Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Videos on Astronomy and on Covid Spread


Just for a change. Instead of writing articles on my own, here are some videos I recommend to readers on astronomy, and one on the Covid global spread.  

Universe Size Comparison | Cosmic Eye (Original HD)


What would we see at the speed of light?


Life and Death: A Cosmic Perspective from Neil deGrasse Tyson


Journey to the Edge of the Universe

1.   A Journey to the End of the Universe - YouTube

In the above video No 1, I fully agree with the narrator that we can never reach the speed of light in our journey to the end of the universe no matter how fast we accelerate our spaceship. We shall also never reach the edge of the universe no matter how much we try. I fully endorse this theory only if we are talking about ourselves who are physical and material, having a mass. 

It would require an infinite amount of energy for anything that has a mass to travel at the speed of light. 

The special theory of relativity of Einstein suggests that only particles with zero rest mass such as photons of light may travel at the speed of light, and that nothing may travel faster.

However, the soul leaving our physical body on death has no mass, and hence it can travel at the speed of light or even faster. See my explanation here:

Does A Human Soul Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?

2.   https://scientificlogic.blogspot.com/search?q=does+soul+have+mass

3.   Journey to the End of the Universe


4.   An Epic Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Universe


Covid Pandemic:


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