless rows. All the lamps were unlit initially. Then came a flame (spark of life) to light up the first lamp to begin life. The first lamp then passes the flame (life) to the next unlit lamp to start a different lamp slightly different in color and brightness from the first one. The second one then pass on the flame over to the third lamp, and so on.

By the time tens of thousands or millions of lamps were lighted, they all have different colors, brightness, stability, length of life, etc. The first generations of lamps would be then have exhausted its fuel by the time several hundreds of other lamps were lighted. Most of them would have exhausted their duel, and the lamps were extinguished (died, like all animals including the dinosaurs). Then the second wave of earlier lamps died off, and so on.

By the time the flame lit up all the millions of lamps, new and more adaptable lamps would have been created to last longer. This is somewhat like better and better devices through better and better technology are brought into the market. Life on earth is exactly like that with better and better species being evolved.

The Genesis and evolution of life:

But in the beginning (Genesis), only a few lamps of limited edition were available to light up the place (Earth). It was only through repeated multiplication - (‘multiply and be fruitful’ as God ordered) that millions of lamps (millions of species of life) were all lighted up into different colors, shapes and brightness as in Darwin’s “Origin of the Species’ recorded.

If we look at the evolution of life in this light, how does Creation in Genesis conflict with the Evolution of Life as myopic scientists and lay people alike argue? Their argument is totally beyond me. To me, as I have explained here, there is order, and harmony between the two. Evolution is to me, is just an extension of the initial creation of life on Earth over a very long period: What is a thousand years to man, is just a watch in the night for the Creator. All these were not done in a day (literally) as written in Genesis. Scientists misinterpret the Bible. Spiritual enlightenment is beyond the human understanding of scientists who insist only on objective measurements.

Myopic Scientists:

Scientists are generally narrow-minded, myopic, and spiritually-blind. They become so specialized that they no longer can see a whole picture holistically

The four blind men and the elephant:

Scientists today are just like the four blind men trying to describe an elephant. They become far too specialized that they cannot see the whole picture anymore. They all speak different technical languages when trying to solve a problem. Not only scientists confuse themselves, but they mislead and confuse others and the lay people too who depend on them for knowledge and information. Scientists need to wake up, pray hard, and ask God to open their eyes and see a problem broadly.

Multiply and be fruitful:

Just as we have a huge variety of the same fruits, flowers, vegetables, cats, dogs, fish, tigers, elephants, today, they all initially probably originated from one and only one species each. They may all even start from just a single simple life form, like bacteria or algae. They then mutated into higher forms of life as we know it.

This is also creation just like we create a cake by putting all the necessary ingredients together initially. Then on baking, all the separate ingredients combined chemically by heat and evolved into a cake. This is also creating and evolving at the same time into a cake. There is no difference between the two, except the usage of words on how we create a life first and evolve the rest later. They may be like ‘one lamp’ initially, until the flame spread (evolved) from lamp to lamp. Don’t all these scientists who advocated ‘selection of the species’ understand this simple concept? It really beat me from the way they un-holistically argue. They were all just the 4 blind men and the elephant.

New organisms still evolving:

In fact even now scientists are still discovering new DNA and new organisms in the ocean waters never known before. They even managed to created ‘synthetic life’ as researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute did by inserting synthetic DNA into Mycoplasma capricolum that were then able to grow naturally. But this does not amount to creating life artificially. I need to explain in detail and at length on molecular biology and how this works at another time.

The different human races evolved after Noah and his family:

So were human races evolved and spread over the surface of the Earth after Adam and Eve. Actually it was after Noah after the great flood that wiped out all the descendants of Adam and Eve that new forms of highly intelligent human life came to populate Earth after ‘the children of gods’ came and mated with the daughters of men on Earth. After they were wiped out by the floods, the races were evolved through random selection, in-breeding, and through the process of survival of the fittest.

There was actually inbreeding for human race because only Noah and his family were left to marry among themselves. This may have brought about recessive genes in the generations of families that came after. The dormant and recessive genes may have given rise to different races of people on Earth today; some races are few in numbers, but are highly intelligent and adaptable, such as the Jews, while most of the other races are not. It is these races who are meek, illiterate, and poor, live in poverty that they multiple in great numbers and populate the Earth today.

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5)

I believe that is one of the reasons why we see a wide variety of races spread out over the world today due to inbreeding among Noah family members. This gave rise to a lot of recessive genes, while he good ones are fewer in numbers.

This in turn gave rise to various races with different colors, features, different intelligence and ability to succeed challenges. Especially those Caucasians in the west have a far greater advantage over many other races in Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, etc whose genetic stock have left them far behind the western Caucasians.

But initially they all could have come from just one race, but some generations were left behind due to the same stock of inbreeding among the same community and race. The evolution of different human races is exactly like having gold fish of entirely different colors or cats and dogs of different breeds. The human race is biological the same as the rest of the other animals. Humans are zoologically animals.

Simple verse without the anthropology:

Which verse claimed that animals, living creatures, including the different races of people do not come (born) and go (died away) after the first initial creation of Adam and Eve, and that, all living creatures (including Man) will multiply and spread over the surface of Earth.
‘And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;’ (Genesis 26:4)

Briefly told as it is not a book on Science:

The accounts of Creation in the Bible are so very brief, and there is no space to describe all the details. I say again, the Bible is not a science book, and it is not meant to be one. It is much more urgent and far more important than describing science and creation. It is about salvation for mankind for time without end. We need to save our skins and souls by not proving unnecessary theories in science for which we can only see darkly through a glass (1 Corinthian 13:12).

Time scale of God is not human time scale:

Then again what is ‘one day’ to God may be 5 billion or sextillion years to us mortal humans. To God, time is eternal; to man our life span at maximum is just 120 earth years measured using our human calendars and wall clocks?

Why should God to whom time is without end (eternal) for Him to take our time scale to measure time and years according to our days and years? Just think how reckless, arrogant, and idiotic we are. Our eyes are blind, and our minds folded up, and tied up tightly by Satan. There is no escape from Satan cunning ways. Satan just limits our thinking.

Open unto us that God could easily use any one of the 100,000 million stars in our own Galaxy or any of the 1022 (1 followed by 22 zeros or 10 sextillion galaxies of His heavenly Creation as His yardstick to measure time.

He created the heaven, the galaxies and all. He is at liberty to use the time scale in which any of His galaxies take to revolve round once. To us this is called a Galactic or a Cosmic Year. But to God, this may just be a fraction of one second, but to us this would be 226 millions of years over a radius of about 26 thousand light-years through which a galaxy spins. A Solar Year to us is 365.25 Solar Days. But to God, this time span may be far less than a tick of a second, maybe a pico-second or shorter?

Time without end: it is relative:

For God, time is Eternal which cannot be measured. Can’t we still understand that time is relative as Einstein told us? It can lengthen as in time dilation, or it can shorten and contract according to the speed of motion as prescribed in Einstein Theory of Relativity. Can we not understand this until this day. Einstein took all that trouble to explain this to us and yet we still equate our time the same as that of God.

When God said ‘one day, second day, third day…6th day they could actually be up to 5000 million years for Him to do His job in the slow process of creation or evolution. The myopic eyes of biological scientists find it very hard to understand this. They always argue on the same disparity of time. Einstein, a theoretical physicist is completely different from a biologist like Charles Darwin who was born before Einstein. A few years after Darwin died, Einstein was born. They could not see eye-to-eye. Darwin’s ‘millions of years’ was contracted and shorten by Einstein Theory of Relativity.

God’s time-piece:

There is thus no reason why God needs to use Earth’s years as His time-piece? Why should God? After all, He created the entire Universe or heaven, and He called it just ‘one day’ which to our short-sighted thinking interpret it to mean 24 hours or a Solar Day on our Gregorian Calendar. Naturally this conflicts with their (the idiotic biological scientists) thinking.

Can’t we see and interpret things clearly without using our myopic human mind? Maybe not! As long as we still remain a human in this world we see things in a very childish way, and everything we see or think are understood only very dimly or darkly. But everything will suddenly become very clear to us when we depart from this world, and we see everything spiritually from another world in another dimension.

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:11-12).

Global or local flood:

On the question whether or not the flood inundated the entire world I cannot answer this question right now as I type out this sentence? I need to examine what was written in the Bible, think over it, do some research on my own later, think carefully again before answering this question. Right now I am writing on some thing else, but I shall come back on this issue later.

But for the moment, as far as we know, when it rains extremely heavily for months on end in one part of the world, like it is now (June – July 2010) in the mid region and southern parts of China there is flooding only in these parts of China. It does not even affect other parts of China, let alone affecting Malaysia or any other part of the world.

In fact there was drought elsewhere. So why start all the guess work whether China, India, Mt Everest, Africa were also flooded during the great flood of Noah’s time? We need to think carefully over this. The whole world in Noah’s time may just be in his small part of world around the current Middle East. Traveling elsewhere was then extremely limited

Moreover, the highest mountain currently - Mt. Everest may or may not even be formed as yet. Mountains are usually formed by upheaval of land mass from the ocean floors. We do not even know if Africa, Europe, Asia, SE. Asia, Oceana even existed as yet because no calendar date was given in the Bible. Even if all the continents have already appeared when it was separated from the waters, the question is, when did it happen?

And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. (Genesis 1:9)

This appearance of dry land from the seas was presumably by geological upheaval of masses of land pushing them upwards from the ocean floors. This is what we can guess.

Perhaps dry land was all one big undivided land mass that later drifted away by shifting of tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s surface to form separate continents?

Unfortunately no date of any of these events was given in the Bible, and without the dates there is no way scientists can determine when these geological events took place, and whether or not we can match the events to coincide with the accounts recorded in the Bible. So why guess when we do not have records?

God is extremely patient:

I have explained what is ‘one day’ to God may be 5 billion years for us mortal humans here on Earth? To God, time is eternal; to man our life span at maximum is just 120 earth years measured by our human calendars and the clock on the walls. Why should God to whom time is without end (eternal) for Him to measure time and years according to our days and years of our lives.

Just an example before we go. Does a scientist who does a medical experiment with rats in the lab uses the life span of a rat to record the length of his experiment, or does he record his experiment according to our clock? Think carefully. We can’t use our Earth’s time and equate it with those of God. How arrogant!

Just think how idiotic, yet egotistical we are? Our eyes are spiritually blind, and our minds folded up. Like followers of some religions, we are tied up tightly by Satan to force us to follow ritually. We are confined to our physical dimensions. There is no escape from Satan cunning ways to deceive us through religion

I shall continue my thoughts on some of these puzzles later in three articles I am currently still writing. They are:

1. Creation or Evolution
2. The Mysteries of Life
3. Jesus first miracle

Please wait for them to be posted into this blog.


jb lim

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