Thursday, March 26, 2020

Natural Treatment for Corona Virus Infection or Prevention

Allow me to give you a natural prescription for the current corona virus outbreak

This therapy can be used both as a prophylaxis and treatment

The list below is some of the best natural anti-viral agents I know.

The 1 – 6 in the list is available in the form of aromatic oils which you can add into a kettle of boiling water to inhale.

The steam will carry these essential oils as they are heat-volatile.

Please see my explanation on steam inhalation here:

Anti-Virus and Immune Enhancement:

The herbs with anti-bacterial and anti-virus (some of them found to be extremely powerful) are from 7 – 22 which  can be taken orally together with 5 ml. cod liver oil + 200 mg vitamin C tds x 3/52 (3 times a day for 3 weeks) as an adjunct therapy  to steam inhalation

1.       Eucalyptus oil
2.       Cinnamon oil
3.       Garlic oil
4.       Ginger oil
5.       Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
6.       Lemon balm oil

7.       Echinacea
8.       Fennel
9.       Sage
10.   Oregano
11.   Garlic
12.   Propolis with honey
13.   Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
14.   Lemon balm
15.   Basil
16.   Peppermint
17.   Astragalus
18.   Ginger
19.   Sambucus
20.   Dandelion
21.   Licorice (containing Glycyrrhizin, liquiritigenin, and glabridin)
22.   Ginseng

I give this prescription to the best of my training, knowledge and clinical experience dealing with viral infections from previous case studies which can be extended to randomized large scale clinical trials with matched control groups. 

Clinical Trials and Research:

This should not be a problem for medical researchers and clinicians who wish to do their doctorate degree  such a higher MD or a PhD or to publish some research papers

I do not claim the above is the specific standard treatment prescribed for corona virus infection, but it is worth a try if not for treatment, at least as a preventive approach in view of the current pandemic

It is not possible for me to explain the bio-active principles, chemical composition and properties, their pharmacognosy and their dynamics (mode of action) of every ingredient given in the prescription as that will take several chapters with a long list of references.

I formulated this treatment modality using the best of my knowledge in natural medicine, and if you trust me, it is worth a try.

Hence giving just the list of medicinal herbs that exhibit moderate to very strong anti-virus and anti-bacterial properties, together with warm steam inhalation, plus adjunct oral consumption of anti-viral herbs, spices and foods would do.

The first ethical principle in the practice of naturopathic (natural) medicine is “primum non nocere” (Latin for “first do no harm”).

Hence if you are already showing signs and symptoms of corona virus infection do NOT delay going to a hospital where they can manage aggressively in the event you need to be ventilated or using other supportive treatment.

The oils given from 1 – 6 above are very heat-volatile and should come out together with the warm steam.

Procedure in Steam Inhalation: 

Add a few drops of these oils – as much as you can find from the pharmacy or outlets dealing with essential oils or aromatherapy into a kettle of boiling water with the sprout ABOVE the water level.

Use an umbrella to trap the emerging steam by standing about a meter from the kettle sprout to prevent scalding.

Stand beneath the umbrella that collects the steam, and inhale the warm steam for 20 minutes each session

Repeat the procedure 3 – 4 times a day until the pandemic flattens off and no more cases reported.

I trust I have given my best through God’s Guidance

lim ju boo

Senior Research Officer
Institute for Medical Research


Special Science and Medical Adviser
The DNG Int'l Pharmaceutical and Herbal Medicine Group

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

My reply to Ms Violet about Coffee, Cocoa and Tea for Corona Virus

Dear Violet

Thanks for the “breaking news from CNN”

Methylxanthine, theobromine and theophylline are three naturally occurring drugs found in coffee, cocoa and in lesser amounts in tea, and they are used in the management of bronchial asthma as their pharmacodynamics (mode of action) are the same as synthetic  bronchodilators like beta-2 agonists, beta-adrenergic  used in hospitals

They are also used for the same purpose in naturopathic medicine, not just in allopathic medicine
In fact drinking black coffee, cocoa and chocolate (no milk or sugar to be added act  both as a preventive and therapeutic medicine for asthmatics, and they are highly effective

But I have no idea if these natural medicines can be used for treating Covid-19?
This is something new to me that need to be investigated

But no harm if you want to drink black coffee or chocolate for their natural aroma, even if we do not know yet  if it can be used as a prophylactic measure (or treatment) for corona virus? I have no clue on this   

Even if they don’t work for corona virus prevention these beverages are loaded with powerful phytochemicals and antioxidants

I shall share this “breaking news” round, this time from me for other treatment purposes  other than for covid-19 

lim ju boo

Coffee, Cocoa and Tea to Treat Corona Virus Infection (Part 1)

*Breaking News from CNN :-*_

*Dr. Li Wenliang*, China's hero doctor who was punished for telling the truth about Corona Virus and later died due to the same disease, had documented casefiles for research purposes and had in the casefiles proposed a cure that would significantly decrease the impact of the COVID - 19 Virus on the human body.

The chemical *Methylxanthine*, *Theobromine* and *Theophylline* stimulate compounds that can ward off these virus in a human with atleast an average immune system.

Whats more shocking is that these complex words that were so difficult for people in China to understand is actually called *Tea* in India, YES, our regular Tea has all these chemicals already in it. The main Methylxanthine in tea is the stimulant caffeine.

Other Methylxanthines found in tea are two chemically similar compounds, Theobromine and Theophylline. The tea plant creates these chemicals as a way to ward off insects and other animals.

Who would have known that all the solution to these virus would be a simple cup of TEA. and that is the reason so many patients in China are being cured.

The hospital staff in china has started serving tea to the patients 3 times a day, And the effect is finally in *Wuhan* "The centre of this Pandemic" has been contained and community transmission has almost stopped.

Please Share this message to your friends and family to make them aware about this blessing in the form of TEA in your kitchen.

Methylxanthine, Theobromine and Theophylline from coffee, tea and cocoa to treat Corona Virus Infection

ju boo lim

5:40 AM (1 minute ago)
to me
Dear Dr. Lim,

Thank you for taking time to evaluate the naturally occurring chemical substances in coffee and tea which were purportedly used by the set up hospitals for the treatment  of corona virus in Wuhan district.

Amazingly Dr. Li must have struck or stumbled upon these through his own research to cure or decrease  the impact of the Co -19 Virus which the staff of the hospital had successfully used the gentle tea to contain and almost stop the transmission of the lung infection.

It is truly a wonder that unknowingly the little little everyday things that we consume have a lot of tremendous medicinal values which we are unaware of. This centuries old traditional practice of tea drinking and its health enhancements are something that can never be imagined.

I can only summarise by claiming that almost all things have been found out except that a lot have been forgotten by the passage of time and most of the great answers are just around us for the searching.

Thanks a lot and all the best.

Violet Ho 

My reply to Ms Violet Ho below: 

Dear Violet

Your reply and comment to my reply from your original personal letter to me is nothing but fantastic

Congratulations to you. You seem to know and understand the beauty and efficacy of natural medicine

Let me add to what you have written

Yes it is very true. In fact 40 % of the modern synthetic drugs used in hospitals today are initially plant-based till scientists working in the drug companies want to copy the design of these naturally-occurring medicines in plants so that they can synthesize and patent them to mass produce to make lots of  $$$$$

So what they do is to study their molecular structure and geometry of these natural plant-based medicine already put here in this world by God.

What these scientists did was to study the composition, molecular configurations isolated from these plants using various analytical methods such as mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry, electron spins resonance spectrometry, X-ray crystallography... etc , etc, and then mimic them in the lab before manufacturing them and selling them to the doctors and hospitals as synthetic drugs

But Violet there is a difference between the original natural drug and the synthetic analogues produced in pharmaceutical factory even if the pharmaceutical chemists managed to mimic them as close as possible by synthesis.

Let me who is also qualified in chemistry and also an analytical chemist explain further the difference between the original natural medicine God gave us, and the synthetic version

The synthetic ones used in allopathic medicine is somehow always laterally inverted from the natural original version

In the technical language of organic chemistry, the original natural form is almost always laveo (left handed), whereas the synthetic version is almost always dextro (right handed).

 In other words, the synthetic version is a mirror image  of the original  

In the language of organic chemistry we call this dextro and laevo isomers or levorotatory

This mirror- image configuration makes a huge difference in the therapeutic properties between the two.

Since over the last two weeks in this chat group people has been sending us tons of claims that chloroquine, an antimalarial drug can be used to “cure”  corona virus infection

So I shall use this example since by now chloroquine is more familiar to most people in this chat group

Chloroquine is the synthetic derivative of the natural quinine  extracted from the cinchona tree. Both are antimalarial.

But there is a therapeutic difference and a catch here

Quinine has been used as a natural traditional medicine against malaria for centuries without any problem even till today.

It is so effective as an a anti-malarial natural even till  today – completely without problem such as resistant to the Plasmodium spp. (malarial parasites).

But those idiotic scientists from the drug industry wanted to make money. They (only) think they were very smart by mimicking the natural molecular configuration from laevo to the dextro rotation so that they can patent it as their own to make billions upon billions of US $$$$$

They cannot patent quinine because quinine belongs to God (a natural and original product).

 They can only mimic God’s creation by changing it from left to right like looking at an image in the mirror (laterally inverted) so that it does not belong to God anymore
So they  started to make the synthetic form of quinine called chloroquine by adding chlorine to one of its benzene rings.

At last, they can now claim their product does not belong to God anymore so they can start to patent it and make lots and lots of money

But God saw the devil plans of man to change His design to make money.

So what did God do? Since He created all life on Earth, including the mosquitoes and the Plasmodium (malarial parasites) and cause them to multiple and evolve on Earth, 

He made use of Charles Darwin discovery on biological evolution and speciation (a gift He gave to Darwin to honour Him) by changing the genomic sequence of the malarial parasites so that these MP (malarial parasites) would resist these scientists invention,  and of course the doctors smart Alex’s  ideas too – to  “cure” malaria

After all it is never the doctor’s fault.  They can only treat if a drug is invented by the pharmaceutical scientists and given to them how to use it to treat a patient.

Without their inventions and products the doctors are helpless as they depend 100 % on manufactured synthetic medicines. They don’t use any other method

Then God started to strike back.   He changed the genomic sequencing of the MP to resist chloroquinine.

Within just 20 years after marketing chloroquine instead of using natural quinine they found they cannot make any more money from the Africans who suffered the most from malaria – with a mortality of about 100 million every year in Africa alone.
This is because God blocked those scientists and those doctors  grand ideas to make money out of the Africans
He then speciated the MP to become  resistant to  choloroquine they invented

Now you can CLEARLY see who is smarter – God or those scientists, and of course the doctors too who simply listen to those pharmaceutical sales people on how to  “treat” malaria

But with quinine there is no problem till this day except they cannot afford to use quinine all the time because malaria is so rampant in all the tropical countries that if they start to use quinine they will destroy all those valuable cinchona trees forever. 

So they cannot afford this. Moreover, they cannot make money out of a natural product by patent it  

Now you can clearly see the difference between natural and synthetics drugs used by allopathic doctors and the natural ones used by herbalists and naturopathic doctors

One of the most cardinal medical ethical principles practiced in naturopathic (natural) medicine is “primum non nocere (Latin for “first do no harm”).  Thus they use natural quinine without harming the patient instead chloroquine which has now caused so much problems with  malaria.

This is only just one example and the best one to use at the moment since we have been talking about chloroquine which they claim can “cure” Covid 19.

What they did for malaria using chloroquine, they are going to repeat the same mistake on the corona virus

I could go on and on using others examples but you need to understand pharmacology and pharmaconosy to follow me as I explain

Okay, Violet I shall share what you have written  to me in person, and my reply here  so that others including doctors and scientists can understand better because I know they  do not know because they are using only one system of medicine to treat a patient

Jb lim

Monday, March 23, 2020

Origin of The Corona Virus

I just heard over BBC shortwave (61.95 kHz) radio that in Italy, the worst hit after China by the corona virus, 14 doctors have just died battling this disease
Let it be known that a virus is a virus and it is no respecter of any man, religion or creed, race or nation.

Most of the cases and deaths here in Malaysia are related to those who attended the tabligh religious gathering in Masjid Jamek in Sri Petaling.

It also strikes anyone whether a Christian pastor in Sarawak, doctors, nurses or health-care workers who work in hospitals or anyone who tries to deal with it or even comes near it.

America has been blaming China for creating this virus with D. Trump labeling it as a “Chinese virus” while China admonishes the US for exporting to China and Iran as a secret biological weapon onto their soil

But one thing is certain.

China was the first and worse affected, but SIMULTANEOSLY an American teenager was the first American on the other side of this planet who never went to China before, being the first to be stuck by this virus on the other side of the world with America now being the world third most affected after Italy

Extra-terrestrial Origin:

Does that ring a bell as to where this virus actually came from – the secret labs of China or America or was it completely OUTSIDE this planet that rained it down on Earth by comets debris, dark clouds from space or through tenuous interstellar winds?

Simultaneous Pandemics:

This is similar to the 1918 H1N1 Spanish flu that spread almost simultaneously over the entire Earth surface that killed almost 50 million at the time when there were no planes or air travels to help it spread.

Think this over these pandemics that came to pass simultaneously over an Earth’s surface of 510.1 million km² with 75 % of it covered by ocean and water?

How did these plagues befall on Earth in chorus even in ancient times when movements of humans and animals were extremely slow and very limited and human populations very small?

It is very tempting to blame it on extremely fast air travels carrying millions of passengers across continents these days.

But what about snail-slow sailing ships, camels, horses and donkeys during ancient times of travels? How did those pandemics in records spread just as fast as it is today, or even faster?

Think this over again if these events were actually extra-terrestrial  in origin rather than blaming it on birds, bees and bats living among us on Earth, and now being fickle-minded and indecisive  blaming it on China or the US for creating it?

I am asking everyone this question from the evolutionary biology and mystery of life point of view and separately from our advances  and  knowledge gained  through our  discoveries, and inroads  made  in  astronomy and astrobiology over the last 20 years

The relationship between the passage of comets and corona virus pandemic which may have been mistaken as “influenza” was first shown by Sir Fred Hoyle and Nobel Prize winner Chandra Wickramasinghe in their  panspermia theory (1).

This was also latter theorized and supported by Steven Hawing – all three were world-renown astrophysicists and scientists  working at  the University of Cambridge and at other British universities.

The corona virus contagion is now so serious that the authoritative and very influential BBC has been devoting almost (85 %) its entire news  program from 6 – 8 pm discussing this virus since December 2109

So are our local Malaysian radio and TV programs during their news hours only recently aired the same.

Lim jb  


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Chloroquine to Treat Corona Virus?

There has been a lot of video claims that is being circulated around lately that anti-malarial drug already showing resistance to malaria can now be used  instead  to treat deadly corona virus pandemic

This has caused death instead. Read here:

Do NOT use any drug that has not been tested or approved and try it as a  home remedy for SARS-CoV2 (Covid19).

It takes a minimum of 10 years for any drug to be  approved after undergoing various phrases of testing from lab studies to phrase 1, 2, 3 clinical trials followed continuously by pharmacovigilance even approval and license has been given.

Granted chloroquine has already been well studied and evaluated against malaria, and has long since been licensed and marketed as an antimalarial drug.

We already know the pharmacodynamics of chloroquine on malarial parasites by its inactivation of their cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6), the dose, duration and the toxicity levels

This need not be studied again to shorten the time for chloroquine to be used.

But we have completely no data on its mechanisms on the coronavirus and the counter effects on the virus against the drug although some have postulated, but  those explanation  do not seem plausible to me from my understanding in molecular pharmacology  

This needs to be studied and evaluated first in lab studies and in multiple clinical trials before this therapeutic regimen can be safely trusted 

Even if chloroquine is effective, we do not know at what dose to give it, and the duration to be given? We have no clue

Given at under dose, it may cause the corona virus to mutate into a very virulent strain which the body immunological defense may no longer be able to handle.

Given at high dose it can be fatal. The lethal dose for chloroquine has been recorded at 4 – 5 g

Currently our own human immune system is being challenged by this virus, and it is doing a very, very good job with many having recovered from this infection on their own

Let our own immune system endowed to us by Nature to do this job for us, and it is now doing this very effectively with very low mortality ratio, increasing recovery rates compared to over 15 times the rate of new infections.

This recovery ratios speaks volumes how Nature is currently doing its job for us.

The corona virus is already been defied by our own immune system, and in response,  the virus too is trying to fight back by its own genetic mutation into more hardier strain as evidenced by the previous milder SARS CoV to the current more defiant Covid-19 strain  

Take  chloroquine as a clear example how the Plasmodium spp (malarial parasites) mutated against this antimalarial drug. Chloroquine is no more effective against malaria as much as corona virus is going to mutate against it

But if we start to challenge it further with unapproved chloroquine or its derivatives, what happens is the virus is being attacked by both sides – our own immune system on one side -  which is already doing a very noble job for us, and the drug on the opposite side.

This is similar to the misuse of antibiotics causing antibiotics resistant superbugs to emerge

This same scenario will surface with the present Covid-19 if we challenge it with an under-dose of chloroquine. 

Just do NOT put yourself between the Devil and the deep blue sea with an agent yet to be evaluated by large-scale clinical trials before approval.

The virus can undergo speciation by Natural Selection very rapidly due to it very simple genomic chain (< 3,000 base) and they can turn very, very nasty after that after being  confronted on both sides – one by our own immunological system and the other some drugs for which we have no understanding   its mode of action

We can see this very clearly with SARS CoV that changed into Covid-19 after apparently lying very low for 16 years after being challenged by our collective human immunological defenses passed on from person-to-person by immune memory cells

If we have studied and understand evolutionary biology or evolutionary medicine we see how life evolved so rapidly during the Cambrian Radiation soon after the first RNA chemistry came into place followed by very rapid changes in the mutation of DNA in the bacteria into higher species due to very rapid environmental challenges 3,000 million years ago

Respect that observation.  It is purposely premeditated there by the Designer.

Respect Him (God) , and  the virus He created, and  do not try to be smarter than the Designer  by using unapproved chloroquine as some home remedy to challenge a highly potential genetic mutation

We have already leant our lesson using all kinds of antibiotics to fight bacterial infections causing the bacteria to mutate into superbugs for which increasing generations of new anti-bacteria has no effect

Ignore Trump.  He is fickle-minded and keeps changing his words. He is a politician without any direction, let alone any clue about evolutionary biology, virology, medicine or medical sciences  

Trust me with my down-to-earth layman explanation reachable to all.

Hope this helps

Lim jb

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Steam Inhalation to kill Corona Viruses

There has been some debate among the Minister of Health Malaysia, the Director-General of Health and former Deputy of Health Malaysia, other doctors and members of the public as well, whether drinking warm water recommended by the current Minister of Health helps kill the corona virus?

Read here their quarrels :

Let me now join in this interesting  debate as a former  senior  medical researcher and multi-disciplinary  scientist

There is scientific truth that viruses cannot withstand high temperature.  I shall explain.   

This is one of the reasons why the body response with a fever when infected by Covid19 or any viral or bacterial infections

This immunological response designed by the body of generating a high temperature (fever) is gospel truth and nobody can deny this

However, I do doubt if the warm water temperature is high enough (at least 75 degrees C), or can be drunk or maintained long enough (at least for 20 minutes) to inactivate the viral RNA and its outer protein envelop?

At such high temperatures of 75 degrees C it will instantly scald the throat, let alone maintain it for 20 minutes. Throat reflex will instantly throw out the hot water

Furthermore Covid19 is primarily a respiratory tract and not esophageal- gastro tract infection.  These are two separate anatomical systems.

Any water drunk can only enter the stomach, and not into the windpipe

How then could any water hot or cold enter from the throat into the windpipe, airways and into lungs instead of into the esophagus  when it is blocked by the epiglottis in the throat when food is eaten, water drunk?

The reason given by the Minister of Health is correct in that viruses are intolerant to high temperatures and I concur with him. 

But there is a catch here:

Frigid of Space where Viruses Lurk in Suspended Animation:

We scientists trained and qualified in astrobiology and astronomy knows that there are untold quantities of pre-life molecules, biomolecules, viruses lurking out there in space in the interstellar clouds that literally remain there for hundreds of thousands of years in the frigid and darkness of space

They can withstand horrendously long journeys lasting thousands of light years in suspected animation because they are not activated yet into life in a  frigid and dark environment of interstellar space  where the temperature is  only a little above 3 Kelvin (3 degrees above absolute zero)

This is the temperature as CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background), the remnant temperature from the Big Bang when the Universe was first created along with pre-life such as RNA molecules and viruses  soon after the Big Bang. The searing temperatures from the Big Bang then dropped to almost absolute zero soon after

Pre-life molecules like RNA are synthesized soon after

That how the viruses are kept in suspended animation at such low temperatures where all molecular movements including viral RNA freezes to almost zero and remain motionless  for thousands of millions of years without needing any living host, oxygen, nutrients, or any life-sustaining molecules etc. simply because all molecular motions and movements  is zero or almost zero

Now after this astrobiological explanation from me, we now know why viruses cannot tolerate high temperatures in Earth’s hot environment or in the fever of an infected person as they are used to almost absolute zero Kelvin found  in deep, deep space for thousands of millions of years from where they originate

Having explained that, let now go back to what the Minister of Health recommended

The Minister of Health advice is to drink warm water to kill the corona virus

I do not agree with him that drinking warm (not hot) water can inactivate the corona virus in the respiratory tract.

However I would like to use his idea to work it  in another way.

Alternative Therapeutic Modality: Based on Space Science: 

Since corona viruses, and for that matter all viruses like cold environment, and are heat labile, let me use this scientific truth to recommend   all suspected corona viral infected patients to inhale HOT steam for at least 20 – 30 minutes.

Repeat this procedure as many times as they can inhale except take care not to flood the bronchioles and lungs with condensed stream, or they may be drowned by the condensed steam – caution.  Aspirate excess water in the airways using postural drainage often.  This is physiotherapy that does not require harmful and unnecessary drugs  

Anti-viral Oil:

If they like, enhance that anti-viral steam-inhaling therapy with anti-viral essential oils such as from star anise, camphor, eucalyptus oils, and  all oils rich in powerful anti-virals phenylpropanoids and sesquiterpenes.

Add about 5 mls. of these anti-viral essential aromatic oils into the boiling water, and inhale the steam

Steam together with all these anti-viral aromatic oils will enter into the respiratory tract and fight the virus. Steam can NEVER into the stomach

Mechanisms of Hot Steam on Airways:

The action of  steam inhalation is not just that alone. Warm steam when inhaled will trigger off the following mechanisms

1.       Liquidize any thick mucus (mucins which are heavily glycosylated proteins) trap in bronchus and bronchioles along with the virus for easy expectorant effect and expulsion from the airways.  Retinol from cod liver oil accelerates the airways ciliary sweep as the primary mechanism for mucus clearance along with the trapped viruses.

2.       Warmth is not a conducive environment for viruses. They die very easily in hot and warm surroundings since they are pre-life RNA particles that “thrive” under the frigid cosmic background temperature of nearly minus 273 degrees C (3 Kelvin) where they remain in suspended animation for at least 4 billon years in torridly-chilly inter-stellar space before arriving on Earth.

At that temperature near 0 K (−273.15 °C; −459.67 °F), nearly all molecular motion ceases where mathematically ΔS = 0 for any adiabatic process, and where S is the entropy according to the laws of thermodynamics of near absolute zero.

3.       The heat of the steam above body temperature (37 0 C) will cause bronchial dilation and angio-vascular dilation and  vascular injection over the area bringing in immune bodies such as  cytotoxic  T cells seeking for any kind of viral infections via their toxic mediators.

Cytotoxic T cells have specialized proteins called T cell receptors (TCRs)  tagged on their surfaces  that help them to recognize virally-infected cells.

Each cytotoxic T cell has a TCR that can specifically recognize a particular antigenic peptide bound to an MHC molecule.

If the T cell receptor detects a peptide from a virus (example corona viruses), it alerts its T cell of a pathogenic invasion.

The T cell then releases cytotoxic factors to destroy the plague-ridden cell and, consequently prevent the survival of the invading virus

This is natural medicine (naturopathic medicine), a field among others, I am also well-trained and also well- qualified. These quarrelling  doctors can learn quietly from me.  

That will INSTANTLY SOLVE all the quarrels among the top experts on health and medicine.

I hope they, all including all specialists doctors too will read my explanation and suggestion

Hope this helps to settle their disputes

Lim ju boo


Postdoctoral CE in:

Astronomy / Astrobiology (University of  Oxford)
Evolution and Mystery of Life (University of Cambridge)
Forensic Science (Toxicology) (Cambridge)

War of The Worlds : Corona viruses or The Human Race?

Dear all in this WhatsApp Chat and Other Readers 

I would like to ask a question about this corona virus invasion on Earth.

The question is down below.

But before that, let me give you some information to mull  about the size and numbers of this virus:

The size of viruses can range from about 20 to 400 nanometres in diameter (1 nanometre = 10^-9 meters).

The corona viruses have a genome size of approximately 27 to 34 kilobases which is the largest among known RNA viruses (1).  

The estimated size of Covid19 is about 300 nanometer or 3 x 10 -7 meters (0.0,000,003 metres) based on an estimated calculation I made

(The smallest bacteria are about 400 nanometres in size)

The Radius of Earth is 6.371 million metres

Hence surface area of Earth is A = 4Ï€r2 = 5.1 x 10^14 square metres (510.1 trillion m²).

Suppose we now  assume the present Covid19 began to invade the entire surface of Earth either by:

1.       By human-to human transmission as most virologists believe, or  

2.       By seeding from comet’s debris coming from the Oort’s Cloud beyond the Solar System between 0.03 to 3.2 light-years away from the Sun as proposed by Sir Fred Hoyle and Nobel Prize Laureate Chandra Wickramasinghe (born 1939) who showed the correlation between the passage of comets near the vicinity of Earth and influenza pandemic on Earth.

This was also theorized by Steven Hawking.  All 3 of them were world-renown scientists from the University of Cambridge.

They contended that life forms continue to enter the Earth's atmosphere, and may be responsible for epidemic outbreaks, new diseases, and the genetic novelty necessary for macroevolution in an Origins Symposium presentation on April 7, 2009 (2).

In such a scenario we can expect the entire Earth surface will be peppered by:

5.1 x 10^14 / 3 x 10 -7 meters = 1.7 x 10^21 (17 followed by 20 zeros) corona viruses
The reference human body has a surface area of about 1.9 m^2

This means there will be a minimum of 1.9 / 3 x 10-7 = 6 million viruses covering over the outer part of  our body alone if they rained down from us  from space, rather than transmitted by human-to-human social contacts (assuming the surface area of corona viruses is about the same as its total linear size of 0.0,000,003 metres).

Translated to the world’s population of 7.8 billion (7800 million), this means if everyone is covered on the outside of his  body alone without the viruses  entering into his or her body to multiply, there will be:

4.68 x 10^16 Covid19 over the entire human body on Earth, or 2.75 X 10-3 % (0.0027 %) of what the entire Earth gets if the spread continues

Having now given you all the calculations and the info

My question now is:

Who is going to win the War of the Worlds?

1.       The human race with our preventive and advanced technology or

2.       The tiny, tiny, tiny Coronavirus invading Earth from Outer Space

Give us your thoughts. This is a question based on the Survival of the Fittest by Natural Selection as an extension of Charles Darwin’s theory on:

The Origin of the Species

(when I did my postdoctoral further education course on Evolution and the Mystery of Life at Cambridge, and later on Astronomy at Oxford, and later back again to Cambridge to complete my course in Forensic Toxicology, these were the typical type of forum questions assigned in their tens of dozens in every  course by both universities  for  us  students to answer

They just want to test our analytical and intellectual ability). 

Let’s see how we tackle this question I ask in return

Share with us your thoughts. It can be fun

Thank you 

Lim jb  


2.       Fred Hoyle; Chandra Wickramasinghe & John Watson (1986). Viruses from Space and Related Matters. University College Cardiff Press.

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