Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Was it the Disease or was it the Soul that left us that causes Death to our Physical Body?


I received this comment below some of my articles about mysteries of life, death, the soul among others




It reads:



Dear Dr Lim Ju Bu

In a lot of your highly interesting write-ups here concerning  the soul, mystery of life and death, you mentioned  the reason why we die is because our soul left us.

But most doctors, health experts, scientists and all ordinary people in this world say that death is due to some disease or accidents and definitively not because our soul left us

I challenge you as  a doctor, nutritionist and ex senior medical researcher yourself, how do you intend to explain to your  expert medical counterparts and all of us here as ordinary people in your sole belief that it is the soul that leaves us first and not death due to diseases

Sorry for this very  challenging question for you, you shall never be able to answer unless God help you



Here’s my answer below this line



Thank you for your difficult and challenging question.

That's correct in the myopic eyes of anyone whether or not they are doctors, nutritionists, pathologists, microbiologists, physiologists, biochemists, health freaks or other life science scientists, including the ordinary man in the street.

In your and their "expert" belief, death is the result of accidents and diseases, and not because our souls left us. That is correct as you and they believe

But in my eyes, not as a doctor or scientist, I see it spiritually differently.

The soul given to us at birth is undefiled, spiritually clean, without any taint, and is completely sinless.  The soul is not affected by any accidents, diseases, or by death to the physical body. In short, it is immortal

Our soul, unlike our physical body, being eternal and immortal was never designed by its Creator for it to lead a sinful and unhealthy lifestyle of material indulgence and worldly gains. This design by our Intelligent Designer is even more sanctified and meaningful for an intended purpose than the blinded material eyes of  "learned scientific and medical experts"

The soul  belongs only to God and is not the property of disease or accident for them to dictate when it should fly away.

Our soul is the breath of God in our physical body without which we will not have life as given here in this verse:

"Then the LORD God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a LIVING SOUL" (Genesis 2:7)

As we can see, no accident or disease can have control over the breath of God as it is the immortal property of its Creator

His indestructible breath in our body needs to be respected and taken good care of by every living soul.  It definitely does not need all those rich physical lifestyles we live on, neither is it affected by an accident or any disease.

But if Satan comes along to encourage us to indulge in sinful acts like smoking, gluttony, drinking, anger, hurried lifestyle for earthy gains and material wealth which is not what the soul delights in sanctified as God  breath,  then our soul has to take precedence over our physical body by flying away first  without any warning or us realizing its intentions in advance so that it can instantly leave behind all those lifestyle we live in, and those diseases we inherit.. 

It was our physical body that has wilfully invited diseases and death in defiance to the soul's non-needs.

In that instance the body dies immediately, but with us, we  think the cause was a disease, old age, or something physical in origin since with physical causes like disease we can see, measure, assess, tell and believe, but with the the soul we cannot see, feel, and measure whether it remains, or have left us.

When Jesus died and was raised again, He appeared before His disciple and asked them to touch His hands to feel He is real and not a ghost 

"And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord" 

(John 20:20) 

So in our blinkered eyes we blindly attribute all deaths to have a physical cause that we can see, feel and measure such as accidents, disease or some misfortune. 

I have already explained a few times in these collections of articles about the origin and existence of life and the soul that made alive these lifeless molecules from the soil. The soil is made from star dusts out of which we were all moulded. I have also explained the chemistries of life and the physiological functions of the body, in that all the machineries of life including the functions of DNA right down to genetics and molecular biology that we know, are actually controlled by some unseen life forces pumped into these originally lifeless molecules to make them rise up  living and alive as given in the definition of life. 

But till today, we have no acceptable way to explain how and why these chemicals of life are able to move, feed, reproduce and respond to a stimulus by themselves? I am a trained and qualified biologist myself but I still cannot understand why non-living inamimate carbon molecules can suddenly become alive, and became dead again over a period of time without wanting to bring in an 'external force' that has pumped life into these dead molecules? 

 We can conclude there must be something there, unseen; we may call it a soul that defiles scientific measurements besides a physical body that makes us alive and living. We can conclude that as long as the soul is still attached to the body, we remain alive no matter how ill or badly injured we are


Likewise, no matter how healthy we are, in apparently and in extremely good health, we can still suddenly die, labelled medically as “sudden death” if the soul suddenly decides to leave the body. Of course, as doctors, especially trained in emergency medicine, we explain sudden death may be due some sudden loss of vital physiological functions such as in a cardiac arrest. We are very well trained in these areas, and we are familiar with all these body functions. So, why should they cease to function on death? 


Yet when someone dies, we always say "only the body is left" or we say "the remains of the body"  with something else missing there that  made him or her alive and living moments ago. Why is that? What was that, that  commands the physiological functions that now ceased to continue? Something else much higher than mere biochemistries must be at work? Is that the soul that represents the breath of God? We as doctors and research medical scientists have silently been searching for the answer ourselves. We can only attribute that to a soul that should not leave our physical body whether in extremely good health or in some intractable disease that rages over the entire body. If the soul is still there, we remain alive. If it decides to fly away first because the body is raged with disease which is not part of it, death is instant, and all physiological and biochemical functions it commands come to a grinding halt, as the chemicals and elements that make up our body begin to break up and decompose. We can never deny this till kingdom comes no matter how qualified we are in our scientific training and thinking 


As I have already earlier explained the soul is undefiled, clean, and sinless. It is the physical body that sins, not the soul that represents the breath of God. The soul is not diseased, or is it unaffected by any disease or fire. It cannot tolerate and continue to remain in a body that is raged by illness and disease. It must leave, and if it does, the body dies instantly as the soul being the breath of God is an integral part of the living body.


As scientists, researchers and clinicians ourselves we have to logically accept this; a person dies not because of a disease that we can see, evaluate and even measure with lab support, but because the unseen soul we cannot see, detect or measure that has left first before the body dies    


If the soul has not done this silently in God's command as His breath, then we would be able to continue to enjoy  rich lifestyles in this world throughout eternity

The results of a soul leaving us first is instant death not the disease.. 

This is the only way to stop us from all those sinful lifestyle diseases we accumulated and also from careless accidents. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Absolutely no man-made medicine can stop or "cure" them. Only our soul can.

We labour in vain and in sorrow for all these gains for only 70 or 80 years before the soul decides to fly away us to stop us from our further material acquisition

Unfortunately, you together with all the doctors and biomedical scientists have thought the opposite.

On this note, I thank God for guiding me how to answer your "extremely difficult question" as you wanted to challenge me and perhaps God Himself

Thank you

Jb lim


Raymond ST Tan said...

Fantastic answer as a doctor-scientist. So enlightening none has ever seen it this way

Christina Lee said...

A very intelligent and logical answer. Highly thought stimulating

Lye Mei Choo said...

A very logical and thought provocating explanation not all can think of. Congratulations

Dr Brayon Smith said...

Very few can come up with this hypothesis unless spiritually guided.Thank a lot for such wisdom to share from Malaysia

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