Thursday, May 21, 2020

Corona Virus Abhors High Temperatures


lim ju boo 

Viruses are very intolerant to high temperatures since they are believed to have originated from outer space as many scientists in astro-biology are convinced

Deep Freeze in Suspended Animation:

Originally viruses such as coronaviruses remain “hibernated” as pre-life molecules or in suspended animation for at least 3.6 – 4.0 billion years in the frigid of interstellar space where I believe they came from, and definitely not spontaneously generated by or from bats, or artificially created in a laboratory.

The CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) temperature in outer space after the Big Bang is no higher than just 3 Kelvin (3.0 degrees above absolute temperature) or 2.72548±0.00057 Kelvin to be exact, and at such temperature all molecular movements almost totally freeze, and where all “life” and pre-life can remain eternally latent

Habitable Earth:

There they remain in deep, deep freeze in the frigid of outer space for almost all eternity until they arrive on a horrendously long, dark, cold and lonely journey to Earth  from the Ort Cloud or brought along  by passing comets   to shower Earth with their  virus-laden cosmic dusts  like seeds being thrown and sowed on soft, ambient, water-rich  grounds on this planet to germinate and multiply among  the myriads of living hosts  and the profusion of biodiversity such as birds, camels, bats and the pangolins that entertain them.

Bite the Hand that Feeds:

However, if they jump hosts from animals to humans in a zoonotic manner and threaten humans for our “hospitality”, we humans will generate unfavorably conditions for their multiplications such as a fever as an immunological response. 

It is a tit-for tat retort Nature provides us for our survival as prescribes by the natural biological laws of selection and evolution.

Hence, it is extremely crucial that once a fever is elicited by the body it should never be suppressed by any antipyretics (drugs that subdue fever) such as using paracetamol or aspirin, but the fever be left alone or even encouraged by a warm bath provided it is not too high to cause fever convulsions.

A fever is purposely induced by the body to fight an infection and should not be interfered with by using drugs to suppress this natural physiological response to any infection, unless it is too high that can cause febrile seizures and epilepsy especially in children.

Febrile seizures  in children normally begins when the body temperature is raised from 33.4 ± 0.16 °C to 40.74 ± 0.13 °C (the seizure-threshold temperature) and seizure can begin in 2.9 min.

In such event, the body (oral) temperature can be sponged down by tepid or cool water to manageable levels between 37.5 – 36.9 0 C depending on age between 0 – 2 years till over 65 respectively.

Climate Temperature and Covid-19 Spread:

We can also observe a much higher prevalence rate of the current pandemic distribution of the coronavirus infection in the colder winter  climates like in  China, United States and Europe compared to  the warmer  tropical countries like Malaysia and the entire SE Asia where infection rates,  degrees of morbidity and mortality rates are much lower  during the winter months between December 2019 and currently in May 2020 when the pandemic  spread fast -  if we are scientifically observant enough.

This hypothesis of temperature-infection relationship is also observed by scientists in a study at the prestigious MIT that warm, humid climate is linked to a slower COVID-19 transmission here:

As a former medical research scientist myself who previously worked at MIT, I too concur with them, and also  my conviction from my further post-doctoral education and training and understanding in Evolutionary Biology at the University of Cambridge in 2019, and also in Astronomy and Astrobiology from the University of Oxford also in 2019

Reasons Why Heat Destroys:

We are not sure at this point in time exactly how heat and temperature affect  the virus, let alone know the exact temperature needed to inactivate the virus.

What we do know are from  studies conducted by scientists at both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, United States of America, and at the Sun Yat-sen University,  a major Chinese public research university located in Guangzhou, China  where it was shown  that warm weather immobilizes and slow down  the spread of the virus, while cold weather accelerates its spread.

We have already gained this knowledge from reputable studies by scientists from these two very prestigious world class universities. We have to accept their findings.

Clearly their studies showed there is a relationship between the  temperature, and probably the humidity  in the air as well, and the activity of the coronavirus,  in that hot air or the environment slows down or may have killed the virus, while cold air such as the prevailing winter in China, United States and the entire Europe towards the end of December 2019 till May 2020 activates and mobilizes the rapid spread of this virus.

This relationship seems quite clear to us as scientists, and probably to some educated and highly intelligent members of the public who may also be observant.

We are Unsure:

But what we are unsure is the range of temperatures on which heat  can either activate, kill or immobilizes the coronavirus, and the mechanisms how heat plays a role. 

In chemistry we know that heat actually accelerates a chemical reaction, but in a  biological activity extreme heat inactivates and destroys all life  

Existing Knowledge in Food Science:

However we can only infer from existing knowledge we already know in food science, and / or in nutritional sciences, as well as from what we know in chemistry and biochemistry that heat greatly affects the molecules of proteins in foods, chemistry and biological function in general.

This may be exactly the same mechanism that have affected  the protein envelope that protects the corona virus.

Denaturation of Proteins:

For instance, we already know that heat denatures the proteins in foods by disrupting and possibly if the temperature is high enough, destroys both the secondary and tertiary structures of the proteins.

However if the heat is mild to moderate,  the protein will still be denatured, but  the denaturation reactions will not be strong enough to break open the peptide bonds which is the primary structure in the sequence of the amino acids.

In other words, the chemical nature of the protein remains the same after denaturation.  It only disrupts the normal alpha-helix and beta sheets in a protein and uncoils it into a random shape. In short it is a physical change.

In chemistry, we know that heat disrupt the hydrogen bonds and non-polar hydrophobic interactions.

What happens is that heat increases the kinetic energy and causes the molecules in any substance inclusive of protein and RNA structures as found in the virus to vibrate so rapidly and violently that the bonds are disrupted. That may have broken up the virus infectivity very effectively?

Damaging Nature of Heat:

Heat is very damaging to most biological materials inclusive of all microorganisms, and probably all viruses as well because of their very simple and short chain protein and genomic sequence.

For instance, food and nutrition scientists and even among lay people and ordinary housewives know that when an egg is being boiled, within just less than a minute the white of egg has already coagulated.

In fact even just in hot water the white of egg has already become opaque or coagulated. This is denaturation of the egg albumin. Everyone has already observed and knows this – even an ordinary housewife or even a child has seen this.

The albumin or white of egg, the major source of protein turns solid when fully boiled.  The proteins in the egg start to coagulate as the temperature rises. The albumin or egg whites coagulate at 60°C, the egg yolks at 65°C, and the entire egg is completely denatured with full coagulation occurring at 70°C.

The same mechanism occurs when meat is cooked.  It shrinks in size.  As the temperature rises, the proteins coagulate and shrinks further as the muscles fibres lose water causing the meat  to become harder and chewy if heat is applied too long. This is food science.

Likewise we can sterilize any equipment such as surgical instruments by heating them to denature and destroy the proteins in bacteria.

Coagulation is irreversible process and the proteins cannot be reversed into their liquid form.

Another example is heating milk.  When heated just below boiling point, a skin forms.  This is due to the milk protein coagulating. 


Applied Knowledge:

If we then apply our existing knowledge in chemistry, biochemistry, food science and nutritional sciences,  we can also extrapolate the same knowledge to explain the same in virology and in microbiology on  the reasons why heat is extremely damaging to all biological materials especially their enzymes, nutrients, vitamins, genetic materials, and of course the proteins we have just explained and discussed.

Translation of Food Science into Virology:

This knowledge we can safely translate onto the viruses and coronaviruses (antigen) the reason(s)  why their  protein coat is  very sensitive and protective to them especially to heat and thermal shock.

After all, according to the Panspermia theory life or pre-life forms may have existed from another form and seeded onto Earth after a very, very cold, long and dark journey through outer space where these pre-life molecules were used to almost absolute zero Kelvin for a few billion years, and they may not be able to tolerate extreme heat on arrival into our world This was already mentioned earlier.

 What We Still Do Not Know:

Any disruption to this very fragile and sensitive protein coat of the virus, be it just through denaturation by mild heat,  or total destruction by high temperatures, and how this  may affect  the virus activity,  and mobility  -  just like the studies  showed  how  hot and cold climate affects  the spread of this virus as demonstrated by researchers at MIT and at Yat-sen University still needs  further studies

We have little understanding at this point in writing on the degrees of chemical damage heat may have on both its protein structure  and the RNA  configurations and sequencing  of the virus

This virus is very new to us in Science and there is a lot of work still to be done  

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