Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dear friends 

In my Whats Up Doc Whatsapp some of you don't seem to agree with me when I casually mentioned that we all descended from Adam and Eve 

Some merely quoted what scientists told them that the human race came from Africa, yet others who are even more confused by their "scientific" brief, argued that homo sapiens were evolved from the apes, but remained silent about the missing link between the primates and the modern man as if the transition between the apes and humans was completely seamless.

But when I briefly explained in just one or two sentences that we were all descended from Adam and Eve, it created a storm among some.

They refuse to agree with me 

Let me explain again starting with just a few verses below:

"After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden Cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life"

(Genesis 3:24)

"So Cain went out of the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of the a Garden of Eden"

(Genesis 4:16)

But where then was the Garden of Eden?

This has been debated for some time already among theology, archaeology, geographers, sociology,  anthropological experts.

Initially it was thought to be where the rivers Euphrates and Tigris were n the Middle East.

But since the Middle East is quite arid, dry and infertile where hardly plants can grow, let alone a beautiful garden like in Eden where there were plenty of trees of all sorts including the Tree of Knowledge,  this idea was abandoned 

Scientists including myself now believe the Garden of Eden, and just east of it where Adam and Eve were driven out, was in the very fertile land, probably in the Nile valley where the River Nile flows

And the Nile is in Egypt on the top of the African continent where a lot of ancient mysteries happened. 

Anthropologists also think that this was the place where humans first came from  -  the African continent

This theory fits very well with what I too think, based on the description given in the Bible.

Further east of Egypt are the countries in the Middle East where Moses led the Israerites who are the children of God to settle in the Promised Land.

And that was where all the descendants of Adam and Eve..Cain, Abel, Seth, down to Enoch, Enos...etc, etc. came to settle down 

Moses who came later then led the Israelites wandering even more eastwards into the deserts for forty years until Noah time

They were all driven out of the Garden of Eden to the east into Africa which I have already explained was in the fertile land of the Nile valley in the African continent

It was from where (Egypt) Moses led the children of Israel towards the Middle East a journey which took them some 40 years in the wilderness.

By the time Adam and Eve genealogy came to Noah's generation, humans already began to multiply greatly and populate over the surface of the Earth as God 

"And God bless them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply; and replenish the Earth, and subdue it....over every living thing that move upon the Earth" (Genesis 1:28).

That was also when the sons of gods came and mated with the pretty daughters of Adam and Eve descendants

"that the sons of gods (alien beings from another world) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and the took them wives of all which they choose" (Genesis 6:2)

As a result of this ungodly reunion between the sons of gods (alien beings) and the fair daughters of men (human-kind prior to Noah), they produce giants and nephilim 

Nephilim are ungodly beings neither humans nor earthy beings as the result of union between humans and "sons of gods" 

They were the giants who were capable of building the pyramids such as the Grand Pyramid of Egypt,  and other engineering feats around the world such as the Oblex of Axum and Aswan, the Stone of Pregnant Women in Baalbek, Lebanon, the Saksaywaman, Peru, the underground church in Lalibela in Ethopia, the Teotihuacan  in Mexico...and much more, since by then the human race have already multiplied and populated the surface of earth as the Lord God commanded as I have already explained (Genesis 1:28)

I have much, much more to say about the origin of man on earth and how it fits in so neatly from what the Bible tells us so briefly,  and yet so precisely and deeply,  and what Science tries so hard and at great length to believe

As a research scientist myself, the more I think about what my scientific counter parts tried so hard to postulate,  the more I find such beautiful union between the Scripture and Science

Scientists need just to ask the Lord God to give them wisdom and spiritual vision and not knowledge, and they can instantly see the reunion with Him in Spirit and in Truth

The Scripture is an inspired writing given by God without burden to anyone who believes first before they see, while scientific knowledge is acquired by unnecessary very hard research and toil by scientist who insist on seeing first before they believe,  yet they see so little

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest....for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" 

(Matthew11: 28 - 30)

May the good Lord God gives you that same vision and wisdom as He gives me in my daily prayer.

So shall this be!


Lim Ju Boo

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