Thursday, May 7, 2020

Evidence that Ghosts do not exist

Ghosts do not exist. 

Even if they do, they are far more petrified of human beings than we are scared of them. Ask yourself these questions:

·        Why  don’t they appear when there are a lot of people around
·        Why don’t they appear in broad daylight when people can see them clearly
·        Why do they only appear to frighten people who are alone and only at night?
·        Countless billions upon billions of people have already died since time immemorial. So this means there should be countless numbers of ghosts and spirits floating all over every cubic centimeters of space on Earth.
·        How is it there is  none around people can see whether night or day? Where have they gone if they are departed spirits of dead people?
·        Surely at least one can be seen floating around whether day or night. But there is none so far.
·        The human mind hallucinates when they are frightened and starts to imagine things which are never there in the first place.
·        How it is that only one person can see, and yet the other could not see anything in the same room.
·        If ghosts exist, then they must show up to prove to us their existence. But they failed to do so
·        Is this because they are more scared of us, than we of them?
·        If they are stronger than us than they should appear in front of everybody in the same room or place.

Dear Mr. Ghost, please remember, a living person has a physical body + mind + body chemistry + soul.  

If you Mr. Ghost exist, you will only have a soul without a body or a solid structure,    or blood and you will not have the  biochemistry and chemical reactions needed, plus  vital force or energy (life or qi) inside you that we have.

So how can ghosts  be stronger than us – a living body. When ghosts sees us with all these structures and vitality which they do not have, they will instantly avoid us especially when there are too many of us around, all armed with all these gadgets: 

body +  chemistry + spirit + life.

When they see these,  will instantly run away from us. They will be scared.

In short, according to my scientific reasoning, this mathematical equation just does not tally:

Composition of Living Human Body (Equation 1):

Bones + muscles + nerves + blood +  chemicals in the body + fluid + nutrients + oxygen + carbon dioxide + body electrical energy + thinking power + physical strength + vital force (life forces which is the most important energy in a living body) plus spirit or soul

Composition of Ghost (Equation 2):

Soul without the rest of the above

Hence mathematically, Equation 1 ≠ (is not equal to) to Equation 2

If you look at my 2 equations above, you will instantly agree with me we are stronger than Mr. Ghost.

This means  they  and all their dead friends  would be  more scared of us than we are frighten of them,  especially in the daytime when sunlight (E = mc2) add more power and oomph to all the ingredients I have listed above. 

We know the solar constant is 120 watts of heat energy per square meter. But it is 1370 watts / m2 of power over all wavelengths. When integrated over a surface area of a sphere like on this Earth the area A:  

A  = 0   ∫0  r^2 sin θ dθ dφ = 4 π^2

whose radius (r) is the Earth-Sun distance.  

To cut short the calculations, this implies that the Sun generates 
3.826 x 1026 Watts of power which is derived from the destruction of about 600,000,000 tons of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei.

Our Sun pumps out about 386 billion million gigawatts  of energy  into space.

This mass to energy equivalent is approx 5 million tons of mass per second being converted  to generate  this quantity of energy over the Earth's surface, half of which will be in the daytime when ghosts are afraid  and do not come out

We receive about 1370 Watts  / m2 of power from the Sun over all wavelengths. When integrated over a sphere whose radius is the Earth-Sun distance this implies that the Sun generates:

3.826 x 1026 Watts of power.  

Recall that one Watt is 1 Joule/second. A Joule is a unit of energy.

In one second the Sun  releases: 

 E = 3.8 x 1026 Joules / sec

149,680,000 km x 1000 = 149,680 million meters

But not a bit of quantum of this energy is given to ghosts.  That's why ghosts and the air around them are so cold 

Sorry lah! Mr. Ghost I have just proved to you this power and light is too much for to bear in broad daylight.

Aren't you not afraid of all this light from the Sun? That's why you only come out at night when there is no power and light 

Hence I, Lim Ju Boo is not afraid of you Mr. Ghost because I have  proved  to  you and for  every living soul existing on this Planet Earth that you don’t exist, and even you do, you only dare  to  come out at night to frighten people when they are alone 

I challenge you to have an appointment with me at anytime, and at anyplace even in the dark which is your favourite haunt-out. 

I need to interview you urgently.

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