Thursday, April 13, 2023

Drugs Do Not Cure Diseases


Thank you, Violet, for this video. I have comment what this medical doctor, as well as many other doctors have also said previously here:


Thank you, Ms Violet Ho, for this video:

That was why I recently (Wednesday, April 5, 2023) wrote an article pertaining to my cervicalgia (neck pain) and my personal experience as a clinician here:

I wrote the above article to explain that Big Pharma is not interested in producing anything that gives a patient a permanent cure. They just want to make money by making sure the patient will have to   come back again and again for their same 'drug of choice' every other few month in his next doctor’s appointment.

Imagine it takes between 3–20 years at a cost of between several billion to tens of billions of US dollars to develop a single drug. Does any sensible right-thinking person believe after investing so much money just to get one drug out into the market, would any drug company want the patient to be permanently cured by using just one dose or by one application of their drug.  Of course not. If they do, the drug company, having invested so much money and time researching and developing it for a huge market, would go bankrupt overnight. They naturally want the patient to come back for more of the same drug during a series of non-stop doctor’s appointments so the drug can be prescribed over and over again.

That was why I wrote the above article in my blog to explain that Big Pharma is not interested in producing anything that gives a patient a permanent cure except to make huge profits.  

Here a story about The Town of Allopath that clearly explains this and everything:

In the first place all diseases have a root or multiple root causes. Diseases do not mysteriously appear by themselves without cause. There must be some causative agent triggering it. Unfortunately, when a patient goes to a doctor, especially for chronic conditions, their root causes are never looked into, and treated by the doctor.  Not all, but most doctors are only interested in prescribing some drugs produced by the big pharmaceutical industry to block the disease.

The chemical pathology of any disease or even in health is like a flowing river.  The body’s natural biochemistry in health or its pathological chemistry in disease is like the water from a flowing river. They come from a living body whether in health or in disease.  In health, clean water runs, and in diseased state, polluted water flows.

If we understand pharmacology, we will understand how drugs work (pharmacodynamics), how they are absorbed, distributed, retained, and excreted by the body – how the body responds to the drug (pharmacokinetics). The mode of action of most drugs is to disrupt the flow of polluted water (pathways of abnormal biochemistry / pathological chemistry) in the body.  This is easily done by using different types of blocking and inhibiting agents.

The objective of blockers and inhibitors is to inhibit the abnormal chemistry to prevent it from flowing. But the body even in disease is still a living body that will continue to flow its chemistry of life. As a result, the ‘polluted water’ is blocked and dammed up. When the built-up is full, it bursts its banks and gets diverted to somewhere else to create other problems to other organs and systems in the body. When other organs are affected, they pop up as another linked disorder. That is why diseases, especially lifestyle diseases are all linked. They just bounce up somewhere else if we block their pathological chemistry from taking their natural course.  

In health, a river flows clean and unpolluted water from its source. Then someone upstream throws rubbish such as excessive foods and food waste into the river due to his excessive eating as part of their lifestyles.  These are actually the root causes of all their chronic ills – throwing rubbish into their body through harmful dietary habits, smoking, sedentary life, environmental exposures and insults including the use of harmful chemicals, poor hygiene that encourages infections, etc, etc.

 The body water gets polluted (diseased) and flows downstream to the villages (systems of the body) far away. The villages are made of clusters of houses, each house representing an organ in the body. Each house (organ) has villagers living in it, the residents representing the cells in each organ.

When the polluted (diseased) water flows downstream, the entire village, houses and people living there get affected. The whole village gets sick. Then they go to see the allopathic drug-based doctor hoping to solve their problems.

The doctor comes with his Big Pharma drugs and products. He merely blocks the polluted water from flowing downstream to the villages using blockers and inhibitors.  The water gets dammed up at that point. It builds up and bursts its banks again and flows into another direction to pollute another village (another system / organ / cells). The whole body gets poisoned, both by the drug plus the polluted water that was never cleaned up through a change of dietary or other lifestyle modification.

But the doctor was merely blocking the polluted water from flowing, He was not cleaning up the rubbish from the source. That is far too far away for him. Neither is he interested. The easiest path for both the doctor and the patient to take is the path of the least resistance, that is, just blocking the diseased (polluted) water from reaching the houses and villages (Technically means: inhibiting the chemical pathology of the disease using specific or selective blockers)

But the water is still flowing continuously non-stop because the body is a living body flowing the chemistry of life (biochemistry) whether in health or in disease. We can block the flow of polluted water for one day or a little longer as long as we block it every day by taking the blocking agents (drugs), but not permanently. If we do not take the medicine regularly, the diseased water will continue to flow the next day because it is a living chemistry of life that continuously flows. If it stops flowing death ensues. But if we block it every day the water will dam up, break its bank and flow somewhere else, perhaps to other villages further down or elsewhere. But this is exactly what clinicians do using all those blockers and inhibitors produced by the Big Pharma boys.

But doctors do not produce these drugs. They are developed by scientists and researchers who are pharmaceutical and analytical chemists, pharmacologists, microbiologists, cellular biologists, toxicologists, physiologists and such specialists working in the pharmaceutical industry. After exhaustive studies and clinical trials by these teams of expertise over 10 -15 years, these drugs were then given to the doctors and pharmacists to use on their patients with strict instruction on how to use them.

They provide the clinicians and pharmacists information about their chemical formula, chemical structures, pharmacology (dynamics and kinetics), indications, dosage, toxicities, adverse reactions and contraindications, studies done, whether or not they can be used in pregnancy, breastfeeding, whether or not they can be used concomitantly with other drugs…etc, etc. These are clearly printed in the drug literature to explain and to educate the doctor and pharmacist how to use them before they prescribe and dispense them to the patient.

Unfortunately, when the problem was not solved, the drug given was titrated to a higher dose, or other blockers and inhibitors substituted or even added on to the previous ones. This makes the problem worse till the amount of medication the patient takes replaces his food. With each doctor’s appointment the patient begins with just a small purse to take home till.

Then the amount of medication given may or may not accumulate with each doctor’s appointment. Hopefully they stabilize. If more medications were given, the patient starts to bring in bigger and bigger bags to contain all those Big Pharma products the doctor prescribes for him / her till the patient starts to bring in grocery bags.

 Thus Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine advice “Let food be thy medicine” is replaced by Big Pharma slogan “Let medicine be thy food”.

I don’t think this is the correct way medicine should be practised. Unfortunately, this is the way it is currently being practised by allopathic doctors using harsh drugs, blockers, and inhibitors produced by Big Pharma and pharmaceutical industry. This practice is certainly not for lifestyle diseases. The root causes upstream of the river are never addressed and treated. Rubbish by polluters is still being thrown upstream at the source to flow downstream where the villages are. The polluters of the body are the patients themselves. We become sick not because we lack all those drugs given to us by doctors, but because of various causative agents, both from the environment externally, and endogenously with the body. They are the stressors that injure and insult the body. The body can respond and adapt beautifully and adequately short term, but not for prolonged extended periods when it will go into exhaustion. We call this General Adaptation Syndrome General (GAS) consisting of three stages: (1) alarm, (2) resistance, and (3) exhaustion. Alarm, fight or flight, is the immediate response of the body to stress. GAS is named after the Canadian physician and endocrinologist Hans Selye (1907–1982). Disease is not due to lack of all those drugs doctors prescribe.

There are now increasing numbers of doctors who too are happy about using drugs to treat every illness. When I was working at the Institute for Medical Research in the late 1960’s till 1994, a lot of my doctors’ colleagues told me that if they were sick, they would not use drugs to treat themselves, but they would look for some other non-pharmacological alternatives. But they will prescribe those synthetic chemical drugs for their patients, but not for themselves. We would normally talk about all these things in the department where we would be working as casual chit chats.

There were other medical specialists and clinicians too whom I know who told me the same. One very eminent university Professor of Medicine who was a very old friend of mine whom we have known since our college days told me he was very disappointed with his own medicine that did not cure him of his chronic illness and pain. He told me he went to get treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine instead, which gave him so much relief and was so cheap compared to pharmaceutical-based medicine he was practicing.

I suppose each system has its strengths and weaknesses. Conventional drug-based medicine is excellent for the management of critical life-threatening events where fast acting and powerful drugs come in. It is also excellent in surgery where no other medicine can replace. Surgery can remove an obstruction within hours. No other system of medicine can do that or replace that. But unfortunately, allopathic medicine performs badly managing chronic illnesses. That’s where other alternative, integrative, complementary, traditional or native medicine come in. They perform much better by re-establishing the physiological and biochemical homeostasis within the body such as Yin and Yang theory and practices in Traditional Chinese Medicine instead of blocking the pathophysiology with harsh drugs.   

There is a book called “Drugs Do Not Cure Disease” written by Dr Yukie Niwa MD, PhD (Medicine) who is the Director of the Niwa Institute for Immunology in Tokyo, Japan. The book was published by Personal Care Co Ltd in 1999. Dr Niwa has published more than 70 papers in medical journals such as “Blood” and he is also on the adjudication panel of papers submitted to the international specialist journals such as “Biochemical Pharmacology”.  He is a strong advocate of using natural medicines. He gave a long list of dangerous new drugs and the reasons why they are dangerous used for medical treatment.

Of course, it is not true that drug-based medicines are bad and not advisable. We are talking here about using drugs to treat long-term chronic illnesses. Many drugs are lifesaving especially in a medical emergency, and I have highlighted this separately here:

Life-Saving Drugs in Medical Emergency:

Drug companies can ill-afford to compromise with the lives of patients who are critically ill. They just can’t come out with something that merely acts very slowly. They need to come out with many fast-acting drugs to stabilize haemodynamic or other critical physiological dynamics of the patient. So are many life-threatening infectious diseases including septicaemia that require to be promptly and aggressively treated with the appropriate antibiotics if not broad-spectrum antibiotics. But these are comparatively rarer than most chronic disorders like diabetes, cardiovascular, metabolic syndromes, cancers, asthma, to name a few.

But for all other non-acute, non-traumatic medical events ranging from cardiovascular, smoking, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD), high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, and other chronic illnesses, I don’t think prescribing pharmaceutical drugs should be the first line management.

Of course, there are many other diseases that are neither life-threatening that require critical and intensive care.  Nor are simple conditions like occasional coughs, fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. These resolve by themselves within one or two days even without any medication or treatment so long there were no serious underlying causes.

I think the approach in the practice of medicine should not solely rely on drugs without considering other alternatives, or better still, an integrated approach. One example on peptic ulcer disease among hundreds is this article:   

The Management of Chronic Diseases via Different Therapeutic Modalities with Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) as just one example here:

The main reason why public hospitals are always crowded with patients is not because of new patients with different diseases, but there were mainly old patients coming in for their appointments with the same illnesses for follow-up where they would be given the same medication or other add-on medication for them to continue to take.

Of course, there would also be new patients with the same or similar diseases, including new ones to add on to the existing ones. This causes a snow-ball effect with more and more patients, old and new coming to crowd the hospitals increasing the queue and waiting time.  

 I suppose there is nothing the doctor can do because they depend totally and entirely on what the pharmaceutical companies give and dictate to them. It is the pharmaceutical industry that produces all these drugs, not the doctor to delay a cure. It is they who brain-washed the doctors on their ‘drug of choice’ what to use and how to use their products so that their patients would come back again and again for more and more of the same medication plus add-on to other medication for life.  Unfortunately, the root causes at the source were never addressed and taught to the patient. They just want to promote and sell their products continuously. After all, they have spent anything from 3 to 15 years developing their products at a cost of US $ 10 -20 billion, and they are not going to let that go.

Health education, preventive medicine, nutrition, the practice of healthy lifestyles is by far, far better than any “curative” medicine.  This is the true and genuine medicine all doctors should know and need to prescribe first. This is the only way we can ensure the hospitals will not be crowded with patients coming in with chronic illnesses requiring the same treatment with the same or other drugs. It is a matter of educating the patient about the root causes and how the doctor can help the patient to manage the problem together.

Unfortunately, if they were to do that, then where would they get the money from the patients? Then both the pharmaceutical industry would not be able to sell anything to the clinician, and neither would the medical doctor have anything to give to the patient. Then both will be bankrupt. The patient has to continuously come back in the next appointment for the same drugs that do not cure any of their chronic illnesses.  

I think the whole health-care system, from the drug manufacturing industry to the clinicians who gave those drugs is a money-making industry.


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