Monday, March 23, 2020

Origin of The Corona Virus

I just heard over BBC shortwave (61.95 kHz) radio that in Italy, the worst hit after China by the corona virus, 14 doctors have just died battling this disease
Let it be known that a virus is a virus and it is no respecter of any man, religion or creed, race or nation.

Most of the cases and deaths here in Malaysia are related to those who attended the tabligh religious gathering in Masjid Jamek in Sri Petaling.

It also strikes anyone whether a Christian pastor in Sarawak, doctors, nurses or health-care workers who work in hospitals or anyone who tries to deal with it or even comes near it.

America has been blaming China for creating this virus with D. Trump labeling it as a “Chinese virus” while China admonishes the US for exporting to China and Iran as a secret biological weapon onto their soil

But one thing is certain.

China was the first and worse affected, but SIMULTANEOSLY an American teenager was the first American on the other side of this planet who never went to China before, being the first to be stuck by this virus on the other side of the world with America now being the world third most affected after Italy

Extra-terrestrial Origin:

Does that ring a bell as to where this virus actually came from – the secret labs of China or America or was it completely OUTSIDE this planet that rained it down on Earth by comets debris, dark clouds from space or through tenuous interstellar winds?

Simultaneous Pandemics:

This is similar to the 1918 H1N1 Spanish flu that spread almost simultaneously over the entire Earth surface that killed almost 50 million at the time when there were no planes or air travels to help it spread.

Think this over these pandemics that came to pass simultaneously over an Earth’s surface of 510.1 million km² with 75 % of it covered by ocean and water?

How did these plagues befall on Earth in chorus even in ancient times when movements of humans and animals were extremely slow and very limited and human populations very small?

It is very tempting to blame it on extremely fast air travels carrying millions of passengers across continents these days.

But what about snail-slow sailing ships, camels, horses and donkeys during ancient times of travels? How did those pandemics in records spread just as fast as it is today, or even faster?

Think this over again if these events were actually extra-terrestrial  in origin rather than blaming it on birds, bees and bats living among us on Earth, and now being fickle-minded and indecisive  blaming it on China or the US for creating it?

I am asking everyone this question from the evolutionary biology and mystery of life point of view and separately from our advances  and  knowledge gained  through our  discoveries, and inroads  made  in  astronomy and astrobiology over the last 20 years

The relationship between the passage of comets and corona virus pandemic which may have been mistaken as “influenza” was first shown by Sir Fred Hoyle and Nobel Prize winner Chandra Wickramasinghe in their  panspermia theory (1).

This was also latter theorized and supported by Steven Hawing – all three were world-renown astrophysicists and scientists  working at  the University of Cambridge and at other British universities.

The corona virus contagion is now so serious that the authoritative and very influential BBC has been devoting almost (85 %) its entire news  program from 6 – 8 pm discussing this virus since December 2109

So are our local Malaysian radio and TV programs during their news hours only recently aired the same.

Lim jb  


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