Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Conveyer's Belt of Time and Life Through a Tunnel (Part 2)


The Conveyer's Belt of Time and Life Through a Tunnel (Part 2)


The Conveyer's Belt of Time and Life Through a 

Tunnel (Part 2)


I often think life on Earth is like a conveyer’s belt carrying the flow of time through a very dark tunnel.


Within this time tunnel somewhere along the journey there is a very, very short spectrum of light where life begins to enter into this light when we and all life are born and ends again in darkness as the conveyer’s belt leaves this spot of light.

This conveyer’s belt has many endless sections. On each section there will be a beginning where there is light and darkness at the end of that section. At the beginning of that section life is seeded into birth. The conveyer’s belt in this section will begin with light carrying the birth of our life and all our worldly possessions that are material and physical we have acquired which are actually as burdens in our life, including our own physical body through this lighted segment of the belt. 

The constant movement of the belt represents the time through this passage. Then at the end of this segment, the belt drops down into a very dark and very deep chasm where everything that we acquired, gathered and possessed that was physical and material is thrown down there like unwanted thrash including our lifeless physical body except the immortal non-physical soul which will fly out from this chasm to jump into the next lighted segment of this conveyer’s belt where again the soul will enter into another lump of soil or another body for the rebirth of another life through this second  section.

Just be very mindful always our life from the very beginning is the breath of God, and this breath can NEVER be destroyed except all other substances from the soil from which we were made. His breath is our souls that leave our physical body on death. Be very mindful of His eternal nature always.

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul".

(Genesis 2:7) 

What and how we sin is what and how we defile His breath.

Since the conveyer's belt is seamless and continuous, it will travel through the continuity of time like an endless flow of water in a river where all things material will again enter into another dark, dark chasm at the bottom again throwing away everything that were physical except our eternal soul. It is likened a river entering into a waterfall where everything will be washed down into the bottom while the water continues to flow on. 

At the bottom of each pit, the soul will again rise up to fly on into the beginning of the third segment of time and next life, and so on.   

This scenario of birth-death-birth-death cycles and recycle will go on from segment to segment on this conveyor's time belt. This continuous cycle of birth and death and birth may probably take several thousands of millions of years on each segment before a new heaven and earth is created again as foretold in Isaiah 65:17, 2 Peter 3:13, and the Book of Revelation 21:1 in the Bible

Even in astronomy and cosmology, scientists too believe that this universe (heaven) will not last forever, and there may be another rebirth of a new universe (heaven and earth) in a cyclic pattern.  

There may be different tunnels for different individuals, or there may be just one tunnel with different lanes where the light is for individuals with different lifespans. We are not sure, but what I am particularly sure of is, that there is a tunnel, and a very dark and very, very long one most of the time with just a very short spectrum where there is light and the existence of life beneath. 


All yet unborn lives are placed behind us in line on this conveyer’s belt waiting their turn to enter into this short spot of light to be born and then rapidly die.


It is like a flowing river that takes a very long, long journey meandering among the lonely hills and valleys till the river arrives at a lonely and isolated village where there is life, and soon passes through it to be alone again till it arrives at the next isolated village far, far downstream.


This conveyer’s belt carrying the flow of time after a very long, long journey through darkness will enter yet another spot of light probably much longer representing the arrival to yet another world not our own anymore where we will be born again.


There we may stay for a much longer period in time till the conveyer’s belt leaves once again till we arrive yet at another spot of light further down in time after entering into each dark, dark, deep, deep chasm where our soul will again emerge into another world. 


Wandering Souls and Ghosts:


For almost most people their souls manage to jump into the next section of the conveyors belt to begin another life after it emerged from below the chasm. The conveyer’s belt is a continuous chain carrying time, space and life on it except it is broken into many segments of life, death and rebirth after each lighted section ends by dipping into each chasm that neither the living nor the dead can cross over. However, a few souls may have taken the wrong direction; instead of jumping into the next lighted section of the continuously flow of the  belt of time and space after it emerged from the chasm to begin life anew in the new segment, jumped back into its previous segment where their souls are trapped back to this physical world as wandering souls and as ghosts here in the present dimension and can no longer be able to cross over that deep chasms where neither the present living nor the souls of the dead can cross over either dimension.  


When that happens, they are trapped in this world forever as restless and wandering souls that manifest itself as ghosts that all ancient cultures, creed, cultures and civilizations have deeply believed and accepted for thousands of years. It may also be possible the deceased who were murdered return to this segment of the living to haunt and seek revenge on its murderer, slaughterer or slayer. His or her soul cannot rest in peace in his or next segment of life. In so doing to seek revenge, his or her soul is forever trapped here, and can no longer cross over peacefully to the next segment in life.

Please refer to my explanation if ghosts and the soul exits here:


Does life exist after death?



How do we explain if ghosts exist?


Was it the Disease or was it the Soul that left us that causes Death to our Physical Body?


Some Collections of Articles Concerning Creation, Mysteries of Life, Unexplained Miracles, Body and Soul, and Death


The tunnel represents space, and the conveyer’s belt represents the flow of time through space that moves at a constant speed.


When we die, we leave our body behind on the conveyer’s belt for it to flow with time, but our souls being not material may possibly fly much faster above the conveyer’s belt towards the next segment of light into the next world further down the tunnel.


In other words, our souls may reach the next light first before the arrival of the conveyer’s belt carrying our bodies.


The soul being non-material, non-physical and without mass does not obey the space-time theory postulated by Einstein.  


A River of No Return: 


Once the soul leaves the body and flies forward faster than the flow of time into a tunnel, it will not come back as this would be against the constant flow of time in a space-time continuum. The only few exceptions are the souls that refused or have taken the wrong path to return to their previous segment after emerging from the chasm that separates the living and the non-living as wandering ghosts as already explained.

The conveyer’s belt is where we live and is carried along with time. At the end of this conveyer’s belt is physical death for our body placed on different individual belts.  On death to the physical body, we enter and travel into a very long and dark tunnel which is actually a deep, deep and very dark chasm where we are dropped inside.

At the end of this tunnel the soul sees a light. That’s where the soul flies out from the bottom of the chasm at the end of this dark, dark tunnel of this continuous conveyer’s belt into next segment of the belt at the top where there is light once again. Some deceased who have returned saw this segment as a very, very beautiful field where they saw their long-departed relatives there waiting.  

The physical and the spiritual worlds are separate entities that neither can cross over. In other words, neither the living nor the dead can cross over into each other dimension. There is always a deep chasm in between. 

 This is the same as revealed by Jesus in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus where Jesus revealed there is a great chasm that divides the dead and the living where none can cross over to the other dimension.

You may read this revelation yourself in Luke 16: 22 -25.    


On this conveyer’s belt, neither can the living physical body go faster toward the light at the end of the tunnel unless he dies, and his soul leaves his physical body.

There are at least 4 prizes given or price we need to pay in this journey after death.

1.   The Conveyer’s Belt is individualised like separate lane for each living person in this world, but all of them are continuous running endlessly through the passage of time into eternity. Our lifespan depends on which lane on this Belt we were placed. In truth the shorter the belt the better as we would accumulate less sin like a child. There is a lot of truth in this proverb: God loves those who dies young.  

2.   The Belt appears like a loop being carried forward with rollers beneath including the segment into and at the bottom of the chasms, and at hauled up at the top into the next lighted segment before beneath again as a continuous moving loop.

3.   The body before death may be physically very, very dirty like a vagabond or a homeless person who has not taken a bath for many years or all his life. But once he dies, he discarded his physical body and all soil and soil accumulated on them, leaving only his very clean soul All dirt on his body to return to the soil from where he was made and came from like star dusts from another world brought here by as star dusts from a supernova explosion. He carries no physical dirt on his soul. However, what is unclean is his sins that are non-physical he gathered throughout life; the longer he lives, the greater the number of sins he gathers. A physically dirty body that has been derived of physical cleanliness from those who have-nots perhaps would be cleaner and more acceptable in heaven than a rich and physically clean person while in this world accumulating all the wealth and physical possessions he had while he was in this world but have also accumulated lots of uncleanliness of sin. One who has not taken a bath for years and had nothing while he was in this world would probably be far less sinful and cleaner than a wealthy person who had everything in life, he wanted but have accumulated a fortune of spiritual uncleanliness and sins as clearly told by Jesus in His parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). Be forewarned.

4.   A physically blind person since birth would suddenly see light and very clear images and visions round him, his relatives and everything other saw moments his soul leaves his body. He would have a far clearer vision than anyone else who clearly sees everything physically while on earth but is spiritually blind to unseen entities around him.

This is my vision.   


A Spiritual Copy of DNA:   

But what I believe even more fearsome is, whatever we do, say, or even just think, a copy of this would instantly be copied and transferred from our physical body into our soul which will be used as evidence in favour or against us after death. I think God would read them like a scientist would read the sequence of a strand of DNA to reveal almost all the information of the organism.


The transfer of all our actions into our soul is like the DNA in our body that makes copies of itself on our structural make-up, our height, body weight, shape, our behaviour and traits, the colours of our eyes and hair, the potential disease we may get...and everything that identifies and describe us.


The same with our soul that makes copies of our physical body to identify us on death as evidence for or against us, what we have in our physical life like the rich man Jesus described, and Lazarus who had nothing in life.


What is more fearsome is, the soul remembers all past experiences and events we did here in this world.


Like all things that exist in this universe there must be an opposite partner or a counterpart like males and females, light and darkness, positive and negative, black and white, joy and sadness, massive and light, good and bad, charged and uncharged, love and hate…forgiving and unforgiving…the list goes on and on endlessly like the Chinese theory on yin and yang.


All these are copies of each other but as opposite entities like a physical body and its soul.         


Finally, even our dead body will still arrive at the light representing another world where we shall unite with our souls and rise up again.


 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:16–17)


“And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works” (Revelation 20:13).


In other words, all past events and history will still finally arrive at the same spot carried by the conveyer’s belt to the next world at the end of this space-time tunnel when this world ends.


In Psalm 90:9-10 it clearly tells us this:


All our days pass away under your wrath;
    we finish our years with a moan.
Our days may come to seventy years,
    or eighty, if our strength endures;
yet the best of them is but trouble and sorrow,
    for they quickly pass, and we (souls) FLY AWAY


And where did they go after FLYING AWAY (to a new world) ahead of us who are still living?


In Revelation 6:9-11 John clearly gave us the same answer too in the next world he saw:


“I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain and have died.”  


Am our thoughts on this into the future too fly as fast as our souls. Think this over, think once again.


It has been my nagging thought for many years now, that when we die, we will all enter into this very dark, dark tunnel and travel through it where we can see a very bright light at the other end of the tunnel.


But I am unsure how fast we shall travel, whether at the speed of light or beyond since our souls have no mass for us to arrive at the next world where there is light again. It could be in the blink of an eye.

See further discussion on this issue here:


In Isaiah 26:19 it speaks of death similar to a dew that exists for just a short while, and lives again possibly in another world where there is light?


  ‘You’re dead shall live; their bodies shall rise.

    You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy!

For your dew is a dew of light,

    and the earth will give birth to the dead’.


In other words, our souls, which I strongly believe is originally part of God's breath, can never be destroyed or die, and when we die a physical death, this breath represented by our soul merely returns to where it belongs, which of course is God. 

 "And the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7). 

On the issue of rebirth through a time tunnel when we die, I am also certain that this scenario is the same not just for life, but probably for the entire Universe. 


In one of the nearly 200 students' forum presentations at the University of Oxford in 2018 the author forwarded his views of a cyclic Universe instead of the current theory of a forever expanding Universe 


 Here's a summary of what this author presented. 


Were there Previous Heavens and Future Heavens Yet to Come?


If this is the cycles of birth and death that I strongly believe, I would instantly choose without hesitation to be blessed in the next life than to be blessed here even if I were to be given all the material wealth and given all kingdoms of this world even for a thousand years in this present life. Read my reasons here:


Give this a thought. I share my thoughts with you if you think you have the same thinking mind as mine since we all have different thinking brains. 

A list of 19 informal weekly forum presentations by the author at Oxford are here. This list is not comprehensive, just about 10 % out of 185 forum discussions.


A summarized version of each of these discussions is listed here:


Lim jb


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