Monday, April 17, 2023

Could the Emergence of More Aggresive Variants of Covid-19 Virus the Result of Vaccination?

 My niece Lim Ai Lian sent me news about a woman who died of myocarditis that was likely linked to COVID-19 vaccine booster she received 4 days earlier.

She asked me to be careful. But she did not tell me how to take care.

She also sent me this:

I thought I should reply to her by writing an article here on this. This write-up is dedicated to my niece Ai Lian, her family, her friends and colleagues. It is also dedicated to Ng Qui Hin who own a medical pathological lab called "Premier Laboratories" in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur who wrote a comment below this artiticle. 

First of all, I am not surprised at this event.  As far as I am concerned, this phenomenon is expected not just in Singapore or in India, but it is going to spread worldwide in waves as the result of our human interference with the might of natural evolution.

The wages we receive from our interference with the natural course of Evolution with our vaccines causes this Covid -19 virus to mutate in vivo (inside our body) much, much faster and much, much more efficiently than if they were left alone outside their natural environment without a human host or without using any vaccine to defy their existence.  

Soon after mRNA vaccines were used in a population in the United Kingdom against this Covid-19, I read reports there was a rise in one of the fractions of immunoglobulins (IgM). Then 8 days later there was a decline in the IgM, only to be replaced by a rise in IgG instead. IgM and IgG are two different immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced by the body during an infection, whether natural or induced by vaccine.

This second rise of a different immunoglobulin (IgG) after the decline of the first (IgM) was the result of an entirely different challenge. The second antigenic-antibody response from IgM to IgG was possibly triggered by some other antigen of unknown origin, whether bacteria, virus or other pathogens. Single type of infection is antigenic-specific. Single type infection normally elicits specific immunoglobulins (antibodies), hardly mixed antibodies, even more queer was the decline of the first giving rise to the second type, suggestive in the change in the nature of the infection.  In other studies, there was the same pattern, a rise in both IgM and IgG separately after mRNA vaccine was given.  

I thought to myself that immunoglobulins to be switched after a week rarely happen in a specific isolated infection. This also rarely happens after a specific vaccine was given except in mixed infections at the very start where different infective agents presented gave rise to mixed immunoglobulins.

In simple language, the living body is not confused by switching immunological lanes after a specific infection.  But why did two different kinds of immunoglobulins rise up days apart when only the mRNA vaccine was given?  For a different kind of immunoglobulin to rise after the decline of the first one a week later suggests something different must have taken place inside the body only after the vaccine was given.   

I thought to myself all vaccines are highly purified and highly specific with just one specific antigen being used.  In this case, specifically mRNA only was used against Covid-19. All vaccines have a purity of 99.9 % during manufacture. No other extraneous challenges or other attenuated infective agent is added, unless it is a mixed combination vaccine such as DTap (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis), trivalent IPV (three strains of inactivated polio vaccine), MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), DTap-Hib, and Hib-Hep B.

No doubt mRNA is not the virus itself and it is not alive. Neither is the whole Covid virus alive.  Without a human host to infect, neither can the whole virus nor the mRNA duplicate itself.  Still, mRNA is part of an RNA. It is the messenger of RNA consisting of a single-stranded RNA and is involved in protein synthesis.   mRNA is the translated form of DNA / RNA that the cell machinery can use to assemble amino acids into proteins. The mRNA in the vaccine instructs the body cells how to make copies of the spike protein so that the body is able to produce the antibodies instead of exposing the body to the real virus that is laced with spike proteins located on the outside of a coronavirus.  

Once the mRNA from a vaccine enters the body, it then “instructs” the protein synthesis machinery in our cells to generate the same protein as the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein. Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein is foreign to our bodies, our bodies will then make antibodies to inactivate it.  

This prepares the body should there be an infection by the real virus.  The antibodies elicited will then bind and inactivate the virus by binding its spike proteins located on the outer coat of the viral capsule. It is claimed that mRNA degrades in the body naturally after a few days, and the spike protein it creates only stays for a couple weeks. 

Having said that, we can theoretically expect the mRNA to be harmless. But in practice untold cases of mortalities and morbidities have been reported world-wide using these mRNA vaccines. So, we need to ask ourselves how we are going to explain this if we think mRNA vaccines are harmless? I suspect it is more than what was claimed.  

I reasoned to myself that the mRNA which was part of the RNA of the virus as already explained above may have changed inside the human body itself after the vaccination. It may have mimicked the virus as part of it, and hence capable of mutating by snatching part of the nucleotides from the human DNA to become a virus. But we are still not sure of this possibility. The mRNA was introduced into the warm and inviting environment of our human body, where it may be capable of mutating into various variants and sub-variants within an exceptionally short time which would have otherwise taken them at least another 1,500 million years outside a living host.  We know this because of our understanding in evolutionary biology how and when prebiotic chemicals first surfaced on Earth some 4 billion years ago. They possibly were floating in the warm primordial oceans without any other living host present at that time.   The first RNA world as viruses only came into existence 3,800 million years ago. There was no life then to host them in. DNA and protein-based life came into existence only 3,600 million years ago. Today, we know viruses need a living host within which the viruses hijack the host cellular machines for their duplication.

 But there was no life 3,800 million years ago. How did these viruses multiply then? We see a huge diversity of viruses today due to the presence of a large biodiversity of animals that host them in.

 There are many theories on the origin of these viruses, and it is outside the scope of this short article to discuss them. One theory I personally like to hypothesize here is, when the atmosphere and oceans were formed 4,200 million years ago, many organic compounds including nucleotides on which DNA and RNA were synthesized by the bombardment of constant lightning and ultraviolet light on the nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air and over the warm ambient oceans. These conditions may have synthesized untold numbers of isolated and uncombine nucleotides in the warm oceans.

By and by over millions of years through the motions of waves and tides, these isolated nucleotides may have randomly knocked against each other, and they collaged together by intermolecular forces to join as longer chains of nucleotides in random sequence given rise to the prototype viruses without the need of any living host. This is just my personal hypothesis which is quite similar to that of MillerUrey experiment that simulated the conditions thought at the time (1952) to be present in the atmosphere of the early prebiotic Earth.

Of course, this may not be the case with this coronavirus that has its origin from the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which is a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS-associated coronavirus. SARS was first identified at the end of February 2003 during an outbreak that emerged in China and spread to 4 other countries. This covid coronavirus has a link with SARS-CoV-2 virus which is believed to have originated from bats and pangolins and not from the oceans. The same group of this virus must have mutated into other strains with slightly different genomic sequence and behaviour shown by the different clinical representations of SARS and those of Covid-19. They are linked, but different.  

Miller's experiment used water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2), and an electric arc to stimulate lightning, but he did not explain how viruses came into being without a living host. My own hypothesis is just an extension of his thought. The viruses must come first before all life that Miller tried to simulate. Even then there was no life in those organic chemicals generated by Miller. Of course, this may not be the case with Covid-19 virus that is linked to the SARS-CoV2  

The emergence of disease-causing viruses has caused many pandemics in the ancient past, not this Covid-19 alone. In more previous pandemics, there was no vaccine or drug available. They just go away after a period of time unlike this Covid-19 pandemic that has diversified into so many variants and sub-variants probably due to an unconventional vaccine used against them.

When this mRNA vaccine was first used there was a tremendous global uproar against it. There were lots of commotions and objections by eminent scientists and medical experts throughout the world about this unconventional vaccine. All kinds of fears were speculated, one of most feared was that this virus fragment may become part of our human genome.

However, the belief that the mRNA fragment will be incorporated into our human genome may be mistaken, and there would be no way to detach them from our bodies resulting in all kinds of pathologies, myocarditis is just one of them.  It is not just myocarditis of a woman who died of it in Singapore, but an untold number of deaths from myocarditis reported elsewhere too. Neither does death from pericarditis only as many other diseases linked to mRNA vaccines were reported.

 A summary review in the literatures also showed other vaccine-linked disorders, such as stroke, pulmonary embolism, interstitial lung disease, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hepatic injuries like acute cholestatic hepatitis, necrotizing pancreatitis, granulomatous iritis, inflammatory bowel disease, sudden hearing loss, vestibular neuritis, renal arteritis with infarction, glomerulonephritis, haematuria, autoimmune hepatitis, neuropathies, psychotic disorders, pregnancy loss and infertility,  malignancies, among others. They were all linked to the use of Covid vaccines, especially targeting mRNA vaccines. We shall discuss this a bit further in the summary.

But the belief that the mRNA would be incorporated into the human genomic make-up as feared by lots of people including eminent scientists is the reverse of mine. Allow me to explain.

A few months before the Covid pandemic broke out towards the end of 2019 I didn't even know that there was going to be a pandemic looming ahead.  At the time I was having a forum discussion with one of our professors at Cambridge if there was any possibility of a transfer of DNA from bacteria onto an animal genome. I was told the opposite, where he cited several studies showing how bacteria were able to snatch even stray and dead DNA fragments of animals from the environment and incorporate them into their DNA.

What he told me was not the other way round. Bacterial DNA / RNA has never been shown to become part of the human genome in an infection.   The transfer of stray environmental DNA from dead animals into the make-up of the bacterial genome is called "horizontal or lateral transfer”. What this means is, it is similar to allowing a lizard with a missing tail into the house. Soon, the lizard will adapt to grow a new tail to be a new lizard inside the house.

By and bye, the bacteria similar to the new lizard in a new house will adapt to become more resilient to new challenges in its new environment as part of Darwinian evolution to change into a new variant or a new strain with different behaviour and characteristics. We shall discuss this possibility further in the summary.

 However, we have yet to observe if this horizontal transfer is applicable for viruses. We have no experimental or observational evidence so far.  This far, we see this phenomenon only in bacteria.

Perhaps the transfer of part of our human DNA into an incomplete mRNA fragment of Covid virus genome may be possible if we were to explain how new variants, sub variants came into existence after those worldwide mass vaccination against Covid-19 pandemic. Already the currently reported Omicron variant Arcturus, indexed as XBB.1.116 was shown by researchers at the University of Tokyo to be almost 1.2 times more transmissible as the last XBB.1.5 variant. Arcturus first detected in late January 2023 has mutated by combining BA.2.10.1 and BA.2.75 variants that descended from another Omicron variant indexed as BA.2. 

Arturus is named after a huge red giant star of spectra class K1.5 in the constellation Boötes. It is about 7.1 billion years old, and it lies 36.7 light-years from the Sun.

This scenario looks like Omicron is changing its face and evolving fast into more aggressive variants.

What I intend to theorize here is, the mRNA fragment of this Covid-19 vaccine may be the cause of these variants. The mRNA may have snatched part of the human genome after the vaccine was injected into the body so that it can reassemble the missing mRNA parts to make them whole again as a new variant. We have no direct evidence as yet of this possibility, but it is a strong likelihood for any organism, especially if injured, taken out with missing parts so that they can reassemble themselves again when given an opportunity in a new environment. We shall explain this further in the summary below.

We gave them this opportunity by injecting them as vaccines into our body. They quickly adapt and change into something else. They merely obey the laws of Natural Selection as they need to continue to exist and survive as the fittest.

If this hypothesis of mine is correct, we can expect to get totally new variants of pathogenic viruses evolving in a blink of an evolutionary eye instead of taking a few billion years if left unchallenged by any immune bodies in their natural state. We need to reject this so-called “null hypothesis” to establish a statistically link between the vaccine we use, and a rise of new variants, perhaps totally new strains as well through more observational or experimental data.

We may have landed up trapped inside a cul-de-sac by deliberately introducing fragments of this virus "mRNA" as vaccines.  It may have backfired on us.  

When I was told of horizontal transfer by bacteria by one of my professors at Cambridge where I was doing a postdoctoral course on evolution toward the end of 2019 it took me into total surprise. It was new knowledge to me.

Just to give a very brief review of how various variants and sub-variants of SARS-CoV-2 have now evolved after vaccination was used, here is the list:  

1.       Delta (B.1.617.2) first sample taken and detected in India in October 2020

2.       Omicron (B.1.1.529) first detected in South Africa on 9 November 2021

3.       Alpha (B.1.1.7) first detected in the United Kingdom on 20 September 2020

4.       Gamma (B. first detected in Brazil in November 2020

5.       Beta (B.1.351) first detected in South Africa in May 2020

However, the Omicron variant has since mutated into many sub-variants, such as P681H, N440K, N501Y, S477N, and many others, the latest being the Arcturus (XBB 1.16).  Only the Omicron remains in circulation till today.

 The XBB 1.16 (Arturus) sub-variant of Omicron is much similar to the XBB 1.15 Omicron sub variant and has a 1.27- and 1.17-fold higher effective reproductive number (Re) as compared to the XBB.1 and XBB.1.5 subvariants,

This is not going to end here. If you look at my earlier article published in this blog on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, entitled:

The Possibility of 400 Quintillion Strains and Variants of Covid-19 Virus here:

This is outright frightening.

In summary, these are the two possibilities:

1.       1. The mRNA from the Covid-19 vaccine may have captured some of the DNA nucleotides from the human body through lateral transfer to reconstruct itself again better than its original form once inside the human body. This is like the analogy of a common house lizard with a missing tail able to regenerate itself again once introduced into the house. Many scientists and medical experts believe the mRNA from the vaccine would become part of the human genome with disastrous consequences 10 or 30 years down the line. This could also explain why there was a change in the immunological response from IgM to IgG over 8 -10 days in populations who have received the initial dose of the vaccines. This was followed by so many deaths from myocarditis  reported worldwide, as well as other deaths and morbidities from  stroke, pulmonary embolism, interstitial lung disease, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hepatic injuries like acute cholestatic hepatitis, necrotizing pancreatitis, granulomatous iritis, inflammatory bowel disease, sudden hearing loss, vestibular neuritis, renal arteritis with infarction, glomerulonephritis, haematuria, autoimmune hepatitis, neuropathies, psychotic disorders, pregnancy loss and infertility, malignancies, among others as reported.  

2.      2.  This could also explain the reasons why there are now so many variants and subvariants in circulation once they escape from the human body to infect others after the virus mutated inside the human body post-vaccination stage.  

I thank my niece Lim Ai Lian for giving me an insight to write this article.

Lim ju boo






Ng Qui Hin said...

Dear Dr Lim

You certainly did a tremendous amount of research for your lengthy article . excellent job 👍

a normal course of an immune response ….

a. the pathogen in the body
undergoes phagocytosis
by immune cells and stimulate
the B cells to produce the
specific antibodies .
b. IgM ( 7-14 days )
IgG ( 14 days later )
when IgM declines IgG shall
begin to rise .

the Covid virus resides in the monocytes and for every infection it loses 10% . this virus is toxic due to the S1 portion of the spike protein . and it is forever in the bloodstream bcos of the presence of the virus in the cells .

to tackle this issue ….

a. need to eliminate the viral
replication process in the cell .
b. a protein to neutralize the
binding site of the spike protein

more research needed on these more issues.

Dr Barry said...

Great explination from an expert evolutionary biologist from Cambridge.

The Final Fate of Humanity (Part 4)

  By: lim ju boo Summing up my  essays on “The Fate of Humanity”,  I must say, these realities of overpopulation are both profound and sob...