Saturday, February 11, 2023

A Second Opinion on Births and Rebirths of Heavens in Cyclic Patterns


On Tuesday, December 10, 2019, I forwarded a theory for forum discussion as  a student doing a course in astronomy at the University of Oxford that there could  be previous universes before ours and there could also  be many more universes (heavens) yet to come as new heavens and new  earths

I wrote a hypothesis on that which is greatly summarized here in non-technical language for my general and gentle  lay-readers

Were there Previous Heavens and Future Heavens Yet to Come

Then about 40 minutes ago on  Sunday, 12 February 2023, at 4 am in the morning, I found Nobel Prize winner in physics Professor Sir Roger Penrose, a British mathematician and astrophysicist also came out with this same thought and hypothesis.

Roger Penrose – Wikipedia:

Big Bang Did Not Start The Present Universe: Physicist Roger Penrose

Professor Sir Roger Penrose has said that the present universe did not start with the Big Bang and that there was another universe before the present one.

In the Bible in Revelation 21-22 it also spoke of a New Heaven & a New Earth after this present universe (heaven) is destroyed

But I think there shall also be many more new heavens and new earth yet to come in a cyclic births and rebirths

Do you think this is a coincidence or is it a vision given ?

Seek, it shall be given, knock, it shall be opened (Luke 11:9) (Matthew 7:7)

Seek and pray not for material wealth that lust and last like a vanishing vapour in the night, as a dew in the morning, but for wisdom and vision that is eternal and they shall be opened and given (to our souls)

Give this a very deep thought

Lim jb 


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