Monday, April 11, 2022

The Second Arrival of Jesus. How Long Would That Be?

This article is dedicated to Mr. Hor Meng Yew. 

A friend of mine by the name Hor Meng Yew in our “Golden Tiger” Whatsapp chat sent us this message:

"So, you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him" (Matthew 24:44). Jesus clearly indicates that none of us knows either the moment He'll return and establish His kingdom forever or when He may summon us to leave this world and come to Him. But He tells us to be prepared and "keep watch" (Matthew 24:42).

Tic . . . tic . . . The "clockwork" of our lives is still in motion - but for how long? May we live our moments in love with our merciful Saviour, waiting and working for Him”


The above question / message Mr. Hor Meng Yew sent to us gave me the idea when will Jesus be coming again considering the horrendous numbers of worlds in heavens He may be there, and how long would Jesus take to arrive to this world once again as foretold in the Bible.

Let’s have a look

How many galaxies, stars and other worlds would there be in the all the heavens we call this as the Universe?

A typical galaxy like our Milky Way Galaxy contains at least between 100–400 billion stars

Most of the galaxies are 1,000 to 100,000 parsecs in diameter (approximately 3,000 to 300,000 light years) are separated by distances on the order of millions of parsecs (or megaparsecs). 

For comparison, the Milky Way has a diameter of at least 30,000 parsecs (100,000 light years) and is separated from the Andromeda Galaxy (with diameter of about 220,000 light years), its nearest large neighbour, by 780,000 parsecs (2.5 million light years)

If we assume each star system has between 1000 planets including planetoids like Pluto, Iris, Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Astraea, Hebe, Flora, Hygiea, Urania, Pomona, Atalante, Fides… etc, etc.

Let us be very conversative to take over 120 (Runyon et al) only within our Solar System, and let us assume this is the number we are going to take to represent all other stellar systems within the Milky Way, that conservative numbers put us at least between 1.2 x 10 13 (12 trillion) to 4.8 x 10 13 (48 trillion) planets and planetoids or worlds in our Milky Way Galaxy alone 

According to data in 2020 from NASA, it was estimated there may be at least 2 x 10^12 (2 trillion) galaxies in the observable Universe. Each galaxy is unique, ranging in size from 10,000 light-years to hundreds of light-years.

Translated, this means there may be between 2.4 X 10 25 – 9.6 x 10 25 (24 trillion, trillion to 96 trillion, trillion) other planets, planetoids or worlds out there in heavens within the Observable Universe, spread out across an expanding 93 billion light years or 8.84 x 10 23 km (884,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 884 billion trillion) km across like a curtain being spread across (Psalm 104:2, Isaiah 40:22, 42:5, 45:12).

(1 light year = 9.5 trillion km)

These numbers are far, far more than all the sands on the all the beaches and deserts on this world

See article on:

The Stars of Heavens vs. Sands on Earth here:


“Ourselves, Sun as a Grain of Sand on a Cosmic Ocean” 


Hence, based on sheer numbers of worlds up there and their awesome distances from here and from each other, how do we expect us to know in which world Jesus is now living, and when or how long would Jesus  take to come here again ?

But if Jesus is no longer in physical or material form as He was in human physical form over 2,000 years ago, but through spiritual transfiguration, we can expect Him violating Einstein's law that nothing with a mass can travel faster than light since He came from another world different from ours: “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36).

If Jesus belongs to another world, how long would He need take to arrive here again?

In order to answer that, let's see how fast a soul or a spiritual being without any mass can travel?

 “Does A Human Soul Travel Faster than the Speed of Light?

By sheer numbers of the worlds, and their horrendous distances from each other, it is my belief it would not be necessary that all our scientific laws as we know them here on Earth must apply in other worlds too as other scientists think. I beg to differ from other scientists. 

Her'e's one view in New Scientist that supports mine too:

Jesus has clearly shown how He defiled and by-passed all the laws in biology, chemistry, physics and other sciences including  medicine we know in our world when He performed all those horrendously awesome miracles including raising up the dead. He has demonstrated them, and I don’t think we should assume all our scientific laws are fixed and they should also apply to all the estimated 24 to 96 trillion, trillion other worlds too?

This means God could travel instantly, and could be present everywhere at a blink of an eye at any time, and that He is ubiquitous even if we shut our bedroom and pray quietly inside as He is already there

 (Matthew 6:6)

Likewise, Jesus could arrive at anytime, His presence ubiquitously everywhere even now in our amidst, and nobody knows where and when depending on our needs 

jb lim  





1 comment:

Esabella Grant said...

An astronomical explaination in the miracles of Jesus Christ. An academic foresight

The Final Fate of Humanity (Part 4)

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