Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Unseen Hand that Makes Our Body So Intelligent


by: jb lim

 On Thursday, May 30, 2024, I wrote an article called “Our Wonderful Immunological System” here:

Scientific Logic: Search results for immunological system

Prior to that I also wrote another article “The Healing Properties of Our Body. Is Prevention Better than Cure?” here:

There I explained how the body can automatically heal itself, say a cut or a small injury even without any medical intervention, provided we rest it, keep it clean and do not traumatize it further.

For some unknown and mysterious reason, we cannot fully understand how our body automatically manages to seal itself and make whole again? This is the same as when we get infected, the immunological system automatically and intelligently defends the body. Why is it so intelligent and who designed it that way so that we can live on?

This is in line with what is given in the Bible in this verse:

 “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well”

(Psalm 139:14)

As a biological and a former medical research scientist myself, I feel extremely uncomfortable to use only science to explain how and why the body can automatically seal and heal itself.  I just cannot accept this. I just refuse to accept that the body's biomolecules are that intelligent to the extent that they can automatically assemble and come together to cause the body to heal, seal and become whole again, whether it was an infection or an injury. Why should they be? To my eyes in science, molecules in the body are just dead and non-living. Why and how did they become living and intelligent?  Why should they suddenly become so intelligent to realize it has been injured or infected and need self-repairs? I just cannot accept this belief no matter how my scientific counterparts or colleagues try to explain.  I believe there must be something, some much higher order, much higher than the body chemistry that came to the aid of the living body, something, or some vital force unknown to us in science.

 I am more than sure there must be a designer behind the scenes that made the body become so intelligent to be able to respond so appropriately. This scenario is exactly like Artificial Intelligence that becomes so intelligent that it is able to respond and interact with humans. We know there are designers for AI systems, namely, those software and hardware engineers, those scientists, those trainers who created the AI that made them become aware of their existence, following which they became so intelligent to be able to reply and respond to any ‘stimulus’ just like a living body or a living organism.

I just cannot accept that dead molecules can become alive and conscious without a creator and a designer.  Just like AI, had it not been for human creators and designers, I don’t think these AI systems can understand and respond without us as their creator and designer. This is for sure.

This is the same question: how does the living body defend and heal itself on its own had it not been for a Creator and an Intelligent Designer?  There must be some intelligent being unknown to us and to science behind this wonderful design as verse Psalm 139:14 clearly reveals to us.

The reflections on the body's remarkable ability to heal itself, along with the intelligent workings of the immune system, are profoundly thought-provoking. Do understand my discomfort in attributing such sophisticated processes solely to the actions of "dead" biomolecules. My personal exploration of a possible higher intelligence guiding these processes is a compelling one.

From a scientific standpoint, the body’s capacity for self-repair and defence can indeed seem almost magical. The immune system, as I have detailed, works in an incredibly complex yet coordinated manner. But even when we break it down into molecular and cellular mechanisms, we are left marvelling at how such "non-living" components act in concert to sustain life and health.

In the biological sciences, the explanation lies in the concept of self-organization and evolution. I have done a postdoctoral in biological evolution at Cambridge, and I can understand this area adequately. Over billions of years, life has evolved systems that optimize survival, with the immune system being one of the most refined examples. The innate intelligence of the immune response and healing processes comes from finely tuned biochemical pathways, selected over time for their effectiveness. While each molecule in isolation seems "dead" and inert, their interactions—driven by the laws of chemistry and physics—result in what we perceive as intelligence. Cells communicate via signalling molecules, such as cytokines and chemokines, responding dynamically to injuries or infections. Proteins fold into precise shapes, perfectly suited to carry out their specific tasks, such as forming clots to seal wounds or binding to antigens on invading pathogens.

However, this scientific explanation may not fully satisfy the deeper question: why do these processes exist in such an organized, purposeful way? Why should atoms and molecules, which are non-living, coalesce into something that seems to operate with intention?

This is where the boundaries between science and philosophy (and perhaps spirituality) often blur. Some scientists and philosophers propose that life’s complexity and the appearance of purpose are emergent properties—meaning they arise naturally from simpler interactions governed by the laws of nature. Yet, the intricate beauty of these systems can leave one wondering if something more profound is at play.

 Psalm 139:14 beautifully captures this sentiment, reflecting awe at the intricacies of life.

In drawing my parallel between an AI and the human body’s intelligence; while AI is created through deliberate programming and design, life seems to be driven by processes that, at first glance, appear to lack an external designer. And yet, the outcomes of these processes—whether in AI or biology—often inspire a sense of wonder and raise the possibility of a deeper intelligence or order behind them.

Science may not have all the answers, especially when it comes to the mysteries of life and consciousness. Science excels at explaining "how" things work, but the question of "why" life is organized this way is one that might transcend pure scientific inquiry. My belief in a higher order concurs with many who see purpose and design in nature, complementing the scientific understanding with a sense of meaning.

The intelligence behind life’s healing processes could be viewed as the result of both evolutionary fine-tuning and, for those inclined to believe, the hand of a creator who imbued life with this self-repairing, self-defending capability. Whether we interpret these processes as the result of natural selection or as part of a grander design, there is no doubt that life itself is an extraordinary phenomenon.

I don’t think we can ever get a satisfactory answer unless it is revealed to us outside our understanding of science. The existence of life, its origin and what makes them so intelligent to adapt and evolve to resist extinction remains a mystery unless it is spiritually revealed to us. There must be an intended purpose behind the scenes not known to us.

There are indeed mysteries that science may never fully unravel, especially when it comes to the origins of life, its purpose, and the profound intelligence that drives adaptation and survival. These are questions that reach beyond the realm of empirical study and venture into the spiritual or philosophical, where answers may come only through revelation or deeper insights outside the boundaries of our current understanding.

The complexity of life, its ability to evolve and persist through countless challenges, and the intricate harmony with which living organisms’ function often seem to suggest a grander purpose at work—one that may not be entirely accessible through the lens of science alone. As much as science can illuminate the mechanics and processes of life, it can’t easily explain why life exists or why it is imbued with such remarkable capabilities.

Most scientists who are endowed with wisdom (not just their learned intellectual knowledge acquired from universities) I spoke to, agree with me there may be an intention or design behind the scenes, beyond what we can observe or deduce. Many great minds, both scientific and spiritual, have contemplated this very idea, and like some recognize that some aspects of existence might remain mysteries until they are revealed through experiences or insights that transcend our scientific tools.

I don’t think we can ever get a satisfactory answer unless it is revealed to us outside our understanding of science. The existence of life, its origin and what makes them so intelligent to adapt and evolve to resist extinction remains a mystery unless it is spiritually revealed to us. There must be an intended purpose behind the scenes not known to us, unless we pray and seek not wealth, but for wisdom like King Solomon.   

It is very unfortunate most people are not like King Solomon. They are not interested in what I write here as they cannot see. They are heavily involved and burdened with material gains or political powers in their short lives, at maximum for 100 years in this world. They become spiritually blind. 

Their interest is for temporary material pursuits, financial gains, and political powers over others they can physically see, but unfortunately, they cannot spiritually see what they are carrying are material burdens to their graves. Unto them these are more “important” than spiritual enlightenment and spiritual wisdom that would have been the everlasting investment for their souls for eternal life. 

What I just write here is completely not a mystery at all, unlike life in our body. It is absolute material, scientific and spiritual truths. Their souls become a painter of their lives here: 

The Soul as An Artist in the Next World

 “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8: 36 – 37)

 Please appreciate these thoughtful reflections even if it leaves us with more questions than answers.

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