Friday, June 3, 2022

An Informal Student Discussion on the Big Bang Theory Part 1 at Oxford

An informal student discussion on the Big Bang (Part I)

 lim ju boo 


University of Oxford


Wow! It was quite a thesis after reading through all the sections under Unit 2 all about matter and antimatter, the scenarios during the first few seconds after the Big Bang with three chapters on the expanding Universe, the work of Edwin Hubble, in 1927 and his observation on the red-shifts in the spectra in galaxies suggesting an expansion of the Universe and the how they are receding from each other, faster and faster the greater the distance, and how Hubble formulated his Hubble’s Law based on red-shifts and velocities.

What is even mind-boggling to me is the theory  that states that for every ten billion particles of antimatter, there were ten billion and one of matter and that tiny balance of matter is what that  fills up the Universe with myriads of galaxies and clusters of galaxies and mega-galaxies we see today.

If that was so, then in the early stages of the Big Bang before matter and antimatter annihilate each other to give off gamma radiation, I reckon in the first one billionth of a second after the Big Bang, the mass of an early Universe must have been twice than what it is today considering there was also antimatter then during or soon after the birth pangs   

If that is also so, then another question I need to ask is, if matter and antimatter collide and give off radiation, then what happened to all the gamma radiation today if scientists say they failed to detect them since neither matter nor energy can be created nor destroyed except changed from one form to another such as matter into energy as given by Einstein famous equation E = mc2, or from one form of energy to the other

Can I postulate if the theory is correct, then some of the energy of matter and antimatter annihilation becomes part of the background microwave radiation as heat which is just about 3 Kelvin above absolute zero which suggest evidence of not just the Big Bang, but part of this matter-antimatter annihilation???

I do not know.  It is just my thinking after reading the sections in Unit 2 It is just my personal after thought.

Another thought that troubles me is, what actually caused the Big Bang. What existed before the Bang?  Was there a latent Universe that existed before the Big Bang? Did time exist before the event? Was the entire Universe together with time tightly compacted inside a very massive singularity where time, space, matter and energy were just one before the Bang?  If it was, then what causes the entire massive singularity to explode?

If there was a massive explosion, my line of reasoning is that, there must be another force far, far, far greater than an unborn Universe to tear it apart into smithereens giving off a lot of heat as it spreads across an empty space (or were there “space” then?) to form the elements (nucleosynthesis) as the expanding Universe cooled.

Many years ago I dreamt a dream 3 times over where I was brought by God to the edge of the Universe

There I saw another Universe -   a negative one revolving very slowly in the opposite direction. There was a river linking both the Universes where spent energy from our positive Universe flowed through this river of energy to the other negative Universe to be recharged, and once fully charged, another opposite river on the other side flows back into ours  dimension to renew ours. What I saw was two huge caldrons with molten matter flowing in opposition directions with two rivers linking them

It was just a dream of course, but the uncanny thing about this was, the same dream was repeated three times over that hardly occurs in dreams.

I don’t know, the whole Universe is such a mystery to me. Cosmology is very interesting, but extremely mind-boggling to my feeble-mind.

This is just to share my own thoughts with the rest with my student colleagues at Oxford

My line of thinking now is

Why matter matters

2.3 An expanding Universe I

2.4 An expanding Universe II

2.5 An expanding Universe III

2.6 The formation of the elements

2.7 The cosmic microwave background

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