Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Diagnosis of Death


Death may be considered as the cessation of life at either cellular level or the overall level of the organism. Traditionally, Bichat’s triad has been used to define death of a person: “the failure of the body as an integrated system associated with the irreversible loss of circulation, respiration, and innervation”

Cell Death:

Different tissues with the body vary considerably in the extent to which they can withstand hypoxic and other results. Loss of aerobic respiration and cell death occurs relatively rapidly in brain cells after the circulation of blood ceases and the delivery of oxygen stops. In contrast, muscles, tendons and other musculoskeletal tissues can survive hypoxic insults for relatively long periods.

Brainstem Death:

The death of an individual is traditionally characterized by a lack of any circulation or respiration. With advances in medical science, it has become possible to artificially maintain circulation and ventilation in some patients who would otherwise die and whose brain is no longer working normally. Functioning vital centres in the brainstem are required in order for spontaneous respiration to continue – failure of these centres results in ‘brainstem death’. This is essentially a clinical diagnosis, and it is often of considerable legal and ethical significance, usually in an intensive care setting, and sometimes involving the possibility of organ transplantation.

Diagnosis of brainstem death:

In order to diagnose brainstem death, the patient needs to be deeply unconscious, with no spontaneous respiration (i.e. on a ventilator) with no irreversible metabolic condition (e.g. hypoglycemia, electrolyte imbalance, acidosis), no drug intoxication, and no hypothermia. Once these conditions are satisfied, clinical tests are applied to establish the diagnosis. Tests differ slightly between countries, but the UK criteria are that the consultant (or their deputy, qualified for more than 5 years) and another doctor establish the following on two separate occasions:

1.       Both pupils are unresponsive and there is no corneal reflex

2.       There is no vestibulo-ocular reflex (no eye movement on slow installation of ice-cold water into each external auditory meatus)

3.       Stimulation within the cranial nerve distribution fails to elicit a motor response

4.       There is no gag reflex or response to bronchial stimulation, having allowed pCO2 to rise above the normal range

Vegetable State:

A person is deemed to be in a ‘vegetable state’ when he / she is in a deep coma, with spontaneous breathing and stable circulation, but is unaware of his / herself and the environment. Spontaneous eye opening may occur

Conformation and the Diagnosis of Death:

Although there are many occasions when it is perfectly obvious even to a lay person that death has occurred such as decapitation, decomposition, there have been a number of well-publicized instances when a person labelled as dead, unexpectedly ‘wakes up’ in the mortuary. Sometimes the underlying condition is profound hypothermia. It is perhaps surprising, giving its potential importance, that the medical profession has only relatively recently focused upon standardizing the diagnosis of death. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges produced guidelines on diagnosing death after cardiopulmonary arrest when clear signs that are pathognomonic of death such as hypostasis, rigor mortis…etc. Key points are summarized as follows:

1.       There is simultaneous and irreversible onset of apnoea and unconsciousness in the absence of a circulation

2.       Appropriate attempts at resuscitation have been made but failed

3.       The deceased person should be observed for a minimum of 5 minutes using a combination of the absent central pulse on palpation and the absence of heart sounds on auscultation in a hospital setting, asystole on ECG monitor

4.       Any spontaneous return of cardiac and respiratory activity during the period of observation should prompt a further 5 minutes of observation from the next point of cardiorespiratory arrest

5.       After 5 minutes of continued cardiorespiratory arrest, the absence of pupillary response to light, the corneal reflexes, and of any motor response to supraorbital pressure should be confirmed.

6.       The time of death is recorded as the time at which these criteria are fulfilled

Waking up after being certified dead:

There were instances of patients recovering having been declared dead by a doctor, although appeared to be rare., but well-documented and well-publicized. There are examples from both prehospital and hospital settings. For instance, in 1996 Mrs. Maureen Jones was seen to move and breathe spontaneously at her home in Thwing, East Yorkshire after her doctor had earlier declared her dead and left the house


In Vietnam in August 2003, a man named Nguyen Van Quan, aged 73 was found alive after spending a night in a hospital mortuary, having previously been declared dead by doctors


We call this event as ‘Lazarus Phenomenon’ here:


It was named after the account how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead 

The raising of Lazarus is a miracle of Jesus recounted only in the Gospel of John

 (John 11:1–44) in the New Testament in which Jesus raises Lazarus from the

 dead four days after his entombment. The event is said to have taken place

 at Bethany.

We know that once death occurs, the chemistry of life is irreversible here

Scientific Logic: Search results for chemistry of death

Did Jesus Arise from Dead and How:



Forensic Medicine: Jonathan Wyatt, Time Square, Guy Norfolk and Jason Payne-James  



Did Queen Elizabeth II of England die of Old Age?


When I showed this news clip on the cause of death of Queen Elizebeth II to a friend of mine in England, she replied that a few days after her death certificate due to old age was made public, there were hot debates in the UK on the actual cause of her demise 

Queen's death certificate reveals the cause and time of her death


How can QE II  died of old age..?  As long as her organs were functioning, she can never die of old age. No matter how old we are, if all our organs and body systems are still working it is technically impossible to die.

See the Diagnosis of Death here:


To say someone died of old age is technically not correct. It is only correct to say we die due to our organs shut down from old age, but not from old age per sec.  We can clearly understand that if there is totally malfunctioning of vital organs like heart, lungs and the brain we just die even at very young age, but we  will never die even at very, very old age if these organs are still  in tip top conditions and functioning normally without any artificial support 

Following the confirmation of death, here's what happens after the soul leaves the body when it has no more control over the chemistry of life and death of the body




Many years ago I gave a talk to an auditorium of senior academic staff of the University of Malaya who were about to retire.

My lecture was this:

The biology of aging. Why we must grow old and die


The slides on reasons why we must grow old and die was just to satisfy all these highly learned scientists and doctors from the university who were listening to me. I was invited to give them a lecture on behalf of the Malaysian Senior Scientists Association

So I gave them some of the scientific reasons as shown on the slides in the above link. But actually, those were NOT the real reasons.  The actual and real reason is because the length of our time here has already been predetermined whether young at one year old or less, or at 110 years by our souls that controls all these chemistries of life. In turn the soul is determined by God, the Creator of our souls.

When that time comes, the organs and body systems will either slowly degenerate or suddenly stopped through an accident.  It is God the through His breath of life – the soul that determines and controls these body functions when death should come. I have explained at length here:


When it does come, it will immediately leave the body first to allow the organs to stop functioning completely.

I did not want to tell the hall of highly learned university scientists and doctors there listening to me, because if I did, there will be an instant uproar.  If I were to lecture to  them the real reason the soul cannot tolerate disease and old age and left the body since  the soul does not die and is immortal, then they  will rise up against me and walk out from the auditorium

So I needed to lie to them  by delivering something they are familiar and acceptable for them, which I too initially thought were also scientifically correct

But as the years went by, I journeyed beyond my training in science and medicine to look beyond physical dimensions. I wanted spiritual wisdom, and I have always asked God for this, not scientific knowledge as other scientists yearn.

So I gave them a lecture only to suit and to please them as they were all  learned scientists and academicians why they too must die for reasons given in my slides which were acceptable to them.



Saturday, December 24, 2022

A 2022 Blessing for All in Christ


A brilliant star this day was born

Two thousand years ago less or more

Unsure we are His birth

He was Christ our Saviour

A star leading the Maggi

To His humble birth in a manger  

While angels in heavens sing and rejoice

To redeem us all from all our sins

Whether in sorrows or in joy

Only our hearts can tell

This day we exploit  

His purpose on Earth

Dancing, merry-making, drinking

All we know

Christ in sorrow look down on Earth

Human creatures will never change

Yet, Christ ever forgiving

Even though few will cry, and change  

Valuing their souls more than merry making

This day can tell  

Me, ju boo to you

May the blessings of His birth

Be showered upon all

As we draw close to the ebb of another year

Into the unchartered waters of 2023













Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Was it the Disease or was it the Soul that left us that causes Death to our Physical Body?


I received this comment below some of my articles about mysteries of life, death, the soul among others




It reads:



Dear Dr Lim Ju Bu

In a lot of your highly interesting write-ups here concerning  the soul, mystery of life and death, you mentioned  the reason why we die is because our soul left us.

But most doctors, health experts, scientists and all ordinary people in this world say that death is due to some disease or accidents and definitively not because our soul left us

I challenge you as  a doctor, nutritionist and ex senior medical researcher yourself, how do you intend to explain to your  expert medical counterparts and all of us here as ordinary people in your sole belief that it is the soul that leaves us first and not death due to diseases

Sorry for this very  challenging question for you, you shall never be able to answer unless God help you



Here’s my answer below this line



Thank you for your difficult and challenging question.

That's correct in the myopic eyes of anyone whether or not they are doctors, nutritionists, pathologists, microbiologists, physiologists, biochemists, health freaks or other life science scientists, including the ordinary man in the street.

In your and their "expert" belief, death is the result of accidents and diseases, and not because our souls left us. That is correct as you and they believe

But in my eyes, not as a doctor or scientist, I see it spiritually differently.

The soul given to us at birth is undefiled, spiritually clean, without any taint, and is completely sinless.  The soul is not affected by any accidents, diseases, or by death to the physical body. In short, it is immortal

Our soul, unlike our physical body, being eternal and immortal was never designed by its Creator for it to lead a sinful and unhealthy lifestyle of material indulgence and worldly gains. This design by our Intelligent Designer is even more sanctified and meaningful for an intended purpose than the blinded material eyes of  "learned scientific and medical experts"

The soul  belongs only to God and is not the property of disease or accident for them to dictate when it should fly away.

Our soul is the breath of God in our physical body without which we will not have life as given here in this verse:

"Then the LORD God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a LIVING SOUL" (Genesis 2:7)

As we can see, no accident or disease can have control over the breath of God as it is the immortal property of its Creator

His indestructible breath in our body needs to be respected and taken good care of by every living soul.  It definitely does not need all those rich physical lifestyles we live on, neither is it affected by an accident or any disease.

But if Satan comes along to encourage us to indulge in sinful acts like smoking, gluttony, drinking, anger, hurried lifestyle for earthy gains and material wealth which is not what the soul delights in sanctified as God  breath,  then our soul has to take precedence over our physical body by flying away first  without any warning or us realizing its intentions in advance so that it can instantly leave behind all those lifestyle we live in, and those diseases we inherit.. 

It was our physical body that has wilfully invited diseases and death in defiance to the soul's non-needs.

In that instance the body dies immediately, but with us, we  think the cause was a disease, old age, or something physical in origin since with physical causes like disease we can see, measure, assess, tell and believe, but with the the soul we cannot see, feel, and measure whether it remains, or have left us.

When Jesus died and was raised again, He appeared before His disciple and asked them to touch His hands to feel He is real and not a ghost 

"And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord" 

(John 20:20) 

So in our blinkered eyes we blindly attribute all deaths to have a physical cause that we can see, feel and measure such as accidents, disease or some misfortune. 

I have already explained a few times in these collections of articles about the origin and existence of life and the soul that made alive these lifeless molecules from the soil. The soil is made from star dusts out of which we were all moulded. I have also explained the chemistries of life and the physiological functions of the body, in that all the machineries of life including the functions of DNA right down to genetics and molecular biology that we know, are actually controlled by some unseen life forces pumped into these originally lifeless molecules to make them rise up  living and alive as given in the definition of life. 

But till today, we have no acceptable way to explain how and why these chemicals of life are able to move, feed, reproduce and respond to a stimulus by themselves? I am a trained and qualified biologist myself but I still cannot understand why non-living inamimate carbon molecules can suddenly become alive, and became dead again over a period of time without wanting to bring in an 'external force' that has pumped life into these dead molecules? 

 We can conclude there must be something there, unseen; we may call it a soul that defiles scientific measurements besides a physical body that makes us alive and living. We can conclude that as long as the soul is still attached to the body, we remain alive no matter how ill or badly injured we are


Likewise, no matter how healthy we are, in apparently and in extremely good health, we can still suddenly die, labelled medically as “sudden death” if the soul suddenly decides to leave the body. Of course, as doctors, especially trained in emergency medicine, we explain sudden death may be due some sudden loss of vital physiological functions such as in a cardiac arrest. We are very well trained in these areas, and we are familiar with all these body functions. So, why should they cease to function on death? 


Yet when someone dies, we always say "only the body is left" or we say "the remains of the body"  with something else missing there that  made him or her alive and living moments ago. Why is that? What was that, that  commands the physiological functions that now ceased to continue? Something else much higher than mere biochemistries must be at work? Is that the soul that represents the breath of God? We as doctors and research medical scientists have silently been searching for the answer ourselves. We can only attribute that to a soul that should not leave our physical body whether in extremely good health or in some intractable disease that rages over the entire body. If the soul is still there, we remain alive. If it decides to fly away first because the body is raged with disease which is not part of it, death is instant, and all physiological and biochemical functions it commands come to a grinding halt, as the chemicals and elements that make up our body begin to break up and decompose. We can never deny this till kingdom comes no matter how qualified we are in our scientific training and thinking 


As I have already earlier explained the soul is undefiled, clean, and sinless. It is the physical body that sins, not the soul that represents the breath of God. The soul is not diseased, or is it unaffected by any disease or fire. It cannot tolerate and continue to remain in a body that is raged by illness and disease. It must leave, and if it does, the body dies instantly as the soul being the breath of God is an integral part of the living body.


As scientists, researchers and clinicians ourselves we have to logically accept this; a person dies not because of a disease that we can see, evaluate and even measure with lab support, but because the unseen soul we cannot see, detect or measure that has left first before the body dies    


If the soul has not done this silently in God's command as His breath, then we would be able to continue to enjoy  rich lifestyles in this world throughout eternity

The results of a soul leaving us first is instant death not the disease.. 

This is the only way to stop us from all those sinful lifestyle diseases we accumulated and also from careless accidents. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread

Absolutely no man-made medicine can stop or "cure" them. Only our soul can.

We labour in vain and in sorrow for all these gains for only 70 or 80 years before the soul decides to fly away us to stop us from our further material acquisition

Unfortunately, you together with all the doctors and biomedical scientists have thought the opposite.

On this note, I thank God for guiding me how to answer your "extremely difficult question" as you wanted to challenge me and perhaps God Himself

Thank you

Jb lim

Saturday, December 17, 2022

A Simple Kitchen Housewife Method to Determine the Amount of Sugars in a Drink


A friend of mine, Mr. Leo Nathan innocently sent me this video through a WhatsApp chat, and I am sure he does not know what this experiment was all about?  Neither could I.  


At first, I could not understand what the experiment was all about. She used two cans of gas to freeze a can of Coca-Cola. Then she allowed it to catch fire before adding an entire bag of baking powder onto it before putting a lot of new batteries onto the jar and so on. 

Finally, the experiment ended with some white dry powder without any water or liquid coming out from the can after she opened it. I was quite confused with her “experiment” as I did not know what the experiment was all about, her objective of doing the experiment, or what she was trying to prove?

Then another lady friend Ms Violet Ho, a former schoolmate of mine told me the lady in the video was trying to show there was a lot of sugar in a can of drink but was unable to figure out where the water in the can went after the can was opened?

I then thought of this, only to realize it was some trick. They may have opened the bottom of the can, drain out all the content there, add some white powder or sugar into the empty can, sealed the bottom before conducting the ‘magic show’

Obviously, it was a scam out to swindle viewers into believing that was the way to demonstrate the presence of high sugar content in that can of drink. Following that there were also doubts by others. Hence, I decided to write this article to explain to which I dedicate this article to Mr. Leo Nathan and Ms. Violet Ho.

Allow me to teach viewers and readers how to calculate the amount of sugars and other substances inside any drink that can be calculated without needing all those “magic show” shown by the lady, or needing an analytical chemical laboratory. Anyone can do this in his own kitchen if he has a small food weighing machine that gives measurements in grams and some kitchen measuring vessels that gives the volume in millilitres or ml.

First, take a bottle or can or bottle of any drink of a known volume, let’s say 250 ml. You need only take out a small amount of its volume, say one tenth of the amount (25 ml) or even less.

Next, take a cup and weigh it.  Then pour out 25 ml. of the drink into the cup. Weigh the cup together with the 25 ml of the drink inside.  Then subtract the weight of the cup. This should give the weight of the drink.

You may expect the drink to be 25 gm. since the density of water is 1 g / ml.  But no. There is sugar and other food additives inside.

 So, the weight of the drink should be more than 25 g even though the volume of the drink (water) is the same at 25 ml.  

Another way of putting this is, if we weigh out 25 ml of water, we expect the weight to be 25 gm. since the density of water is very nearly 1000 kg per cubic metre (1 gm per ml). The density of water varies only very slightly with temperature as water contracts when cooled. At 4 degrees Celsius it is almost 1 gm / ml. We can safely use the density of water as 1000 kg / cubic metre or 1 g per ml.

But if we now add, let us say 5 gm of sugar into the 25 ml of water, it will now weigh 5 + 25 = 30 gm. The volume of water is not affected by what is dissolved inside.

This is because the sugar that is dissolved into the water occupies the vast spaces between the water molecules. These intermolecular spaces of water increase with temperature allowing more sugar to be dissolved as the temperature increases until it reaches saturation point when no more sugar can be dissolved after all the intermolecular spaces between the water molecules have been occupied by molecules of sugar and other substances dissolved in the drink.   In other words, the solubility of sugar increases with temperature 

Hence if we take 25 ml. sample of the drink and found it weighs 30 g instead of 25 g, remembering that the density of water is 1 g / ml. then the extra 5 g. must be due to all dissolved substances, principally sugars inside the drink

We can now calculate how much sugar plus other food substances was in the original 250 ml drink. This works to be:

 5 gm ÷ 25 ml sample × 250 ml = 50 g

For 100 ml of the drink, it is 5 ÷ 25 x 100 ml = 20 g

Hence, all we need is to pour out a known volume of any drink and weigh it. Any extra weight (1 ml = 1 g) registered is just due to sugars and all other added soluble substances in it.

So simple as that! We can clearly see no freezing, no fire, no baking powder, no battery, no extra cans...nothing is needed here.

We did it by taking only a small sample of the drink of a known volume and just weighing it. We then merely subtract the weight from the volume, and that’s it, giving us the weight of the sugars plus other substances dissolved in it.  After measuring and weighing, we still get back the original volume of the drink.  Nothing is wasted or destroyed. There was no freezing or boiling even.

The only disadvantage we need to assume the extra weight was principally sugar. In many ways this is true with all sugary drinks

Of course, we can do it another way by taking a sample of the drink of known volume, then distilled or boil off all the water, and weigh the residue left, and from there we can calculate the concentration of sugar and other dissolved substance in it and express it in the same way as in a 100 ml. Using this second method we can look and examine the residue left to see if sugar is the major ingredient which is not possible with the first method by just looking at the weight difference. We can even taste the residue if it is sugar. But this method involves using heat, distillation or boiling which are all unnecessary. Then after boiling, we cannot get back what has already been boiled off and be content with what is left.

What we want to do, is to do it in the simplest and in the least destructive way possible so that we can get back the drink and everything.

This practice in chemistry is also the same as what we do in the practice of medicine. As doctors, we want to be as least destructive and invasive as possible to the patient.  We shall describe this practice in medicine shortly.

This method gives us a good estimate how much sugar was there in any drink without considering other food additives like colour and flavouring agent that were also present.  This method can be done by anyone at home in a kitchen.  No license for practicing chemistry is needed here. We shall talk about this later.

However, if we want analytical precision how much other substances were also present in a drink or any food sample, we need to send it to an analytical chemical laboratory or a food quality control laboratory where they have qualified experts in chemical analysis and sophisticated instruments there such as High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), spectrophotometers of various kinds and types and even nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Alternatively, sugars may also be determined by using a small hand-held refractometer, or by calorimetry. We can also use titration method as in the classical Lane-Eynon method with a burette containing the reducing sugars and titrating the amounts in a flask containing a known amount of boiling copper sulphate solution using methylene blue as an indicator for endpoint.

Sugars may also be determined by other chromatographic procedures besides HPLC, such as using gas chromatography- flame ionization detection (GC-FID), liquid chromatography-borate complexes (LC), high performance liquid chromatography-ethylenediamine derivatives (HPLC-EDA), high performance liquid chromatography-p- aminobenzoic acid derivatives (HPLC-p-AMBA), and high-performance anion, etc.

Perhaps we may also use column chromatography to separate the sugars from other undesirable substances we have no interest in measuring. But we need to find a suitable absorbing and separation medium for the chromatographic column for ion and resin exchange, or maybe we can use silica gel and water as an eluent. What we chose depends on what other substances are also present in the drink other than sucrose.  

It all depends on the skills of the chemical analysts, his training, qualifications and experience, his discretion, and the lab.  facilities available to him.

However, these days, analytical chemistry has become so advanced that a chemist analysing a substance can detect substances down to just ppm (parts per million) or even ppb (parts per billion.

They may need only a few drops or a tiny sample in micrograms or even in nanograms such as a fragment of DNA for sequencing. We can do that. That’s not a problem for us.  

But for ordinary people, we merely make it very simple, convenient, and easy for them using what is available in their kitchen as most people are not scientists or analytical chemists working in a sophisticated analytical laboratory.  We don't expect them to have these.

Using this kitchen method, we can only determine the total substances dissolved inside. But if we want only the sugar content then we need to send the sample to an analytical laboratory where they need to isolate the rest of other substances from the sucrose.

As scientists we try to be as less destructive as possible unlike that lady using all kinds of "magic" and tons of materials including several new batteries just to show some white substance inside that can.

Many people may be interested in finding out only the amounts of sugars in a drink or in the food they eat for various health reasons we shall not go into them.  An estimate using the kitchen method is more than good enough. Furthermore, they do not need a qualification in chemistry or a license to practise chemistry in this country.  They only need a kitchen with a small weighing scale and some measuring cups or jugs.

The practice of chemistry in Malaysia is a certified profession by law. Its practice is empowered by the Chemist Act 1975 and is controlled by the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry to regulate the practice of chemistry. Just like medicine, the practice of nutrition, dietetics are also regulated by law in this country like other professions such as pharmacy, optometry, law, engineering…etc

Title designations such as doctor, nutritionist, chemist are protected titles and are licensed. Not everyone can use these professional titles except those qualified, and their qualifications must be registrable with their various councils and regulatory bodies.

On the issue mentioned earlier, a medical doctor practices in the same way as an analytical chemist, both trying to be as little destructive and invasive as possible during an examination. This also applies to all professional scientists and researchers.

For instance, in the practice of medicine, we try to use as simple as possible an examination for the diagnosis of a disease. The simplest method is just to listen carefully to what the patient tells us. We then analyse what they tell us to try and come to a diagnosis if possible. If not certain, we just ask questions, take their medical history, and ask more questions, and just listen carefully to what they tell us, while analysing the information for tell-tale signs.

If a doctor is not sure, he may look at the presentations such as signs and symptoms to try to diagnose or differential diagnosis from the other diseases as sometimes diseases mimic each other in their presentations.  If a doctor is still unsure, he may do a clinical examination by palpating, percussing with the fingers, or auscultate (listen) for body sounds with a stethoscope such as listening to the various types of murmurs in the heart, their pitch, nature and loudness.

He may listen to breath sounds for crepitations, rales, bubbling, stridor, rhonchi, wheezes, vascular murmur or bruits in blood vessels that may be stenosed (narrowed), or bowel sounds for intestinal hurry or gasses, etc, etc.

By then, he would already be able to come up with a diagnosis with at least 70 % accuracy if the doctor is a good diagnostician.  But if he is still uncertain due to multiple complications with other disorders having the same features such as signs and symptoms, he may request for a laboratory support such as haematological, microbiological, serological, immunological, biochemical, urinary examinations or even requesting genetical and molecular cellular assays…etc.

 He may also decide on radiological examinations such as x-rays, ultrasonography, CT, MRI, PET or even nucleotides examinations to confirm a diagnosis. Some of these investigations can be invasive if not destructive. But we try as best as possible to be conservative, not invasive, least of all - destructive.

Hence, we can see a doctor is like an analytical chemist who initially uses as simple as possible a method to derive a finding or a diagnosis.

Like medicine, the practice of chemistry is a registered profession under the Chemist Act 1975. A chemical analyst needs to be qualified in chemistry and his degree must be registrable under the Act before he is allowed to practise, analyse, and sign an analytical report or give evidence before a court of law just like in medicine.

The same with the practice of nutrition or dietetics. Both are also registered professions that require a licence to practice, and they have their codes of professional ethics.

But what we describe here using the kitchen method does not require a practicing license in chemistry or any qualification except just follow the very simple procedure I gave above.

Hope this helps

jb lim 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Just A Reply to a Comment

 Thank you, Charlotte, for your comment and feedback in the comment section beneath the collection of articles here:


I received a similar question separately  from a friend in a WhatApp group that reads:

"I have been reading your blog articles especially about life and the soul with great interest

Now I am wondering if it would be better to have a soul or not to have one, and our purpose of living here with or without one? I wonder if others have any ideas? "

Thank you to both of you for asking, causing me to “wonder” how best to reply to both of you in the same nutshell.

My brief answer below this dotted line.



Precisely. Many scientists, but not all, may think a body may not have a soul because they cannot detect it, let alone measure their presence. As scientists we are trained with a mindset that anything we cannot detect, see or measure do not exist. After all, science is described as a systematic study of matter and energy.

Yet there are lots of theoretical scientists and physicists such as Albert Einstein, Werner Karl Heisenberg, Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, Stephen William Hawking, and other great scientific minds who were able to make unprecedented ground-breaking scientific discoveries just by using theories, thinking, scientific logic, observations or merely through mathematical models without detecting or measuring anything.

The problem with us scientists is, we need evidence-based observations and measurements to believe, and yet we know there are countless worlds out there in the Universe outside ours we cannot see, discover or measure.

Astronomers know they exist not just in a few million, but worlds out there are like sands in a seashore to the tune of at least 100 trillion, trillion (1 followed by 26 zeros).

Are we saying they are all sterile, devoid of any life, without any physical or spiritual beings out there, seen and unseen? We can’t be that arrogant and self-important, can we?  If we understand and have studied statistics as we do before we conduct medical and biomedical research, we understand the meaning of “chance and probably” even if it is a chance in a million or billion

We need to ask ourselves how inanimate molecules in the air, soil and environment could mysteriously creep and come together to become alive, to be able to move, feed on their own, reproduce themselves, respire, respond to stimuli. etc as given in the definition of life to become something that is living without “something” else external controlling their movements and behaviours?  

Then almost unexpectedly they die leaving all those molecules to return to the soil or as ash as they no longer have “something’ controlling them (biomolecules)?  

Astronomers tell us we are made from stardust since most of the elements of our bodies were formed in stars over the course of billions of years from multiple cycles of birth and death of stars or through the Big Bang during the creation of the universe and earth or through a supernova explosion of a massive star. Here is one explanation:


It was the elements in the soil from star dusts that God made man and He blew into his nostrils the breath of life (soul) that man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7).

In other words, no physical life can exist without the breath of God in it. His breath is our soul that directs all the chemistries of life and their physiological functions, and if our soul flies away, all life, their chemistries, orderly biochemical pathways without any metabolic collision at inter-junctions, instantly stop. Death ensures, and bacteria takes over.

I have explained that in my articles in reasonable details and at length, and  also how life began to spread over the surface of this earth like the first lamp of life being lit,  then  transferred from one unlit lamp to the next in a chain reaction like wildfire in evolution which is also my area of understanding at Cambridge

Thank you for your thoughts and opinion once again. I appreciate it

Lim ju boo

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The Dilemma of Explorers in Isolated Areas

 I am just wondering again how did  Rosemary and Peter Grant managed to survive for 4 years in that isolated, deserted and lonely small rocky island called Daphne Major in the Galapagos archipelago without fresh water, fruits, vegetables, cereal grains except for marine animals and birds

He wrote that sometimes there were long periods of rainfall which could provide them with fresh water, but he also mentioned long periods of droughts that affected the vegetation and size of seeds there on which the finches feed. Where then during droughts could they get fresh water? Surely they could not drink sea water?

My question on adaptation then is, how did they as humans adapt to these climatic and environmental changes alone there in that isolated rocky island? Surely their digestive system did not evolve better to feed, or change functions like the shape and lengths of the beaks of the finches they observed there?

How would humans like Mr. & Mrs. Grant cope in such a hostile environment without fresh water during droughts and fresh fruits and vegetables which are the first and most basic needs?

Did they evolve for the better like those birds there? Any long term changes should also affect us as humans just like those animals and plants because we as homo sapiens zoologically-speaking are also animals don’t you think so?

The only thing I can think of is the Grants like Charles Darwin became more intelligent and more knowledgeable on what was going around them to make logical assumptions based on observations

But they would not change much structurally and anatomically-speaking like those finches or other animals, don’t you think so?

This is just my food for thought?

Lim Ju Boo  

Academic Forum 

University of Cambridge 


The Mystery of 'Sudden' Appearances of Fish in Isolated Ponds

 Thank you Ed

I am glad you concurred with me  if the fish were insects, beetles, birds, bees, butterflies and all winged creatures they can get to any place just by flying

But the  fish  I was talking about cannot fly like birds and the bees to evolve as a separate allopatric speciation from the sea tens of kilometers away into an isolated pond.

 It may happen if the original river with fish inside is cut off to form an ox bow lake as in the example of Lake Nagugabo where a separate species of coloured-cichlid fishes mingling with the original species of fishes are found.

But my question is, do river fish evolved from sea-fish? My thought on this is, must all fishes including freshwater river fish originally come from the sea? They swim up the river mouths upstream into the river and evolved as separate species of freshwater fish from their original salt water fish, and over many millions they began to adapt into speciation of freshwater fish.

I am unsure of European eels you mentioned that can travel long distances on land. The best I know are the mudskippers we find here in the tropics in the delta of rivers and mangrove swamps.

They can skip and glide over short distances on the wet mud outside the water. But most fish cannot live outside water.

The fishes I saw in the artificial trenches and dug-up ponds are not those large ones we find in the sea or rivers but just tiny little ones. They look like small anchovies and tiny fries

How did they got there is a little strange to me. I can understand if there was already an existing natural pond with thriving fish in it lying next to the artificially-dug one

In that case, the existing fish in the already existing pond could have jumped into the next trench or pond after the rains filled them up with water, or in the case of extremely heavy rain both ponds will be flooded for the fish to swim across

But there was no other natural pond beside it. The nearest river that I knew is tens of kilometers away. How could any fish “fly” like the birds and bees into the recently water-filled trench?

I also understand from National Geographic documentaries or on BBC Natural History, or in Animal Planet shown here on television presented often by Sir David Frederick Attenborough that certain fish such as salamander fish can survive in dry mud for months by secreting a mucous covering as you said, but those pond fishes I saw. They  were not the same or lung fishes

They just  mysteriously appear,  unseen and untouched by humans in a deserted place.

The experiment of Louis Pasteur’s that proved that spontaneous generation of microorganisms to spoil a broth was not possible in an artificial environment inside a laboratory flask under the daily watchful eye of scientists  is not the same as in a natural open and windy  environment on the soil where rains and sunshine fall.

Surely the earthworms and other small primitive soil creatures that lived there cannot have evolved into an entirely new and unrelated species (fish) within months.

I just cannot understand how these tiny aquatic creatures got there unseen by humans or carried by other animals who did not even go there???

Often even in the wetlands and swamps or another open place here in the tropics where rains fall and often flooded the area, and months later you can see tiny water creatures and slimy water weeds creeping there.

My strong feeling is, evolution of all living creatures is taking place spontaneously and constantly all the time, ever since creation or the beginning of time and evolution while others and old ones less adapted die out. It looks to me like some kind of life cycle on Earth. I am not too sure! Maybe we can have this discussed in our next academic forum

Lim ju boo

University of Cambridge



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