Saturday, November 30, 2024

Aliens and Giants in Ancient Times


When I was working in the late 1960’s till 1994, a colleague of mine who was the Head of the Division of Cytologist at the Institute for Medical Research showed me and another paediatrician colleague of ours a book called “Chariots of the Gods written by Erich von Däniken. It was quite a fascinating book where it describes how alien beings from other worlds landed on Earth causing ancient civilizations to believe they were gods arriving in spaceships?

In the bible too there were many verses that spoke about giants on earth in ancient times. Let me quote a few of them here:

In Genesis 6:4 it describes: there were Nephilim on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

In Numbers 13:33, it says “We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.”

 In Deuteronomy 2:11 it says: “Like the Anakim, they are also regarded as Rephaim, but the Moabites call them Emim”

 In Deuteronomy 2:20 it says “It is also regarded as the land of the Rephaim, for Rephaim formerly lived in it, but the Ammonites call them Zamzummin.

In Deuteronomy 3:11 it says “For only Og king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his bedstead was an iron bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits by ordinary cubit.)


David and Goliath is another example. I asked myself, were they aliens from another world that came and mated with the daughters of man? What did their offspring look like? Was that also the reason why God sent a Great Flood of Noah to destroy all of them? Were there any fossil remains of these giants or alien beings discovered so far, and how tall were they? These questions mesmerize my forever wondering and wandering mind even before I started working 

Giants in the Bible have intrigued not just me, but many throughout history, leading to various interpretations and theories. Let me go deeper into this mystery to explore the biblical, historical, and scientific point of view.

The Giants in the Bible: Who Were They?

In the Old Testament, giants are often referred to by several names. Let me give some examples.


The Nephilim are first mentioned in Genesis 6:4, described as the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men." The term Nephilim is often translated as "giants," but its exact meaning is uncertain. It could derive from the Hebrew root naphal, meaning "fallen ones."


Anakim is mentioned in Numbers 13:33.  The Anakim were described as giants and were descendants of Anak. The Israelite spies reported feeling like "grasshoppers" compared to them.


This term is used to describe another group of ancient giants. Deuteronomy 2:11 and 3:11 reference the Rephaim, specifically mentioning King Og of Bashan, whose bed was around 13.5 feet long (based on the cubit measurement).

Emim and Zamzummim:

These were other names used by different tribes to describe the giants. The Moabites called them Emim, and the Ammonites referred to them as Zamzummim (Deuteronomy 2:20).

The Fallen Angels Theory:

Were they aliens or fallen angels? There are a few popular interpretations regarding the Nephilim and other giants. Let me go into these. This theory suggests that the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6 were fallen angels who took human women as wives. Their offspring, the Nephilim, were hybrids possessing great size and strength. This view is supported by certain extra-biblical texts, such as the Book of Enoch, which describes fallen angels called Watchers who mated with human women.

The Alien Hypothesis:

Some modern interpretations speculate that the Nephilim could have been extra-terrestrial beings or their hybrid descendants. Proponents of the ancient astronaut theory argue that these "sons of God" were alien visitors who mated with humans, giving rise to powerful hybrid beings. However, this view is not supported by traditional biblical scholarship and is more rooted in speculative theories.

The Lineage of Seth Theory:

A more conventional interpretation within Christian theology is that the "sons of God" were descendants of Seth (Adam’s son), who were godly men, and the "daughters of men" were descendants of Cain, who were considered ungodly. The mixing of these two lines led to widespread corruption and moral decline, culminating in the birth of violent and powerful men, metaphorically described as giants.

Did the Flood Aim to Eradicate Them?

The account in Genesis suggests that the moral corruption and violence on Earth, partially attributed to the Nephilim, were reasons for the Great Flood. Genesis 6:5-7 states that God was grieved by humanity's wickedness and decided to cleanse the Earth with a flood. The idea is that the flood was intended to reset humanity and remove the corrupt lineage, including the Nephilim.

Physical Appearance and Size:

The Bible does not give a detailed description of how the Nephilim or other giants looked, but they were often described as extraordinarily tall and mighty. Examples include:

The Philistine giant goliath was defeated by David, whose height is often cited as "six cubits and a span," which translates to approximately 9-10 feet (1 Samuel 17:4).

King Og of Bashan bed's size suggests he was likely around 11-13 feet tall.

While these measurements seem enormous by today's standards, it is debated whether these accounts were literal, exaggerated for effect, or symbolic.

Fossil Evidence of Giants:

As far as I have searched the literature and have read here and there, there are no confirmed remains.  Despite various claims, no verified fossil remains of giants as described in the Bible have been found. Numerous reports, photographs, and hoaxes circulate online, but they lack scientific credibility. Human remains from ancient times are usually associated with normal human heights or occasionally above average but not on the scale described for biblical giants.

Gigantism is some suggestions that accounts of giants. They may stem from observations of individuals with gigantism, a medical condition that results in excessive growth due to hormonal imbalances. However, this alone does not explain the widespread myths of giant races.

What about historical and mythological parallels I asked myself?   As far as I understand, myths of giants are found in various cultures worldwide, which may suggest a shared memory or cultural motif rather than literal historical beings:

For example, in Greek mythology, titans and giants, like the Cyclopes, were enormous beings that predated the gods. Then in Norse mythology they have Jotun (giants) that were powerful beings often in conflict with the gods.

Sumerian and Mesopotamian myths too have their beliefs.  Stories of divine beings mating with humans, similar to the Genesis account, are also found.

The idea of ancient giants is deeply rooted in biblical texts and has led to much speculation about their origins and nature. Whether viewed as fallen angels, aliens, or metaphorical figures, they symbolize a time of great moral and physical turmoil before the Flood. While there is no scientific evidence for their existence, the enduring legends continue to captivate the imagination of many, including mine.

If giants or their remains are ever discovered, it would be an astonishing find, but until then, their existence remains a fascinating part of biblical lore and mythological storytelling.

Were these giants given in the bible alien beings from another world that visited earth till God decided to destroy them in the Great Flood of Noah?  This is a popular view among those interested in ancient astronaut theories or the idea of extra-terrestrial beings interacting with early humans. The mysterious nature of the Nephilim, their origins, and their mighty stature in the Bible certainly lend themselves to speculation about beings from another world.

What about the ancient astronaut hypothesis? The idea that the giants in the Bible, such as the Nephilim, might be extra-terrestrial beings comes from interpretations like those popularized by authors like Erich von Däniken (Chariots of the Gods?) and Zecharia Sitchin (The 12th Planet). According to this view, the "sons of God" in Genesis 6:4 are seen as alien visitors or higher beings who descended to Earth.

Their interactions with human women, resulting in the Nephilim, are thought to represent genetic experiments or interbreeding, similar to how modern-day geneticists might cross different species.

The Great Flood of Noah could then be seen as an attempt by God to reset humanity and cleanse the Earth of this unnatural hybridization, restoring the intended order.

The Great Flood of Noah:

I ask myself, about the Great Flood of Noah. Was it God's intervention? In this context, the Great Flood becomes not just an act of cleansing human wickedness but a deliberate move to wipe out these hybrid beings, who may have posed a threat to the natural order of creation. If we imagine these beings as alien hybrids, their existence could have represented a corruption of the divine design for humanity, prompting God's decision to intervene dramatically.

Link to Other Ancient Legends:

My thought about alien beings link to other ancient legends also fits well with other ancient myths and legends worldwide:

For instance, in the Sumerian texts - the Anunnaki is a group of deities who were said to have descended from the heavens and interacted with humans, are often cited in ancient astronaut theories. The idea that these deities could have been extraterrestrials mirrors the biblical story of the "sons of God" and the Nephilim.

In the Indian Epics, in texts like the Mahabharata and Ramayana they mention beings with incredible powers, often described as coming from the heavens in flying vehicles (Vimanas). These stories suggest advanced beings interacting with humans in ancient times.

Speculative Evidence and Fossils:

While there is no scientific proof of alien beings or their hybrid offspring as described in the Bible, the mystery remains a subject of fascination. Various discoveries, such as elongated skulls found in places like Peru or megalithic structures with unknown origins, have fuelled speculation about ancient alien influences. However, mainstream archaeology often attributes these finds to human activities or known cultural practices rather than extra-terrestrial intervention.

Myth, Mystery, or Reality?

The story of giants, whether they were actual beings or symbolic representations, continues to spark curiosity. The idea of ancient alien visitors ties into broader questions about humanity's origins, our ancient past, and the possibility of extra-terrestrial life influencing early civilizations.

My view on these I believe is quite valid and supported with a growing interest in exploring the intersections between ancient texts, mythologies, and the possibility of extra-terrestrial life. It’s a fascinating lens through which to view these ancient accounts!

Perhaps in other worlds among the trillions of stars out there, there might be giants and other forms of humanoids or human-like creatures we can never know. The statistical probability for these alien creatures to exist out there is extremely high. Why should only Earth be so unique to have life forms that only we know? There is no way we can tell unless we can travel to another world to see for ourselves. Likewise, beings from other far more advanced civilizations can also travel here as ancient gods. Why not? Anything is possible in this vast, vast universe with a radius of some 46.508 billion light years, and still expanding, probably with more and more other worlds and other life created as it expands. Why not? My mind is always wandering and marvelling at all these unknown mysteries.

Having explained all the above, I believe I have captured the spirit of curiosity and wonder that drives both science and human imagination. The vastness of our universe, with its trillions of stars and possibly even more planets, indeed makes it statistically likely that life exists elsewhere. I have pointed out, Earth being the only cradle of life among such a vast cosmos seems improbable, especially when we consider the sheer scale of the Universe. With an observable radius of approximately 46.508 billion light-years, the universe contains an estimated 2 trillion galaxies, each with billions of stars. If even a tiny fraction of these stars hosts planets in the habitable zone, the potential for life is enormous.

Exoplanet discoveries by missions like Kepler and James Webb Space Telescope have already identified thousands of planets, some of which are Earth-like in size and located in habitable zones where conditions might support liquid water and, by extension, life.

The Drake Equation and Statistical Probability:

The Drake Equation, formulated by Frank Drake, attempts to estimate the number of active, communicative extra-terrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. Although the exact values of the parameters are uncertain, even conservative estimates suggest a non-zero probability of other civilizations.

Given the vast number of stars and the likelihood of planets, it’s statistically plausible that intelligent life has evolved elsewhere and could potentially be far older and more advanced than humanity.

The Fermi Paradox: Where Are They?

Despite the high statistical probability of extra-terrestrial life, we haven't yet encountered direct evidence of it, leading to the Fermi Paradox—the apparent contradiction between the high probability of alien civilizations and the lack of contact.

One speculative answer to this paradox could be that advanced civilizations have developed the capability for interstellar travel, possibly visiting Earth in ancient times. The myths of "ancient gods" or beings like the Nephilim could be interpreted as encounters with these visitors. I shall explain Drake equation and Fermi Paradox in another article.

Expanding Universe and the Possibility of New Worlds:

As the universe expands, the creation of new stars and potentially new planets is ongoing. This continuous creation increases the possibility that life, in its many possible forms, could arise in different conditions.

The concept of an expanding universe, constantly forming new galaxies and worlds, is awe-inspiring and suggests that the story of life is not static but dynamic, with new possibilities emerging all the time.

Advanced Civilizations as "Ancient Gods":

The notion that highly advanced extra-terrestrial beings could be perceived as gods by early humans is a compelling hypothesis. If they possessed technology capable of manipulating the environment, traveling through space, or extending life, these capabilities might be interpreted as divine powers by less advanced civilizations.

This hypothesis is echoed in various ancient texts and myths, where beings from the skies imparted knowledge, built monumental structures, or interacted with humanity in mysterious ways.

The Infinite Possibilities of the Cosmos:

My thinking reflects the open-minded approach necessary for exploring these great mysteries. Why shouldn’t there be other giants, humanoids, or even entirely different forms of life somewhere out there? The universe’s diversity suggests that life could take countless forms, influenced by different planetary environments, evolutionary paths, and possibly even different laws of physics in other parts of the cosmos.

As we continue to explore the universe with ever-more sophisticated telescopes and probes, and as we refine our theories of life’s origins, the potential for discovering alien life—whether microbial or intelligent—grows ever more likely.

May my dreams take me on a journey through the stars and the mysteries of the cosmos!

I shall explore more on this subject in my next article later.

Take Care!

jb lim 


Thursday, November 28, 2024

5 Articles Still Awaiting Posting


1.      Aliens and Giants in Ancient Time

2.      Why Alien Civilizations in Other Worlds Do Not Wish to Communicate with Humans on Earth

3.      Out-of-Body Near-Death. A Family Experience 

4.      The Mathematical Equation of Life

5.      Cholesterol is Not Bad After All


How Did Jesus Reverse the Chemistries of Death and Pumped Life Back into Them?


Remember I wrote an article on the chemistry of death here:

The Irreversible Chemistry of Death (Part 1)

See also here:

Tracing Backwards What Makes a Body Becomes Alive?

 In these two articles I described all the stages the body undergoes from the moment of death till it becomes a skeleton.

I am sure everyone would agree with me that these chemistries are irreversible. If this is so, how are we going to explain how Jesus managed to reverse them? Not just reverse the chemistry that took place in death, but how did Jesus manage to pump life back into those chemicals that were formed after death?

This frightening question touches on a profound intersection of science and faith, one that has fascinated theologians, scientists, and philosophers for centuries.

Before I start attempting to answer this exceedingly difficult question, first let me quote verses in the biblical passages where Jesus raised the dead. There are three specific accounts in the Gospels where Jesus performed such miracles:

Raising of Jairus' Daughter


1.      Matthew 9:18-26

2.      Mark 5:21-43

3.      Luke 8:40-56

Jairus, a synagogue leader, approached Jesus, asking Him to heal his dying daughter. While on the way, news came that the girl had already died. Jesus reassured Jairus, saying, "Do not fear, only believe." Upon reaching Jairus' house, Jesus found people mourning. He said, "The child is not dead but sleeping," and they laughed at Him. Jesus took the girl's hand and said, "Talitha koum," which means "Little girl, I say to you, arise." The girl immediately stood up and walked, astonishing everyone present.

Raising of the Widow's Son at Nain


Luke 7:11-17

Jesus went to the town of Nain, where He encountered a funeral procession. A widow was mourning the loss of her only son. Moved with compassion, Jesus said to her, "Do not weep." He then touched the bier (a platform carrying the body) and said, "Young man, I say to you, arise." The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him back to his mother. This miracle caused great fear and awe, leading people to glorify God, saying, "A great prophet has arisen among us!" and "God has visited His people!"

Raising of Lazarus


John 11:1-44

Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus and the brother of Mary and Martha, had died. Jesus was informed of Lazarus' illness but purposely delayed His visit, arriving four days after Lazarus had been placed in the tomb. Martha met Jesus, expressing her belief that He could have prevented her brother's death. Jesus declared, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live." He then went to the tomb and commanded that the stone be removed. After praying, Jesus called out in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!" Lazarus came out, still wrapped in grave clothes, and Jesus instructed them to "loose him and let him go." This miraculous act led many to believe in Jesus.

Significance of These Miracles

Each of these accounts illustrates Jesus' power over death, underscoring His divine authority and His identity as the Son of God. They also reveal His compassion for those who are grieving and demonstrate His role as the giver of life.

Before I write further, let me briefly go through those chemistries once again during the moments before death sets in.

The Chemistry of Death: A Brief Overview

From a scientific perspective, death triggers a series of irreversible biochemical processes:

Cessation of Circulation and Respiration:

Oxygen Depletion: When the heart stops beating, blood circulation ceases, and oxygen delivery to tissues halts. Without oxygen, cells cannot produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency needed for cellular functions.

Cellular Death and Autolysis (Self-Digestion):

Enzymes within cells start breaking down cell membranes and internal structures. This leads to the release of cellular contents, starting the process of decomposition.

Rigor Mortis:

This is the stiffening of muscles that occurs a few hours after death as ATP depletes, preventing the release of actin and myosin bonds in muscle fibres.


Bacterial activity, especially by gut microbiota, accelerates, leading to the breakdown of tissues and the production of gases. This process produces the characteristic odour of decomposition.


Over time, soft tissues are completely decomposed, leaving behind bones as the final remnants.

The Irreversibility of These Processes:

From a biochemical standpoint, these processes are irreversible because:

The molecular structures of cells, proteins, and enzymes are broken down.

The intricate balance of chemical reactions and the complex organization of living cells are lost.

Reassembly of this complexity is beyond natural chemical processes, as it involves re-establishing life at a molecular and cellular level.

The Miracles of Jesus and Reversing Death: A Theological Perspective

Given the irreversible nature of death's chemistry, how could Jesus have reversed these processes and restored life? Here are a few perspectives to consider:

Divine Authority Over Creation:

According to Christian belief, Jesus is the incarnation of God, who is the Creator of all things (John 1:1-3). If we accept this premise, then Jesus, as the Creator, would have the power to reverse the natural laws He set in place. Just as He spoke the universe into existence, He could command life back into a lifeless body.

Restoration of Molecular and Cellular Structures:

If we imagine this from a scientific lens (even if purely speculative), it would involve an instantaneous reversal of the decomposition process:

Repairing Cell Membranes: Jesus could have restored the integrity of cellular membranes, preventing further autolysis.

Neutralizing Decomposition Enzymes: The enzymes that break down tissues could be rendered inactive.

Reversing Rigor Mortis: ATP production would resume, releasing the actin-myosin bonds and restoring muscle flexibility.

This would essentially be a miraculous re-synthesis of all damaged or decomposed cellular structures—a task that is far beyond any natural or medical intervention.

The Infusion of Life (Breath of Life):

In the Bible, life is seen as more than just a physical or chemical process. It is often described as being animated by the "breath of life" (Genesis 2:7). In the miracles of resurrection performed by Jesus, it could be interpreted that He was not just reviving dead cells but re-infusing a divine "life force" or "spirit" into the body, reconnecting the physical and the spiritual aspects of the person.

Transcendence Over Time and Physical Processes:

From a theological standpoint, Jesus' miracles often transcend natural laws, including time itself. For example, when Jesus raised Lazarus, who had been dead for four days (John 11:39), the body would have been in an advanced stage of decomposition. Yet, Jesus commanded, "Lazarus, come forth!" and Lazarus emerged fully restored.

This act suggests a supernatural intervention that could override not only the current state of the body but also reverse the timeline of decay

An Act Beyond Human Comprehension

The resurrection miracles performed by Jesus go beyond our current scientific understanding. The chemistry of death involves irreversible breakdowns at the cellular and molecular levels. Reversing these processes would require an unimaginable, precise reorganization of complex biological systems and the re-introduction of what we might call "life essence."

In essence, if we consider Jesus as God incarnate, His divine nature will allow Him to bypass or suspend the natural laws of biology and chemistry that we understand. It is this divine power, beyond human science, that the Gospels attribute to these miracles. Jesus did not merely heal a body; He reanimated it with life, highlighting His authority over both the physical and spiritual realms.

My question indeed brings us to the fascinating edge where science and faith meet. While science explains the natural processes of death, faith provides a perspective on the miraculous power that could reverse it. It is a profound mystery that invites reflection, awe, and perhaps, faith in the possibility of the supernatural.

Now having explained that, my problem is, when Jesus died on the cross, He managed to rise up again on His own. How did He manage this awesome miracle, unless His heavenly Father (God) stepped in. Could that be the explanation or is there another alternative explanation. It is very weird to me as a scientist. Nevertheless, let me try to answer again.

The resurrection of Jesus is indeed one of the most profound and central mysteries of the Christian faith, and it naturally poses a significant challenge when viewed from a scientific perspective. As a scientist, I am trained to seek explanations grounded in natural laws and empirical evidence. However, the resurrection, by its very nature, transcends these boundaries, entering the realm of the supernatural. Let me provide some visions into this from both theological and reflective perspectives:

The Role of God the Father in the Resurrection

Divine Agency:

The New Testament consistently attributes the resurrection of Jesus to the power of God the Father. For instance, in Acts 2:24, the Apostle Peter states, "But God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him." This suggests that the resurrection was an act of divine power, initiated by God the Father.

The Trinity in Action:

According to Christian doctrine, the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is one in essence but distinct in personhood. In this context, God the Father is seen as the source of this resurrection power, the Holy Spirit is the agent through whom this power is enacted, and Jesus, the Son, is the recipient who triumphs over death. Romans 8:11 mentions, "If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you." This verse indicates the involvement of the Holy Spirit in the resurrection process.

Expression of God's Sovereignty:

The resurrection serves as a demonstration of God's ultimate authority over life and death. It is the pinnacle event that confirms Jesus' divinity and the fulfilment of God's plan for salvation.

Jesus’ Authority Over Life and Death. Jesus' Claims About His Own Power:

Before His crucifixion, Jesus made an extraordinary claim about His own authority over life and death. In John 10:17-18, He said, "The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

This statement implies that Jesus, in His divine nature, possessed inherent authority to overcome death. It is an assertion of His divine power as the Son of God, co-equal with the Father, capable of voluntarily laying down His life and taking it up again.

The Unique Nature of Jesus’ Resurrection

Not Just a Revival but a Glorified Resurrection:

It is important to distinguish between a temporary raising from the dead (such as the resurrections of Lazarus or Jairus' daughter) and the resurrection of Jesus. When Jesus rose, it was not merely a return to His previous physical state. He was transformed into a glorified, eternal state. He could appear in locked rooms (John 20:19), and yet He could also be touched (John 20:27). This suggests a transformation beyond ordinary biological processes, indicating a supernatural act that is not limited by the natural order.

Theological Interpretation: Triumph Over Death and Sin. The Defeat of Death Itself:

Theologically, the resurrection is seen as the defeat of death and sin. According to Christian belief, death entered the world through sin (Romans 5:12), and Jesus, being sinless, could not be held by death’s power. His resurrection symbolizes victory over the ultimate consequence of sin: death itself.

The Divine Plan and Fulfilment of Prophecy:

Throughout the Old Testament, there are prophecies and foreshadowing of a Messiah who would suffer, die, and rise again (Isaiah 53, Psalm 16:10). The resurrection is thus seen as a fulfilment of these divine promises, aligning with God's eternal plan for redemption.

A Miraculous Event Beyond Natural Explanation. The Limits of Science and the Supernatural:

From a purely scientific standpoint, the idea of a person rising from the dead after significant decomposition is impossible due to the irreversible chemical changes that occur during death. However, miracles, by definition, are events that transcend natural laws. The resurrection is considered a supernatural act, one that cannot be explained by natural phenomena or understood through the scientific method.

Faith Perspective:

The resurrection is ultimately a matter of faith. It stands as a cornerstone of Christian belief, seen as an extraordinary intervention by God to demonstrate His power, validate Jesus' claims, and offer hope for eternal life to believers.


Divine Intervention as the Explanation

My scientific standpoint highlights the enormous challenge in understanding the resurrection through natural laws, and this is precisely why the event is considered miraculous. Jesus' resurrection is seen as a divine act, orchestrated by God the Father, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and in accordance with Jesus' own divine authority. It is beyond human capability and comprehension, standing as a unique event in history that signifies God's intervention in the natural world.

In summary, the explanation lies not in an alternative physical or chemical process but in the realm of divine action. It is viewed as God’s direct intervention, a suspension of natural laws, and a display of His supreme power over life and death. This is why the resurrection is central to Christian faith—because it represents a divine breakthrough into the fabric of creation, restoring life where science tells us it cannot return.

I hope this answer provides some clarity, even though it delves into a realm that challenges our scientific understanding!

I may sound weird to some asking myself questions on the miracles of biology and life but such “weird” questions arise from my inquisitive and wandering mind trained as biological and medical scientist. For me I have unconsciously ventured into the most profound and mysterious intersections of science, philosophy, and faith. It is this kind of deep thinking and curiosity that keeps my journey of continuing learning so enriching guided by God of course, not my own, to glorify Him to the highest.



Timeline of Life's Evolution on Earth

 Timeline of Life's Evolution on Earth


ju-boo lim

Postdoctoral in Evolution (University of Cambridge)


On Wednesday, December 27, 2023,  I briefly penned my thoughts on:

Creation of Earth in the Bible vs Creation in the Eyes of Science here:

It was followed  below that article in dark purple by:   

“Creation in My Eyes”


Today, I shall elaborate what I left out.

As Biological Evolution is an immensely lengthy and massive subject that took me a very long time to study, I shall instead briefly summarize its timeline below, starting with a early Earth after its accretion:


Formation of Earth and Early Atmosphere: 


4,540 million years ago (mya): Earth forms. Initially molten, it slowly cools, allowing a solid crust to develop.

4,400 mya: Formation of Earth's early atmosphere and oceans, primarily through volcanic outgassing. The atmosphere lacked oxygen and consisted of water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, and ammonia.


Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origins of Life:


~4,000 mya: Conditions on Earth allow prebiotic chemistry to occur. Organic molecules like amino acids and nucleotides form, possibly at hydrothermal vents, in shallow seas, or delivered by meteorites.

~3,800 mya: Evidence of the first chemical fossils—signs of life found in ancient rocks. These include isotopic signatures of carbon, indicating microbial activity.

Photosynthesis and Oxygenation

~3,000 mya: The emergence of photosynthesis in cyanobacteria (autotrophs). These microbes convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.

2,400 mya: The Great Oxidation Event occurs as cyanobacteria produce significant amounts of oxygen, altering Earth's atmosphere and enabling aerobic life.

Eukaryotic Cells and Sexual Reproduction

~2,100 mya: First eukaryotic cells arose through endosymbiosis—one prokaryote engulfing another to form organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts.

~1,200 mya: Sexual reproduction emerges, allowing genetic diversity and accelerating evolution.

Multicellular Life and Early Animals

~1,000 mya: First multicellular organisms evolve, forming colonies of specialized cells.

~700–600 mya: First metazoans (animals). Sponges (Porifera) appear as the earliest animals.

~541 mya: Cambrian Explosion, a period of rapid diversification of life forms, including the first hard-bodied organisms.

The Cambrian Explosion and Early Vertebrates

541–485 mya: Cambrian Period. The first trilobites and early arthropods appear.

~525 mya: First vertebrates, including jawless fish-like creatures, evolve.


Land Colonization:


~500 mya: Algae and fungi colonize land.

~475 mya: First land plants evolve.

~430 mya: Arthropods become the first animals to colonize land.

~375 mya: Early tetrapods (amphibians) evolve from lobe-finned fish.

Rise and Fall of Dinosaurs

~250 mya: Start of the Mesozoic Era (Triassic Period). Dinosaurs evolved from early reptiles.

~200 mya: First mammals appear.

~150 mya: First birds (e.g., Archaeopteryx) evolve from theropod dinosaurs.

~66 mya: End of the Mesozoic Era. A mass extinction event (likely due to an asteroid impact) wipes out non-avian dinosaurs.

Rise of Mammals and Primates

~66 mya: Mammals diversify rapidly during the Paleogene Period.

~60 mya: First primates evolve.

~7 mya: Human and chimpanzee lineages diverge.

Hominins and Modern Humans

~2.5 mya: First members of the genus Homo (e.g., Homo habilis) appear.

~200,000 years ago: Homo sapiens evolved in Africa.

~12,000 years ago: Humans began agriculture and formed civilizations, marking the rise of modern society.


Summary Table


Time (mya)

Formation of Earth


Atmosphere and oceans form


Prebiotic chemistry


RNA World


First life (prokaryotes)




Photosynthesis begins


Great Oxidation Event


First eukaryotes


Sexual reproduction


Multicellular organisms


First metazoans (sponges)


Cambrian Explosion


First vertebrates


Dinosaurs evolve


Birds evolve from dinosaurs


Mass extinction (non-avian dinosaurs)


First primates


Homo sapiens evolve



I hope this concise timeline captures the epic story of life’s evolution.

However, interestingly, my beloved brother-in-law believes he evolved into a tortoise. Later he changed his mind and believes he is another animal called ‘siput’

Since he is interested on what animals they were, and how they came into existence in the evolutionary tree, let me briefly ‘specialize’ on these two animals for him here:

Here are their historical ties to their evolutionary lineage starting with siput (Cerithidea), a mud creeper  firstand moving to tortoises.


Water Snails ("Siput"): Cerithidea obtusa


Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Gastropoda

Subclass: Caenogastropoda

Family: Potamididae

Genus: Cerithidea

Species: Likely Cerithidea obtusa (mud creeper).

Biology and Habitat

These snails, including Cerithidea obtusa, are marine gastropods found in mangroves, mudflats, and estuarine environments across Southeast Asia.

They are detritivores and grazers, feeding on algae, decaying organic matter, and microorganisms on mud surfaces.

Their adaptability to brackish water and their tolerance to fluctuating salinity make them critical for maintaining mangrove ecosystems.

Evolutionary Origins

Gastropods (the class to which siput belongs) are an ancient group that evolved around 500 million years ago during the Cambrian Period.

The Caenogastropoda subclass, which includes most modern marine snails, evolved later, around 300–250 million years ago, during the late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic era.

The family Potamididae, including Cerithidea, likely diversified in mangrove ecosystems around 50–60 million years ago, after the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.


Let’s now go into the tortoises.


Tortoises are Ancient Reptiles:


Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Testudines

Suborder: Cryptodira (includes most tortoises and turtles).

Biology and Characteristics

Tortoises are terrestrial reptiles, distinct from turtles that are aquatic or semi-aquatic. They are known for their hard, protective shells and slow metabolism, which allows them to live long lives (some species exceed 150 years).


Evolutionary Origins:


The order Testudines, which includes both turtles and tortoises, originated around 220 million years ago during the late Triassic Period—in the age of the dinosaurs.

Fossil evidence points to the earliest turtles, such as Proganochelys, which already had shells.

Tortoises evolved later, likely diverging from aquatic turtles about 110–130 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period. This makes tortoises contemporaneous with dinosaurs but not direct relatives.

While non-avian dinosaurs perished during the mass extinction 66 million years ago, tortoises survived due to their resilience and adaptability.


Fascinating Fact:


Tortoises and turtles are part of one of the most ancient reptilian lineages, predating lizards, snakes, and crocodilians. Their unique anatomic adaptation—a shell—evolved for protection and likely contributed to their survival through mass extinctions.


Summary: Siput and Tortoises


Siput (Cerithidea spp.):

Likely evolved from gastropods around 300–250 million years ago.

The genus Cerithidea adapted to mangrove and estuarine habitats ~50 million years ago.



Originated during the Cretaceous Period, around 110–130 million years ago.

Coexisted with dinosaurs but survived the mass extinction event 66 million years ago, paving the way for their modern forms.

Connection to the Age of Dinosaurs

While siput evolved in marine environments far removed from dinosaurs, tortoises lived alongside these iconic reptiles and witnessed their extinction. Their remarkable evolutionary histories highlight the resilience and adaptability of life on Earth.



Let us now talk a little about the dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs roamed Earth for millions of years, during 3 major geological eras known as the Mesozoic. Their captivating tale begins in the Triassic period, reaches its peak during the well-known Jurassic period and comes to a dramatic end in the late Cretaceous period during which there was a mass extinction of the dinosaurs

They were a group of animals that emerged between 240 million and 230 million years ago and came to rule the world until about 66 million years ago, when a giant asteroid slammed into Earth. During that time, dinosaurs evolved from a group of mostly dog- and horse-size creatures into the most enormous beasts that ever existed on land.

Some meat-eating dinosaurs shrank over time and evolved into birds. So, in that sense, only the non-avian dinosaurs went extinct.

During the roughly 174 million years that dinosaurs existed, the world changed greatly. When dinosaurs first appeared in the Triassic period (251.9 million to 201.3 million years ago), they roamed the supercontinent of Pangaea. But by the time the asteroid hit at the end of the Cretaceous period (145 million to 66 million years ago), the continents were in approximately the same place they are today.

Their mass extinction was believed to be due to an abrupt and global perturbation of the Earth System when  the climate became unstable, the fine dust suspended in the atmosphere blocked sunlight, decreasing or even stopping photosynthesis. This ecological catastrophe is believed to have caused the famous Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) boundary mass extinction which saw the demise of the dinosaurs and more than 50% of the Earth fauna and flora on land and in the oceans. The hypothesis that an asteroid or comet impact induced the mass extinction at the KT boundary was first proposed in 1980 by a team from the University of California at Berkeley led by Nobel prize laureate physicist Luis Alvarez and his geologist son Walter. Very controversial at first because of its catastrophic aspect, this hypothesis was confirmed in the early 1990's when scientists realized that the impact structure which lay buried under approximately 1 km of Yucatan platform sediments was in fact the long-sought KT boundary crater predicted by the Alvarez hypothesis.

But what fascinates me is, why only the dinosaurs? Why not the tortoise as well? Is it because the tortoise has a thick protective shell, and they can hibernate inside without food and water for a long time?

The question of why tortoises (and other creatures) survived the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) mass extinction while dinosaurs did not is indeed fascinating and has intrigued scientists for decades. Let me try to answer the possibilities.


The K-Pg Extinction: What Happened?

As pointed out, the asteroid impact near what is now the Chicxulub crater (Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico) 66 million years ago caused a global ecological disaster:

Dust and debris from the impact blocked sunlight for months or even years.

Photosynthesis stopped, causing a collapse of plant-based food chains.

Fires, acid rain, and temperature fluctuations decimated ecosystems.

The event triggered an "impact winter," followed by extreme greenhouse warming.

This catastrophe led to the extinction of approximately 75% of all species, including non-avian dinosaurs, ammonites, and many marine organisms.

Why Did Dinosaurs Die Out?

Non-avian dinosaurs, despite their dominance, were vulnerable due to several factors:

Dietary Specialization:

Most dinosaurs were either large herbivores relying on plants (that vanished due to lack of sunlight) or large carnivores dependent on herbivores.

This lack of flexibility in their diet made them more susceptible to food chain collapse.

Reproductive Strategies:

Dinosaurs laid eggs, which required stable environmental conditions. The rapid and drastic climate changes would have disrupted their reproduction cycles.

Body Size:

Many dinosaurs were large and required massive amounts of food. In contrast, smaller animals (like mammals and reptiles) could survive on less.

Lack of Sheltering Behaviour:

Unlike burrowing mammals or water-dwelling species, many dinosaurs were exposed to the harsh surface conditions caused by the impact.

Why Did Tortoises Survive?

The survival of tortoises (and other resilient species like crocodiles, birds, and small mammals) can be attributed to several key factors:

Adaptability to Scarcity

Tortoises are ectothermic (cold-blooded), meaning they rely on external heat sources for energy. Their slow metabolism allows them to survive long periods without food, water, or activity.

During the impact winter, tortoises could hibernate or remain inactive for extended periods, conserving energy until conditions improved.

Protection from Harsh Conditions

Their thick, protective shells likely shielded them from predators, flying debris, and temperature fluctuations. While dinosaurs were exposed to the elements, tortoises had natural "bunkers."

Diverse Diet

Tortoises are omnivorous and can consume a variety of food sources, including plants, fungi, and carrion. This dietary flexibility may have allowed them to find sustenance when primary producers (plants) were scarce.

Small Size and Low Energy Requirements

Unlike dinosaurs, which needed vast amounts of food to sustain their large bodies, tortoises required far less. Smaller animals are more likely to survive mass extinctions.

Habitat Advantage

Some tortoises may have lived in aquatic or semi-aquatic environments, which were less affected by immediate firestorms and heatwaves. Water can act as a buffer against rapid climate shifts.

Burrowing and Hibernation

While modern tortoises and turtles are known to burrow or hibernate during adverse conditions, their ancient relatives may have displayed similar behaviours, allowing them to survive prolonged cold and resource scarcity.

Comparison to Dinosaurs

Tortoises were generalists in terms of diet and behaviour, able to adapt to a wide range of environments. Dinosaurs, especially the larger species, were more specialized and less adaptable to rapid, catastrophic change. However, not all dinosaurs perished—avian dinosaurs (the ancestors of modern birds) survived, likely because of their small size, high mobility, and ability to scavenge or adapt to different diets

Key Takeaways

The survival of tortoises during the K-Pg extinction highlights their evolutionary resilience:

Small size, low energy needs, and flexibility in behaviour and diet were major survival traits.

Their protective shell likely helped against physical dangers, but their metabolic and ecological adaptability was the real reason they endured.

The extinction wasn’t "selective" in a conscious sense—rather, the survival odds were stacked in favour of creatures like tortoises, while dinosaurs were outcompeted by harsh environmental realities.

The tortoise's evolutionary story is one of resilience and adaptation, qualities that allowed them to outlive the mighty dinosaurs. Perhaps their long, slow approach to life offers a lesson in endurance amidst upheaval.

On the other hand, if birds evolved from the dinosaurs or other reptiles, but if all the reptiles died during that period, then how could the birds come into existence, unless the birds had evolved separately from reptiles during the mass extinction

These incisive questions truly elevate our understanding of evolution and extinction events! The survival of birds during the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) extinction is indeed a remarkable story of resilience, adaptability, and evolutionary lineage. Let us  unravel this mystery step by step, addressing the thoughts on how birds relate to dinosaurs and how they managed to outlast their larger relatives.

Birds as Glorified Reptiles:

Evolutionary Lineage:

Birds are direct descendants of theropod dinosaurs, a group of bipedal, mostly carnivorous dinosaurs that included species like Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus rex.

Fossils show that many theropods, especially the group called maniraptoran theropods, had feathers for insulation or display.

Modern birds evolved from a subgroup of theropods known as avian dinosaurs during the late Jurassic to early Cretaceous period (around 150–120 million years ago).

Connection to Reptiles:

Birds are classified within Reptilia, as they share a common ancestry with both dinosaurs and modern reptiles like crocodiles.

Features linking birds to theropod dinosaurs include:

Hollow bones (for reduced weight).

Wishbones (furculae) for flight muscle attachment.

Feathers (originally not for flight but for insulation and display).

Three-toed limbs and similar nesting behaviours.

How Did Birds Survive When Dinosaurs Died?

During the K-Pg extinction event, only small avian dinosaurs (early birds) survived. Here's how they may have endured while non-avian dinosaurs perished:

Small Size and Lower Energy Requirements:

Early birds were small and lightweight, requiring far fewer resources to survive than their larger dinosaur relatives.

Their small size also made them more agile, allowing them to avoid hazards and find shelter.

Dietary Flexibility:

Unlike most dinosaurs, early birds were likely omnivorous, feeding on seeds, insects, and small animals.

Seeds became a critical survival resource because they could remain viable even during the "impact winter" when plant life was decimated.

Ability to Fly:

Flight gave early birds access to a variety of habitats, allowing them to escape from predators, fires, and other immediate dangers.

They could also cover larger areas in search of food, a critical advantage in a resource-scarce environment.


Birds, like mammals, are endothermic (warm-blooded), which enabled them to regulate their body temperature even as the global climate became unstable.

This adaptability would have been crucial during the extreme temperature fluctuations of the extinction event.

Burrowing and Nesting Behaviours:

Some early birds and their close relatives might have nested or sheltered in burrows or crevices, protecting them from environmental extremes.

Fossil evidence shows that some non-avian theropods (like Oviraptor) had nesting behaviours that modern birds inherited.

Rapid Reproductive Cycles:

Birds reproduce quickly and lay eggs, which can speed up population recovery after environmental crises.

Smaller animals generally have faster generation times, which helps them adapt more rapidly to changing conditions.

Why Didn’t Other Reptiles Die Out Completely?

It’s important to note that not all reptiles perished during the K-Pg extinction. Here’s why some survived:

Crocodiles: Their aquatic, ambush-hunting lifestyle and ability to survive long periods without food allowed them to endure.

Turtles and Tortoises: Their hard shells, small size, and low metabolic needs helped them survive.

Lizards and Snakes: These smaller reptiles could burrow or hide in sheltered environments, avoiding the worst of the climate effects.

Birds, however, were unique because they combined the survival traits of small reptiles with the innovations of flight and warm-bloodedness.

Did Birds Evolve Separately from Reptiles During the Mass Extinction?

No, birds did not evolve separately during the mass extinction. Here’s the timeline:

Birds (avian dinosaurs) evolved from theropod dinosaurs long before the K-Pg extinction, around 150 million years ago.

By the time of the asteroid impact 66 million years ago, birds were already a distinct lineage within theropod dinosaurs.

The extinction wiped out all non-avian dinosaurs, but a few bird lineages survived, eventually radiating into the diverse species we see today.

This means birds were not a new group that appeared during the extinction—they were survivors of a lineage that had already been evolving for tens of millions of years.

Key Takeaways:

Birds are avian dinosaurs, directly descended from feathered theropods, and thus part of the dinosaur lineage.

Their survival during the mass extinction was due to a combination of small size, dietary flexibility, flight, and warm-bloodedness.

Birds did not evolve separately from reptiles—they are deeply rooted in the reptilian evolutionary tree but represent a highly specialized branch that adapted to a changing world.


A Closing Thought: 


The survival of birds is a testament to evolution’s ability to favour traits that ensure adaptability and resilience. In a poetic sense, every sparrow, eagle, and chicken alive today carries the legacy of the dinosaurs that once roamed Earth.

I can also explain how birds diversified into the thousands of species we know today. But I prefer to explain this some other time. 


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