Tuesday, May 23, 2023

There is Life After Death


Life does not die


 I just received this very interesting and spiritually truthful video from Engineer Ong Geok Soo who is my brother-in-law.

This was exactly what I have been thinking and writing all along as this gentleman in this attached video who explained exactly the same that life does not die. The soul is the breath of God that cannot be destroyed. It resides  temporary in a physical body and this entity must be returned to Him on physical death.  We only live on an infinitesimally short burst of time before facing eternity.

For instance, if the age of the Universe at 13.8 billion years was just one day of Creation, then 100 years of our lives here at maximum last only 0.23 seconds.

Similarly, if the age of Earth was 4.543 billion years was just one day, our lives here at 100 years lasts just a mini burst of only 0.7 second. Then our soul must face all eternity. Not many can appreciate and understand this.

I have written many other articles about the mysteries of life which we scientists could not see or understand. Here’s just one on the Conveyer’s Belt of Time among numerous other articles explaining the same found in this blog,


 Have a deep spiritual look beyond our understand in science for us to appreciate.  

Lim jb




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