Sunday, August 15, 2021

Can Our Body Adapt to Covid mRNA Vaccine?

 General Adaptation Syndrome in Covid Vaccines



by lim ju boo



Not many doctors know that when our body is continuously being challenged, insulted, and injured by any threat such as chemicals, toxins, internal or external pollutants, bacteria, viruses, parasites, cigarette smoking, continuous drugs and medications, chronic consumption of  alcohol, perpetual bad and harmful lifestyles, including harmful food substances, and food additives..etc, the body initially tries to defend itself by a an acute stage of a crisis before adapting silently due to its homeostasis and buffering systems.


If a threat, for instance, a bacterial infection is initiated, it will respond with a fever, and the immune system will be elicited with an increase in the various components of the white blood cell count, namely the phagocytes, T-cells, B-cells, natural killer cells, helper cells, etc, and  the various immunoglobulin will be produced in the first acute  stage


See  article on our wonderful immune system here:



But if the infection is not checked, it may become chronic, and the immune system may no longer respond. It may go into the second asymptomatic stage where the body may no longer show  signs or symptoms.



In another example of chronic lifestyle disease, if a healthy individual consumes a lot of salt, he will respond with thirst which is the normal first stage of an active physiological response to force the individual to drink a lot of water to get rid of the excessive salt.


However, if he continues with these unhealthy dietary habits, he may lose his sense of thirst, sliding him into the second stage of an asymptomatic phase whereby there are no longer any warning signs or symptoms as warning bells of thirst as the body begins to adapt to a high salt  intake.


But if he stops excessive salt consumption at this reversible stage, he goes back to the first phase of a general adaptation where he regains his thirst when excessive salt intake is consumed.


But if he insists on habitual excessive salt intake as part of his dietary lifestyle, he sinks to the third irreversible stage of a syndrome that may manifest in high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.



Another example is smoking. If an individual who has never smoked in his life, is offered a cigarette, his first response is coughing as a reflex action where his body tries to get rid of the smoke entering his airways and lungs.


But after many continuous exposures to the smoke, he loses this protective reflex action, and begins to enjoy smoking entering his lungs as the second phase of adaptation. But if he stops smoking at this second reversible adaptation, he regains his cough reflex if offered a cigarette again.  



But if he continues to smoke, he goes into the third irreversible stage of exhaustion which may result in the damage to his  airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs.



This may lead to conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and in  most cases lung cancer.


Normally, when the body is challenged by any kind of external or internal threat, whether from toxic substances, pollutants, or even self-induced harmful lifestyles, it will initially vigorously fight back  in an acute first phase by showing signs and symptoms as warming bells. 


But when that threat  is removed, the body recovers uneventfully from the injury and it heals itself. For instance, it is well-known that a cut can heal itself without any medicine if we just bandage it up and protect it from further injury.



However if toxic substances such as chemicals, pathogenic agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites…etc, termed as stressors were to persist, whether internally or externally, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the body will refuse to respond anymore  as signs and symptoms.



 It then goes into an asymptomatic phrase whereby it just does not want to respond to a crisis anymore. The body remains symptomatically “healthy” as if nothing happens.  


The individual then becomes a potential candidate for a chronic disease  in the later stage of  his life.


Without the symptoms he continues to “enjoy” life, and that he is alright and healthy such as clearly seen in patients who later developed  diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, heart and lungs, endocrine and metabolic disorders.  


Unfortunately during the second reversible stage, if he does  nothing to remove the stressors through lifestyle changes or dietary modifications, the body sinks into the third chronic  irreversible stage 



During an initial active crisis of a disease, he may just take drugs and medication to mask or to suppress the symptoms even though  they are the warning bells instead of addressing the root causes.



As the years passed, the existing stressors remain to continuously insult and injure the body relentlessly.



In response, the body goes from the first acute warning bell phrase into the second silent (asymptomatic) stage, and then into the third and irreversible stage whereby the entire body systems may shut  down.



This classical theory in medicine  unfortunately is  not known by most  doctors  because they were never  taught about the healing crisis of a disease during their medical training.



Doctors are mainly taught to  diagnose a disease  using different diagnostic procedures, and how to manage them mainly through  drugs and medications, and in some cases through surgery that does help in the event of a mechanical obstruction.



There is no doubt medication does helps in acute disease conditions, but it is also important to look at the root causes if the condition persists instead of suppressing the symptoms each time, as this may cause the condition to become chronic due to the presence of prolonged stressors



In the good practice of medicine priority should be given in preventive and rehabilitative medicine, health education, and helping the patient with dietary, nutrition and lifestyle changes instead of solely using drugs to alter a chemical pathology  


This very beautiful classical stress theory of medicine called General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) was put forward by a very famous and well-known Canadian physician Dr. Hans Selye (1907–1982) who was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine or in Physiology.


This same classical theory in medicine was already known and well-recognized  in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in their yin and yang classical theory of internal medicine over 2,500 years ago.



Han Selye came out with the GAS theory where he described how the body initially tries to fight to defend itself in the first acute stage of a disease with signs and symptoms as warning bells, and if not addressed and the stressors not removed at the root cause(s), it goes into the second silent stage whereby the body defenses go into exhaustion and refuse to respond further as it silently tries to adapt. 



But if the root causes are addressed and removed even in the second stage of the asymptomatic stage, the condition becomes reversible into the first active phrase of a disease whereby symptoms and signs start to appear again. This is dubbed by Dr. Han Selye as the “healing crisis” before it disappears completely into health.



But if the stressors persist beyond the second silent phrase, the condition spirals into the irreversible degenerative stage with multiple other disorders showing up for which more and more medications at increasing higher and higher doses being given, causing multiple disorders spiraling down into a vicious cycle



Dr Hans Selye theory on stress-induced diseases is normally seen in  lifestyle diseases.



This imbalance with Nature internally and externally is precisely the same as the yin yang theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Huangdi neijing translated as The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic of Internal Medicine dating back more than 2,500 BCE where they also documented the various causes of diseases due to internal and external stresses.



In the classical theory of TCM, they prescribe the need to  balance the yin and yang stressors within and outside the body for optimal health, for preventive medicine, and in the treatment of disease as opposed to conventional medicine where they rely on drugs to alter, replace or inhibit a chemical pathology.  



In short, the yin and yang imbalance of TCM within and outside the body is believed to be the principal root cause of a chronic illness.



That theory of TCM to me in my personal 21st Century scientific understanding of medicine is so convincing as it was 2,500 years ago, and this theory has been unparalleled by any other system of medicine until Dr. Hans Selye put forward his same classical theory on the General Adaptation Syndrome as the causes of illnesses, including even genetically-mediated ones that cannot expressed itself if the yin-yang balance is in place.



Application of GAS in Covid Vaccine:



On this note, let us now look at some of the issues pertaining to the vaccines, particularly the mRNA version that has been hotly being disagreed among medical and scientific experts around the world in their belief  that it causes more harm than good.



According to most experts in molecular biology / medicine, molecular genetics and immunology around the world,  they argued that the mRNA vaccine once injected into the body will remain in the body forever, and it will begin to destroy the body.



They argued the mRNA can neither be destroyed, digested by phagocytes, detoxified by the liver, nor can they be excreted by the kidneys, exhaled  out into the breath nor into the sweat. They remain in the body forever as a foreign nucleotide acting as permanent stressors  to induce the body to produce the spike proteins even long after the Covid-19 pandemic is over.



The mRNA vaccine is genetically programmed to work by inducing the body cells to produce the spike protein to challenge the immune system to respond with antibodies.



The function of the messenger RNA (mRNA) is to deliver the protein blueprint from a cell's DNA to its ribosomes, which are the "machines" that drive protein synthesis.


Transfer RNA (tRNA) then carries the appropriate amino acids into the ribosome for inclusion in the new protein.



More precisely, transcription is the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template from the body  where the code in the DNA is converted into a complementary RNA code.



Translation is the synthesis of a protein from an mRNA template where the code in the mRNA is converted into an amino acid sequence of a protein such as the spike protein.



In simple language, the mRNA are just like messengers or delivery boys to remember, and to pass on the message to produce the spike protein by the DNA in the cells of a human body.



This means, the  body cells just obey a genetically-engineered programme to translate (deliver) the spike protein automatically like a robot to be presented to the immune system to attack.



This is good, if the mRNA remains temporarily in the body after it has done its job.



But according to molecular biologists and molecular medical experts, the mRNA will remain in the body, and will continue to induce the body cells to obediently produce the spike protein non-stop, thus acting as permanent stressors presented to the immune system.


In such an unfortunate scenario the immune system will fail to respond any longer as it breaks down into exhaustion into the second stage due to a continuing pathogenic challenge, based on the same GAS theory so beautifully described by Dr Hans Selye.


If the spike protein persists even after the second stage of an immune exhaustion, the body will remain chronically  immune-silent.


It may fail to respond anymore. In such a scenario, it will give rise to opportunistic multiple infections unrelated to Covid.


It has now become a genetically-engineered runaway programme that can neither be stopped or reversed.



What may be even more damaging is, the immune system may be so confused and unable to recognize if the spike protein was  endogenous in origin, meaning naturally produced by the own body, or was it actually a foreign protein exogenous in origin it was forced to express?



In such an immunological scenario, the body may respond by producing anti nuclear antibodies to destroy all proteins in their paths including its own body organ and system proteins causing self-induced autoimmune diseases.



This may also result in myocarditis and pericarditis from reported cases observed in pockets of the population taking the mRNA vaccines.



Damages to the  lungs, kidney, blood clots,  and disorders of the nervous system resulting in  neuropathies associated with this vaccine  have already been reported in various countries.  



It may not happen until months or years later with Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, before the possibility of multi-organ shut down.



However it is fair to say such an event may or may not happen in the distant future as far as I know as we have no clear evidence at the moment.


Should such an event arise, it is like choosing between the devil (the Covid itself) or the deep blue sea (the aftermath of mRNA vaccine)?



This may be the scenario at least in theory based on Hans Selye General Adaptation Syndrome.


But let’s hope this does not happen, and that the body may know how  to recognize and to deal with foreign nucleotides and artificially-induced proteins introduced into the body.



For the moment we have no clear evidence what the future events would be like after the pandemic curve flattens.      










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