Thursday, January 5, 2023

A Poem on the Exitence of A Soul


Poem on the Existence of a Soul


(This poem is  written inspired by my schoolmate Ms Violet Ho and for her who told me about William Wordsworth (1770 – 1850), a Cambridge-educated romatic poet who lived during the Romantic Era, and also for my brother-in-law Engineer Ong Geok Soo who constantly has been pestering me if a soul exist)


I truly know not

My body tells me naught

If a soul exist in me

Astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, nutrition, analytical food science to zoology all through I have studied

None has told me why

Molecules that can move

Feeds and multiply into life

On their mysterious own

Molecules that automatically assemble

Creating brains that thinks

Nerves that feel

Eyes that see 

Ears that hear

Hands that grasp and hold

Legs that walk

Teeth that grinds

Tongue that tastes

Lungs that breathe

Heart that pumps

Liver that stores and detoxifies

Spleen that bulids and destroys

Red cells of blood

Kidneys that excrete

Bladder that holds

Glands that secrete 

Hormones that regulates

Bones that support

Muscles that powers

Immune system that defends

Skin that protects

All designed by lifeless molecules

How could that be my Lord

Not till life was pumped unto them

Making lifeless molecules obey 

To design and create 

Too much for me to bear

Even in evolutionary biology have told me naught

Only my Maker knows

He hides from me

Till I die

Have mercy on me my Lord

I truly adore thee

Thy handiwork of Art and Science 

That lump of clay

In Potter's Hand

The soil was I made

He breaths the soil

I became alive

His Breath bears my soul 

My conscious knows

Thy living works in me

Imprints my soul my works for thee

Carries them the evidences

For or against me 

To be read into eternity

Have mercy upon me

I know not

As a child in ignorance

Deliver me into light my Lord

Dead molecules spring alive

How could that be my Lord

And leaves when life is done

Leaving my body like a shell

Besides the shores of a cosmic ocean

Where tides and waves

Rise and fall 

Through eternity

Over my empty shell

I understand not my Lord

Enlighten my soul my Lord

The path I need to take

Should pitfalls befall my path

In eternal disgrace

Where my soul shall dwell

I praise thee Lord

On earth as in heavens

One end of heavens to the other

Tether to tether

A hundred billion light years across

In thy making

I truly adore thy handiworks my Lord

No science my teachers

Has ever taught

No church, pastor, preacher 

Has ever preached in me

No friend, chat group has revealed 

Nor they discussed with me 

For they know more than I do

No book has ever written

No library has ever recorded or stored

I have searched them all my life

Only thy still small voice in me

Persistently tells thy presence my soul in me

In gratitude I pen this

In honor of thee 

My Maker my Lord 












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