Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Life in the Universe: By Intelligent Design or by Accident

Life in the Universe:  
By Intelligent Design or by Accident

lim ju boo

Student in Astronomy

University of Oxford

An Astrobiology Forum Discussion

(An extract from numerous academic forum discussions during the course in astronomy) 

I think how life came into existence on Earth or elsewhere in other extra solar planets is very difficult issue for us to comprehend, let alone definitely answer.

We don’t even have a proper definition of life, let alone know what it is or describe it except to define it as something “that reproduces, feeds, respond to stimuli..etc.”

But these are characteristics of life and not life itself

Neither is that presence of life molecules like amino- acids that Miller and Urey created in their experiment, living. We can even do better than what Miller and Urey did by just buying a piece of beef from the grocery shop. But a piece of beef, fish, chicken, mutton sold in the market are not living despite having all the chemical composition that are characteristic of life 

Mystery of Life:

That piece of beef or any other food has all the life-ingredients inside – amino-acids, sugars, biological fluids, vitamins, electrolytes and even the original DNA and nucleic acids all intact. But that piece of beef, chicken, fish...etc. are all dead. They have no life in them.  So where did the life once-upon-a-time in them disappeared?

That “spark of life” whatever it is to define life, has been separated from the chemicals, and chemistry of life as we know it. So there is something very mysterious and unknown residing inside those chemicals of life until it got separated from their physical foot-prints (of life), namely the amino acids, DNA, sugars, electrolytes, biological fluids…etc.

Even the panspermia theory described in Unit 8.4 of this astronomy course that proposes bodies such as comets transporting lifeforms such as bacteria and viruses complete with their DNA taking their hazardous and lengthy journey  through space to seed Earth with life still does not explain how and where life originated.

Neither can we say with certainty life originated on Earth itself from the hydrothermal vent deep in the volcanically active ocean floors where the tectonic plates are. Our question is, how did these life forms appears, or where did it originate?

What causes life-less chemical molecules to suddenly become alive and so became so intelligent as to be able assemble the appropriate molecules and themselves into a brain, arms with fingers so that they can hold objects, eyes and ears to see and hear for their survival, and organs, and systems etc., so that they can function anatomically and physiologically as a living organism?  What or what forces in them made them to be so intelligent? Isn't there an Intelligent Designer and a Programmer behind life

Our Problem As Scientists:

I think the problem with Science is we try to ignore the presence of a spiritual Creator who pumped the forces of life into these lifeless molecules.

In Genesis of the Bible for instance it clearly says that the LORD God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7).

The dust from which man was created represents the life molecules, but it has no life in it, until God breathed into his nostrils to give it life. As scientists ourselves we cannot ignore this. At the same time, we cannot measure life forces, or whatever it is that gives life?

This is understandable, since Science is a systematic study of matter and energy where scientists can see, observe, detect or measure and infer their existence. Anything outside these entities and parameters is outside or beyond Science.

Big Bang vs. Creation 

My question is, why do scientists insist in ignoring the existence of a Spiritual Being as a Creator of all things including the Big Bang? There is nothing wrong with this theory if scientists wish to believe in this account  since it is up to them to go into the details how the Universe was born through His works, since the Bible is not a science book. The Bible is a book on salvation which is far more important to our souls than material knowledge how God created the heavens and the earth through a Big Bang 

There is no rhyme or reason why God need to explain in scientific details to us insignificant mortals especially to the ancient civilizations who have no technical knowledge in science  how He created the  Universe or the heavens, or how He created life on Earth or elsewhere. Does He need to?

He just gave them to us just as a parent provides food to their children without the need for them to explain to their children how food originated, processed, handled and stored or was made before giving it to their children. Does the parents need to?

God created everything for us to use without needing to explain the intricacy how He created or made them. On what compulsion must God? The Bible was written so that we can understand and follow Christ for our eternal life after death. It is  not a science book. to explain about Big Bang or the Big Crunch when the heavens shall be destroyed with fervent heat  as given in 2 Peter 3:10.  

There is absolutely no rhyme, reason or any need for Him to do this as much as a manufacturer of this smart phone I am now using to type this discussion to explain to me the complexities of microchip technology how he manufactured this phone of mine so that I can use it to type and explain.

We are just end-users of smart phones without needing to know the complex technology how smart phones are  design and manufactured – do we? We just buy it, and use it without asking questions.

So is for the creation of the universe or life on Earth or elsewhere in heavens. But if we wish to go into the scientific details on Creation to glorify God and his horrendous work of art we may do so even though our knowledge and understanding are limited

We need not discredit an Intelligent Designer who is far, far above us 

Our Thinking Brain: 

It is up to us to use our thinking brains He bestowed upon us to think how awfully and fearsome His work are. There is no reason why we cannot use this  gift of Science and a brain He gave us to rationalize, to think and to analyze logically so that we can use them to honour and glorify Him.  

Hence, it is up to the astronomers, cosmologists, and  astophysicists to work out the details how God created the heavens,  including using His horrendous power and might to tear apart matter, space and time from a single point into a Big Bang to give rise to  the births of the heavens (galaxies, stars, dust clouds, life and all)

His Eternal Existence:

We must be clear that God is a Spirit and He is eternal. He already existed  even before the Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, and His existence is OUTSIDE the dimension of this singularity where matter, space, time and energy are cramped into one single point,  and it was from outside this singularity where He tears apart all matter, space and time to give them all a beginning

He clearly stated that "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end" (Revelation 22:13), the first and the last, meaning He already existed even BEFORE the Big Bang, and He will still be there when "the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2 Peter 3:10).

Doesn't that clearly explain to us  past, present and into the future, His presence existed even before the Big Bang, and it was through this Mighty Explosion  He created,  the heavens and Earth came in existence,  and all materials things that are tangible in the universe came into existence. 

Didn't the psalmist long, long ago tells us “the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19 King James Version)

But it is up to us to work out the details how God engineered His creation since the Bible is not a science book. It is a book on salvation which is by far more crucial and important to Him and to us

He has indeed made us so intelligent to think over His handy work so that we can use it to glorify Him.

Life from The Soil:

I have no doubt we are made from star dusts as Scientific America claims

(Ref: https://www.scientificamerica https://www.space.com/35276-humans-made-of-stardust-galaxy-life-elements.html n.com/article/all-sand-on-earth-could-be-made-of-star-stuff/)

And a New Study proves it (Ref: https://www.space.com/35276-humans-made-of-stardust-galaxy-life-elements.html).

But the dusts itself has no life in them. I strongly believe a life force has to be pumped into them for the life molecules to become alive, becomes so intelligent, and able to propagate, feed and multiple to give Earth a wide variety of biodiversity through subsequent Natural Selection as proposed by Charles Darwin in his Origin of Species

This is understandable, since Science is a systematic study of matter and energy where scientists can see, observe, detect or measure and infer their existence. Anything outside these entities and parameters is outside the scope and beyond Science.

I summarize my understanding there is nothing wrong with the theory of Big Bang vs. Creation. To me, as I can see it, Science, Life, and Creation blend harmoniously. There is no contradiction at least to me.

It only tells us “the heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19 King James Version)

I have no doubt we are made from star dusts as Scientific America claims (Ref: https://www.scientificamerica https://www.space.com/35276-humans-made-of-stardust-galaxy-life-elements.html n.com/article/all-sand-on-earth-could-be-made-of-star-stuff/)

And  a New Study showed the same (Ref: https://www.space.com/35276-humans-made-of-stardust-galaxy-life-elements.html).

But the dusts itself has no life in them. I strongly believe a life force has to be pumped into them for the life molecules to become alive, becomes intelligent, and able to propagate, feed and multiple to give Earth a wide variety of biodiversity through subsequent Natural Selection as proposed by Charles Darwin in his Origin of the Species

This is understandable, since Science is a systematic study of matter and energy where scientists can see, observe, detect or measure and infer their existence. Anything outside these entities and parameters is outside or beyond Science.

I am only expressing the freedom of my thoughts. Other scientists may not agree with me as they may only insist on evidence-based Science. That’s their own freedom of thinking and freedom of speech I respect their views and thinking.

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