Thursday, July 6, 2023

Carrying Unnecessary Burdens in our Short Life


I have often asked myself, and others too have often asked me, what is the purpose of our infinitesimally short life here in this world? To enjoy ourselves? Think this answer of ours again?

A very close late friend of mine whom we knew from our college days who later became a Professor of Psychiatry at the University Hospital, University of Malaya. He once told me 99.999 % of the things we buy and collect in the house we actually don’t even need, or we use them only once or twice, after which we hang them all up over the house to collect dust for us to clean, wipe, wash and to maintain continuously in this ritual manner.

He told me this became an obsession with many of his patients, suffering from obsessive compulsive disorders, trapped mentally for life. They imprisoned themselves physically and mentally gathering and collecting all these unnecessary possessions. When I heard him explain this to me many years ago, I could not agree better. He was a highly qualified senior consultant psychiatrist and was a Consultant in Psychiatry to WHO after he left the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaya. He could not be wrong.  

I saw this through my own life experience when I was a bachelor starting to work for the first time.

At that time, I could only rent a room in a bungalow in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.  Later I left to rent a whole house in a less affluent housing estate elsewhere which was cheaper. I stayed in both places alone for myself.  When I rented a house, I started to buy all kinds of truly unnecessary things other than just a simple bed, perhaps a table, a chair, or a table fan.  I hardly needed any maintenance for these basic items to live.

All I needed was just a bathroom to bathe including a toilet which is very essential together with a towel, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste and a bundle of clothes to wear where I can hand wash in the bathroom itself inside a simple pail with some soap powder. That was actually all I needed to live with food and water of course as the most essential.

But I went further than these. I started to buy all kinds of non-essential items such as furniture, cupboards, books, paintings, curtains, radios, microscopes, binoculars and telescopes to ‘decorate’ the house unnecessary. But I did not have one visitor coming to ‘admire’ all those things I bought and must maintain.

So I spent a lot of time my time after work to mop the house, wipe and clean all those stuff I gathered until I was so exhausted that did not even have the time to read all those books I bought, or use the binoculars and telescope  to look at all those stars twinkling in the night sky to enjoy the wonders of creation out there beyond this troubled world of ours. Then when I need to shift house again, and I have done this 3 times till I bought my present house, I have to look for boxes and crates to collect and pack up all those unnecessary loads of burdens to move to another house to unpack, clean  and hang them up all over again. I did these alone till exhaustion.

I then began to realize what I was actually doing was all unnecessary, gathering and carrying really needless burdens in life that does not support a single heartbeat or a single breath in my life.

In the last house I rented, I looked at the open marsh land in front of my house when I returned from work in the evenings. There I saw and heard birds making a chorus of noises for half an hour when they too returned home to settle down among the tall grasses before it became dark.  I saw them flying in and out from the tall grasses to catch the last insects in the air for their evening meal before settling down again for the night, and all was quiet again after that. I thought to myself how foolish I was not able to settle down quietly for the night like those birds did. I have to sweep, wash, wipe the house, wash my clothes, prepare dinner, wash up everything again even after my official work at the office. Why can’t I be like those birds, I asked myself.

Those birds need not have to maintain all those “properties” like I gathered in the house after I came home from work.

When the birds in the air settled down, all was very quiet again. An hour or later I went behind my house where it was darker to look at the myriads of stars twinkling up there and began wondering if there are worlds out there among the stars so unlike our troubled world here where life is so much, much more blissful, easier without unnecessarily carrying burdens to drag along?

I have always wondered this since I was a child. I used to bathe in a well beneath an open sky when I went to stay with one of my school classmates whose parents reared cows in a village in my home town, Batu Pahat, south of Malaysia. As I bathed in the early morning 5 am skies beside the water well, I saw the stars twinkling above among the river of lights of the Milky Way. That triggered my interest in astronomy, wondering about the presence of life out there.

I then entered the universities after school, doing all sorts of scientific and medical courses. My job after graduation often required me to be part of a health and medical team to go to the rural areas to conduct research on health problems in the villagers among other areas of medical research I needed to conduct in the city.

When I need to go to the rural areas, I have to leave everything behind in my house in Kuala Lumpur where I was staying and working.  I only carried a bag of clothing with a bathing towel, toothbrush and toothpaste and a few books to stay in a hotel for 2 – 3 weeks.

Then, I suddenly found myself completely free from all those burdens of keeping my house clean and tidying them up to ‘maintain’ all those unnecessary ‘properties” inside. With just a bag and some clothing inside, I need not have to sweat to burden myself with necessary cleaning, sweeping, wiping, dusting and arranging things as I would do in the house in the city. I suddenly felt free as a flying bird coming in to rest for the night like those birds I saw among grasses and trees. It was a blessed lesson in disguise.  

I suddenly found myself completely free from these burdens. All I needed was just to wash the clothes I was wearing each day. I washed them in the hotel bathroom, hung them in the room or bathroom somewhere, bathed and went down to a small restaurant or a shop to have my dinner. Sometimes if there is a laundry in town, I just send my clothes there.

That was all I needed. Suddenly I was freed from unnecessary burdens. After bathing and dinner, I just lie down to read a book I brought along, something that I had no chance to do when I was in the city. It was such a simple, simple burdenless change in my life. That life experience instantly made me recall what my close friend, a Professor and Senior Consultant Psychiatrist told me that 99.999 % of all things we possess and keep, we do not need or use.  He told me they give us both physical and mental stress clustering our lives with them.  How true, how very true as I recalled what he told me from my own experience working outside my house in the villages.

I have often heard and read of very rich personalities owning 20 cars with 10 or more houses. I have wondered how they are going to drive 20 cars and live in ten houses at the same time when most of us find it hard to maintain even a single car or stay even a single house without help of a maid or someone else, a spouse or children living together.

Of course, you may argue if they are so rich, they would be able to employ servants and others to maintain all their properties. But in order to employ servants and workers they too need to stress themselves looking for money by working even harder elsewhere. We cannot get something out of nothing unless they are ultra rich. Perhaps then they need not work at all. They may have inherited them from their parents I suppose. Money could not fall from the empty air above for sure! We need to toil for it.

Even then, the ultra-rich still have their worries about how to earn all that money and worry how to maintain 20 cars, 10 houses, estates, land and properties everywhere at the same time until their hearts stop for the last time.

Nothing except air and water is free for us in this world. When we breathe our last, only do we ask ourselves what use is of all those wealth we kept and carried along, all those heavy burdens in life when at maximum we have only 100 years to remain in this world before taking our last breath.  

Even the oldest man recorded in the book on Genesis was Methuselah. He lived for 969 years. What did Methuselah gain today for such longevity? Absolutely nothing.   According to current records, the oldest person who lived and died was Jeanne Calment in France. She was born on 21 February 1875 and died on 4 August 1997 and lived up to the age of 122 years and 164 days. What did she gain in all those years, more importantly that did she get after she died? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

On Sunday, June 18, 2023, four billionaires inside the submersible Titan suddenly died within a mini second when their submersible Titan imploded. The 5th passenger was the Ocean Gate CEO himself.  The billionaires each paid US $ 25,000 just to see the RSM Titanic that sank in the early morning hours of 15 April 1912 near Newfoundland, Canada in the North Atlantic Ocean on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City.

Their lives came to an abrupt stop and naught within a mini fraction of a second when their 6.7 metres (22 feet) carbon-fiber and titanium craft, Titan submersible suddenly imploded and sank to 3,800 metres near where the Titanic rested. They instantly left all their properties behind. 

Did they enjoy life seeing the Titanic? It was the question we asked in the very beginning the purpose of our infinitesimally short life here in this world? To enjoy ourselves? Think this answer of ours again? Did the ultra-rich tourists even get see the Titanic? Not at all. Their lives were taken instantly away attempting to do this unnecessary thing.

All that wealth to see the sunken Titanic? The wealth spent just to see a sunken ship could have brought so much comfort to tens of millions of people in poor countries who could not even afford to have a meal a day.  

My answer to all these issues and problems is just to live as simply as possible without demanding anything else that does not support life.

Just think about this scenario. Suppose we have a person who was jailed, say for 60 years confined to a small cell, and was able to continue to live for another 10 years and more out of jail.

In jail he had almost nothing. The only requirements provided for him were air, food, water and prison clothing that he does not even need to wash himself. Maybe some prison work for him each morning.  The only thing he does not have is freedom to go outside.  How do we explain his survival of 60 long years in prison then? It is much more likely a person not in jail,  living a luxury life outside acquiring all those rich man diseases and died earlier than those in jail

My psychiatrist friend reminded me  that 99.9999 % of all the things we buy and keep in the house we don't even use at all, maybe just once, twice, or a few times more before we hang them all  up only to  collect dust.

Don’t we think we  are unnecessarily buying and keeping items to  hang and to store them everywhere in  our  houses to occupy spaces, not just occupying space but to collect dust for us to clean, wash and wipe periodically. Just look around our own house will do, and we have to admit.

Then after acquiring all these unnecessary burdens to maintain, we become too exhausted to do anything else, especially as we get older and older with each passing year. We then start to look for someone or a servant to dust and upkeep all those so called "properties" of ours. It became a burden to them also.

We are only burdening ourselves buying them trying to keep them around the house for dust to collect, till dust do we return ourselves. Who is going to maintain our own body dust after our death?

As we get older and older, we would not have the time, energy, strength or even interest anymore to maintain anything at all, especially when crippled with ill health. Others need to spend their time and energy looking after us instead. Then we burden them as well.

Then we start worrying we do not have the money for a servant to help clean and maintain for us.

Then others need to look for a maid for us. They will need to search high and low for an employment agency, hire one and pay the employment agency as well. Then we start to complain we have all these problems and stress in life which are entirely our own doing.

At old age, even when young, we start to complain we have no time for all that, or can we earn sufficient money or have sufficient life savings to upkeep or solve all those really unnecessary problems we acquired earlier in life. Yet all these problems can instantly be solved only when we are willing to clear everything we acquired over the years and just throw or give them all away for the sake of our health and for the sake of our very short life here in this world.

Did a prisoner who was sentenced to 60 years in jail require all these, so unlike us. Answer this ourselves.

Just think of this analogy in another way.

You buy a bird from a pet shop and cage it. It will continue to live and sing a song for you each morning like any other  freely flying bird in the open, so long as you give the caged bird the essential elements it requires for its existence, namely, air, water and food.

I have already explained my own experience in life renting the entire house only for myself and wasting a lot of my time and energy buying all kinds of things to " beautify " it when no one, not even once came to admire all those ‘fantastic decorations’ I hung up there.

Don’t we think I was extremely foolish spending all my time and effort into exhaustion acquiring all those when all I needed then and still now are just food, water to wash, bathe and clean myself, a bathroom, a toilet and just some corner to sleep, besides electricity for lights, perhaps just a fan and maybe just this phone to drive home this strong message

When Mother Teresa of Calcutta deservingly won the Nobel Peace Prize, reporters from around the world asked her what she was  going to do with all those monies she won

She instantly replied with wisdom, probably under the guidance from God this:

"What money? All I need is just a pail to wash my sari"

That beautiful ever-lasting answer re-sounded and echoed with cheers and admiration around the world till this day

Air, food, water, clothing and somewhere to sleep for the night are actually all we need to allow our hearts to continue to beat, our lungs to breathe, our organs to function until the end of our short lives in this world as much as a prisoner or a caged bird was given.  Yet they toil not, nor do they carry heavy burdens in their entire lives.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

(Mathew 11: 28 -30)

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.” 

(Mathew 6:26)

A person after acquiring all those properties damages their health by burdening themselves with mental and physical stress on how to continue to maintain them at old age and probably worry what would happen to all their ‘properties’ after death?  They all have to contend with the answer all the things they have acquired earlier crumbled and returned to dust. They could have lived one 100 years of burden-free life endowed to us just by simple living, simple lifestyles, and simple eating.

Just to tell you I don’t even eat 3 times a day as others do.  I eat only just once, maximum twice a day lightly, yet I still live without little problems

The only thing I use daily is just water, electricity, a bathroom with an attached toilet, wash my clothes daily to wear in a washing machine,  a small place corner in the house  with a pillow, a sarong as my blanket to sleep on, and just this phone to type this message, and yet I live very comfortably without stress, and without all other burdens troubling me.

My mistake I made earlier in life was buying a lot of unnecessary things to use only a few times, then hanging them up to gather dust. The more things we buy and keep, the more other accessories we also need to buy to maintain the first one.

For instance, if we buy just one car, we also need to buy the car radio, the air conditioner and maintain them. Then we also need to buy car insurance yearly, to pay road tax, the tyres, batteries too need to be maintained, and if we have an accident, we need to go to make a police report, make insurance claims and so on and so on. These problems do not end.

 But if we don’t even have a car, none of these is necessary. This is just an example. It applies to everything we buy.  They all need ‘additional’ items to function. These include even cooking pots, plates, spoons, forks, knives, a kitchen, refrigerator, water supply, etc, etc to support. More and more items we buy and accumulate, more and more accessories we need to support their functions. It becomes an obsession just because of one item. If we do not have this single item, none of those “additional” we need to support the first.

Do we actually need them for our hearts to continue to beat, and our lungs to breathe? Ask yourself. If we cannot answer, we are spiritually blind to the very core. There is no point for anyone going to any church, temple or mosque 100 times a week for this. They cannot find any answer there. Going there to ritually pray does not solve our unnecessary greed above food, water and clothes

"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.

But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that" for the root of all evils is our love for money.

(1 Timothy 6 :8)

Please note "love" for money. It did not say we do not require money.

How did all other animals in the wild live their entire life spans without a single thing we need here? All they need are air, water, food, a suitable place, including a cave or a hole somewhere to rest for the night unless they are nocturnal animals. Ask ourselves.   

Jesus didn’t even have a house, a temple or a church or need to work except as a carpenter when He was young, or a salary to do all His miracle of healing or did He acquire any property or invest in anything, and yet He lived as the most adored and glorified man ever recorded in history

How did Jesus manage it? Again, we need to answer this ourselves.

See also our purpose in life here:

Lim jb



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