The Scientific Basis of Genesis and Evolution
Scientists argue that the creation of Earth, seas, light, dry land, and the various creatures in the seas, in the air and dry land were not they know from the geological point of view. This caused me to read Genesis again and again. The more I read the first chapter of the Bible on Creation, the clearer it became to my mind that there was nothing wrong with it, especially the order of the sequence in geological time and the order of the appearance of plants, sea creatures, the birds of the air, followed by the animals and mammals on dry land, and only finally Man (Adam) and women (Eve) appeared. What’s wrong with this order? There is nothing there that conflicts with what we know from Science.
My understanding:
To the best of my understanding on botany, zoology and on evolution, this was the exact geological time scale in which all the plants and animals need to queue up one after another before they can survival in the primordial environment of Earth some 4.54 thousand million years ago when Earth was first created from what scientists believe.
The more I read Genesis, the more fitting it became to what we know. It just falls into one beautiful piece of how life came to Earth, step-by-step, group-by –group before they can survive and thrive from the beginning.
There was nothing wrong with that order exactly as Charles Darwin described in his Origin of the Species. There was not a single flaw in that appearance of all the living creatures. They all emerged one-by-one in groups as scientists have been telling us all the time.
Let’s examine the order again:
Naturally in the beginning the Earth was without any form if it was a chunk of molten material spun out from the Sun by a passing star or other causes as scientists believe. Natural it was, without any definite shape but just as if it was a big chunk of molten glass is taken out from the furnace in a glass-making factory. What’s wrong with that? Obviously it is void of anything on it as much as we don’t expect to find any bacteria on a chunk of molten glass just taken out from the fiercely hot furnace? You will have to let it cool first before anything can be deposited inside. That was what God told us, and this is very logical.
As the Earth slowly cooled over billions of years, water began to condense on its surface, but they will boil off again. It was still a very hot surface thus giving off a lot of steam which shrouded the entire surface of Earth with water as thick hot steam above and condensed water below. There was thus no division of waters above as semi-steam mixed semi-water (very thick mist, cloud and water vapour), and the half condensed water on the surface below.
As water tried to condense, it would again boil off to the mix with the steam mixture above. Thus there was no clear division under such state which is water (sea) and which is sky (firmament). Everything was just semi-water and semi-air because conditions on Earth were still very hot.
As the cooling continued, water vapor began to escape and condense in the earth's early atmosphere. Clouds formed and storms raged, raining more and more water down on the primitive earth, cooling the surface further until it was flooded with water, forming the seas.
It would take probably about 100,000 million Earth years more for Earth to slowly cool off for the steam to slowly settle down as sea below, revealing a clearer sky (firmament) above.
Once the steam and the mist settled as the Earth further cooled, the sky with less clouds, mist and rain above settled, a clear sky can now be clearly seen. Being able to then see clearly, we can now visualize the day as made up of morning and evening and night. In short, He separated the day from night.
6 And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7 And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day Genesis 1:6-8)
How does the above account of Creation conflict with what geological scientists believe?
Even before that the light from the stars and the galaxies were already there except you may not be able to see them yet with so much of rain, hot steam, clouds, mists cycling between the waters below the firmament and the skies above enveloping the entire Earth. It was nothing but just a ball of boiling water, hot and thick steam everywhere. You can’t differential what was above and what was below.
There was no horizon or clear division dividing what was supposed to be the sea as we know it today, and what was supposed to be the sky and atmosphere with less water content. But as the steam slowly over billion of years of cooling settled. The division then became apparent:
‘And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7 And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so.’
Even the day and night, light and darkness became apparent after the Earth cooled sufficiently to allow steam to condense into the oceans and seas to reveal night from day, with the firmament (sky) above, and the waters (oceans and seas) below became clear.
‘And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night.’ 8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day’. 9
If not for the slow cooling and condensation of the thick steam, mists and clouds, even the day was not apparent. Probably it could never be seen as everywhere there was just haze, and the entire Earth was very, very dark and hazy indeed.
Once the seas are formed from condensation, the land began to appear above the waters by geological upheaval by tectonic plates colliding below the ocean floors. Earth was much hotter during the Hadean and Archaean eons so convection in the mantle causing the land to rise above the waters (seas) must have been faster. It started at Earth's formation about 4.6 billion years ago (4600 Ma).
And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. 11
Isn’t that not logical? Isn’t that exactly what was described in just two sentences (verses) in Genesis (Genesis 1:9-10). There is nothing wrong with that. You don’t expect the Bible to spend so much time and space to write entire books, publications and journals on ancient geology like geologists do to describe unnecessary details to fill up entire national libraries. The important mission of the Bible will be lost then. The Bible is a book on salvation, not a science book.
Living things appeared:
Once water is introduced into the climate, life may exist. Bacteria, algae, fungus, and then plants formed first. After that came swarms of living creatures, great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, like fish, and later and every winged bird according to its kind.
Sea creatures like fish and other seas monsters must arise from the sea first before moving onto dry land with animals like the dinosaurs that could roamed the earth. Other creatures like birds and other flying creatures then evolved from the reptiles and dinosaurs that can live during the transient period both in the water and dry land.
Other higher land animals like mammals… ‘cattle, and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds, and everything that creeps on the ground’ then began their appearances.
And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens." 21 So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." 23 And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. 24 And God said, "Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds." And it was so. 25 And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the cattle according to their kinds, and everything that creeps upon the ground according to its kind. And God saw that it was good 26 (Genesis 1:21-26).
Only after all the plants and animals were created, Man (Adam and Eve) began to come last. Isn’t this exactly what scientists also discovered and believe that the evolution of Man came last?
Satan out to blind us:
How can with all those brief descriptions in Genesis, there is conflict between Science and Religion as scientist argues. They must be terribly clouded in the eyes and blind-folded by Satan who is all out to question, confuse and prevent them from thinking logically.
All these order of appearances, the plants first to remove the excess of carbon dioxide to convert them into oxygen by photosynthesis for all other animals to come later are all in exactly the same order of appearances what scientists know from fossil remains in the geological time scale, and their order of evolution as described by Charles Darwin in his publication on ‘The Origin of Species’ This order is also as exactly described in Genesis. There is absolutely no conflict between Science and the Bible if we read this and think clearly.
God’s Infinite Time Scale is incomparable:
The only difference is the time scale which to the scientists, life on Earth took millions of years to evolved species by species, but which according to the Bible, was created in the same large groups in just 1-2 ‘days’. Please be reminded once again, this is measured in God’s Days which is almost an Eternity. I have explained this at length and there no need to repeat this. The problem is scientists are very blind. They are so used to measure everything so accurately, specifically and precisely, that they use only their human judgment that everything was measured according to human time scale of a mere few billion years. Their eyes are so clouded that they forgot God has a different time scale which is eternity – time without an end.
Five billion years to Man was just a Watch in the Night:
The problem scientists do not agree is the time taken. They say that it takes over 4.5 thousand million years for the heaven and the Earth to be formed, but the Bible says it took God just one day (Genesis 1:6). I can’t imagine how idiotic and blind these scientists are. They interpreted the Bible literally without understanding its deep, deep meaning.
Bible is Not a Book on Science:
The Bible is not a book on astronomy, astrophysics, geology, zoology, botany or any of that stuff. The Bible is a very important book on the salvation for mankind to prepare him for eternity, and the entire Bible concentrate on his theme only. Scientists can write tons and tons of books on various scientific subjects to fill out all the details the Bible has no choice but to leave out, and concentrate only on the most important mission and message to mankind, that is to prepare him for an eternal life after death.
Even the creation of heaven and earth together is given in just one sentence (one single verse) in the first verse of Genesis and no more. It was a horrendously stupendous act of Architecture and Engineering of His handiwork which He only put it in one sentence without unnecessary going into details.
Mission is on Salvation, not on knowledge:
If scientists like, there is nothing to stop them from studying the details of His awe-inspiring and stunning handiwork. They can write volumes and volumes of scientific discoveries to fill up entire libraries on this planet. But that is not God mission in the Bible. His much, much more important mission is to save mankind from eternal death, and not write a science book on how the universe, earth and life was created.
God does not use wall clocks and calendars:
God has all the time for Himself, and is not restricted by our human Earth’s days and years. Our days are restricted by our limited Solar day of 24 hours, and our Tropical or Solar Year of 365.25 Solar Days.
There is also no reason why God need to use our clocks and calendars as yardstick to measure time.
For a thousand years to man is like a day to God (2 Peter 3:8).
This means that, even 100,000 million years or even a peta (1015), exa (1018), zeta (1021), yotta (1024) years or even much, much longer in our human time scale, may be just few hours, a few minutes, a second, or even a infinitesimal fraction of one second to God. It could easily be as short as a micro (10-6), nano (10-9), pico (10-12), femto (10-15), atto (10-18), zepto (10-21), yocto (10-24) of one second or much, much shorter for God. This is because to God, time has no end.
To God, time is infinitely eternal. He can wait as long as He wishes, and what we humans described as a billion, a trillion, or a quadrillion years could well be just ‘First Day, Second Day, Third Day’ and so forth for Him. So there is no way we can use our clocks and calendar as a yardstick to match his Eternal Time Yardstick.
Biological example:
Let me give you an example. The lifespan of an adult mayfly varies from just 30 minutes to one day depending on the species. Another example is the gastrotrich which is a tiny 0.06 - 3.0 mm animal abundant in fresh water and marine environments. The average life span of a gastrotrich is about three days. So when scientists conduct an experiment on these animals, surely they do not use their short life-spans as a yardstick for time measurements. The scientists would obviously use their time shown on their clocks and calendars to describe how long they live. Isn’t this reasonable that God uses His own clock?
To these two animals their time scale and lifespan may be 100, a 1,000 or a million years, just as we may say in geological time scale, during the Hadean / Precambrian super-eon started 4570 million years ago when Earth was first formed, which to God may be just a fraction of a atto-second ago, or just Day 1 in Genesis.
Slow to us but fast to God:
To us humans everything is very, very slowly evolving just like it took procaryotes, protists, fungus and algae to first appear on Earth during the early Cambrian period, until the first grasses, then whales appearing during the Eocene Epoch about 40.4 million years ago, before the flowering plants and mammals 33.9 million years ago during the Oligocene Epoch. But it could be a few minutes to God (measured in His time yardstick).
Millions of Years for us, but a Day or two for Him:
May be it was only during the Middle Age , somewhere between the Pliocene Epoch that and Pleistocene Epoch around 5.3 – 0.5 million years ago that humans like Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Methuselah, Noah, and down the list of descendants to Moses and so forth came into being.
Like the rest of the animal and plant kingdom where almost an infinite variety of them are found on the surface of Earth today through the slow process of evolution, humans too may have being evolved into a large variety of races, feature and skin characteristics spread out all over the world.
Multiply and be fruitful:
We do not know much, but we believe that Homo sapiens (wise man) which modern man (Homo genus) walking on two legs (bipedal primates) belongs 160,000 years ago, were capable of thinking. They maybe genetically related descendants of Adam and Eve. The human genomes are identical world-wide, except variations in the gene sub-types among the races.
Chimps are not humans:
But any other human-like hominids (great apes) such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans, genetically, and bio-chemically cannot be considered as humans as we know it. They belong to sub-human genera even though they are classified as members (hominids) of the family of humans called hominidae. There is clear distinction and biological differentiation between Man and animals. They are not related with definitive missing links between them. Evolution of the different species is entirely different from the continuous changes we can observe from an egg, into an embryo, before becoming an adult. The link is very smooth and seamless, telling us they are the same organism. But this is not with hominids – apes and humans.
Social and biological differences:
Creation as described in Genesis, as I believe, include not just Adam and Eve and their (human) descendants, but also other human-like creatures like chimpanzees, apes, gorillas, orangutans as part of the overall creation of all kinds of creatures by God, even though the Bible did not specifically name all of them. There is just no reason why God cannot create other human-like hominids as part of other creatures to multiply and thrive among Adam and Eve, because they are biologically, genetically, bio-chemically, physiologically, psychologically, anthropologically, and socially so different from us humans. No human wants to be classified in the same biological capacity as apes. In short, Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Methuselah, Noah, and down the list of descendants to Moses were not apes, but humans with social and thinking capacity who happened to be created also among apes, and other creatures, just as we are among other hominids completely unchanged we see today.
Darwin was not God:
There is no reason why Adam and Eve were evolved from apes and other sub-human hominids? In short, they were all created separately. In my eyes I see no conflict between the long-winded accounts on the Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin, and one by God on Creation.
There is an astronomical difference between an Eternal God who created not just the animals, plants, and everything on Earth, but the entire Universe through the inspired writing of Moses who merely summarized the entire creation of Heaven and Earth in just a few pages, and a mortal human being like Charles Darwin who published volumes on his evolution theory. That is the difference between God and man.
No change even after 50 million years:
No change between sub-human hominids and humans was observed even after 50 million years. Humans and living apes living together used to be thought to have occurred 15 to 20 million years ago, or even up to 30 or 40 million years ago. But modern humans thriving on Earth after Adam and Eve may have spread some 200,000 years ago, with full modern behaviour around 50,000 year ago. We are still uncertain, but some scientists believe this was the time frame between the existence of humans and sub-human hominids on Earth.
But even after 50 million years, apes and gorillas continued to remain as apes and gorillas, and humans remain as humans like you and I. There is no link between the two God’s creations
by jb lim
A hind thought
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1 comment:
This is an excellent write up on the origin of beings based on the biblical evidences! I shall share with my friends. Thank you Dr JB Lim
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