Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Elixir for Eternal Life



Elixir of Eternal Life


I was just about to write a small thought about the importance of nourishing our souls rather than for our physical and temporal body when uncannily this video on Bernando food secret to longevity came through to me from a pharmacist friend of mine by the name of Gary Onn through our WhatsApp group






Many thanks to you Gary



Bernando looks far, far younger than being 111 years old. He looks probably just about 80 years old


Perhaps just before you sent me this video on Bernanda via WhatsApp I may have been spiritually-guided to pen a thought I had only one or two minutes earlier


As a nutritionist-cum doctor and former medical researcher, I think we are all taking the wrong path seeking physical longevity and optimal health through the best nutrition approach  


We do not deny nutrition is the mainstay, besides lifestyles, in keeping our body towards a disease-free prolonged existence, but having taken this long journey all my life researching into food and nutrition for the maintenance of optimal health and disease-free longevity and permanence, I have this second thought if we have all along been taking the wrong path?



An Elixir of Optimal Health:



Food and nutrition for optimal health is probably the most popular subject being discussed globally compared to all other disciplines of health, medicine, and medical sciences.



Nutrition is widely and popularly discussed and published in weekly women and health magazines. Its popularity and health benefits are constantly being propagated over radio and television especially some going overboard on health products.



Information and popularity how certain foods may be good for the prevention and even their curative properties are often published in newspapers and in print media, or through WhatsApp like in this or in other videos.  



It is also a very popular subject for forum discussion, often the key subject in health talks as well as in countless papers presented at scientific conferences.


We have attended countless scientific conferences on this issue and have  presented numerous talks as well as  research papers during our 25 years professional career as a medical researcher.



An avalanche   of research papers on nutrition have being churned out  with a research expenditure estimated to the tune of US $ 100 billion yearly which place nutrition research one step ahead of cancer research, and yet we know little how food affects health and diseases especially with hundreds of thousands of phytochemicals and other unknown principals in foods yet to be analyzed and studied.  In order to understand all of them would be almost beyond our lifetime ability


First Knowledge God Gave to Adam:


In fact among all the discipline of knowledge, the first knowledge the Lord God taught to Adam after He created him was on food and nutrition. It wasn’t about from which tree   Adam could eat for longevity, but it was from which tree of knowledge  would have caused  him death.


This implies to me they may have been many trees from where their fruits could have given Adam eternal life? It appears to me all the fruits nutritionists may have studied and researched into may have come from that particular tree – the tree of knowledge on food and nutrition translated as food which is good for temporal health and foods that are bad and evil for health and death?  We shall discuss this in a little more detail later 


But all these scientific knowledge on food and nutrition are less important to me now. What I am more interested today is on all those trees that could provide us eternal life. This question perhaps would be the most attractive nutrition mystery we need to know, and I suspect all our current information on fruits, food and trees from which our life depends may have been limited to that tree of existing knowledge  



Now that I have taken this long, long journey researching how food may massively affect our health and the diseases we suffer years on, I am currently thinking on the spiritual foods for our souls that shall be eternal



Maximum Human Life Span:



We are now more than convinced no matter what food we chose wisely or unwisely, they shall only benefit our physical body short-term, at maximum 120 years.


What benefit then could food confers to our physical body if it is just for a few short years as clearly and truthfully stated:


“the days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).


This is a dilemma on death none of us can escape if we depend on optimal nutrition for our strength



This brings me to the next thought if there is a food or a fruit, even if a spiritual one when consumed would give us a life that shall never end?



That to me would crucially be the most important food on nutritional sciences our soul needs to seek.



It would no longer be the common foods plucked from the tree, even plant-based ones from the soil from where we first came.



None of them would be from various trees food and nutrition scientists have desperately been searching all their lives.



Let us now see what God has to say about food from the very beginning of mankind when he created and spoke to Adam 


Uncannily, I thought of these two verses given in Genesis




The Magical Potion:



“And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Genesis 2:16 -17. KJV)



This instantly speaks to me the inundation of scientific knowledge on the foods we have been in the hunt all our lives in search of longevity, yet all must come to a naught no matter what provisions we chose to research and search all our lives to a tune of US $ 1 billion a year.



Why did God then told this to Adam? Why did God give Adam the scientific knowledge good and bad nutrition described as the tree of knowledge of good, and the tree of knowledge of evil?


As far as I am concerned, I translate it as our research knowledge on good and bad (evil) foods.



God already knew and taught Adam which fruits from which trees shall be for eternal life, and which tree of knowledge of good and evil nutrition we currently seek shall ultimately land us all to  the grave.    


This brings me to another guided thought that, as food scientists, nutritionists and clinicians should we start spending our money, time and effort researching on spiritual foods when consumed shall give us eternal life instead of wasting all our professional efforts and time seeking for the best meat or plant-based foods when consumed shall one day still return us into the soil.


But which is the best spiritual food we need to consume for our souls that shall never perish?


This is an exceedingly complex research question that would have caused scientists far, far beyond a US $ 100 billion yearly budget in research. This is also be a nutrition vision I am now mulling?  


Please allow me time to be guided by God to answer this elixir for eternal life



It would be the most spectacularly Nobel Prize winning Nutritional Science or in Medicine ever stupendously achieved.  



I am currently unable to open the answer as I have only received this video on Bernando food secret to his (physical) longevity 45 minutes ago before I could pen my personal thoughts here



Perhaps Bernando would have preferred my thoughts for an eternal existence rather than a 111 year subsistence.



Give me time to be guided 



jb lim  





1 comment:

Walllace Parker said...

Dear Dr Lim JB
My wife intends to make her own garlic and ginger sauce which she thinks is healthier than buying ready-made ones from the super markets.
She reads a lot of your various articles in your blog often, sharing with me. She is asking me to find out from you what is best way to retain the medicinal value of garlic if she makes her own garlic and ginger sauce and how best should garlic be eaten as you are also a research nutritionist and food scientist from your CV on the right. You would be the most qualified person to answer.
Sorry for your precious time, but I hope you would not mind
Thanks a lot
W. Parker

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