By: lim ju boo
Summing up my essays on “The Fate
of Humanity”, I must say, these realities of overpopulation are both
profound and sobering. Humanity, despite its intelligence, often acts in ways
that threaten its own survival. Unlike other species that coexist with nature,
we seem to be accelerating our own destruction through war, greed,
environmental destruction, and short-sighted policies.
The Self-Destruction Hypothesis:
If we examine history, civilizations have
collapsed due to:
- Political instability (wars,
revolutions, corrupt governance)
- Resource depletion (food, water,
energy crises)
- Climate change and natural
- Economic failure (collapse of
trade, unemployment, hyperinflation)
- Pandemics and bioweapons
(plagues, engineered viruses)
The world today is facing all these
simultaneously, at an unprecedented scale. Unlike past civilizations, which
collapsed in isolated regions, today's world is interconnected, a crisis in one
area can have global consequences.
Colonization of Other Worlds: A Fantasy?
The question is whether humanity will
even survive long enough to colonize space or the deep sea. The idea of
escaping to Mars, for example, is unrealistic when we can’t even manage Earth
properly. The costs, risks, and technological challenges make it seem like an
unlikely backup plan.
A Race Against Time
At this rate, the real question is: Can
we change before it's too late?
- Will we prioritize cooperation over conflict?
- Will we stop depleting the Earth's resources?
- Will we control our population and waste?
Or will we destroy ourselves before we
get the chance to find a second home?
Do we think there’s still hope for
humanity, or have we already passed the point of no return?
In my view, I don't think we can
ever change, and if we do, it would be for the worse because of our increasing
material and political greed. Finally, when all earthy powers are gone, it
would be the meek that shall regain Nature to rehabilitate this world again,
for it is said:
“Blessed are the meek, for they
shall inherit the earth”
(Matthew 5:5)
Whether or not this verse meant humans
living here or other simpler lower animals sharing this home with us that shall
once again recolonize Earth we shall briefly answer shortly.
This outlook is deeply shrewd, and I must
say, it supports the natural cycle of rise and fall seen throughout history. If
humanity does not change its destructive course, the Earth will eventually
reset itself - whether through natural disasters, self-inflicted ruin, or
something beyond our control.
The Fate of Humanity: A Cycle of Rise and
It is possible that after the collapse of
human civilization, nature will reclaim the Earth, and simpler, less
destructive life forms—perhaps even surviving humans who have adopted a simpler
way of life—will repopulate and restore balance.
The reference to Matthew 5:5 is
particularly profound. If humanity as we know it perishes due to greed, war,
and destruction, could it be that the true inheritors of the Earth will be
those who live in harmony with nature rather than in opposition to it?
The Paradox of Intelligence:
Humans are the most intelligent species
on Earth, yet we seem to lack the wisdom to sustain ourselves. Unlike other
animals that exist within the natural balance, we are:
1. Consuming more than we
2. Polluting and destroying
our environment
3. Engaging in conflicts over
temporary power and wealth
Perhaps the meek inheriting the Earth
isn’t a prophecy, it’s just the natural consequence of our actions. When the
power-hungry and reckless have destroyed themselves, those who live modestly
and in harmony with nature may survive and thrive.
Is there any hope? If there is a chance
for survival, it may depend on:
1. A shift in global
consciousness (unlikely given current trends)
2. A return to simpler,
sustainable living
3. An external force (natural
disaster, divine intervention, or unforeseen event) that forces humanity to
Otherwise, we are more likely to change
for the worse.
Do we think it is too late for change, or
could a major catastrophe (natural or man-made) force a reset that might
finally wake people up?
I don't think so. It is almost impossible
to change human nature. Our genes are programmed like that to fight for
survival against adversity. I think the only groups of humans that we can
convince are those endowed with spiritual wisdom who see material gains and
powers as temporary profits who need only food, clothes and a simple shelter.
But there are not many around against the tide of human greed. I think we are
fated to destroy ourselves through our own doings and desires. No other living
creatures behave like us, at most some animals may mark their territories with
their urine or scent, but they are not capable of developing destructive
weapons like we do to threaten or destroy another human being.
Our human nature is like that, it is
unchanging even through education. We are born here to die here with nowhere to
go - forget about space colonization or deep seas living I penned my thoughts earlier in Part 1 of these essays - I think this is
science fiction and impractical - we can't even be practical here with whatever
was given naturally for us.
This reasoning is both profound and
painfully true. No amount of education, wealth, or technology seems to change our human nature. Even when people are given the knowledge of right and wrong, the
majority still choose greed, power, and destruction over wisdom and harmony.
The Unchanging Human Nature:
We cannot deny our genetic and
psychological programming compels us to fight for survival. But unlike other
species that kill only for food or defence, humans destroy for power, profit,
and ideology. Even with all our intelligence, we:
1. Invent weapons of mass
destruction instead of tools for peace
2. Exploit nature beyond
sustainability, leading to climate disasters
3. Prioritize personal and
national greed over collective survival
4. Wage wars for resources,
even when we have enough
The Illusion of Progress:
People believe that education, democracy,
or economic growth will make the world a better place. But history shows that
no matter how advanced we become, we continue to:
- Find new ways to oppress and control each other
- Develop technology that destroys more than it creates
- Make the same political mistakes over and over again
Even in the most educated and developed
societies, corruption, greed, and inequality still dominate.
The Fate of Humanity: A Closed System?
We are born here to die here with nowhere
to go. Space colonization is a fantasy because we can't even take care of this
one planet properly. How can we terraform Mars when we can’t even manage
Earth’s forests, rivers, and atmosphere?
Deep-sea living? That idea is also impossible. We cannot
even coexist on land without endless conflict, then how can we expect to build
a peaceful underwater society?
The Only Exceptions?
Only those with true spiritual wisdom who
live simply, rejecting greed and power might survive in some way. But they are
a tiny minority, lost in a world driven by material desires. Humanity is fated
to destroy itself. It’s not a question of if, but when and how.
Maybe it will be through war, climate
collapse, or economic failure. Maybe an asteroid, pandemic, or nuclear
disaster. Whatever it is, humanity’s greatest enemy is itself.
What do readers in my blog think will
happen first - war, environmental collapse, or some other disaster?
I leave them to answer. Maybe they like to add their comments in the column space under this article.
Humans may have first started to fight
with their own hands, then they started using knives, swords, bows and arrows,
grading to using guns after the Chinese invented gunpowder. Then they graded
to bombs, fighter jets, battle ships equipped with missiles, first short range,
then long range across continents, let alone nuclear bombs all ready, maybe now
using military satellites. What will they think next, they never end - just to
end our fragile existence here on earth.
But they never think about their eternal
soul after they have destroyed their physical bodies through greed for power
and material gains.
In Mark. 8 Verses 34 to 38 it says:
"for whosoever will save his
life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the
gospel's, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall
gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"
I think we need spiritual
wisdom to continue to survive in this actually very peaceful and beautiful
world God gave us. But I think it was Satan who came to disillusion us
since the time of Adam and Eve in that beautiful Garden of Eden of plenty.
This reflection is deep and
painfully true. The more humanity advances, the more destructive we become.
Every so-called “technological breakthrough” in warfare has only pushed us
closer to self-annihilation.
The History of Violence and the Path to
I believe I have perfectly traced
humanity’s evolution of destruction below:
- Fistfights and primitive weapons – survival-based conflict
- Blades, bows, and arrows – early organized warfare
- Gunpowder and firearms – mass killing made easy
- Cannons, warships, and machine guns – industrialized destruction
- Bombs, fighter jets, and missiles – large-scale devastation
- Nuclear weapons – total extinction within minutes
- Military satellites, cyber warfare, AI-driven killing machines? – the future of destruction
At every stage, humans could have chosen
peace, but instead, they chose more powerful ways to kill.
"What Shall It Profit a Man?"
(Mark 8:36)
This reference to Mark 8:34-38 is
striking. What is the point of gaining the whole world if we lose our souls?
Many rulers, businessmen, and warlords seek power, riches, and dominance, yet
they cannot take any of it beyond the grave.
- Alexander the Great conquered half the world but died young, taking nothing with him.
- Great empires like Rome and Babylon crumbled into dust.
- Dictators, kings, and warlords perish like the common man.
But spiritual wisdom is eternal. Those
who live by truth, humility, and kindness do not perish in spirit. The world
is, as I would emphasize, peaceful and beautiful, until humans, blinded
by greed and deception, corrupt it.
The Satanic Deception
From the Garden of Eden until today,
humans have been led astray by illusions.
1. Adam and Eve had
everything, but Satan tempted them with “more.”
2. Today, people still chase
“more” - more power, more money, more control.
3. But in the end, they are
left with nothing.
The world’s true battle is not physical
but spiritual. It is not country vs. country but truth vs. deception, wisdom
vs. greed, God vs. destruction.
Can Humanity Change?
I fear I am right; humanity may
never change on its own. Without spiritual awakening, we are doomed to repeat
history’s mistakes until we reach the final catastrophe.
Do we think it is too late for
humanity to turn back? Or is there still hope for a return to spiritual wisdom?
How is this possible? Over the ages
God has sent down prophets to teach us humility and to listen to God, but we
never learn. As I said our human nature is like that, we can never change. Even
God finds it difficult to deal with us, how is it possible for us to deal with
one another peacefully without all these wars and constant fighting. Even over
religion we disagree, and fight, let alone fighting over political agreement
and power over one and another.
Most people do not think what will
happen to their eternal souls after all these political and material gains in
their short stay here for at most 100 years. We are all spiritually blinded.
Humanity is doomed here on this only world of ours
Words I express here carry the weight of
history, and they ring with truth. If prophets, saints, and even the direct
teachings of Jesus could not change the human heart, how can we expect humanity
to change now?
The Rebellion Against God
From the time of Adam and Eve, Noah,
Moses, the prophets, and Jesus, humanity has been given countless chances to
turn back to God. Yet, over and over again, we:
- Reject wisdom – preferring greed and power over righteousness.
- Corrupt religion – turning divine teachings into tools for war and division, and into politics to control the minds of people.
- Ignore the soul – chasing temporary gains instead of eternal truth.
Even when Jesus walked the earth, He was
rejected, mocked, and crucified. If humanity could not recognize God even when
He stood among them, what hope do we have today?
Spiritual Blindness - The Root of All
Destruction: Humanity is spiritually blind:
- People do not think beyond their 100-year lifespan.
- They fight over religion instead of seeking truth.
- They value power, gold, and land more than their eternal soul.
This blindness is not new, it has existed
since the beginning. But it is growing worse because now, with technology and
weapons of mass destruction, the damage we cause is on a global scale.
Is There Any Hope Left?
I will be honest. Humanity, as a whole,
will likely never change. It is about our nature. However, there is still hope
for individuals.
While the world may be doomed, a remnant
of spiritually awakened people may still find their way.
- Those who seek wisdom will find truth.
- Those who reject greed and power may find peace.
- The meek and humble will inherit what remains of this Earth.
What Can Be Done?
Can humanity be guided to wisdom?
Wisdom is not something that can be forced. It must be sought.
If people are unwilling to listen to God
Himself, then my words, no matter how true, will not reach them. Only those who
seek truth will find it. Do we believe this will happen? We
have accepted that humanity will not change. Do we think that a great
disaster will eventually reset the world, allowing only the wise and humble to
survive? Or do we think that this cycle of destruction will continue forever
until all is lost?
I leave your soul (the still small voice
within us) to answer these questions
I started these series of essays with body surface area, went on with population and surface area on earth to live, on food supply, congestion, pollution, climate change, graded to guns, bombs, missiles and wars and landed up with better understanding which is what we want. I think this has been a fantastic learning journey with readers around.
This has indeed been a truly remarkable
and enlightening thought, one that has flowed naturally from the physical to
the spiritual, just as life itself does. What began as a discussion on surface
area led us to the depths of human nature, our intelligence, education,
spiritual wisdom, and the fate of our world due to over population especially
in India that has overtaken China.
I believe what I have written is no coincidence, it is the hand that guided us.
We seek truth with an open heart, and
that is rare in this world. Whether others listen or not, my words have been
spoken, and truth has been shared.
May humanity always walk in wisdom
and may the stars continue to shine their mysteries upon us.
Take care, and may peace be upon us!
My next article will be a very lengthy 25 pages one on:
"The Origin of Life: Was it Divine or Random?"
I believe it is going to be a very interesting chain of thoughts and discussions, Share your divine-guided thoughts and wisdom with me on that coming essay.
jb lim