Friday, April 23, 2010

Ask Captain Lim and also Just About Flying websites

Dear relatives, colleagues and friends,

May I suggest you and visitors to this blog "Scientific Logic" of mine also visit my friend website? His name is Captain LH Lim, and he is a Senior Pilot with Air Asia. He has hosted a fantastic website which I always enjoy reading. In fact my first love is on aviation, or anything that moves at very fast speeds such as jet planes, super fast bullet trains (like those world fastest trains in China), nuclear particles, cosmic rays, radio waves, speed of light, etc. These ‘moving subjects’ are actually my first love. My love is not about medicine, food and nutrition, health-care or biomedical research, and those sissy subjects. They are very boring to me. Unfortunately these are areas where I am trained in, and I have already spent my entire professional career on them. I am now retired from them. Life is unfortunate.

My real interest:

My interest in aviation, astronomy, physics, especially particle and nuclear physics, mathematics, and rocket science started even when I was in school, and they have still not gone away. I have very little interest in biological sciences like nutrition, health care, medicine, and all the biomedical sciences you care to name. Unfortunately an ill wind kept blowing me against my direction and wishes. The powerful hurricane forced me to make an emergency landing into the wrong airport. So I landed up as a medical research scientist and not a pilot. I wanted to be a pilot like Captain KH Lim. That was why I find his website extremely fascinating, and I am still reading his new entries every now and then. Life is like that!

Captain Lim and Dr Lim website link:

You may access Captain Lim’s website by just keying in these words "Ask Captain Lim" and also "Just About Flying" into the Google Search Engine bar and you will get him there. I have also written a lot of articles on various subjects which are linked to Captain Lim's website. But you may also access them by merely keying into Google Search these words: "Dr JB Lim's Corner". However, if you are interested only on my other articles related to health and medicine, then please go into this site below:

Non-science articles:

I have actually written many other articles; ranging my thoughts on spiritual matters and art subjects like music (I am a violinist). I have attempted to link the un-measurable entities (non-science) to life sciences. Strange isn’t it for a scientist like me. I have analyzed my thought to answer exactly what is this entity called ‘life and the spirit’, and how measurable entity like science is actually linked to a un-measurable and mysterious dimension called ‘vital force’. I shall post the article into this blog later as it was 47 pages long. It was written inside the Newsletter of The Astronomical Society of Malaysia on January, 1987. It was written using a typewriter as there was no computer then. They need to be edited and retyped once again into a computer for uploading.

I have also written articles on music, mathematics, biomedical sciences, nutrition, food sciences, philosophy, and many other thoughts. Unfortunately a lot of people borrow a lot of my articles and put them into their websites and blog because they wrote nothing inside their own sites. They just took mine and put them inside theirs. But it is okay. They have asked my permission.

Scattered hither and thither:

Hence my articles are actually scattered all over various websites of other people, and it is very time consuming and difficult to recover them into one place. I intend to have a more elaborate non-commercial website instead of a personal blog site. For the moment I shall put my thoughts here.

Even this blog was created by me some 3 years ago. I think it was in 2007, with just a few of my articles inside as an introduction. Then I left them in cold storage after that because no body contributed anything inside to keep it alive. Instead, others ‘stole’ (with permission of course) my articles and conveniently put mine inside their websites, blog, twitter, MySpace, etc. But I don’t mine. Knowledge is about sharing, not keeping them only for ourselves.

Empty U-tube:

You are also very welcomed to contribute your ideas into my blog. I also have a U tube, but it is empty there. I have to upload the thousands of photos of my travels around the world if I want to activate my U-tube, and I won’t bother.

Your articles welcomed:

But your articles must be academic and educational in nature if you want them into my blog. Any ideas, opinion in Science & Technology (ST) preferably original thoughts are welcomed. ST means engineering and medicine also which are all applied sciences, and not just pure basic sciences.

Send them to me by e-mail, and if they are not offensive, and original in thoughts, I shall post them inside. The articles will be credited under your name. So provide me your full name, titles, and degrees (if any), and your position.

But please do not send me articles about politics, or condemning another race or religion, or any offensive materials. My blog is not meant for that. Mine is entirely on academic and educational materials.

Thank you.

JB Lim

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You Are Welcome Ir. CK Cheong

 Dear Ir. CK Cheong, Thank you for your kind words and encouraging comments in the comment column under:  "A Poser: Can Excessive Intak...