Sunday, June 18, 2023

Do I truly believe that Life Exists After Death? A reader asked of me


I received a question in the comment column under this article.

 among other comments:

The reader asked:

Dear Doctor Lim

I have read a lot of your highly interesting and very enlightening articles. I am one of your tens of thousands of fans and followers of your blog.

May I ask you if you truly believe there is life after death?

I hope you can enlighten us as a doctor, a medical researcher and a scientist in a logical way.


My answer:

I have already written an article on this question that troubles a lot of people here:

“Does Life Exist After Death”.

 It was published on Friday, August 5, 2022. You may have missed it.

First of all, the problem with scientists is that they only believe and can understand what they can see, touch, feel, measure directly or indirectly. Scientists like us live in this physical world and they can only believe if they can see, measure, understand mentally and physically, and not beyond, especially entities like spirits, souls, ghosts or other unknown life elsewhere. We are so earth-bound like a frog living in a water well and having a vision inside a well.

All that we can understand has to be material and physical, and not something beyond such as a spiritual entity that would be outside our understanding because we cannot see, detect or measure with our physical instruments even if indirectly. If we are unable to see, detect or measure them even through theoretical mathematical models such as the Standard Model as in particle physics our mind-set is, they do not exist, or do they?

A very simple example for instance is, we all know that gravity and electromagnetic waves exist although we may not see them but we as scientists, can detect their presence and even measure their strength by their interactions with other particles and matter.

Ironically, scientists know life exists, and we can clearly see them although we cannot measure them let alone their health and strengths. We can only use “MRS GREN” an acronym to define the characteristics of life to mean “Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition”. But scientists are unable to tell us exactly what this entity “life” that can never be measured by any scientific instrument except by observing their characteristics.  I have explained these many times here in my blog articles.  

This is the same as trying to measure health or the nutritional status of an individual directly. See here how nutritional and health status are measured.

We do not even know using our scientific knowledge if life as we know it here exists in another world, let alone if life here in this world can be transferred to another world when we die a physical death, although I may be a rare exception to believe as a former research  scientist.

The question is, life  in the form as we know them here, or in other forms that exist in other worlds, has insulted the best of our scientific minds for over the last one century.

On the other hand, ancient civilizations over 10,000 years ago till the present, believe through their religions that a soul exist, and this has occupied the minds of all religions, especially in the event of a death of their loved ones with epitome such as:” May his Soul rest in Peace” (R.I.P.)  

Here’s one article what scientists think:   

But here are some of my own thoughts:

Mysteries of Life: An unmeasurable Vital Force

Scientific Logic: Search results for mystery off life

Life in the Universe: By Intelligent Design or by Accident

In Search of Extraterrestrial Civilization: Flaws in Frank Drake Equation

Scientific Logic: In Search of Extraterrestrial Civilization: Flaws in Frank Drake Equation

Can Silicon-Based Life Exist in Another World?

Scientific Logic: Search results for silicon based life

Another problem with scientists and the rest of the world is, we expect everything in other worlds, estimated at 100 trillion, trillion (1 followed by 26 zeros) has to be earth-based similar to ours. See here the numbers of other worlds here:

Stars in heaven vs sands on earth

Scientific Logic: Search results for sands on earth

The Existence of a Soul: Does A Human Soul Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?

On A Conveyer’s Belt:
Jesus First Miracle:
The Soul Remembers:

The rest I leave you to decide.  

Thank you very much for your question.

Lim ju boo



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