Sunday, October 9, 2022

Further Question Being Asked if a Soul Exist in All Living Things


Four people from two different WhatsApp chat groups over the last five weeks have again asked me the same question if a soul exist despite me having explained this riddle briefly twice, and have somewhat detailed it in writing here:


Does Soul Exist? under a broader discussion here:


Does A Human Soul Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?

I have added an addition answer to the above summarized here:


The best way to answer this question as any rational thinking scientist would is this. Imagine a person was alive at one moment, and he suddenly dies either due to a cardiac arrest, a sudden accident, or a slow lingering death from a chronic incurable disease. The next question any scientific mind would ask is this. Where did that life go? He / she was clearly alive and living moments ago, a week, a month or a year ago, but he was no longer alive or living anymore. Where did he go? What was 'that something' living inside his / her body one moment then suddenly left him / her leaving only his physical body. There must be something 'living inside' his physical body that made him or her breathe, move and was conscious. Then what happened? Why was he / her unable to show those characteristics of something that was alive and living anymore? There must be 'something' there inside him / her that has left him that made his entire chemistry of life no longer able to proceed by themselves to show all those characteristics of life or something living? 


This is not just very rational scientific thinking and questioning by any right-thinking man or woman of science, but all ancient civilizations and cultures throughout the world in their wisdom do the same. All these civilizations even before rational scientific thinking was evolved already believed and accepted that a soul exists, else no physical body by itself can become alive, live for a few years and leave him / her. This phenomenon apples not just to humans or only for human souls, but for anything that creeps, breathes, feeds and multiples itself automatically  

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