Sunday, April 23, 2023

Are There Life Out There in the Universe?


 If you happen to have a very clear and dark night, you can see the Milky Way Galaxy like a River of Light spreading across the sky from one end of the horizon to the next. Just imagine a tiny dot of faint light out there is a single star similar to our Sun with 500 worlds revolving around it.

When I was a child, I wondered what all those stars were twinkling out there in the night sky. When I grew up, I wondered if those stars seen in the dark alley behind my house have life in their worlds that are much, much more beautiful than ours, where beings live in eternal peace and absolute happiness so unlike our troubled and stressful world we experience here. I began to learn astronomy because of this reason.

But let’s first look at our Solar System.

Our solar system is made up of our Sun and eight major planets, with countless smaller bodies such as dwarf planets, and asteroids.  Some asteroids have more than 300 moons

Various methods have been used to discover other bodies outside the Solar System. These planets outside our own Solar System are called exoplanets or extrasolar planets.  Their presence is detected using various methods, briefly mention below:  

1.       Measuring their radial velocity, or wobble of a stat that measures the line-of-sight velocity, or the rate of change of the distance or range between the two points. Using this method, some 1,036 planets were discovered at this time of writing.

2.       Most exoplanets have been discovered using the transit method when a planet passes between a star and its observer. Transits reveal an exoplanet not because we directly see it from many light-years away, but because the planet passing in front of its star ever so slightly dims its light. This dimming can be seen in light curves – graphs showing light received over a period of time. When the exoplanet passes in front of the star, the light curve will show a dip in brightness. The light curve data helps determine a variety of different exoplanet characteristics. The size of the exoplanet’s orbit can be calculated from how long it takes to orbit once (the period), and the size of the planet itself can be calculated based on how much the star’s brightness lowered.

3.       Direct imaging by taking pictures directly has its limitation in that the planets are so far away that their images are so faint. Only 66 planets have been discovered so far using direct photography.

4.       Gravitational Microlensing is a method used by measuring how light from a distant star bends by the presence of a body in between during its transit to Earth. As a planet revolves around a star, gravitational microlensing causes the brightening and dimming of a star by an object passing between the star and an observer. Since 2004 many extrasolar planets have been found through gravitational microlensing, including several so-called free-floating planets that do not orbit any star. This technique depends on an effect first discussed by physicist Albert Einstein. In his 1916 paper on general relativity, he showed how light that passed a massive object would be deflected by the object’s gravity. In this way, an extrasolar planet can act as a gravitational lens that would focus the light from a more distant star. Some 187 planets have been discovered using microlensing.

5.       Another method is through astrometry. This method detects the motion of a star by making precise measurements of its position on the sky. This technique detects the presence of planets around a star by measuring tiny changes in the star's position as it wobbles around the centre of mass of the planetary system. As far as I know only two exoplanets have been discovered using astrometry.

In the past few decades, the number of planets discovered beyond our Solar System has grown by leaps and bounds. As of October 4th, 2018, a total of 3,869 exoplanets have been confirmed in 2,887 planetary systems, with 638 systems hosting multiple planets. Unfortunately, due to the limitations astronomers have been forced to contend with using indirect methods for a majority of them. .

Within our Milky Way Galaxy itself there is a minimum of 100 million stars according to older estimates, but we now think there could be as much as 400 billion or even 500 billion stars. But I personally estimate that there could be even more than 5,00 billion (500,000,000,000 or 500 thousand million). We are still uncertain and still counting

Let us use 400 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, with each star harbouring 4,000 other worlds of all sizes revolving around each of them as an estimate.  In such an estimate, there would be at least 1.6 x 10 15 (16,00 trillion) other worlds or planets in the Milky Way Galaxy.  

That's not all. Within our Universe 93 billion light years across, there could be as many galaxies as there are stars in our own Galaxy. Let us use even a much lower and a more modest figure of only 250 billion stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy instead of 400 or 500 billion other astronomers estimate.

Using this conservative estimate of 250 billion stars a in a typical galaxy to multiple itself as the number of galaxies in the universe, and multiple this again by 4,000 planets in each star system, our answer is an absolutely astounding 2.5 x 10 26 (250 trillion, trillion) other planets or worlds within an Observable Universe. Some much older estimates put the numbers of stars in the Universe as 10 21 but we think there are far more than that when we have better and better and more powerful space-orbiting telescopes now in place constantly surveying the heavens.

Here are the numbers of stars God Revealed to Abraham:

When the angel of the Lord called upon Abraham, he said:

“That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies” (Genesis 22:17).

Of course, there are only about 5,000 stars visible to the naked eye on a very clear and dark night. This would be the numbers of stars Abraham would have been able to see even in the dry, clear desert skies where he dwelled. There was no way for Abraham to see more than 5,000 without a telescope. He wouldn’t have known there were as many stars in heavens as there were sands on all the seashores in the world during his days. But that was God revealed to Abraham.

On the numbers of sands on Earth, we have calculated that if the Earth's surface is covered with 0.5 m of sand evenly all over, then there are 2.7 x 10 25 grains of sand.

This works out that the heavens (Universe) have 432 times more stars than all the sands covering the entire surface of Earth 0.5 m thick.

Alternatively, see this article here on sands on a seashore:

The numbers of sands in all the seashores and beyond would not even match the numbers of stars in heavens. Abraham would not know this till God revealed this to him.

Do we now in our right sense of thinking believe we are the only world that has life here? If we think earth is the only world that has life on it is the same as claiming that among all those astronomical numbers of sands on the seashore, there is only one special teeny-tiny grain of sand that has microbes on it, the rest are all completely sterile. We can’t be as conceited, arrogant and self-important as that, are we?

I have always thought not just one or two but hundreds of thousands of million other worlds that look exactly and precisely like our own world. In these worlds they have streets, shops, schools, banks, buildings,  trains, cars, rivers, bridges, seas, etc exactly like ours there.

In those worlds there would also be humans and or human-like animals creeping and crawling there.

If we understand statistics on chance and probability, we have to accept this reality if we take random samples in a large population to find similarity in each sample. Why should we be that special? The worlds out there are like sands on the seashore and on all the deserts of the world. We then multiply those numbers many, many times more.

If we have a logical thinking brain, we will understand that there would be countless grains even on a teaspoon of sands that would look exactly the same as each other, let alone untold numbers of sands that look exactly like each other among all those sands on a seashore.

We don’t even need the Frank Drake equation to tell us if there are intelligent and advanced civilizations in the Milky Way. Frank Drake equation is given by:

N = R*fpneflfifcL.


N = the number of civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy with which communication might be possible

R = the average rate of star formation in our Galaxy

fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets

ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets

fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point

fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)

fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space

L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space

Nor do we need to look for planets with Earth-like characteristics, like liquid water where a celestial object can only orbit so close (like Mercury) or so far (like Pluto) from its star before water on its surface boils away or freezes.

This concept is called the 'Goldilocks Zone,' or habitable zone. It is the distance of a world with the right temperatures for water to remain liquid from the star. Discoveries in the Goldilocks Zone, like Earth-size planet Kepler-186f, are what scientists hope will lead us to water and life.

There are two steps in the calculation for the Goldilocks Zone:

Step 1:

Estimate the host star’s absolute luminosity based on the star’s apparent visual magnitude by calculating the absolute visual magnitude of the host star based on the star’s apparent magnitude.

Mv = mv – 5 log (d/10)


Mv = Absolute magnitude of the star

mv = apparent magnitude of the star (visual spectrum)

d = distance from Earth to the star in parsecs

Step 2:  Calculate bolometric magnitude of the host star.

Mbol = Mv + BC


Mbol = bolometric magnitude of the star

Mv = the absolute magnitude of the star

BC = bolometric correction constant

There is also no need for scientists to embark in their Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) to listen to radio signals transmitted by other civilizations in other planets among the stars. Neither do we need China's huge 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST), the world’s largest radio telescope to do the same.  

International efforts have been ongoing since the 1980s to look for advanced civilizations among the stars. In 2015, Stephen Hawking and Israeli billionaire Yuri Milner announced the Breakthrough Listen Project, a $100 million 10-year attempt to detect signals from nearby stars. None has been successful since.

Common sense would instantly tell us untold numbers of civilizations exist out there among the myriads of stars except they do not want to communicate with us. Why should they? What is so great and advanced about us?  Would any life among the sands in a vast seashore wish to communicate with one teeny-tiny isolated far-off grain of sand called “Earth”?

We already instinctively know they are there without us needing to search for them.

Even in other worlds beyond the Goldilocks Zone there may be silicon-based life that may not even need water. There may be worlds with the same appearance as ours with even humans or human-like creatures on them. This may be different from our understanding of the evolution of life on Earth that requires water that has given rise to such enormous biodiversity of life on Earth with untold colours, shapes, sizes and genetic diversity. We may not necessarily expect this the same as in other worlds. Their conditions for their existence may be entirely different from ours.  We may even expect human-like beings with grotesque faces, limbs and bodies out there. Their appearances would be so frightening, weird and surreal, so fearfully and frighteningly different from ours. We can also expect human-like beings to be so beautiful, kind, loving, hospitable, and understanding. They may be towering giants in smaller worlds or tiny and light Lilliputians hardly a few cm tall in giant worlds where gravity is strong. We do not even know if life is carbon and DNA-based as we know it here. All kinds of possibilities far beyond our wildest imagination are possible given the horrendous myriads of other worlds out there that may have created and evolved under entirely different conditions than ours.

We may even find tiny human creatures with wings that fly around like birds, or giant humans with multiple eyes, eight or ten hands, several legs and eery faces in another world or in the same world living together. We might even find an ancient world as it was one million years ago on earth, either similar or dissimilar from ours where all kinds of creatures’ dwell alongside humans or human-like beings with weird and anomalous faces and features. We have no clue.  

Likewise, there may also be worlds that are 100,000 years or more advanced than ours who have conquered all ills and diseases whose state of art in medicine is exactly like how Jesus treated the sick by just one touch of their hands. All kinds of possibilities, combinations and permutations are possible considering the horrendous number of worlds out there among the stars. All these possibilities depend on the conditions and environment out there, and how life was created or evolved, and also how they adapt themselves over several million years, more or less.

Of course, many, many worlds are sterile and devoid of all life like we know them so fare. But what about the vast majority of the rest we have not seen or explored? Here on Earth, we can already see all kinds of creatures of different shapes, colours, sizes, genetic characteristics among others. We already have at least 10 million species of life here thriving in our own small little world, and they are all different in morphology, shapes, sizes, physiology, and their requirements for existence. What about 250 trillion, trillion other planets or worlds under all kinds of weird conditions spread across all heavens 93 billion light-years in diameter? We don’t expect all the worlds out there are similar to ours where life has evolved and have existed exactly the same as ours. Of course, there is a very high chance that many, many worlds are the same as ours where life evolved under the same conditions and patterns as ours, in fact a mirror image to ours. But there is also a chance of the extreme. We have no clue at the moment because we have so far not detected even the simplest life form even in our nearest neighbour, the Moon, or in Mars, let alone in other planets or extrasolar planets we have already discussed. We only need to close our eyes and imagine all possibilities, all kinds of beings, and living creatures presented with all kinds of strange, offbeat shapes and sizes in other worlds entirely different from ours. Their existence may depend on conditions there in their words, how they came into existence, their requirements for continuing existence, how they adapt to challenges in their environments. Anything is possible in other worlds as much as we see and experience here among the wide spectrum of life here on Earth. The evolution of life and their characteristics may be much, much more different from just the single world they exist together just like here on Earth. We can go on and on with all possibilities how they look in different parts of alien worlds scattered over such a horrendously vast reach of heavens. Some ideas here should suffice.

We can also expect spiritual beings like angels flying about. Life out there may not necessarily be carbon-based, nor do they require air or water as there is no sea, rivers or lakes there. They may also be silicon-based life whose chemistry is entirely different from ours. See this article:

Life in some of the myriads of worlds may exist as pure “energy of life” like a soul without the body.

They may also exist as viruses such as:

Is SARS Virus an Alien Visitor from Another World?

Why must life have a physical body like we know here? See

“Does Soul Exist” in Part II under “Does A Human Soul Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?” here:

There is also the presence of principalities and higher powers in other worlds.

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him” (Colossians 1:16).

Their civilizations may be tens of thousands or millions of light years more advanced than ours. Take Jesus who came from another world to ours over 2,000 years ago as an example. His miracles defy all laws in biology, medicine, chemistry and physics that we know of in this world. His practice of healing and medicine by merely touching a person afflicted with all kinds of illnesses, or merely touching the clothes Jesus was wearing and she was instantly cured, showed His healing powers were tens of hundreds of light years ahead of our modern medicine where we depend on all kinds of drugs and surgery.  

 “Now there was a woman who had been suffering from haemorrhages for twelve years; and though she had spent all she had on physicians, no one could cure her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his clothes, and immediately her haemorrhage stopped (Luke 8:43 – 48).

So was his first miracle in chemistry when He converted water into wine:  

Scientific Logic: Jesus First Miracle: A Hind Thought on Life

In physics and in meteorology when He walked on water and rebuked the storm (Matthew 14:22-33).

His miracle on biology when He raised up the dead.  Here is just one example of Lazarus being brought back to life by Jesus as described in John 11:1–45.

He also clearly revealed He came from another world. But He was born in human form.

“My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36).

Just think about all these possibilities given that the age of an Observable Universe is 13.8 thousand million years old, and the Earth is 4.543 billion years old.  But the Universe is expanding ever since its birth and is now stretching with a radius of about 46.5 billion light-years and with a diameter of about 28.5 gigaparsecs or 93 billion light-years (8.8×1026 metres) across.  


Monday, April 17, 2023

Could the Emergence of More Aggresive Variants of Covid-19 Virus the Result of Vaccination?

 My niece Lim Ai Lian sent me news about a woman who died of myocarditis that was likely linked to COVID-19 vaccine booster she received 4 days earlier.

She asked me to be careful. But she did not tell me how to take care.

She also sent me this:

I thought I should reply to her by writing an article here on this. This write-up is dedicated to my niece Ai Lian, her family, her friends and colleagues. It is also dedicated to Ng Qui Hin who own a medical pathological lab called "Premier Laboratories" in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur who wrote a comment below this artiticle. 

First of all, I am not surprised at this event.  As far as I am concerned, this phenomenon is expected not just in Singapore or in India, but it is going to spread worldwide in waves as the result of our human interference with the might of natural evolution.

The wages we receive from our interference with the natural course of Evolution with our vaccines causes this Covid -19 virus to mutate in vivo (inside our body) much, much faster and much, much more efficiently than if they were left alone outside their natural environment without a human host or without using any vaccine to defy their existence.  

Soon after mRNA vaccines were used in a population in the United Kingdom against this Covid-19, I read reports there was a rise in one of the fractions of immunoglobulins (IgM). Then 8 days later there was a decline in the IgM, only to be replaced by a rise in IgG instead. IgM and IgG are two different immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced by the body during an infection, whether natural or induced by vaccine.

This second rise of a different immunoglobulin (IgG) after the decline of the first (IgM) was the result of an entirely different challenge. The second antigenic-antibody response from IgM to IgG was possibly triggered by some other antigen of unknown origin, whether bacteria, virus or other pathogens. Single type of infection is antigenic-specific. Single type infection normally elicits specific immunoglobulins (antibodies), hardly mixed antibodies, even more queer was the decline of the first giving rise to the second type, suggestive in the change in the nature of the infection.  In other studies, there was the same pattern, a rise in both IgM and IgG separately after mRNA vaccine was given.  

I thought to myself that immunoglobulins to be switched after a week rarely happen in a specific isolated infection. This also rarely happens after a specific vaccine was given except in mixed infections at the very start where different infective agents presented gave rise to mixed immunoglobulins.

In simple language, the living body is not confused by switching immunological lanes after a specific infection.  But why did two different kinds of immunoglobulins rise up days apart when only the mRNA vaccine was given?  For a different kind of immunoglobulin to rise after the decline of the first one a week later suggests something different must have taken place inside the body only after the vaccine was given.   

I thought to myself all vaccines are highly purified and highly specific with just one specific antigen being used.  In this case, specifically mRNA only was used against Covid-19. All vaccines have a purity of 99.9 % during manufacture. No other extraneous challenges or other attenuated infective agent is added, unless it is a mixed combination vaccine such as DTap (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis), trivalent IPV (three strains of inactivated polio vaccine), MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), DTap-Hib, and Hib-Hep B.

No doubt mRNA is not the virus itself and it is not alive. Neither is the whole Covid virus alive.  Without a human host to infect, neither can the whole virus nor the mRNA duplicate itself.  Still, mRNA is part of an RNA. It is the messenger of RNA consisting of a single-stranded RNA and is involved in protein synthesis.   mRNA is the translated form of DNA / RNA that the cell machinery can use to assemble amino acids into proteins. The mRNA in the vaccine instructs the body cells how to make copies of the spike protein so that the body is able to produce the antibodies instead of exposing the body to the real virus that is laced with spike proteins located on the outside of a coronavirus.  

Once the mRNA from a vaccine enters the body, it then “instructs” the protein synthesis machinery in our cells to generate the same protein as the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein. Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein is foreign to our bodies, our bodies will then make antibodies to inactivate it.  

This prepares the body should there be an infection by the real virus.  The antibodies elicited will then bind and inactivate the virus by binding its spike proteins located on the outer coat of the viral capsule. It is claimed that mRNA degrades in the body naturally after a few days, and the spike protein it creates only stays for a couple weeks. 

Having said that, we can theoretically expect the mRNA to be harmless. But in practice untold cases of mortalities and morbidities have been reported world-wide using these mRNA vaccines. So, we need to ask ourselves how we are going to explain this if we think mRNA vaccines are harmless? I suspect it is more than what was claimed.  

I reasoned to myself that the mRNA which was part of the RNA of the virus as already explained above may have changed inside the human body itself after the vaccination. It may have mimicked the virus as part of it, and hence capable of mutating by snatching part of the nucleotides from the human DNA to become a virus. But we are still not sure of this possibility. The mRNA was introduced into the warm and inviting environment of our human body, where it may be capable of mutating into various variants and sub-variants within an exceptionally short time which would have otherwise taken them at least another 1,500 million years outside a living host.  We know this because of our understanding in evolutionary biology how and when prebiotic chemicals first surfaced on Earth some 4 billion years ago. They possibly were floating in the warm primordial oceans without any other living host present at that time.   The first RNA world as viruses only came into existence 3,800 million years ago. There was no life then to host them in. DNA and protein-based life came into existence only 3,600 million years ago. Today, we know viruses need a living host within which the viruses hijack the host cellular machines for their duplication.

 But there was no life 3,800 million years ago. How did these viruses multiply then? We see a huge diversity of viruses today due to the presence of a large biodiversity of animals that host them in.

 There are many theories on the origin of these viruses, and it is outside the scope of this short article to discuss them. One theory I personally like to hypothesize here is, when the atmosphere and oceans were formed 4,200 million years ago, many organic compounds including nucleotides on which DNA and RNA were synthesized by the bombardment of constant lightning and ultraviolet light on the nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air and over the warm ambient oceans. These conditions may have synthesized untold numbers of isolated and uncombine nucleotides in the warm oceans.

By and by over millions of years through the motions of waves and tides, these isolated nucleotides may have randomly knocked against each other, and they collaged together by intermolecular forces to join as longer chains of nucleotides in random sequence given rise to the prototype viruses without the need of any living host. This is just my personal hypothesis which is quite similar to that of MillerUrey experiment that simulated the conditions thought at the time (1952) to be present in the atmosphere of the early prebiotic Earth.

Of course, this may not be the case with this coronavirus that has its origin from the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) which is a viral respiratory disease caused by a SARS-associated coronavirus. SARS was first identified at the end of February 2003 during an outbreak that emerged in China and spread to 4 other countries. This covid coronavirus has a link with SARS-CoV-2 virus which is believed to have originated from bats and pangolins and not from the oceans. The same group of this virus must have mutated into other strains with slightly different genomic sequence and behaviour shown by the different clinical representations of SARS and those of Covid-19. They are linked, but different.  

Miller's experiment used water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2), and an electric arc to stimulate lightning, but he did not explain how viruses came into being without a living host. My own hypothesis is just an extension of his thought. The viruses must come first before all life that Miller tried to simulate. Even then there was no life in those organic chemicals generated by Miller. Of course, this may not be the case with Covid-19 virus that is linked to the SARS-CoV2  

The emergence of disease-causing viruses has caused many pandemics in the ancient past, not this Covid-19 alone. In more previous pandemics, there was no vaccine or drug available. They just go away after a period of time unlike this Covid-19 pandemic that has diversified into so many variants and sub-variants probably due to an unconventional vaccine used against them.

When this mRNA vaccine was first used there was a tremendous global uproar against it. There were lots of commotions and objections by eminent scientists and medical experts throughout the world about this unconventional vaccine. All kinds of fears were speculated, one of most feared was that this virus fragment may become part of our human genome.

However, the belief that the mRNA fragment will be incorporated into our human genome may be mistaken, and there would be no way to detach them from our bodies resulting in all kinds of pathologies, myocarditis is just one of them.  It is not just myocarditis of a woman who died of it in Singapore, but an untold number of deaths from myocarditis reported elsewhere too. Neither does death from pericarditis only as many other diseases linked to mRNA vaccines were reported.

 A summary review in the literatures also showed other vaccine-linked disorders, such as stroke, pulmonary embolism, interstitial lung disease, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hepatic injuries like acute cholestatic hepatitis, necrotizing pancreatitis, granulomatous iritis, inflammatory bowel disease, sudden hearing loss, vestibular neuritis, renal arteritis with infarction, glomerulonephritis, haematuria, autoimmune hepatitis, neuropathies, psychotic disorders, pregnancy loss and infertility,  malignancies, among others. They were all linked to the use of Covid vaccines, especially targeting mRNA vaccines. We shall discuss this a bit further in the summary.

But the belief that the mRNA would be incorporated into the human genomic make-up as feared by lots of people including eminent scientists is the reverse of mine. Allow me to explain.

A few months before the Covid pandemic broke out towards the end of 2019 I didn't even know that there was going to be a pandemic looming ahead.  At the time I was having a forum discussion with one of our professors at Cambridge if there was any possibility of a transfer of DNA from bacteria onto an animal genome. I was told the opposite, where he cited several studies showing how bacteria were able to snatch even stray and dead DNA fragments of animals from the environment and incorporate them into their DNA.

What he told me was not the other way round. Bacterial DNA / RNA has never been shown to become part of the human genome in an infection.   The transfer of stray environmental DNA from dead animals into the make-up of the bacterial genome is called "horizontal or lateral transfer”. What this means is, it is similar to allowing a lizard with a missing tail into the house. Soon, the lizard will adapt to grow a new tail to be a new lizard inside the house.

By and bye, the bacteria similar to the new lizard in a new house will adapt to become more resilient to new challenges in its new environment as part of Darwinian evolution to change into a new variant or a new strain with different behaviour and characteristics. We shall discuss this possibility further in the summary.

 However, we have yet to observe if this horizontal transfer is applicable for viruses. We have no experimental or observational evidence so far.  This far, we see this phenomenon only in bacteria.

Perhaps the transfer of part of our human DNA into an incomplete mRNA fragment of Covid virus genome may be possible if we were to explain how new variants, sub variants came into existence after those worldwide mass vaccination against Covid-19 pandemic. Already the currently reported Omicron variant Arcturus, indexed as XBB.1.116 was shown by researchers at the University of Tokyo to be almost 1.2 times more transmissible as the last XBB.1.5 variant. Arcturus first detected in late January 2023 has mutated by combining BA.2.10.1 and BA.2.75 variants that descended from another Omicron variant indexed as BA.2. 

Arturus is named after a huge red giant star of spectra class K1.5 in the constellation Boötes. It is about 7.1 billion years old, and it lies 36.7 light-years from the Sun.

This scenario looks like Omicron is changing its face and evolving fast into more aggressive variants.

What I intend to theorize here is, the mRNA fragment of this Covid-19 vaccine may be the cause of these variants. The mRNA may have snatched part of the human genome after the vaccine was injected into the body so that it can reassemble the missing mRNA parts to make them whole again as a new variant. We have no direct evidence as yet of this possibility, but it is a strong likelihood for any organism, especially if injured, taken out with missing parts so that they can reassemble themselves again when given an opportunity in a new environment. We shall explain this further in the summary below.

We gave them this opportunity by injecting them as vaccines into our body. They quickly adapt and change into something else. They merely obey the laws of Natural Selection as they need to continue to exist and survive as the fittest.

If this hypothesis of mine is correct, we can expect to get totally new variants of pathogenic viruses evolving in a blink of an evolutionary eye instead of taking a few billion years if left unchallenged by any immune bodies in their natural state. We need to reject this so-called “null hypothesis” to establish a statistically link between the vaccine we use, and a rise of new variants, perhaps totally new strains as well through more observational or experimental data.

We may have landed up trapped inside a cul-de-sac by deliberately introducing fragments of this virus "mRNA" as vaccines.  It may have backfired on us.  

When I was told of horizontal transfer by bacteria by one of my professors at Cambridge where I was doing a postdoctoral course on evolution toward the end of 2019 it took me into total surprise. It was new knowledge to me.

Just to give a very brief review of how various variants and sub-variants of SARS-CoV-2 have now evolved after vaccination was used, here is the list:  

1.       Delta (B.1.617.2) first sample taken and detected in India in October 2020

2.       Omicron (B.1.1.529) first detected in South Africa on 9 November 2021

3.       Alpha (B.1.1.7) first detected in the United Kingdom on 20 September 2020

4.       Gamma (B. first detected in Brazil in November 2020

5.       Beta (B.1.351) first detected in South Africa in May 2020

However, the Omicron variant has since mutated into many sub-variants, such as P681H, N440K, N501Y, S477N, and many others, the latest being the Arcturus (XBB 1.16).  Only the Omicron remains in circulation till today.

 The XBB 1.16 (Arturus) sub-variant of Omicron is much similar to the XBB 1.15 Omicron sub variant and has a 1.27- and 1.17-fold higher effective reproductive number (Re) as compared to the XBB.1 and XBB.1.5 subvariants,

This is not going to end here. If you look at my earlier article published in this blog on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, entitled:

The Possibility of 400 Quintillion Strains and Variants of Covid-19 Virus here:

This is outright frightening.

In summary, these are the two possibilities:

1.       1. The mRNA from the Covid-19 vaccine may have captured some of the DNA nucleotides from the human body through lateral transfer to reconstruct itself again better than its original form once inside the human body. This is like the analogy of a common house lizard with a missing tail able to regenerate itself again once introduced into the house. Many scientists and medical experts believe the mRNA from the vaccine would become part of the human genome with disastrous consequences 10 or 30 years down the line. This could also explain why there was a change in the immunological response from IgM to IgG over 8 -10 days in populations who have received the initial dose of the vaccines. This was followed by so many deaths from myocarditis  reported worldwide, as well as other deaths and morbidities from  stroke, pulmonary embolism, interstitial lung disease, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hepatic injuries like acute cholestatic hepatitis, necrotizing pancreatitis, granulomatous iritis, inflammatory bowel disease, sudden hearing loss, vestibular neuritis, renal arteritis with infarction, glomerulonephritis, haematuria, autoimmune hepatitis, neuropathies, psychotic disorders, pregnancy loss and infertility, malignancies, among others as reported.  

2.      2.  This could also explain the reasons why there are now so many variants and subvariants in circulation once they escape from the human body to infect others after the virus mutated inside the human body post-vaccination stage.  

I thank my niece Lim Ai Lian for giving me an insight to write this article.

Lim ju boo





Sunday, April 16, 2023

Are the Rise of Variants and Sub-Variants of Covid-19 Virus Linked to Vaccines?


My niece Lim Ai Lian sent me news about a woman who died of myocarditis that was likely linked to COVID-19 vaccine booster she received 4 days earlier.

She asked me to be careful. But she did not tell me how to take care.

She also sent me this:


I thought I should reply to her by writing an article here on this.

First of all, I am not surprised at this event.  As far as I am concerned, this phenomenon is expected not just in Singapore or in India, but it is going to spread worldwide in waves as the result of our human interference with the might of natural evolution.

The wages we receive from our interference with the natural course of Evolution with our vaccines causes this Covid -19 virus to mutate in vivo (inside our body) much, much faster and much, much more efficiently than if they were left alone outside their natural environment without a human host or without using any vaccine to defy their existence.  

Soon after mRNA vaccines were used in a population in the United Kingdom against this Covid-19, I read reports there was a rise in one of the fractions of immunoglobulins (IgM). Then 8 days later there was a decline in the IgM, only to be replaced by a rise in IgG instead. IgM and IgG are two different immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced by the body during an infection, whether natural or induced by vaccine.

This second rise of a different immunoglobulin (IgG) after the decline of the first (IgM) was the result of an entirely different challenge. The second antigenic-antibody response from IgM to IgG was possibly triggered by some other antigen of unknown origin, whether bacteria, virus or other pathogens. Single type of infection is antigenic-specific. Single type infection normally elicits specific immunoglobulins (antibodies), hardly mixed antibodies, even more queered was the decline of the first giving rise to the second type, suggestive in the change in the nature of the infection.  In other studies, there was the same pattern, a rise in both IgM and IgG separately after mRNA vaccine was given.  

I thought to myself this probably has never happened before, not that I know of, where the body switches immunological response after a few days after an infection and after a specific vaccine was given except in mixed infections at the very start where different infective agents presented gave rise to mixed immunoglobulins.

In simple language, the living body is not confused by switching immunological lanes after a specific infection.  But why did two different kinds of immunoglobulins rise up days apart when only the mRNA vaccine was given?  For a different kind of immunoglobulin to rise after the decline of the first one a week later suggests something different must have taken place inside the body only after the vaccine was given.   

I thought to myself all vaccines are highly purified and highly specific with just one specific antigen being used.  In this case, specifically mRNA only was used against Covid-19. All vaccines have a purity of 99.9 % during manufacture. No other extraneous challenges or other attenuated infective agent is added, unless it is a mixed combination vaccine such as DTap (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis), trivalent IPV (three strains of inactivated polio vaccine), MMR (measles-mumps-rubella), DTap-Hib, and Hib-Hep B.

I reasoned to myself the virus may have mutated inside the human body itself after the vaccination. It was introduced into the warm and inviting environment of our human body, where it was capable of mutating into various variants and sub-variants within an exceptionally short time which would have otherwise taken them at least another 1,500 million years outside a living host.  We know this when prebiotic chemicals first surfaced on Earth some 4 billion years ago. They possibly were floating in the warm primordial oceans without any other living host present at that time.   The first RNA world as viruses only came into existence 3,800 million years ago. There was no life then to host them in. DNA and protein-based life came into existence only 3,600 million years ago. Today, we know viruses need a living host within which the viruses hijack the host cellular machines for their duplication.

 But there was no life 3,800 million years ago. How did these viruses multiply then? We see a huge diversity of viruses today due to the presence of a large biodiversity of animals that host them in.

 There are many theories on the origin of these viruses, and it is outside the scope of this short article to discuss them. One theory I personally like to hypothesize here is, when the atmosphere and oceans were formed 4,200 million years ago, many organic compounds including nucleotides on which DNA and RNA were synthesized by the bombardment of constant lightning and ultraviolet light on the nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air and over the warm ambient oceans. These conditions may have synthesized untold numbers of isolated and uncombine nucleotides in the warm oceans.

By and by over millions of years through the motions of waves and tides, these isolated nucleotides may have randomly knocked against each other, and they collaged together by intermolecular forces to join as longer chains of nucleotides in random sequence given rise to the prototype viruses without the need of any living host. This is just my personal hypothesis which is quite similar to that of MillerUrey experiment that simulated the conditions thought at the time (1952) to be present in the atmosphere of the early prebiotic Earth.

Miller's experiment used water (H2O), methane (CH4), ammonia (NH3), hydrogen (H2), and an electric arc to stimulate lightning, but he did not explain how viruses came into being without a living host. My own hypothesis is just an extension of his thought. The viruses must come first before all life that Miller tried to simulate. Even then there was no life in those organic chemicals generated by Miller.  

The emergence of disease-causing viruses has caused many pandemics in the ancient past, not this Covid-19 alone. In more previous pandemics, there was no vaccine or drug available. They just go away after a period of time unlike this Covid-19 pandemic that has diversified into so many variants and sub-variants probably due to an unconventional vaccine used against them.

When this mRNA vaccine was first used there was a tremendous global uproar against it. There were lots of commotions and objections by eminent scientists and medical experts throughout the world about this unconventional vaccine. All kinds of fears were speculated, one of most feared was that this virus fragment may become part of our human genome.

However, the belief that the mRNA fragment will be incorporated into our human genome may be mistaken, and there would be no way to detach them from our bodies resulting in all kinds of pathologies, myocarditis is just one of them.  It is not just myocarditis of a woman who died of it in Singapore, but an untold number of deaths from myocarditis reported elsewhere too. Neither does death from pericarditis only as many other diseases linked to mRNA vaccines were reported.

 A summary review in the literatures also showed other vaccine-linked disorders, such as stroke, pulmonary embolism, interstitial lung disease, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, hepatic injuries like acute cholestatic hepatitis, necrotizing pancreatitis, granulomatous iritis, inflammatory bowel disease, sudden hearing loss, vestibular neuritis, renal arteritis with infarction, glomerulonephritis, haematuria, autoimmune hepatitis, neuropathies, psychotic disorders, pregnancy loss and infertility,  malignancies, among others. They were all linked to the use of Covid vaccines, especially targeting mRNA vaccines.

But the belief that the mRNA would be incorporated into the human genomic make-up as feared by lots of people including eminent scientists is the reverse of mine. Allow me to explain.

A few months before the Covid pandemic broke out towards the end of 2019 when I didn't even know of an imminent outbreak, I had a forum discussion with one of our professors at Cambridge if there was any possibility of a transfer of DNA from bacteria onto an animal genome. I was told the opposite, where he cited several studies showing how bacteria were able to snatch even stray and dead DNA fragments of animals from the environment and incorporate them into their DNA.

What he told me was not the other way round. Bacterial DNA / RNA has never been shown to become part of the human genome in an infection.   The transfer of stray environmental DNA from dead animals into the make-up of the bacterial genome is called "horizontal or lateral transfer”.

The bacteria do this to be more resilient to challenges in the environment as part of Darwinian evolution.   But we have yet to observe if this horizontal transfer is applicable for viruses. We have no experimental or observational evidence so far.  This far, we see this phenomenon only in bacteria.

Perhaps the transfer of part of our human DNA into an incomplete mRNA fragment of Covid virus genome may be possible if we were to explain how new variants, sub variants came into existence after those worldwide mass vaccination against Covid-19 pandemic.

What I intend to theorize here is, the mRNA fragment of this Covid-19 variant may have snatched part of the human genome after the vaccine was injected into the body so that it can reassemble the mRNA missing parts to make them whole again as a new variant. We have no direct evidence as yet, but this is a strong possibility for any organism, especially if injured, taken out with parts missing so that they can reassemble themselves again in new challenges or into a new environment.

This becomes a possibility when we present them as a vaccine and introduce them into our body to face our immunological system. They adapt and change into something else. They merely obey the laws of Natural Selection as they need to continue to exist as survival of the fittest. When they change into new variants by changing their RNA sequence or even an an entirely new strain by changing both their RNA and behavior then all the vaccines already injected into our bodies will no longer be protective, because each type of vaccine is antigenic-antibody specific. In such a scenario we need to keep giving ourselves new vaccines. What if this virus that is capable of mutating into 400 quintillion sub-vaiants, are will expected to be given 400 quintillion, that is 4 followed by 20 zeros different types of vaccine to combat this virus. I have already explained this in the link below this article.  

If this hypothesis of mine how rapidly this coronavirus can mutate and evolve is correct, we can expect to get totally new variants of pathogenic viruses evolving in a blink of an evolutionary eye instead of taking a few billion years if left unchallenged by any immune bodies in their natural state. We need to reject this so-called “null hypothesis” to establish a statistically link between the vaccine we use, and a rise of new variants, perhaps totally new strains as well through more observational or experimental data.

We may have landed up into a losing cul-de-sac by deliberately introducing fragments of this virus "mRNA" as vaccines into the body to challenge this virus.  It may have backfired on us.  

When I was told of horizontal transfer by bacteria by one of my professors at Cambridge where I was doing a postdoctoral course on evolution toward the end of 2019 it took me into total surprise. It was new knowledge to me.

Just to give a very brief review of how various variants and sub-variants of SARS-CoV-2 have now evolved after vaccination was used, here is the list:  

1.       Delta (B.1.617.2) first sample taken and detected in India in October 2020

2.       Omicron (B.1.1.529) first detected in South Africa on 9 November 2021

3.       Alpha (B.1.1.7) first detected in the United Kingdom on 20 September 2020

4.       Gamma (B. first detected in Brazil in November 2020

5.       Beta (B.1.351) first detected in South Africa in May 2020

However, the Omicron variant has since mutated into many sub-variants, such as P681H, N440K, N501Y, S477N, and many others, the latest being the XBB 1.16 (Arcturus), named after a red giant star and Only the Omicron sub variants remain in circulation till today.

 The XBB 1.16 (Arturus) sub-variant of Omicron is much similar to the XBB 1.15 Omicron sub variant and has a 1.27- and 1.17-fold higher effective reproductive number (Re) as compared to the XBB.1 and XBB.1.5 subvariants,

This is not going to end here. If you look at my earlier article published in this blog on Tuesday, February 16, 2021, entitled:

The Possibility of 400 Quintillion Strains and Variants of Covid-19 Virus here:

This is outright frightening.

I thank my niece Lim Ai Lian for giving me an insight to write this article.

Lim ju boo






Thursday, April 13, 2023

Drugs Do Not Cure Diseases


Thank you, Violet, for this video. I have comment what this medical doctor, as well as many other doctors have also said previously here:


Thank you, Ms Violet Ho, for this video:

That was why I recently (Wednesday, April 5, 2023) wrote an article pertaining to my cervicalgia (neck pain) and my personal experience as a clinician here:

I wrote the above article to explain that Big Pharma is not interested in producing anything that gives a patient a permanent cure. They just want to make money by making sure the patient will have to   come back again and again for their same 'drug of choice' every other few month in his next doctor’s appointment.

Imagine it takes between 3–20 years at a cost of between several billion to tens of billions of US dollars to develop a single drug. Does any sensible right-thinking person believe after investing so much money just to get one drug out into the market, would any drug company want the patient to be permanently cured by using just one dose or by one application of their drug.  Of course not. If they do, the drug company, having invested so much money and time researching and developing it for a huge market, would go bankrupt overnight. They naturally want the patient to come back for more of the same drug during a series of non-stop doctor’s appointments so the drug can be prescribed over and over again.

That was why I wrote the above article in my blog to explain that Big Pharma is not interested in producing anything that gives a patient a permanent cure except to make huge profits.  

Here a story about The Town of Allopath that clearly explains this and everything:

In the first place all diseases have a root or multiple root causes. Diseases do not mysteriously appear by themselves without cause. There must be some causative agent triggering it. Unfortunately, when a patient goes to a doctor, especially for chronic conditions, their root causes are never looked into, and treated by the doctor.  Not all, but most doctors are only interested in prescribing some drugs produced by the big pharmaceutical industry to block the disease.

The chemical pathology of any disease or even in health is like a flowing river.  The body’s natural biochemistry in health or its pathological chemistry in disease is like the water from a flowing river. They come from a living body whether in health or in disease.  In health, clean water runs, and in diseased state, polluted water flows.

If we understand pharmacology, we will understand how drugs work (pharmacodynamics), how they are absorbed, distributed, retained, and excreted by the body – how the body responds to the drug (pharmacokinetics). The mode of action of most drugs is to disrupt the flow of polluted water (pathways of abnormal biochemistry / pathological chemistry) in the body.  This is easily done by using different types of blocking and inhibiting agents.

The objective of blockers and inhibitors is to inhibit the abnormal chemistry to prevent it from flowing. But the body even in disease is still a living body that will continue to flow its chemistry of life. As a result, the ‘polluted water’ is blocked and dammed up. When the built-up is full, it bursts its banks and gets diverted to somewhere else to create other problems to other organs and systems in the body. When other organs are affected, they pop up as another linked disorder. That is why diseases, especially lifestyle diseases are all linked. They just bounce up somewhere else if we block their pathological chemistry from taking their natural course.  

In health, a river flows clean and unpolluted water from its source. Then someone upstream throws rubbish such as excessive foods and food waste into the river due to his excessive eating as part of their lifestyles.  These are actually the root causes of all their chronic ills – throwing rubbish into their body through harmful dietary habits, smoking, sedentary life, environmental exposures and insults including the use of harmful chemicals, poor hygiene that encourages infections, etc, etc.

 The body water gets polluted (diseased) and flows downstream to the villages (systems of the body) far away. The villages are made of clusters of houses, each house representing an organ in the body. Each house (organ) has villagers living in it, the residents representing the cells in each organ.

When the polluted (diseased) water flows downstream, the entire village, houses and people living there get affected. The whole village gets sick. Then they go to see the allopathic drug-based doctor hoping to solve their problems.

The doctor comes with his Big Pharma drugs and products. He merely blocks the polluted water from flowing downstream to the villages using blockers and inhibitors.  The water gets dammed up at that point. It builds up and bursts its banks again and flows into another direction to pollute another village (another system / organ / cells). The whole body gets poisoned, both by the drug plus the polluted water that was never cleaned up through a change of dietary or other lifestyle modification.

But the doctor was merely blocking the polluted water from flowing, He was not cleaning up the rubbish from the source. That is far too far away for him. Neither is he interested. The easiest path for both the doctor and the patient to take is the path of the least resistance, that is, just blocking the diseased (polluted) water from reaching the houses and villages (Technically means: inhibiting the chemical pathology of the disease using specific or selective blockers)

But the water is still flowing continuously non-stop because the body is a living body flowing the chemistry of life (biochemistry) whether in health or in disease. We can block the flow of polluted water for one day or a little longer as long as we block it every day by taking the blocking agents (drugs), but not permanently. If we do not take the medicine regularly, the diseased water will continue to flow the next day because it is a living chemistry of life that continuously flows. If it stops flowing death ensues. But if we block it every day the water will dam up, break its bank and flow somewhere else, perhaps to other villages further down or elsewhere. But this is exactly what clinicians do using all those blockers and inhibitors produced by the Big Pharma boys.

But doctors do not produce these drugs. They are developed by scientists and researchers who are pharmaceutical and analytical chemists, pharmacologists, microbiologists, cellular biologists, toxicologists, physiologists and such specialists working in the pharmaceutical industry. After exhaustive studies and clinical trials by these teams of expertise over 10 -15 years, these drugs were then given to the doctors and pharmacists to use on their patients with strict instruction on how to use them.

They provide the clinicians and pharmacists information about their chemical formula, chemical structures, pharmacology (dynamics and kinetics), indications, dosage, toxicities, adverse reactions and contraindications, studies done, whether or not they can be used in pregnancy, breastfeeding, whether or not they can be used concomitantly with other drugs…etc, etc. These are clearly printed in the drug literature to explain and to educate the doctor and pharmacist how to use them before they prescribe and dispense them to the patient.

Unfortunately, when the problem was not solved, the drug given was titrated to a higher dose, or other blockers and inhibitors substituted or even added on to the previous ones. This makes the problem worse till the amount of medication the patient takes replaces his food. With each doctor’s appointment the patient begins with just a small purse to take home till.

Then the amount of medication given may or may not accumulate with each doctor’s appointment. Hopefully they stabilize. If more medications were given, the patient starts to bring in bigger and bigger bags to contain all those Big Pharma products the doctor prescribes for him / her till the patient starts to bring in grocery bags.

 Thus Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine advice “Let food be thy medicine” is replaced by Big Pharma slogan “Let medicine be thy food”.

I don’t think this is the correct way medicine should be practised. Unfortunately, this is the way it is currently being practised by allopathic doctors using harsh drugs, blockers, and inhibitors produced by Big Pharma and pharmaceutical industry. This practice is certainly not for lifestyle diseases. The root causes upstream of the river are never addressed and treated. Rubbish by polluters is still being thrown upstream at the source to flow downstream where the villages are. The polluters of the body are the patients themselves. We become sick not because we lack all those drugs given to us by doctors, but because of various causative agents, both from the environment externally, and endogenously with the body. They are the stressors that injure and insult the body. The body can respond and adapt beautifully and adequately short term, but not for prolonged extended periods when it will go into exhaustion. We call this General Adaptation Syndrome General (GAS) consisting of three stages: (1) alarm, (2) resistance, and (3) exhaustion. Alarm, fight or flight, is the immediate response of the body to stress. GAS is named after the Canadian physician and endocrinologist Hans Selye (1907–1982). Disease is not due to lack of all those drugs doctors prescribe.

There are now increasing numbers of doctors who too are happy about using drugs to treat every illness. When I was working at the Institute for Medical Research in the late 1960’s till 1994, a lot of my doctors’ colleagues told me that if they were sick, they would not use drugs to treat themselves, but they would look for some other non-pharmacological alternatives. But they will prescribe those synthetic chemical drugs for their patients, but not for themselves. We would normally talk about all these things in the department where we would be working as casual chit chats.

There were other medical specialists and clinicians too whom I know who told me the same. One very eminent university Professor of Medicine who was a very old friend of mine whom we have known since our college days told me he was very disappointed with his own medicine that did not cure him of his chronic illness and pain. He told me he went to get treatment from Traditional Chinese Medicine instead, which gave him so much relief and was so cheap compared to pharmaceutical-based medicine he was practicing.

I suppose each system has its strengths and weaknesses. Conventional drug-based medicine is excellent for the management of critical life-threatening events where fast acting and powerful drugs come in. It is also excellent in surgery where no other medicine can replace. Surgery can remove an obstruction within hours. No other system of medicine can do that or replace that. But unfortunately, allopathic medicine performs badly managing chronic illnesses. That’s where other alternative, integrative, complementary, traditional or native medicine come in. They perform much better by re-establishing the physiological and biochemical homeostasis within the body such as Yin and Yang theory and practices in Traditional Chinese Medicine instead of blocking the pathophysiology with harsh drugs.   

There is a book called “Drugs Do Not Cure Disease” written by Dr Yukie Niwa MD, PhD (Medicine) who is the Director of the Niwa Institute for Immunology in Tokyo, Japan. The book was published by Personal Care Co Ltd in 1999. Dr Niwa has published more than 70 papers in medical journals such as “Blood” and he is also on the adjudication panel of papers submitted to the international specialist journals such as “Biochemical Pharmacology”.  He is a strong advocate of using natural medicines. He gave a long list of dangerous new drugs and the reasons why they are dangerous used for medical treatment.

Of course, it is not true that drug-based medicines are bad and not advisable. We are talking here about using drugs to treat long-term chronic illnesses. Many drugs are lifesaving especially in a medical emergency, and I have highlighted this separately here:

Life-Saving Drugs in Medical Emergency:

Drug companies can ill-afford to compromise with the lives of patients who are critically ill. They just can’t come out with something that merely acts very slowly. They need to come out with many fast-acting drugs to stabilize haemodynamic or other critical physiological dynamics of the patient. So are many life-threatening infectious diseases including septicaemia that require to be promptly and aggressively treated with the appropriate antibiotics if not broad-spectrum antibiotics. But these are comparatively rarer than most chronic disorders like diabetes, cardiovascular, metabolic syndromes, cancers, asthma, to name a few.

But for all other non-acute, non-traumatic medical events ranging from cardiovascular, smoking, asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD), high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, and other chronic illnesses, I don’t think prescribing pharmaceutical drugs should be the first line management.

Of course, there are many other diseases that are neither life-threatening that require critical and intensive care.  Nor are simple conditions like occasional coughs, fever, vomiting and diarrhoea. These resolve by themselves within one or two days even without any medication or treatment so long there were no serious underlying causes.

I think the approach in the practice of medicine should not solely rely on drugs without considering other alternatives, or better still, an integrated approach. One example on peptic ulcer disease among hundreds is this article:   

The Management of Chronic Diseases via Different Therapeutic Modalities with Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) as just one example here:

The main reason why public hospitals are always crowded with patients is not because of new patients with different diseases, but there were mainly old patients coming in for their appointments with the same illnesses for follow-up where they would be given the same medication or other add-on medication for them to continue to take.

Of course, there would also be new patients with the same or similar diseases, including new ones to add on to the existing ones. This causes a snow-ball effect with more and more patients, old and new coming to crowd the hospitals increasing the queue and waiting time.  

 I suppose there is nothing the doctor can do because they depend totally and entirely on what the pharmaceutical companies give and dictate to them. It is the pharmaceutical industry that produces all these drugs, not the doctor to delay a cure. It is they who brain-washed the doctors on their ‘drug of choice’ what to use and how to use their products so that their patients would come back again and again for more and more of the same medication plus add-on to other medication for life.  Unfortunately, the root causes at the source were never addressed and taught to the patient. They just want to promote and sell their products continuously. After all, they have spent anything from 3 to 15 years developing their products at a cost of US $ 10 -20 billion, and they are not going to let that go.

Health education, preventive medicine, nutrition, the practice of healthy lifestyles is by far, far better than any “curative” medicine.  This is the true and genuine medicine all doctors should know and need to prescribe first. This is the only way we can ensure the hospitals will not be crowded with patients coming in with chronic illnesses requiring the same treatment with the same or other drugs. It is a matter of educating the patient about the root causes and how the doctor can help the patient to manage the problem together.

Unfortunately, if they were to do that, then where would they get the money from the patients? Then both the pharmaceutical industry would not be able to sell anything to the clinician, and neither would the medical doctor have anything to give to the patient. Then both will be bankrupt. The patient has to continuously come back in the next appointment for the same drugs that do not cure any of their chronic illnesses.  

I think the whole health-care system, from the drug manufacturing industry to the clinicians who gave those drugs is a money-making industry.


The Final Fate of Humanity (Part 4)

  By: lim ju boo Summing up my  essays on “The Fate of Humanity”,  I must say, these realities of overpopulation are both profound and sob...