Thursday, April 23, 2020

World War 3: Humans vs. The Corona Virus

For this article, please click on to this site: 

The title of the essay is: 

 “2020: The War of the Worlds: Earthlings vs. The Corona Virus. Who Will Win?”

It is under this general sub-title

"The Thoughts of Dr JB Lim"


The essay was dedicated  to Ir. Lau Tai Onn on Sunday, May 03, 2020 into his blog 

Thank you for reading

Lim Ju Boo

1 comment:

taionn said...

Dear Dr. JB Lim,

I must thank you for entrusting me to publish in my humble blog your GREAT ESSAY on "2020: The War of the Worlds: Earthlings vs. The Corona Virus. Will We Win?" to share with all interested netizens around the world.

Please note that the link to that blog posting you mentioned is a GENERAL link to my blog. To be specific, it is .

Thank you.

Lau Tai Onn

The Final Fate of Humanity (Part 4)

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