Friday, March 31, 2023

Adversed Events Post Covid-19 Vaccination



I have received tens of hundreds, in fact thousands of reports from friends, ex-medical colleagues and doctor friends via WhatsApp chats of adverse events as well as reports where people just died mysteriously or were maimed after the second dose of Covid-19 vaccination.

There were at least 3 cases of family friends whom I know here in Malaysia who collapsed and died suddenly or died days later after receiving the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccines.  There is really something very, very wrong with this vaccine.

Here is one account from a friend of mine now staying in the United States.  She recently (mid-March 2023) wrote this to me.

I quote what she wrote:

“Camila (her daughter, but not her real name) husband passed away some time after receiving the second vaccination during the pandemic. Two weeks after being admitted to hospital, the medical team found cancer cells in all organs. They were surprised to find the tumours in each organ were individual ones without source. Weeks after investigations they found a lump in the neck which they believed should be the source and arranged for a biopsy. But on the day of the procedure the lump disappeared. They had no clues as to how to give treatment. And so arranged for him to go to hospice. But instead, he chose to go home. He passed away a week later. In his death certificate the hospital couldn’t specify his cancer type”

As far as we know any vaccine will elicit an immunological response.  Immunological events is not only seen as a vaccine-induced autoimmune response, but in immunology we also see the same in many other diseases such as celiac disease - sprue (gluten-sensitive enteropathy), dermatomyositis, Grave’s disease, Hashimoto thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, pernicious anaemia, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Sogren syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus and Type I diabetes among at least another 100 other similar diseases we have not fully classified.

There was another explanation to all these adverse events given by a doctor, or a scientist, whoever he was in a video sent to me.  However, his explanation does not impress me one iota or add any new medical knowledge to me.

As far as I have read, there was an observation in the UK after Covid-19 vaccination was given in 2020.  What they found was, the initial immunoglobulin changed after the vaccination was given to a certain population. But what intrigues me is, why was it that some eight days after the vaccination there was a rise in IgG (one of the 5 types of antibodies) after an initial rise in IgM as IgM dipped? This is what I personally want to know. Obviously, there was an immunological switch.

As far as I know it is not common to have different types of immunoglobulins appearing after a specific infection unless there were mixed infections.  Normally in mixed infections, mixed antibodies are detected together at the very beginning, but not over a period of time lapse

It looks to me after the vaccination, the Covid virus may have mutated into another variant after incubation in the body.

The vaccine containing the mRNA fragment when injected into the body is challenged by the immune system. It may also at the same time cause the body to go into an autoimmune response to attack its own cells and organs. However, the RNA fragment may also have evolved and adapted itself into another type of mutagenic variant inside (not outside) the human body by snatching part of the human genome by lateral transfer just like we observe in bacteria that were able to incorporate stray DNA in the environment left behind from dead animal tissues into their genome to become a different strain hardier than ever as part of evolution . If they can do that, we see no reason why viruses cannot do the same, all the more when they have such a warm environment as a human host  by us deliberately inviting and welcoming them in by injections of those vaccines containing fragments of them.

The  evolution of viruses conforms to the principles of Darwinian host evolution, involving variation and natural selection up to a diversity in vitro  up to a tune of 1015 types. However, viruses have multiple origins, and are thus polyphyletic. There are six major categories of viruses (+RNA, –RNA, dsRNA, retro, small DNA, large DNA) that have no common genes and hence have no common ancestor. 

The origin of viruses is not clear to us. But we are certain the first viruses arose before all life. Over time, they adapted to new hosts. The oldest evidence of bacteria is found, for example, in so-called stromatolites, the oldest of which are 3.6 billion years old and were found in Australia. A direct proof of ancient viruses is still not known but we believe the first virus may have been at least  3,800 million years ago when the RNA world was shown up by the first chemical fossil. This was long, long before any other life came into existence to host them in. Even without any living host eons ago they were able to evolve into such a wide variety of viruses.

This possibly may have given rise to another type of immune response with another type of immunoglobulins as was shown in a UK finding I mentioned.

I think we may set a very dangerous  precedent for more pathogenically-aggressive viruses to evolve by using vaccines to challenge their survive

My question now is, could all these mass vaccinations be the reason for a serial rise in various variants from delta, mu, South African to Omicron, etc? That's my personal question to all Big Pharma scientists, vaccine producers, researchers and doctors who advocated these vaccines. Perhaps they may care to answer us.  


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Terazosin: An Altenative for High Blood Pressure Mangement


A patient approached me two days ago to ask me if his doctor who gave him Terazosin was the right medication for his prostate enlargement (benign prostate hypertrophy - BPH)? He told me he has high PSA, and if this meant he had cancer of the prostate?

 I explained and assured him this drug is popularly used by doctors for managing BPH. But also told him Terazosin is hardly used for treating hypertension as its action is more marked in bringing down blood pressure quite rapidly than its effects on urodynamics.

Since I have almost forgotten my pharmacology, I decided to carry out a medical experiment only on myself to demonstrate the hypotensive effects of this agent (Terazosin). But first allow me to very, very briefly explain the chemistry and action of this drug.     

Chemical name: 

1-(4-amino-6,7 -dimethoxy-2-quinazolinl)-4-(tetrahydro-2-furanyl) carbonyl -Piperazine monohydrochloride dihydrate with the empirical formula C19H25N5O4.HCl.2H2O

Generic name: Hytrin

Terazosin is presented at 1 mg, 2 mg, 5 mg.  Initial starting dose is 1 mg, titrated to higher doses as per necessary.


Its pharmacodynamic (mode of action) is, it is a blocker of alpha-1—adrenoceptor and is indicated for hypertension that can rapidly induce hypotensive effects even after a small initial dose. This can be used as the first line treatment. It also improves urodynamic on the smooth muscle tone of the bladder as second line action. This it does by antagonizing the phenylephrine induced contractions of the bladder regulated by alpha-1-adrenergic receptors.

It is actually a marked hypotensive agent, but mainly prescribed for benign prostate enlargement (BPH) in males instead.

Since now I have briefly explained its pharmacodynamics as a very effective antihypertensive drug it is used instead for managing benign prostate hypertrophy.

I then decided to conduct a personal medical experiment on myself to evaluate how effective it is as an anti-hypertensive agent.

Study Design: 

First of all, straight away and at once I need to mention what I conducted on myself is NOT a properly designed study. I did not use large populations or small randomized samples to statistically represent large true populations with controlled / placebo groups to compare, groups on the medication and groups not on the medication.

The data collected should then be statistically analysed to look for ‘statistical significance’ to see if there is a REAL difference, and not a difference due to chance between the test group (on medication) and the controlled group (not on medication).  We, as former medical researchers, would normally follow very strict experimental and statistical protocols in our study designs and how we select our samples.

We then use sophisticated mathematical (statistical) procedures to analyse the data before we interpret the data and results.

This is the first thing I need to explain right here at the very beginning. Once again, I am only using myself as the only subject that would not be representative of any population. Besides, there was no control group, not even another one person to compare, let alone the experiment carried over and over again for consistency.  It was only a few measurements over a 12-hour period.

Finally, normally we do not give the date or the clock’s time on the watch as I did here. Normally we may record the time taken as 10 minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes …2 hours…20 hours intervals, but not the date or actual time on the clock as I informally do here unless we want to show nocturnal and daytime variations.

Here are the very few data not worth any statistical analysis. Once again, I want to emphasize we need large samples, as large as possible to represent a true population, and the sampling we take must be randomized to prevent bias.   Bear in mind these are some of these research criteria required and must follow before I start. Are we ready?

However, despite these flaws here with only myself on this experiment, it already gives us a hint as a pilot pointer that Terazosin do have antihypertensive action on blood pressure and can be indicated for the management of high blood pressure instead of prescribing it only for BPH as doctors do. 

We may use these small initial results as a springboard for much larger, and properly designed study


Blood Pressure with 2.5 mg Terazosin (Hytrin)

Tuesday – Wednesday: 28 – 29 March 2023

Time and blood pressure

Prior to dosing at 10:15 pm: 116/ 67, 119/66, 126/71 mm Hg (Normotensive)

10:25 pm after oral dosing with 2.5 mg Hytrin: 119/72, 99/61, 107/ 65 mm Hg

10:36 pm: 97 /67, 110/73. 116/69 mm Hg (initial stage of hypotensive)

10:45 pm: 105 / 64, 108/60, 116/69 mm Hg (mild hypotension)

11:00 pm: 112 / 64, 115 /72, 102/ 59 mm Hg

Midnight, 29 March 29, 2023: 89 / 56, 82 / 50, 87 / 53 mm Hg. (Marked hypotension)

1:05 am: 83 /58, 82 / 52, 94 / 65 mm Hg (hypotensive stage)

3:13 am: 110 / 69, 106 /65, 117 / 74 mm Hg (drug effect showing false signs of wearing off)?

4:02 am: 80 /56, 94 /62, 96 / 64 mm Hg (hypotensive stage maintained)

10:39 am: 135 /71, 124 /72, 118 /80 mm Hg (hypotensive action weaning off after 12 hours)

Far too small a sample for statistical analysis. But we can see a quick rapid drop in blood pressure within just 15 minutes after an initial 2.5 mg. dose was maintained for 12 hours.

But I am unsure why is Terazosin seldom used to treat hypertension instead of other antihypertensive agents such as valsartan or valsartan with a diuretic such as valsartan + hydrochlorothiazide (Co-Diovan)? There is no indication in the literature to show the adverse effects of using Terazosin alone or concomitantly with other drugs for treating hypertension.  

Prostate-specific Antigen (PSA)

As far as his high total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is concerned, this needs to be investigated further. A high PSA level does not necessarily mean prostate cancer, and neither a low PSA level means the absence of prostate cancer. One of the best ways to detect prostate cancer is to look at how high and fast the PSA levels rise over a period of time (PSA velocity).

If it rises far above the normal of 4.0 ng/mL within a month or so, this requires further investigations using urine tests, such as a urinalysis for blood, TRUS (trans rectal ultrasound) biopsies, x-rays, cystoscopy. TRUS biopsies are very invasive that also carries the risk of infections as the needle has to go through the distal end of the colon where there are faeces, and risk of bleeding as multiple sites, some 10 to 12 areas around the prostate gland needs to be punched out (biopsied).

One better non-invasive approach is not just taking blood to determine level of free PSA, but to look for combined PSA with protein. But this method is very time consuming and very expensive to carry out. I have not heard of this free and combined PSA being done in any of the government hospitals in this country, but I have no idea if this is available in private hospitals? Since it is expensive and time-consuming, free and combined PSA is not routinely done in most government hospitals, not even in major ones.  They may also need lab facilities and trained staff to do this

Patients with low free to total PSA in blood may be at risk of prostate cancer. PSA ratios of less than 10% free PSA, and more than 90% bound PSA is more likely to have prostate cancer. Men with constantly elevated PSA concentrations should have the free to total PSA ratio estimated. The only problem with this test is that free PSA is short-lived not only in vivo but also in vitro, so it must be measured within 24 hours of collecting the blood sample. Delay will falsely lower free to total PSA ratios which could be misinterpreted as an increased risk of cancer.

 Jb lim


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Pituitary Gland: The Conductor of The Endocrine Orchestra


The Pituitary Gland: The Conductor of the Endocrine Orchestra

I have studied physiology, medicine and music, among many other disciplines of sciences with music, my odd combination as a hobby. I have played the violin in an orchestra. One of the most important leader in an orchestra, besides the first and lead violinist sitting in the first row on the right of a symphony orchestra, is the conductor who leads the orchestra into harmony.

Suddenly I thought I should write an article in medicine or in physiology on the pituitary gland as the Conductor of the Endocrine Orchestra where I can combine music and medicine (endocrinology) together in harmony.

Before that, let us imagine ourselves sitting in a very huge music hall where all sorts of people in the audience make up all the cells, tissues, organs and systems of the body and the orchestra in front is the master organ that drives the audience into a harmonious silence as the conductor leads the music of life in the body.

Medicine, nevertheless, is a very huge and a very complex subject and is divided into so many branches, sub-branches and sub-sub-branches where information on medicine would occupy entire national medical libraries in this world. Naturally it is well outside the scope of my blog here to discuss all the information we know in medicine.

Even at the medical library of the Royal Society of Medicine in London where I have been admitted as a Fellow since 1993, a medical library there is the biggest in Europe,  storing untold millions of documents on medicine dating back 5,000 years, and we have to retrieve information electronically, as it is sheer impossible to search published papers and scientific journal manually.  

So we shall not attempt to write even a few short reviews on other aspects of medicine and their discoveries but we shall only concentrate on just a pea-size organ called the pituitary gland that sits at the base of the brain that is able to coordinate all the hormones working together in sympathy with each other.

This area in medicine is called neuroendocrinology. We shall limit ourselves only to briefly discuss its functions that fascinated me since student’s time when I first started to learn physiology as part of medicine till I was involved in medical research at MIT in the US, and at the Institute for Medical Research in my home country in Malaysia.  

Let’s very briefly discuss only this fascinating little organ.

Function and Anatomy of the Pituitary Gland:


The posterior pituitary technically called neurohypophysis consists of the core of the pituitary stalk, the infundibular stalk which is an extension of the median eminence, and the posterior (neural) lobe. Large (magnocellular) neuroendocrine calls located in the bilaterally paired supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus send their axons (nerve fibres) through the median eminence and infundibulum to terminate in the posterior lobe. The terminals have large secretory vesicles which release the peptide hormones oxytocin and vasopressin which is the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) into fenestrated capillaries. The axons of these neuroendocrine cells do not contain ribosomes; the peptide hormones are synthesized in their cell bodies and move by axonal transport into the terminals. Hence, the posterior pituitary is the site of the hormone secretion, but not of synthesis.

Anterior Pituitary

The anterior pituitary or adenohypophysis is largely the anterior lobe or alternatively called pars distalis. The anterior lobe contains several populations of polygonal-shaped secretary cells. The blood supply of the anterior pituitary, the hypothalamic-pituitary portal system, is remarkable. The superior hypophyseal arteries form a primary capillary bed in the median eminence. This drains into the long portal vessels which run through the pituitary stalk, giving rise to a secondary capillary bed in the anterior lob. Small parvocellular neuroendocrine cells in several hypothalamic nuclei send axons to the median eminence where they secrete hypophysiotropic hormones. These are conveyed  by the hypothalamic-pituitary portal system into the anterior lobe to regulate its secretion. Cells in the anterior pituitary are specialized to synthesize and secrete particular hormones, and can be distinguished by difference in histological staining.


Hypophysiotropic and Anterior Pituitary Hormones:

hypophysiotropic hormones produced by the hypothalamus control five separate endocrine axes by either stimulating or inhibiting the synthesis and secretion of hormones by the anterior pituitary. All bar one are peptides. The exception is dopamine, which is a catecholamine. Anterior pituitary hormones in turn regulate the synthesis and release of hormones from a variety of other, more peripheral target organs. The five hypothalamic-pituitary axes are:

1.       Hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis: gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the anterior pituitary regulates the synthesis and release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and the luteinising hormone (LH). Together, FSH and LH are termed gonadotropins. FSH and LH act on the gonads to regulate the secretion of testosterone in males, and oestrogens and progesterone in females.

2.       Growth hormone axis: GHRH stimulates the synthesis and release of growth hormone by the anterior pituitary. Growth hormone has a tropic effect on the liver, which produces insulin-like growth factor (IGF), but it also has a direct action on tissues, such as bones and muscles to stimulate growth. Somatostatin inhibits the synthesis of growth hormone.

3.       Prolactin axis: prolactin, secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, has a direct effect on breast tissue, stimulating lactation (milk production). This hormone is mainly under inhibitory control by dopamine from the hypothalamus.

4.       Hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis: thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulates the synthesis and release  of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) by the anterior pituitary gland. TSH stimulates  its target organ, the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). Somatostatin, secreted by the pancreas, inhibits TSH secretion.

5.       Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis: corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and vasopressin stimulates the biosynthesis and release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which targets the adrenal cortex to secrete the glucocorticoid cortisol


Posterior Pituitary Hormone:

The hormones of the posterior pituitary gland are oxytocin and vasopressin. The paraventricular and supra-optic nuclei of the hypothalamus synthesise and package these hormones, which are then carried by the axons of the neuro-secretory neurons to the posterior pituitary. The hormones are secreted into the circulation by the posterior pituitary. Oxytocin and vasopressin are both peptides.

1.       Oxytocin acts on the smooth muscles of the uterus to maintain labour (parturition) and the lactating breast to eject milk.

2.       Vasopressin acts on vascular smooth muscle and on renal collecting tubules where it functions to promote water reabsorption and so is critical for water homeostasis.

Disorders of Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axes:

Defects in endocrine systems controlled by the hypothalamus and pituitary are classified by the locus of the fault:

1.       Primary endocrine disorders are when the problem occurs in the target organ, such as gonads, adrenal or thyroid gland.

2.       Secondary endocrine disorders result from a defect of the pituitary.

3.       Tertiary disorders are due to defects in the hypothalamus.

Disorders of hypothalamic-pituitary axes may be selective or multiple and result in excess or deficiency of hormone production. Excess pituitary hormone secretion can be due to enhanced hypophysiotropic hormone secretion (tertiary) or to the pituitary tumour. Prolactin-secreting microadenomas are the commonest pituitary tumours. Pituitary hormones can also be secreted by tumours outside the pituitary, for example, some bronchial carcinoma produce prolactin. This is termed as ectopic secretion. Selective deficiencies are typically genetic or due to autoimmune disease. For instance, one type of dwarfism is caused by a defect in expression of the growth hormone receptor.

Multiple loss of anterior pituitary hormones (panhypopituitarism) occur as a result of any agent that destroys the pituitary, including tumours, infections, trauma, infarction, radiation, and the condition reflect the combined loss of secretion by gonads, adrenals and thyroid, and of growth hormones .

 Here is the list of disorders associated with hormonal deficiencies or hormonal excesses:

Hormones Deficiencies / Excess and their Disorders:

 PRL: None / infertility and galactorrhoea in both sexes

TSH: hypothyroidism: child, cretinism, adult, myxoedema / hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease)

GH: Child, dwarfism / Child, gigantism / Adult, acromegaly

FSH / LH: hypogonadism, infertility in both sexes / None

ACTH: Addison’s disease / Cushing’s disease

Vasopressin: Diabetes insipidus / hypertension

Oxytocin: none reported / none reported

All hormones: Nil reported for deficiency / Panhypopituitarism (empty sella syndrome for excesses)


Can Silicon-Based Life Exist in Another World?


  Silicon Life in Another World?

Water is the most important ingredient for the existence of all life on earth, from the smallest bacteria called Nanoarchaeum equitans a species of microbe 200 to 500 nm (0.00020 to 0.00050 mm) in diameter discovered in 2002 in a hydrothermal vent off the coast of Iceland by Karl to the largest sequoia tree. The basic chemical composition of life mainly proteins, nucleic acids as we know it. These basic chemical ingredients of life consist of long chains and rings of carbon atoms. Some of these carbon atoms of life combine with oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus. We may say life as we know it here on earth is made up of hydrocarbons and their derivatives in the presence of water.


Having said that, we may ask if life can be made from anything else other than carbon-based?  In other words, are there any other substances or molecules similar to carbon that can mimic the properties of life that give it such large bio diversities and characteristics?


Can we in our knowledge in biochemistry and chemistry think of something else that could substitute water as the most important ingredient and requirements for life existence? In fact, even in astronomy where scientists look for the existence of life elsewhere in the universe among the stars, they look for worlds circulating stars within the Goldilocks Zone is the presence of water. It shall be where conditions are neither too hot nor too cold for life-giving water to exist since water is crucially important for life to exist. One possibility that may substitute water is liquid ammonia that has similar chemical properties to water. On a planet such as Jupiter where liquid ammonia is commonplace, while liquid water freezes, we may conceive life may be possible in such a world.


Hydrogen can easily be attached to carbon atoms in so many ways and arrangement due to the four chains of carbon sticking out, and compounds that make up life can be in almost infinite combinations due to their aliphatic straight chains and rings structures.


 Hydrogen is the most abundant element throughout the universe. One element that mimics hydrogen is fluorine. We can have equally numerous compounds that combine fluorine with carbon instead of hydrogen with carbon to make up fluorocarbon chemistry similar to hydrocarbon biochemistry of life. 


In fact, fluorocarbon compounds are much stabler than hydrocarbon compounds that are largely the chemicals of life. Furthermore, fluorocarbon compounds are far more heat stable than hydrocarbon compounds from which life is made.  Our knowledge in this, even gives us hope that life made up of fluorocarbons may last far longer than life made of hydrocarbon compounds. 


Not just that alone. Life made up of fluorocarbons is more heat stable, which means we may be able to find life evolving in planets far hotter than on earth. This defiles astronomers and scientists' concept of looking for life in planets only within the Goldilocks Zone where temperatures are amenable to life, possibly even without water.


Having said that, we go back to our question about carbon atoms that are also among the most abundant atoms besides hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and other elements that made up life. After all, all life as we know them is principally carbon-based as the organic molecules of life. In other words, can there be a substitute for carbon just like fluorine for hydrogen?


We briefly mentioned earlier the carbon atom has four chains that can attach themselves with each other and with other atoms in different untold numbers of ways to form chains and ring structures that makes the carbon atom so unique in organic chemistry producing millions of organic compounds.


Ah! the silicon atom too mimics the carbon atom in its chemical characteristics in many ways, except the silicon atom is larger than the carbon atom making silicon-silicon and their derivatives less stable than the carbon-carbon combination. Long chains and rings of silicon compounds are lesser than similar carbon analogues. But it is possible to have long and intricate chains of silicon compounds where silicon and oxygen alternate each other. On each of these silicon atoms, other atoms can be attached to made up silicone compounds similar to properties of carbon compounds.


It is on these chemical springboards that hydrocarbons and or fluorocarbon groups can be united to form large, complex other compounds that are chemical alternatives of life in another world. This is our knowledge both in chemistry and biology and not fairy tales.  I personally believe such fluorine and silicon-based life in other estimated one hundred trillion, trillion (1 followed by 26 zeros) other worlds scattered throughout the Universe over a horrendous diameter of 93 billion (93 thousand million) light years across.

After all, astronomers tell us we are made from stardust from a distant world through a supernova explosion and the dust may have arrived at this world as soil that may contain considerable amounts of silicon which is sand as silica out of which we were made. This tallies neatly with the concept there may be silicon-based, and or carbon-based life elsewhere too.


However, one very important ingredient is missing if these silicon-based chemicals were to spring into life, and that is, it still need the breath of God to pump life into those non-living molecules as clearly given in verse:


“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul”.


(Genesis 2:7) 


See also article on the mystery of life here:


Any sane and intelligent scientific mind needs to ask themselves if these alien chemistries of life that totally have no resemblance of life as we know it here exist elsewhere in other worlds. For me, my answer is a Big Yes. What about you? 


Saturday, March 25, 2023

Human Genetic in Medicine: The Era of Pharmacogenomics


Human Genetics in Medicine


No patient reacts in precisely the same way when dosed with the same drug. Some will display dramatic differences when treated with the same drug for the same condition. If we could predict which patients were going to react badly from a study of their genetic make-up then modifications could be made to the drugs, or alternatives prescribed before the adverse events.
In a new field called pharmacogenomics of many different genes drug behavior may be predicted. We do this by being able to define individual single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) that predict a variable response to the particular drug. The hope for the future is that we will be able to provide treatment that is personalized. We must not lose sight, however, of the possibility that this personal genetic information will be misused, and considerations of safeguards should be at the forefront of plans to utilize this approach wisely. 

The best-known examples of the potential of pharmacogenomics approach are related to single gene traits that affect drug metabolism. It is not only variations in drug metabolism that are observed; there is a growing collection of polymorphisms within the genes that encodes proteins involved in transporting and targeting drugs. Most of those that have been found are the ones that are easy to identify because they are associated with single genes and clearly recognizable effects. This is not how many drugs work, however as multiple genes may be involved in determining the outcome of the treatment. This has led to genome-wide approaches to identify genes that determine variant drug response.

For example, between family response to the antihypertensive drug debrisoquine were used to identify the CRY2D6 gene in the action of the drug and polymorphisms identified that were responsible for this variation. The gene has been shown to be important in the metabolism of around 20 % of described drugs, including sparteine and propafenone, both anti-arrhythmic drug, amitriptyline, an antidepressant, and codeine, an analgesic, and this knowledge could be utilized to benefit individuals.

Even where single genes variant appears to have a strong effect on drug action, much of the variation in patient response remains unexplained by the polymorphism alone the reason remains unexplained by the polymorphism alone. The response for this at]re that there may be many other polymorphisms within genes that are important in cellular pathways that are involved in the interaction between the drug and its subsequent effect. It may not only affect the genes itself, but there may be polymorphisms within, for example, the promoter and enhancer regions that affect the expression of the genes.

Future studies are likely to identify polymorphism that interact with each other in different ways. For example, cytochrome P450 enzymes, including CYP3A5 are important to the metabolism of many drugs and are a high expression of the latter enzyme, leading up to more rapid drug metabolism, which is seen more often in the black population. However, many of these same drugs are also metabolized faster if an individual possesses a particular p-glycoprotein polymorphism. These are more common among Caucasian individuals. Thus, customized treatment will have to consider all the polymorphisms that alter a drug metabolism.

The identification of drugs that may have different efficacies in different racial groups may lead to questions of discrimination if some drugs are developed that benefit particular groups, even if no benefit is ensured. Any approach is complicated by:

1.       False negative – where there are no differences between the tissue used in research and the tissue of action in the body.

2.       False positive – simply because of the large number of areas that are being looked at, as areas will be identified by chance alone.

Identified regions in the genome will need to be confirmed through epidemiological association and biochemical functional studies, as well as in clinical models. The future hope for pharmacogenomics is the development of:

New drugs.

Genes identified with differing expression in cancer cells that are sensitive or resistant to anti-cancer drugs are candidates for the development of inhibitors of the gene product, reversing the drug-resistant phenotype.

Development of drugs, or drug combinations. Targeted to particular tissues to maximize therapeutic benefits and decrease damage in healthy cells.

Safer and better drugs.

Instead of the current ‘trial and error’ approach, where a patient is treated and switched to another therapy if the first one does not work or has too many side effects, knowledge of the patient’s genetic profile may allow the more appropriate treatment to be given from the start.

Appropriate drug dose.

Genetic response may be a better way to determine dose than a person’s body mass in future.

Susceptibility to disease

Most diseases are influenced by environmental factors and knowledge of risk may allow individuals to make important lifestyle changes and influence the timing of future drug therapies.

Genetic variants associated with increased risk of many common diseases are being identified.

Better drug discovery.

Many potential useful drugs have been abandoned because of the toxic side effects in some people. If this can be shown to be linked to polymorphic variations then individuals can be selected to receive, or not receive the particular therapy.

For example, abacavir, an anti-HIV drug produces extreme hypersensitivity reactions in a minority of patients. This has been linked to possession of the HLA-B*5701 genotype and the prospective screening of the individuals has led to a significant reduction in side effects of abacavir.

Lower healthcare cost

The cost associated with getting a drug to market will be reduced if there is more information that allows the prediction of the likely response though knowledge of the genetic pathways involved.

Antibiotics and pharmacogenomics

The increasing resistance of bacterial pathogens to the current antibiotics has led to the need for new ways to identify potential antimicrobial compounds. Traditional methods of identifying such compounds have involved whole-cell screening assays, with selections based on antimicrobial activities. More recently biochemical assays have been used to screen compounds for their ability to target enzymes or specific cellular pathways. Neither approach, however, has resulted in many new antibiotics being developed.

A more rational approach in the identification of potential antibiotic targets has come from genomic sequencing. The genomes of more than 100 bacteria have been sequenced and this allows the identification of proteins that are conserved across pathogens. This approach produces better information across pathogens. The approach produces better information about the likely spectrum of activity of an antimicrobial agent against a particular protein and is an unbiased approach. Comparison with the human genome also allows the identification of homologues that could present toxicity problems. Using currently available data, around 300 potential drugs targets have been identified.

Evidence-based treatment.

We are some way off using pharmacogenomic approaches for making treatment decisions. Despite there being clear candidates for their use. Current approaches in drug therapy use a trial-and-error approach, starting with a standard dose that will be modified by the results of biochemical tests or reporting of side effects. Changes in clinical practice will not come without proper randomized controlled studies that demonstrate a benefit in outcome. This will require a significant investment and there may be commercial pharmaceutical pressures that do not necessarily see the advantage of the approach. Despite the cost of essential clinical trials, others will point to the huge cost of providing an individual genetic profile, although this will be offset by the reduced ongoing need to monitor deleterious effects through biochemical tests, and cost is already being driven down through the introduction of SNP genotyping arrays.


How Can Anything Travel Faster than Light Leaving a Trail of Blue Light?

We, including scientists often say that nothing or rather no particle can travel ‘faster than light’ and that the ‘speed of light’ is the ultimate limit of speed.

When we say this, we are only telling half the truth, because light actually travels at different speeds through different media. Light travels faster through a vacuum at a speed of   299 792 458 meters (299 792.458 km) per second than if it was through a medium.  It is only through a vacuum which is the final speed of light.

In that case we should say no particle can travel ‘faster than the speed of light in a vacuum’ to be more technical in our claims.

Light travelling through any transparent medium always travels more slowly than it does in a vacuum, in some cases much more slowly. The more slowly it travels in a particular medium, the greater the angle through which it bends at an oblique angle from a vacuum into the medium. We call this as ‘refraction’.  The amount of bending is defined by a quantity termed as the ‘index of refraction.’

If the speed of light in a vacuum is divided by the index of refraction of a particular medium, we can calculate the speed of light in that medium. The index of refraction of air at standard pressure and temperature is about 1.0003.  If   299,792,458 meters per second is divided by 1.0003, this means the speed of light in the air is 299,702,547 metres per second. This is 89,911 metres per second less than the speed of light in a vacuum.

The index of refraction of water is 1.33, for glass it is 1.7, and for diamond it is 2.42. This means the speed of light through water is, 225,407,863 m /s, and at 176,348 ,504 metres per second through glass. But through diamond, its speed is only 123,881,181 metres per second.

 Particles cannot travel faster than 299,792.458 km per second, but they can travel at 225,407,863 km /s through water. When they do this, they are travelling through water faster than the speed of light in water.  Surprisingly to most people, it is possible for particles to travel faster than light in any medium but in a vacuum.

Particles travelling faster than light in some non-vacuum media emit a blue light that trials behind. The angle at which it trails behind depends on how much faster than the speed of light in that medium the particle is going.

The first to observe blue light emitted by faster-than-light particles was a Russian physicist named Parvel A.  Cerenkov, who reported it in 1934. The light is then called ‘Cerenkov radiation’.

Cerenkov is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle such as an electron passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity (speed of propagation of a wavefront in a medium) of light in that medium.

 A classic example of Cherenkov radiation is the characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity (speed of propagation of a wavefront in a medium) of light in that medium.

Its glow is similar to the cause of a sonic boom, the sharp sound heard when faster-than-sound movement occurs.  

 In 1937, two other Russian physicists, Ilya M. Frank and Igor Y. Tamm, explained the existence of this light by relating it to the relative speeds of particles and light in the medium. The result of their discovery and explanation, all three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1958.

Following their discoveries and observation special instruments called ‘Cerenkov counters’, have been designed to detect such radiation and measure its intensity and the direction in which it was given off.

Cerenkov counters are very useful in particle physics because they are activated only by very fast particles and because from the angle at which the light is emitted, the speed of those particles can easily be estimated.  Very energetic cosmic rays move at a speed so close to light in a vacuum that they will produce Cerenkov radiation even in the air.

Tachyons, which are hypothetical particles that can only move faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, would leave a very brief flash of Cerenkov radiation that physicists hope to prove if tachyons actually exist.

Real and Imaginary Numbers in Mathematics


In mathematics most people are aware there are two kinds of numbers, namely positive numbers (+ 3, + 28.5) and negative numbers (- 3, – 28.5). Negative numbers were introduced in the Middle Ages to take care of problems like 8 minus 10.

For instance, in ancient times it seemed impossible for people to subtract 15 coins from 8 coins. The medieval bankers, however, had a clear notion of debt. “Give me ten fishes.  I only have money for four, but I will owe you for six,’ which is like saying (+4) – (+10) = (- 6).

However, positive and negative numbers can be multiplied if certain procedures are followed. A positive number multiplied by a positive number gives a positive number. A positive number multiplied by a negative number gives a negative number. But, most importantly, a negative number multiplied by a negative number gives a positive number.

Thus, (+ 2) x (+ 3) = (+6) and (+4) x (-6) = (-24) and (-5) x (-4) = (+20)

But should  we  ask ourselves what number multiplied by itself gives us +1?  One is + 1, since (+1) x (+1) = (+ 1). The other answer is -1, since (-1) x (-1) = (+1). Mathematicians put this into a square root symbol as √ +1 = ± 1.

But if we were to be  asked  what then is the square root of -1? Now we are in trouble. The answer

isn’t +1, because that multiplied by itself is +1.  The answer isn’t -1 either, because that multiplied by

itself is also +1.  Then we start to manipulate the values in another way by multiplying (+1) x (-1) =

(-1).  But that is multiplying two different numbers and not a number multiplied by itself.

In that case people invent a number and give it a special sign, let’s  say * 1, defining it as follows: *1 is

a number such that (*1) x (*1) = (-1). When this concept was first introduced, mathematicians called.

it as an ‘Imaginary number’ simply because it didn’t exist in the system of numbers to which they were

familiar. Actually, it is not as imaginary as the ordinary real numbers.  The so-called imaginary numbers

so that it can be manipulated easily with other real numbers.

Mathematicians then gave the ‘imaginary numbers’ the symbol ‘i’ so that we can have

positive imaginary numbers as + I, and imaginary numbers as - i, in which +1 is a positive real

number and - 1.   a negative real number. Thus, we can express √ -1 = ± i.

The system of real numbers can be exactly equated in the system of imaginary numbers. For instance

if we can have + 8, 32.68, + 7 /15, we can also have 8 i, 32.68 i + 7i /15

We can even have the real numbers on one side, and the imaginary system of numbers on the other.

For instance, we can represent the real number system on a straight line with 0 (zero) in the centre.

The positive numbers are placed on the one side of the zero and the negative numbers are on the


We can then characterise the imaginary system of numbers along another line, crossing the first at

right angles at zero point, with the positive imaginaries on one side of the zero and the negative

imaginaries on the other. Numbers can be located anywhere in the plane by using both kinds together,

such as +2 +3i, or +3 + -2 i. These are called ‘complex numbers’.

Mathematicians and physicists find applications to be able to associate all the points in a plane with

a number system. They would not be able to do it without the imaginary numbers.

Does Light Exert Pressure to Move an Object?


Does light exert any pressure?


Light has energy. If light has energy, it will have momentum even though light has no mass. In which case light should be capable of exerting mechanical forces on objects?  When an electromagnetic wave is absorbed by an object, the wave exerts a pressure (P) on the object that equals the wave’s irradiance (I) divided by the speed of light (c): P = I/c newtons per square metre.

However, light exerts only trivially small forces on objects; this delicate effect was first demonstrated in 1903 by the American physicists Ernest Fox Nichols and Gordon Hull. Nonetheless, radiation pressure is consequential in a number of astronomical settings. We shall discuss this later.  

If a beam of light contains energy, then when it strikes an opaque object, the light energy is absorbed and converted to heat causing the particles of the opaque object to vibrate a tiny bit more than the motions caused by the surrounding heat energy.

Our question is, can the beam of light exert a direct force on an opaque object? In other words, can light cause an object to move by absorbing it? We know the effect of a massive body in motion on any object  that gets in its way.  The motion of a car at high-speed hitting a light stationary object such as a small road cone will cause the cone flying.  But light is a small packet of particles called photons with no mass. Can it nevertheless transfer its energy and exert a force on matter?

In 1873, the Scottish physicist J. Clerk Maxwell theoretically deliberated on this dilemma.  He demonstrated that light, even though light waves with no mass, could still exert a force on matter. The magnitude of the force depends on the energy contained in the beam of light per unit length.

Let us give an example. Suppose we have a flash of light that was on for just one second. The light it emitted in that one second contains a tiny amount of energy. But in that single second, light would have moved a distance of 299 792 458 m. If all the energy of light emitted out could stretch into a beam nearly 300,000 km long, then the amount of energy in one meter of it, or even one kilometer is very infinitesimal indeed. This is why we are not aware of any force exerted by light under normal circumstances for that matter.

Suppose we were to take a very light horizontally rod with vanes attached at each end and we suspend the rod at its centre using a thin thread. Suppose we touch the vanes with the slightest force, this would cause the rod to move or rotate around the thread as its axis.  If we now shine a beam of light onto the vanes, the rod will rotate only if we think the beam of light exerted a force.

Usually, the tiny force would not be noticed if there were the slightest wind pushing against the vane. In that case, we need to enclose the rod and the vanes inside in a chamber. Even then air molecules bouncing off the vanes due to heat in the chamber would  have forces much greater than that of light.  Let us now pump out all the air in the chamber almost into a vacuum. Once that, and other conditions such as shaking the chamber or causing vibrations on the table or stand are eliminated, it might be possible to measure the small displacement of the vane when a strong beam of light shines on it.

In 1901, two American physicists, Ernest F. Nichols and Gordon F. Hull, carried such an experiment at Dartmouth College and they demonstrated that light did indeed exert a force by just about the amount as predicted by Maxwell twenty-eight years earlier.

 At nearly the same time, a Russian physicist, Peter N. Lebedev, using a slightly more complicated arrangement, demonstrated the same effect.

When the existence of this ‘radiation pressure’ was demonstrated, astronomers were sure that they were able to explain something fascinating about the tails of comets as they approached the sun. We know the tail of a comet always points away from the sun, trailing behind the comet as it approaches the sun. The tail then changes direction as the comet moves around the sun at its closest approach. Then, when the comet is moving away from the sun, the tail paves the way first.

For half a century astronomers were confident that was the reason, but unfortunately, they were all wrong. The radiation pressure of sunlight isn’t powerful enough to push the comet’s tail.  It is the solar wind that drives comet tails away from the sun.

Perhaps most important to consider is either the solar wind, radiation pressure or the thermal pressure of the sun. The outward force of the light escaping the core of the sun, working with thermal and radiation pressure, acts to balance the inward gravitational forces of the sun may better explain the formation of cometary tails, in which dust particles released by cometary nuclei are pushed by solar radiation into characteristic trailing patterns.

Having explained all that, then what makes a radiometer, or a light mill spin here.

No physicist as far as I know has been able to give us, or at least to me a satisfactory answer how it works. Can you? I can’t.

Finally, having explained and said all that, there is only one light that is much stronger than any other light or any other radiation or solar wind. And that is, the red light at a traffic junction that can stop even long lines of the most massive vehicles in front of it.  I am of course just joking to conclude what I have just written.

Jb lim 


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Wandering Souls as Ghost Trapped in a Time Zone



Dear TS

Thank you very much for your very interesting but very challenging question you posted in the comment column for me to answer. 

I omitted that part because I tried to make my explanation as brief and as simple to understand as possible. But since you have asked, I have added this explanation into my article.   Please go back to this article on:

“The Conveyer's Belt of Time and Life Through a Tunnel” where you wrote your question below in the comment section

Then scroll down till you find two paragraphs there that answers your question.   

1.       Wandering Souls and Ghosts:

2.       A River of No Return: 

Regards and thank you once again. I hope I have answered.

Lim jb 


Sunday, March 12, 2023

Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Medical Emergency :


Asthma is a common chronic affliction with wide clinical variability. Though most patients have mild disease, asthma can be rapidly fatal. Patients with COPD often present in distress, expending tremendous effort to combat hypoxia. Uncomplicated medical or surgical disease will become more serious or life-threatening as the impact of COPD is unmasked.

Clinical Features:

Asthma is defined as reversible airway obstruction, associated with hyper-responsiveness of the tracheobronchial tree. An early component of an asthmatic attack is the bronchial smooth-muscle contraction. Bronchial inflammation, edema, and mucus hypersecretion become more prominent as the attack progresses. Increased airway resistance leads to air trapping, increased airway pressures, ventilation-perfusion imbalance, increased work of breathing, hypoxemia and, in severe cases, hypercapnia. Although bronchospasm can be reversed within minutes, mucus plugging and inflammatory changes do not resolve for days, steroid-dependent patients, and those with prior attacks requiring intubation are at higher risk for respiratory failure.

The most common aetiology of COPD is cigarette smoking. Other causes include environmental toxins, genetic aberrations, and sustained bronchospastic airflow obstruction. There are two dominant clinical forms of COPD:

1.       Pulmonary emphysema, characterized by abnormal, permanent enlargement and destruction of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles.

2.       Chronic bronchitis, a condition of excess mucus secretion in the bronchial tree, occurring on most days for at least 3 months in the year for at least 2 consecutive years. Elements of both forms are often present, though one predominates. Airway resistance, especially to expiration is the fundamental feature of either condition. Hypoxemia and hypercapnia result from ventilation-perfusion mismatches and alveolar hypoventilation. As COPD progresses, neuro-chemical and proprioceptive ventilatory responses become aberrant. Pulmonary arterial hypertension develops leading to right ventricular hypertrophy and cor pulmonale. Clinically, compensated patients present with exertional dyspnea, chronic productive coughs (frequently with minor hemoptysis) and expiratory wheezing. Coarse crackles are heard in patients with primary bronchitic disease. An expanded thorax, impeded diaphragmatic motion, and diminished breath sounds are noted in those with emphysema.

Acute exacerbation of asthma / COPD are usually due to increased bronchospasm, smoking an d exposure to other noxious stimuli, adverse response to medication such as antihistamines decongestants, beta-blockers, and hypnotic tranquilizers; allergic reactions, and noncompliance with prescribed therapies. Respiratory infection, pneumothorax, myocardial infarction, dysrhythmias, pulmonary edema, chest trauma, metabolic disorders, and abdominal processes are triggers and complication s of asthma / COPD. Patients with exacerbations of asthma / COPD present complaining of dyspnea, chest tightness, wheezing, and coughs. Physical examination reveals wheezing with prolonged expiration. Wheezing does not correlate with degree of airflow obstruction. A ‘quite chest’ indicates severe airflow restriction. Patients and physicians often underestimate the severity of attacks. Patients with severe attacks may demonstrate sitting-up-and-forward posturing, pursed -lip exhalation, accessory muscle use, paradoxical respirations, and diaphoresis. Pulsus paradoxicus of 20 mmHg or more may be noted. Hypoxia is characterized by tachypnea, cyanosis, agitation, apprehension, tachycardia, and hypertension. Signs of hypercapnia include confusion, tremor, plethora, stupor, hypernea, and apnea.

Diagnosis and Differential

ED diagnosis of asthma / COPD usually is made clinically. The clinician should attempt to determine the severity of the attack and the presence of complications. Objective measurements of airflow obstruction, such as peak expiratory flow rate, have been shown to be more accurate than clinical judgement in determining the severity of the attack, and the response to therapy. Laboratory examinations should be used selectively, chest w-ray is used to diagnose complications such as pneumonia and pneumothorax, arterial blood gases should not be obtained routinely. Arterial blood gases (ABGs) serve primarily to evaluate hypercapnia in moderate-to-severe attacks.  Hypoxia can usually be evaluated by pulse oximetry. ABG results should be interpreted in light of the total clinical picture. Compensated hypercapnia and hypoxia is common in COPD patients, therefore, comparison with previous ABG’s is helpful. Normocarbia in the setting of an acute asthmatic attack is an ominous finding if the patient is doing poorly. An arterial pH below that consistent with renal compensation implies either acute hypercarbia that consistent with renal compensation implies either acute hypercarbia or metabolic acidosis. ECG are useful to identify arrhythmias or ischemic injury. Measurement s of methylxanthine levels should be obtained.

The differential diagnosis of decompensated asthma / COPD includes many of the disorders  listed above as complications. In addition, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary neoplasia, aspirated foreign bodies, pleural effusions, and exposure to asphyxiants must be considered.


Managenment and Emergency Care:

Although patients with COPD often have more than underlying illnesses than asthmatic, therapy for acute bronchospasm and inflammation is similar. Treatment should precede history-taking in acute dyspneic patients, as the patient may decompensate rapidly.  These patients should be placed on a cardiac monitor, noninvasive BP device, and have continuous pulse oximetry. An intravenous line should be started in patients moderate and severe attacks. The primary goal of therapy is to correct tissue oxygenation.

1.       Hypoxemia is nearly universal during asthmatic attacks. Therefore, empiric supplemental oxygen should be administered. The need for supplemental oxygen with COPD must be balanced against the suppression of hypoxic ventilatory drive. Arterial saturation should be corrected above 90 %.

2.       Beta-adrenergic agonists produce prompt effects and are the drugs of choice to treat bronchospasm. Aerosolized or parental forms should be used in critical settings. Aerosol therapy minimize systemic toxicity and is preferred. Albuterol sulphate, 1.25 to 5 mg. and metaproterenol, 10 to 15 mg are the most beta2 -specific agents. Iso-etharine, 2.5 to 5 mg or bitolterol mesylate, 0.5 to 1.5 mg can also be delivered by nebulizer. Delivering doses in rapid succession maximizes results. Frequency of dosing depends on clinical response and signs of drug toxicity =. Metered dose inhalers with space devices may be reasonable to use in ill patients. Subcutaneous terbutaline sulphate (0.25 – 0.5 ml) or adrenaline 1:1000 (0.1 – 0.3 mL) may also be administered. Adrenalin should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy and possibly in patients with underlying cardiovascular disorder. Beta -adrenergic agonists may inhibit uterine contraction when used near term of pregnancy.

3.       Systematic glucocorticoids elicit bronchodilator response, facilitate the actions of concurrently given beta-agonists and methylxanthines, and have anti-inflammatory effects. As the onset of action may take hours, they should be given early in the course of treatment.


See my experience using reflexology on a young Malay girl with status asthmaticus during the course of my work in an isolated village here:


Once you get to this site, scroll right down to the paragraph on:


“Another Medical Emergency”


where I found natural therapy by merely massaging the soles of her feet worked much faster and more efficiently in a medical emergency than using any bronchodilators, e,g.  beta 2-agonists, anticholinergics and theophylline or other drugs described here.


Steroids should be given immediately to patients with severe attacks, as well as patients who are currently taking, or have recently taken, these drugs. The optimal daily dose is the equivalent of 60 to 180 mg of Prednisone day, with an initial dose being equivalent of 60 to 80 mg prednisone. The choice of steroid is not critical. If the patient is unable to take oral medication, use methylprednisolone 125 mg IV. Hydrocortisone should be avoided, however because of excess mineralocorticoid effect. Inhaled steroids are extremely useful in the treatment of chronic asthma / COPD, but should not be used in the treatment of acute symptoms.


4.       Anticholinergics are useful adjuvants when given with other therapies. Ipratropium bromide has recently replaced nebulized atropine sulphate (1 – 3.5 mg) and glycopyrrolate (0.2 – 1 mg) as the agent of choice. Nebulized iprotropium (500 mg = 2.5 ml) may be administered either alone or mixed with albuterol. Iprotroprium is available as a metered dose inhaler. The effects of iprotroprium peak in 1 in 2 hours and last for 3 to 4 hours.  Dosages may be repeated every 1 to 4 hours When used with beta-agonist agents, effects may be additive. The use of nebulized anticholinergics has been reported to cause attacks of narrow angle glaucoma due to tropical ophthalmic absorption.

5.       The role of methylxanthines in the treatment of acute asthma has been seriously challenged. Theophylline produces less bronchodilation than beta-adrenergic agents. In addition, studies have shown that when used in combination with inhaled beta-adrenergic agents, theophylline increases toxicity but not efficac7y of the therapy. Although methylxanthines are no longer the first-line drugs, some patients not responding to beta-agonists and steroids may benefit from the addition of theophylline. Methylxanthines seem to have more of a role of theophylline in the treatment of chronic, stable asthma. The efficacy of methylxanthines in COPD is still controversial. The loading dose of theophylline is 5 to 6 mg / kg ideal body weight. In patients previously medicated, a mini load should be given. The mini-load is calculated as (target concentration – measured concentration ) x (0.5 x ideal body weight in litres). The maintenance dose is 0.2 to 0.8 mg / kg ideal body weight. These dosages should be used as guidelines.  Metabolism of methylxanthines is highly variable. Increased serum levels are associated with liver disease, CHF , cor pulmonale, viral respiratory infections, advanced age, cimetidine, erythromycin, oral contraceptives, and allopurinol. Decreased levels are seen with cigarette smoking, phenobarbital, phenytoin, large consumption of charcoaled beef, and factors that promote the hepatic P450 enzyme system. Toxicity can be severe and can occur at drug level that fall within normal range. Serum levels should be measured to guide appropriate therapy.

6.       Broad spectrum antibiotics such as TMP / SMX DS bd, or doxycycline 100 mg bid, or others are indicated for the treatment of bacterial respiratory infections. Preventive polyvalent pneumococcal and trivalent influenza vaccination may be administered to stabile COPD patients.

7.       Although some authors have reported that 1 to 2 gm of intravenous magnesium sulphate reduces bronchospasm, no consistent clinical benefit has been demonstrated.

8.       Sedatives, hypnotics, and other medication which depresses respiratory drive are generally contraindicated. Beta-blockers may exacerbate bronchospasms. Antihistamines and decongestants should also be avoided as they diminish the ability to clear respiratory secretions. Mucolytics may provoke further bronchospasm. The benefit of iodides and glyceryl guaicolates in asthma and doxapram in COPD are unproven. Many asthmatics respond poorly to ultrasonic nebulization and IPPB.

If all these standard Treatment fails, what should we do?

Assisted mechanical ventilation is indicated for inability to maintain oxygen saturation above 90 %, or severe hypercarbia associated with stupor, narcosis, or acidosis. In selected patients, non-invasive, positive-pressure ventilation (Bi-PAP) may avert artificial  ventilation. Oral intubation is preferred as large endotracheal tubes can be used. Large tubes facilitate suctioning, fibreoptic bronchoscopy, and ventilator weaning. Initially, high inspired oxygen concentration may be used. A volume -cycled ventilator should always be used. Excessive tidal volume of over 15 mL / kg ideal body weight  and air trapping due to bronchospasm can cause barotrauma and hypotension. Utilizing high flow rates at a reduced respiratory frequency allow adequate expiration. The goal of this approach, referred to as controlled mechanical hypoventilation, is to maintain adequate oxygenation with little regard to hypercarbia.


Therapy should be guided by pulse oximetry and ABG results. Sedation and continued therapy for bronchospasm should continue after the patient has been placed on artificial ventilation.

Source by Frantz R. Melio. For further reading and other references:

1.     PH Feng, KM Fock. Philip Eng: Handbook of Acute Medicine

2.     David M. Cline, O. John Ma, Judith E. Tintinalli, Ernest Ruiz, Ronald L. Krome: Emergency Medicine: Companion Handbook. 

3.     Richard Robinson & Robin Stott: Medical Emergencies: Diagnosis and Management

4.     Sonke Mulle: Memorix Emergency Medicine



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