Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Intractable Chronic Bowel Disorders: Alternative Therapeutic Approaches



I received a request from a friend through my WhatsApp chat group that reads:


“Dear Professor Lim Ju Boo


A friend of mine whose relatives heard so much about you and they wish to consult you about one of them who has problems with her intestines passing a lot of gas and loose motion for years. She consulted a lot of gastroenterologists already, did a lot of scopes and took a lot of antibiotics and other medicines the specialists prescribed, but no avail


Now someone else told her to take yoghurt and probiotics tablets to solve her problems


But she wants to consult your expert opinion first if taking yogurt and cultured drinks solve her problems


Your expertise in all fields is highly appreciated







I thought I should share this very interesting this very interesting question and topic in this blog as well so that other readers outside our chat group may also benefit. Below here’s my reply:



Thank you for your question soliciting my help

It is okay if your friend’s relative wishes to try yogurt or any probiotics as the last resort

But i have to tell you there are only a few strains of natural milk bacteria in yoghurt or in any commercial cultured drinks vs the vast numbers of over 1,000 or much more  species of natural human gut bacteria called “microbiota” such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, Escherichia, and other bacillus that inhabit our gut, just to name a few.


The bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract varies longitudinally; the oral cavity contains about 200 different species, the stomach is almost sterile, and the bacterial content increases distally, with approximately 108 bacteria per g (dry weight) of ileal contents and up to 1012 bacteria per g (dry weight) of colonic contents.



The main types of bacteria in the colon are obligate anaerobes, and the most abundant bacteria are members of the genus Bacteroides, anaerobic gram-positive cocci, such as Peptostreptococcus sp., Eubacterium sp., Lactobacillus sp., and Clostridium sp.


The bacteria Escherichia coli (E. coli) for instance are also found in and intestines of people and animals as well as in the contaminated water, environment, and contaminated foods.  They are a large and diverse group of bacteria used as faecal indicators to indicate contaminated sewage water containing human and animal excreta. Most strains of E. coli found in the human intestines are harmless, others are highly pathogenic, and they can cause diarrhoea, urinary tract, and respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, and other illnesses. The importance of the pathogenic strain of E. coli is shown by the fact that diarrhoea remains one of the leading causes of mortality in children in developing countries. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) is an important cause of severe diarrheal illness associated with high infant mortality 

However, the main types of bacteria in the colon are obligate anaerobes, and the most abundant bacteria are members of the genus Bacteroides, anaerobic gram-positive cocci, such as Peptostreptococcus sp., Eubacterium sp., Lactobacillus sp., and Clostridium sp.


The principal pathogens in this group are Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, invasive E coli, and Yersinia. The enteric viruses also invade the intestines


More than 99% of the bacteria in the gut are anaerobes, but in the cecum, aerobic bacteria reach high densities. It is estimated that the human gut microbiota has around a hundred times as many genes as there are in the human genome.


There is some evidence that treatment with some probiotic strains of bacteria may be effective in irritable bowel syndrome and chronic idiopathic constipation. Those organisms most likely to result in a decrease of symptoms have included:


  • Bifidobacterium breve
  • Bifidobacterium infantis
  • Enterococcus faecium
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Lactobacillus reuteri
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  • Lactobacillus salivarius
  • Propionibacterium freudenreichii
  • Streptococcus thermophilus



Yogurt as you mentioned, specifically contains main just two types of milk bacteria, namely, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus although some manufacturers may add in additional types of lactobacilli and bifidobacterial species    


Bifidobacteria are a group of probiotics bacteria that normally thrive in intestines. They support the body undertake essential functions such as digestion and fends off harmful bacteria. One species in this group is Bifidobacterium bifidum as an example.


Given the limited types of bacteria found in yogurt vs the tens of hundreds if not thousands of mixed intestinal bacterial flora found in the human intestines, it would be just a drop in the ocean if you were to swallow even 20 tablets of commercially-made probiotics and eat 20 cups of yoghurt a day containing just 2 or 3 species of milk flora in them. I do not think yogurt could help much as it would be round and round in the same cycle with the same bacteria being ingested vs the tens of hundreds of microbiotas inhabiting the human gastrointestinal tract (GI tract).  


I do not think this is going to solve her chronic bowel problem as she has already seen so many gastroenterologists with all their scans plus so many antibiotics given to her.

The amount of antibiotics and other chemical drugs prescribed for her by so many gastroenterologists may have made her problem worse by sterilising her entire GI tract free from these highly beneficial human gut microbiotas.

TCM and FMT Options: 

However, there was a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach the TCM doctors in China used to treat diarrhoea and a variety of colon disorders very effectively. This treatment in TCM is over 1,700 years ago.

It was first described by Ge Hong using human faeces called "yellow soup" or "golden soup" to successfully treat all these intractable bowel diseases that conventional drug and surgical based medicines have failed miserably like in your friend's relative case.

This method of using the faeces of a healthy individual to give it to another patient with all sorts of chronic bowel problems ranging from irritable bowel syndrome, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis, all the way down to appendicitis, Crohn's disease to colorectal cancers, just to name a few, were very successful for nearly two thousand years.

This “yellow soup" prescription in Traditional Chinese Medicine was so successful that now Western mainstream drug-based doctors too have copied the TCM approach in the management of all these wide ranges of bowel disorders but in a modified way.

We now call the modified therapeutic approach as “Faecal Microbiota Transplantation” (FMT) where they take healthy donors, screen them thoroughly and transplant their faeces into the colon via colonoscopy or via pills taken orally


Faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is now used in conventional allopathic medicine that aims at treating these wide ranges of colonic diseases by copying the TCM therapeutic modality.  It is a recommended treatment option for patients with recurrent or

refractory Clostridioides difficile as it has a cure rate of over 90%.


There are numerous research papers already published where western drug medicine has copied Traditional Chinese Medicine approach in managing many of these intractable chronic bowel disorders.


There is also evidence that faecal microbiota transplantation can induce remission in ulcerative colitis, however maintenance of remission data is lacking. We shall explain this shortly.


In FMT, stool donors must be healthy and are screened for a range of diseases. As faecal material is usually transplanted during colonoscopy, the recipient must have bowel preparation before the procedure. Adverse effects are mainly gastrointestinal and usually resolve in the week following transplantation. There are limited data on long-term safety.

Here's just one among 35 studies I managed to pick up already been done using FMT.


“Faecal microbiota transplantation: Historical review and current perspective”:

Readers can search and read other literatures for themselves.  It is not possible for me to search and show all of them for readers to spoon feed as I am already long retired from active medical research.


(I was then a Senior Medical Research Officer and a Deputy Head of one the Divisions at the Institute for Medical Research Malaysia).  


However, the use of pills containing these microbiotas via oral route, in my opinion may not be as effective as direct infusing microbiota into the colon because of the very powerful gastric juice in the stomach and other proteolytic enzymes in the GI tract that may kill off most of these microorganisms before they can even reach the colon.


In the stomach where the hydrochloride acid is secreted, it is virtually devoid of bacteria except Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a spiral shaped bacterium that inhabits in or on the lining of the stomach. It causes more than 90 percent of ulcers in the lining of the stomach or the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine).


However, the use of FMT may not last long as the transplanted bacteria may not stay long enough in the colon and may also be excreted out in the faeces 



Diet and Nutrition:


One way out from this problem is the consumption of foods rich in probiotics. The most common fermented foods that naturally contain probiotics, or have probiotics added to them, include yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, miso, tempeh, kimchi, sourdough bread and some cheeses. But even then, these bacteria may not stay long in the colon unless probiotic-rich foods are regularly consumed to replace those excreted out.


But I have another way to circumnavigate this problem. Instead of consuming foods rich in probiotics, better still, consume foods on which these bacteria depend on to survive and to remain in the intestine.


These are called prebiotics, meaning they may not contain beneficial gut bacteria, but because of their high fibre content on which these bacteria feeds such as in the intestines of cows, horses, and herbivores, they promote the growth of these bacteria to remain there once FMT is done. These prebiotic foods are garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, bananas, etc containing soluble fibres, oligosaccharides, and sugars consumed by gut bacteria that encourages these beneficial microbiotas to remain and proliferate the colon

In short, it looks to me your friend's relative problem is dietary and nutritional in orgin since he or she had already seen so many gastroentrologists, and has already have so many investigations, scopes done, and were on antibiotics and all kinds of medication without response 

His or her doctors should have look into the patient's dietary history and suggest a change in diet rather than giving all kind of antibiotics that made the patient's problem worse. A sterile colon due to antibiotics without competition by a huge hosts of healthy and beneficial gut microflora will give opportunistic infections by other  pathogenic organisms to invade. That may have made her presented with chronic diarrhoea as his or her body was trying to get rid of them. 

I suggest he or she goes into a vegetarian or vegan diet due to their higher fibre content for colon natural bacteria to feed, grow and inhabit his / her bowels.

Merely taking yogurt may not help as I have already explained above.

What I suggest here  may be the final and most clinically effective prescription I can give for your friend's relative.


If this FMT is not available in Malaysia, I think Singapore has this therapeutic approach and service.

I hope I managed to answer and has been of help to your friend and his loved ones.


Good luck.

Lim jb

When Shall Covid-19 Pandemic End?

  •  I received this comment from a medical technologist in a WhatsApp chat, and I shall quote it unedited below:
  • “Fearmongering 
  • in a hypothetical scenario, where a group of two opposing people are thrashing the management of the pandemic. 
  • what would it be called where one with absolute confidence that … 
  • a. the virus evolves to be milder 
  • b.  cannot evolves into immune 
  •       escape 
  • c.  will not cause reinfections
  • d.  cannot evolve into being more 
  •       transmissible in the air 
  • e.  cannot evolve into newer 
  •      variants after Delta 
  • f.  the virus is running out of 
  •      evolutionary space  
  • if evolutionary biologists share
  • their expertise on the subject BUT 
  • the people just blatantly close their ears and shut their eyes … 
  • all because it is too scary, including the professional minimisers. 
  • we need to grow up and face up to science …”

  • End. 

  • ---------------------------------------------------
  • In response, this is my counter comment:
  • In the view of evolutionary biology, I partially agree with the above writer.
  • For instance, the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 as we have seen, has mutated and evolved into several strains and variants since the SARS outbreak  in 2002– 2004, and has infected over 8,000 people from 29 countries and territories, resulting in at least 774 deaths worldwide when it was first identified in Foshan, Guangdong, China, in November 2002.

  • It then went into evolutionary latency for 15 years before emerging as Covid-19 on December 31, 2019 as the beginning of the pandemic. It was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020. We have seen several prominent variants, including Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron emerging.
  • The original Omicron strain (BA.1) was first identified in Botswana and South Africa in late November 2021, and cases rapidly began to emerge and multiply into other countries. By December, Omicron began to spawn into subvariants. One of those was BA.5, which became the predominant virus strain in the U.S., only to be swapped in November 2022 by two new subvariants known as BQ.1 and BQ.1.1. due to the very rapid mutagenicity of this virus probably also due to our widespread global use of various types of vaccines produced by various pharmaceutical companies to combat this coronavirus. During this period of COVID-19 outbreak, we in Malaysia, we have experienced three waves of variants
  • As of this writing (November 30, 2022, 10:50 GMT), there are 6,639,178 people who have died from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in 228 countries and territories. The fatality rate is still rising and counting.

  • This rapid event is not surprising to me using mathematical models to predict its mutagenic capability into at least 400 quintillion (400,000,000,000,000,000,000) variables and sub variants by merely arranging and rearranging just a tiny fraction of its genomic RNA sequence when challenged by any vaccines

  • The mathematical explanation is here:


  • However, by-and-by, due to a chain reaction of cross immunity or herd immunity, this specific virus will finally run short of further mutagenic ammunition and shall logarithmically drop their degrees of pathogenicity and infectivity due to our collective global immunological response even though it may remain latent for decades before resurfacing as an entirely different, probably far more aggressive virus, similar to the SARS into Covid-19 we have already experienced.
  • We predict this possibility by just observing the almost sudden evolution of various kinds of life during the Cambrian Explosion some 538.8 million years ago that rose into a major animal phyla appearance in the fossil till the divergence of our modern metazoan phyla. That event was accompanied by major diversification of other new viruses including this new classis of coronaviruses, an event showing most of them from simpler to more complex forms of life.  

  • In short, I see there may be no way we can ever overcome this pandemic with or without vaccines, made worse by multiple vaccines and revaccination using various types of vaccines giving opportunistic mutagenicity to override

  • I do not think these coronaviruses will ever go away as long as there are humans around willing to  host them here on this planet. No other estimated 10 million species of life forms,  or animals on earth have  been  affected by this  SARS-CoV-2 group of corona viruses - only human animals zoologically-speaking. We are really very unique.
  • These viruses are here to stay as long as there are human animals around to host them. So are all other diseases. It is we who invite diseases, not diseases inviting human animals .
  • The Covid-19 may merely lie latent in low profile for decades, centuries, or for another million years, and there is no guarantee, they, as well as  other  infectious diseases like tuberculosis, smallpox, measles, cholera, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, leptospirosis will not make a far more aggressive come back, including malaria that is already permanently endemic throughout tropical countries, but may migrate to the temperate  and colder countries due to global warming, climate change, congestion encouraging mosquitoes to migrate there 
  • These communicable diseases may periodically resurface to bring us down especially with our relentless overpopulation 

  • This is my view in Darwinian medicine and evolutionary biology

  • Lim jb  

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Biology of Aging: Why We Get Old and Die

Just to share with my gentle readers a lecture on:


The Biology of Aging: Why We Grow Old and Die


I gave this lecture to the Retiring Senior Academic Staff of the University of Malaya some years ago on behalf of the Malaysian Senior Scientists Association (MSSA) as requested by Academician Professor Tan Sri Dato Dr Augustine SH Ong, who was then the President of MSSA. 

Sorry I could not orally explain each slide here. It took me about 4 hours for this presentation with a short intermission for tea break

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Tuberculosis and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases to Stay Forever

Dear Professor Andrew Charles Gomez.

Senior Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon

 Thank you for sharing the information about the re-emergence of tuberculosis we only thought we have eradicated by giving world-wide BCG vaccinations.

Let me reply with my views and to dedicate this article to you.

 Do you know that Dr Soumya Swaminathan is well-known for her research in tuberculosis and HIV. She is actually an Indian paediatrician who was later appointed as the Chief Scientist to the World Health Organization. Previously, from October 2017 to March 2019, she was the Deputy Director General of Programmes (DDP) at the WHO.   

 During the height of the Covid pandemic, she was the one who blocked the entire world including Malaysia from using the antiparasitic drug ivermectin from being used to treat covid

 The National Medical Commission of India (NMC) wanted to sue her for this, but failed. How can any medical body sue her as she was acting on behalf of WHO which is a world authority on health

 In fact, as an Indian national and Chief Scientist to WHO, the NMC should be very proud of her for being appointed into such a prestigious and high position. But the Indian government did not sue her, except NMC

 Even here in Malaysia ivermectin is not allowed to be prescribed by any doctor for covid because they did 3 or 4 studies on this, and found it ineffective

 So now nobody talks about the use of ivermectin anymore, or about antimalarial drugs such as chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine or the use of any antiviral drug such as Remdesivir, Nirmatrelvir, Ritonavir … etc. Thanks to Dr Swaminathan for her scientific insight.  

 Even the use of face masks is useless to stop this coronavirus. As I have explained this coronavirus is capable of at least 400 quintillion genomic variations (mutagenic variants) not even counting new strains.

 See explanation here: 

This plague is here to stay forever just like tuberculosis despite the world-wide use of BCG vaccines.

Perhaps we may have to rely on isoniazid and rifampicin to be given for 6 months and an additional of two more antibiotics, pyrazinamide and ethambutol for another 6 months to manage tuberculosis if they show up again despite bacilli Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccines. 

But even this we are not sure of their efficacy on a long-term control of tuberculosis when BCG fails to protect us from this bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) that normally attacks the lungs, but can also attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain.

It was only 200,000 years ago that anatomically modern humans arose, followed by Homo sapiens 250,000 – 160,000 years ago. Homo language was possible only 120,000 years ago. 

See summary of the Age of the Universe and the evolution of life on earth here:

As reference to malaria, mosquitoes were already there long before human existence. There are more than 3, 000 known species of mosquitoes in the world today. According to one study by the

University of Alaska, the oldest mosquito fossil is said to be 79 million years old, though scientists believe mosquitos have been in existence for 226 million years.

A study in 2019, scientists from Oregon State University found a new species of mosquito when dissecting an ancient piece of amber from Myanmar. The amber with a mosquito embedded dates back to the mid-Cretaceous Period, which was 145 to 66 million years ago. Other scientists believe mosquitoes have already existed over 300 million years ago, long before the existence of humans.

Mosquitoes are carriers of malaria that kills hundreds of thousands, especially children each year. According to WHO's latest World malaria report, there were an estimated 241 million malaria cases and 627 000 malaria deaths worldwide in 2020. 

But a finding in 2021, World Malaria Report reveals malaria leads to more total deaths than previously thought: 627,000 in 2020, a significant increase from the 409,000 deaths reported in 2019. This increase is due in part to the revised number of malaria deaths among children under the age of five, with malaria now accounting for 7.8% of deaths, an increase from the previous 4.8%.

What's even more threatening, mosquitoes carry not only malaria, but other virus-causing diseases as well, such as Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, and dengue 

Malaria is perhaps the most common and prevalent disease caused by mosquitoes for which synthetic antimalarial drugs such as chloroquine is now found to be resistant

We may have to go back to natural medicines like quinine from the cinchona tree bark, the original natural product used in antimalarial chemotherapy or Artemisinin first isolated from the leaves of the sweet wormwood – Artemisia annua, a natural traditional Chinese medicine which inhibits the malaria parasites, a discovery for which Tu Youyou of China won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015. But using natural medicines to treat malaria may cause more harm than good due to the destruction of these valuable plants for the extraction of these natural traditional medicines.

We can clearly see here it is not just tuberculosis that is resurfacing, but also long-standing traditional diseases like malaria which were already there for thousands if not millions of years. How are we going to solve all these problems plaguing mankind for tens of thousands of years?  

I personally believe the best defence against all communicable diseases is our own immune system specially built for us since birth as our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made. See my explanation here: 

" I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." (Psalm 139:14. KJV)

 Just like malaria which is now showing resistance to chloroquine, so would all these antibiotics sooner or later show resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

 So can Hansen's disease or leprosy caused by Mycobacterium leprae become resistant to triple antibiotic regime dapsone together with rifampicin, and clofazimine.

Doctors and scientists need to study evolutionary medicine or Darwinian medicine too like I did at Cambridge, and not just on pharmacology and clinical medicine.

They have to understand that all life including pathogenic microorganisms have been created and evolved for over the last 3.5 billion years, first appearing in the oceans, before creeping into the land and soil, and they are especially evolved to stay till the Sun dies in another 5,000,000,000 years more, long, long after the last human disappears from the surface of Earth.

They merely obey the biological law of Nature to adapt against all odds as “survival of the fittest”. It is very futile for us to fight against them with antibiotics or against viruses with antiviral agents. They just mutate into much hardier strains against all drugs. It is just their nature programmed into them by our and their Creator.  

My feeling in most areas of medical sciences, including evolutionary medicine I know, we can never, never fight with an Almighty Nature. This pandemic is here to stay to destroy and to reduce our cancerous human overpopulation at the expanse all other animals that too have the right to inherit this Earth, not just us human animals who are only interested in building concrete structures, cars, trains, ships, shopping malls, etc, etc, and park them everywhere here and there and claim them as their properties after destroying the natural environment everywhere. Human animals are blind to the fatal consequences of food, fuel, energy depletion and climate change with their activities.

See here on: 

“Our Dilemma of Over Population” 

I think that's why all those infectious diseases like tuberculosis you mentioned, plus my own opinion on Ebola haemorrhagic fevers, Lassa fever, Hendra, Nipah, HIV viruses, etc, etc, are re-emerging which we only thought we have conquered. They like malaria, dengue and covid are here to stay forever to get rid of all of us, sinful human animals.   

Even the continuing wearing of face masks is useless.

Read my reasons why masks do not protect against coronavirus here:

If they want face masks to be a very, very bit more effective, then make their own face masks, but still not effective enough as the virus will pass through all filters including even thick porcelain ultra-filters

The dangers of wearing face masks while exercising:

This virus is capable of mutating into at least 400 Quintillion Strains and Variants through the design of God in His evolution of life on Earth

How are all these scientists and so called "medical experts" who advise the public to wear face masks are going to fight with God, the Intelligent Designer of all the Universe? God is no respecter of any human animal

Thank you to all readers for reading and sharing my thoughts with all.

Jb lim


Saturday, November 12, 2022

My Mistakes in Life

 Let me share with you the mistakes I made yesterday when I went to a small town called Kuala Kubu Bahru (KKB) in the State of Selangor, here in Malaysia, 53.2 km from my house. This unforgiving experience is supposed to be shared among friends in our WhatsApp chat group, but I decided to open it to a much wider world-wide audience here in this blog so that they will not repeat the mistakes I did.

It took us one hour 3 minutes to drive to KKB at a maximum speed of 107 kph.  My wife, my son and myself decided to go to KKB for a casual lunch since it was Saturday weekend. But I think I made a mistake like most of us often do by overspending on lunch. I just want to share my horrible mistakes in life with readers here.  Often, we are extravagant by overspending which is really unnecessary.

Here is my story. 


We went there actually for a casual ride but ended up spending unnecessarily for lunch because normally I eat only a simple meal at home once a day, very seldom twice a day.

However, I drink a lot of water – at least 2 litres a day. I have earlier explained our body losses at least 800 dl of water every day whether or not we drink. We call this “obligatory urinary loss”.  If we do not replace this compulsory urinary loss, within two days we would be dehydrated, and death ensures within 4 – 5 days as water is needed to flush out the metabolites such as urea, uric acids, creatinine, salts and electrolytes such as sodium from food consumption, and also other breakdown  of drugs we may be taking.

Furthermore, our kidneys will cease to function if we do not drink adequately, at least two litres of water a day.  Food is less important as we can last for weeks or months depending on our fat storage, provided we drink – water is free as a gift from God.  Hence it is crucial we drink to replace the fluid loss in urine  

But unfortunately, what I did yesterday was not just wrong, but perhaps even sinful considering that over 80 % of poor communities throughout the world hardly have the ‘luxury’ of even a meal a day.

We ordered six dishes just for three of us. We ordered sweet and sour fish, prawns in chilli sauce, two plates of taufoo with different preparation, baby bean sprouts, and a large portion of pork knuckles

It was wrong of me to order so much dishes and to spend a total of RM 298.50 just for lunch for 3 of us plus some extra food we brought home. This amounts to almost RM 100 per person. Just imagine if we were to spend at this rate just for food every day, this works out to be RM 298.50 x 3 meals a day = RM 895.50 per day, RM 26,865 per month or RM 322,380 a year. (One US dollar = 4.70 Malaysian Ringgit. One British Pound = 5.48 Malaysian Ringgit at current rate). We then went back to Kuala Lumpur and on the way we stopped at "The Taste of Chennai" in Rawang to order several packets of different Indian curries, and back in Kuala Lumpur bought several durians. All in, we spent RM 417.65 on food alone yesterday, and not just RM 298.50 as in KKB. This is truly far in excess than what we actually wanted. 

Where would I be able to get that kind of money just to satisfy my gluttony? Thankfully, my average food expenditure for just myself and my wife is normally between RM 1,300 - RM1,500, at most up to RM 1,800 per month, and even that is already excessive for the two of us. Of course, we don’t go out often to eat.

Naturally I do not have that sort of money, or that means. Neither do I live that sort of lavish lifestyle. It was of course just for a day. In fact I normally eat a very simple meal  at home, often just once a day that does not cost more than RM 8 -10 on an average. 

What I am trying to explain here is, sometinmes all of us do overspend unnecessaily what we can actually afford. But I suppose  unnecessary overspending do happen to most of us, and it may do no harm if it was only for a day or two once or twice a month. I do not think anyone, including myself indulge in such spending just for a meal. It is far  beyond my means in any case.

An ocasional overspending is harmless I suoppose, so long we keep within our means and monthly budget especially for food that is the most important need in our llife. Anyway I diluted that out by not having my dinner that night. I just ate a very simple and cheap meal only once a day as I normally do. I write this just for illustration that all of us do unnecessary overspend once in a blue moon so long we do not make that as our habit and unhealthy lifestyle. 

As I have just mentioned after that unnecessary spending, I did not eat any dinner at all that night. I just drank an extra 1 litre of plain tea for dinner. In other words, I actually ate one meal yesterday. Thankfully that diluted out my excessive spending.

Don’t we think what I did was not right, if not sinful when as I said, over 80 % of the world population from poor countries do not even get a single meal costing less than RM 2.30 per day for a family of 10. They really live in abject poverty.

It was totally unforgiving when I spent too much, and they have so little. Yet God bless them all with disease-free longevity, whereas the rich and extravagant are plagued by chronic and degenerative diseases like diabetes, metabolic syndromes, gout, heart, vascular, liver, kidney, stroke, cancers, among other incurable diseases due to overeating, gluttony, and over nutrition.


I am always mindful of what Jesus warned about our souls when we die, because souls exist. Jesus clearly showed souls exist using His parable about the rich man and Lazarus when they both died as told in Luke 16:19-31. He clearly convinced me (at least me, perhaps not many), souls exist when we die as I have explained in several of my blog articles such as here, to quote a few:

This serves as a very serious warning to us who may be rich and have plenty to eat, use and to invest on other unnecessary items we hardly need, use, or use only once or twice after buying them, only to hang them all up to collect dust after that. In fact 99.999 % of the things we buy and keep in the house we use only once, twice or three times at most and hang them up to collect dust, while most in poorer countries do not even get to eat once a day.   Jesus repeated His warning about rich people once again here.

“I’ll say it again—it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!” (Matt. 19:24.). We may only be physically rich here in this temporary life here on Earth.

“Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on…” (Matthew 6:25-34).

Jesus doesn't over eat like most of us. In fact, Jesus often fasted, some sometimes as long as 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness (Mark 1:13; Matthew 4:1–11; Luke 4:1–13).

What I did yesterday was downright wrong because it is far, far, far better for me to nourish and invest in my soul (that clearly exists) for all eternity than to invest on eating all the food in this world could offer for at most 100 years, or even more than 1,000 years if this is possible like in the early days of creation, such as the longevities of Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, among others who all lived between 700 to almost 1,000 years then.  

But finally, it is the bacteria that would devour all our bodies when we die. See article on “The Chemistry of Death” here:

The bacteria of death and decomposition were the first to appear on Earth. They are the meekest of all living things God has ever created, and they shall also be the last to disappear after feeding off all the dead bodies of every human here on this Earth so that they can re-inherit this Earth once again after all humans have died due to our greed, overpopulation and consuming all the natural resources available. Mark this verse which no church has tried to explain so far.

“Blessed are the meek (the bacteria of death and decomposition), for they will inherit the earth” (Mathew 5:5).

You can clearly see the mistake I too made yesterday, but I am now thankful He has opened my eyes after the blunders I have done. I hope I can be forgiven.

This is just to share my mistakes. Thank you for reading. 

Jb lim

The History & Significance of Chinese New Year

  Chinese New Year is just two weeks from today in 2025. Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival in China is a festival that celebrates the...