Thursday, September 8, 2022

Question: What Would I Like to Be If Given a Chance to Be Born Again?

 I received this question from a friend in a WhatApp group about 2 hours ago asking:


I quote:


“Professor Ju-boo Lim and others too.

I would like to ask a question about life

Suppose you are given a chance again to be someone else instead of what you are now, whom do you like to be, a king, a prime minister, a president of a powerful country, a rich politician, a millionaire, a doctor, scientist and a professional like yourself once again, a CEO of a huge company, an artist, musician, singer, a priest, or what?

Whom do you chose to become if you were to be born again

It would be very exciting, spiritually enlightening and educational to hear your views, Professor Lim. Others too we like to hear your opinion

Tell us”




I thought it would be more fruitful to share this question-answer in this blog than give my view to a limited audience in a WhatsApp chat group:


Here’s my answer:


A very great and relevant question and thanks for asking


I do not know how or what others in WhatsApp would choose. But if you were to solicit my opinion, I will never want to be a human (animal) anymore, let alone be a king, a president, a prime minister of any country, a millionaire, a CEO of a big industry, or a member of any profession. See below the zoological classification of humans as an animal.


I will instantly choose to be a virion, the simplest and most resilient and everlasting form of life ever created or evolved on this planet. Being a virion like those that causes SARS, HIV, chickenpox (varicella zoster), coronaviruses (the one that killed millions of human animals without mercy over the last 2 long years of Covid pandemic), dengue…, Ebola, diphtheria, hepatitis and influenza, etc, etc.


I will never even want to choose to be the President of the United States or China or Russia, or any king or queen, a prime minister, a powerful politician, a CEO, millionaires, doctors, scientists, engineers, judges, lawyers, musicians, artists…etc, etc or any other professional human animal.


As a pathogenic virus all humans including lower animals will be under my mercy. Neither would I be afraid of any human arsenals of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, or any war if they wish to inflict on each other to destroy this world.   


As a virus or a virion, I don’t need anything else for my existence or comfort. I only need the strength of my nucleic acid as a teeny-tiny short strand of RNA, sometimes DNA to attack the bodies of all humans without needing any physical weapon. 

My body would be my weapon endowed in me by my Creator ready to kill all humans creeping here on this earth together with everything they have, or have built here and there in this world. Our only purpose in our short span of life is just to produce, consume, congest, possess, pollute and to claim this earth and everything created here by God as their properties.    


Other than being a virus or a pathogenic bacterium my second choice if I were to be physically (not spiritually) born again, is to become any of the other animals that roam freely in the wild without a care, without any harm to the environment, and without causing any problem to any other living creatures that too have the right to live happily on this planet.


None, absolutely none of other animal out there living in harmony with Nature is as destructive as us. None other animals require all unnecessary material belongings such as houses, bank accounts, fleets of cars, investments and properties, structures made of concrete, sand, cement, steel and bricks built here and there like us human animals.

Neither do they require air-conditioners, TV sets, smart phones, cars, buses, trains, ships, bridges, transport systems, gas, oil and energy supply from depleting fossil fuels.


Neither do they need to go to school, colleges and universities to have a good education, nor they need a university degree to give them an elite job so that they can buy unnecessarily to keep all kinds of things they actually do not need for their survival other than just food.

Food, water and free air are the only ingredients all animals need for existence. If we look around our houses, we  are guilty to find that 99.999 % of all the material things we buy and keep we use only once or twice, and hang them all up around the house to gather dust and having to burden ourselves dusting, cleaning and maintaining them till we no longer have those strength and energy at old age.


Neither would we have those stamina, endurance or interest anymore trying to look for someone else to dust, wipe, wash, clean to maintain them. Look around our house, garden and elsewhere where we keep all kinds of properties.  We can see our unnecessary greed in the mirror. None, absolutely none of all other animals except human animals need any of these, and yet they freely survive without burden till the end of their life spans. It is only us who create our own problems that we carry our own burdens.


Every other animal living in the wild has been given all the necessary ingredients – air (except anaerobic organisms), water and food free-of-charge for them for their survival without having to toil for them. They don’t even need any education, need to look for a job, need a salary, money, or need to produce all those stuff we hardly actually need.


In fact, the higher our social status. the more greed and our needs. Neither does any other animal needs hospitals and healthcare in the wild. None, none at all. They just roam and fly freely everywhere without any material possession to burden themselves. They don’t even need clothes, as furs, feathers, scales and thick skins were all already provided for them when they were created by their Maker.  


And yet all of them managed to live out their lifespans happily without carrying any material burden. But when they die, none of these animals worry or regret leaving anything behind. Only human animals need to write out a will, and even that, their souls are still not at peace having to leave all their possessions behind moments they breathed their last.  


All other animals in the wild just leave with nothing with them when they die, except their skeletons, empty shells, feathers, skins and hides, pelts, fleeces, and calcified fossils, and DNA footprints if any. They have absolutely nothing to worry about when they die, unlike a human animal especially if they are rich and famous like a king, president or prime minister of a country as suggested in the question. They must have regretted and worried about everything they have acquired in their transient 100 years of life here before taking their last breath.   


“And why take ye thought for raiment?

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow;

they toil not, neither do they spin…”


(Matthew 6:28)


Furthermore, as an animal in the wild I do not sin or give problems to my Maker, and neither has my Maker and Designer have problem with me.


When I die as an animal, I am transported to another world without any sin to be redeemed, and I can just live there the same as another happy animal as I was here in this world and for all eternity. See why all living things have an undefined entity called ‘soul’ within their bodies that controls the chemistry of life here:


Does A Human Soul Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?:


The Mystery of Life:


Does Life Exist After Death?:


After all, who are we? We are given a maximum of 100 years to choose our lives after which all must leave all our properties instantly behind with deep regrets when we take our last breath. I don’t think virions, bacteria or any other animals in the wild have this problem.


I am reminded by these verses as warnings of my short existence here:


The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)


It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24)


For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? (Mark 8:36) and (Matthew 16:26)


Hence my frank answer to this question is, I would instantly choose to be a humble, simple and meek animal, the simpler they better to be out there living in the wild with everything all provided for my life existence till the end of my lifespan without leaving anything material burden behind unlike a rich and a powerful human.


I hope I have answered, with His guided wisdom from above, not with knowledge acquired from any school I attended.  


Just for our scientific knowledge, humans are classified by scientists and zoologists as animals. It is not my classification. 

We are not angels, or spiritual beings. Only animals including humans live here on this planet. 

Gods, angels and higher spiritual beings don’t live here on this planet. They live up there in the heavens among the stars. Only us as animals are fit to be placed down here in this world for us to destroy ourselves.


According to scientists, we, including myself are all animals under this zoological classification:


*Kingdom: Animalia (Animals)

Phylum: Chordata (with a backbone)

Class: Mammalia (with mammary glands)

Order: Primates (like monkeys, apes, chimpanzees, orangutan, and gorillas…etc)

Suborder: Haplorhini

Infraorder: Simiiformes

Family: Hominidae

Subfamily: Homininae

Tribe: Hominini

Genus: Homo

Species: H. sapiens


The above classification includes myself as a human animal which I regret. I wish I am only a simple animal existing here without any material problems


I hope once again my choice for another life is a wise and a guided one from above, and I hope I have answered


Thank you for your question.

(Unfortunately and coincidentally just after I have finished typing this at 3:00 am Malaysian Time on 9 September. I received news from a friend in the UK that Queen Elizabeth II has just died in Balmoral, Scotland at 6:45 pm on 8 September 2022 British Time (GMT). We are 8 hours ahead of GMT. It was a shock to me. 

Queen Elizabeth II was one of the richest queens in the world. In the mid 60's I did my postgraduate at Queen Elizabeth College which was  named after her at the University of London).    

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