Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Why Booster Doses of Vaccines is Unnecessary


Allow me to explain again in just a slightly greater detail, but in as simple a layman’s language as possible why booster doses of any vaccine, not just Covid vaccines are not necessary even if antibodies elicited after the first dose drop

First of all, I have already explained earlier in another chat, all proteins including the body’s own proteins from muscles, organs, including red blood corpuscles or RBC containing the haemoglobins as well as the plasma of the blood is degenerated and replaced after a certain lifespan in the body.  The human body is made up almost (80 %) entirely of proteins (besides water).

This includes enzymes and certain hormones produced by the endocrine glands (some hormones are made of steroids not proteins).


Hemoglobin for example is composed of four protein chains, two alpha chains and two beta chains, each with a ring-like heme group containing an iron atom. Oxygen binds reversibly to these iron atoms and is transported through blood. The lifespan of RBC containing the protein is only 120 days and is replaced by the proteins and iron in the food.

This replacement takes several metabolic steps (pathways) and may also involve DNA and RNA by which DNA is copied to RNA is called transcription, and RNA translates them into proteins (translation).

Unfortunately, these protein inclusive antibodies (immunoglobulins) do not remain long as with all other body’s proteins. As a result, the antibodies whether from the first dose, second, third or any multiple doses of any vaccines keep dropping after some days / weeks or months

The way most proteins are destroyed is by a process called oxidative deamination. This is the first step in breaking down the amino acids, including the antibodies made of (immune)globulins so that they can be converted to sugars. Globulins are proteins (amino acids).

Normally this process begins by removing the amino group of the amino acids. The amino group becomes ammonium as it is lost and later undergoes the urea cycle to become urea in the liver. It is then released into the bloodstream, where it is transferred to the kidneys, which will secrete the urea as urine.

The remaining portion of the amino acid becomes oxidized, into an alpha-keto acid. The alpha-keto acid will then proceed into the Hans Kreb’s cycle, in order to generate energy. The acid can also enter glycolysis, where it will be eventually converted into pyruvate. The pyruvate is then converted into acetyl-CoA so that it can enter the Kreb’s cycle and convert the original pyruvate molecules into ATP, or usable energy for the organism.

However, in the case of these antibodies they can be degenerated by intracellular proteases (protein-destroying enzymes in the cells).

Hence with these continuing series of degenerative pathways, the antibodies keep dropping whether with first, second, third or any multiple doses of the vaccines that are being injected

This becomes meaningless if we cannot maintain their titre levels, especially when we are not infected at all in between these unnecessary doses.

In fact, we make ourselves worse by unnecessarily challenging, insulting and injuring our immunological system into exhaustion with multiple doses of antigens from these vaccines until it can no longer produce the antibodies. See my explanation separately here:


What is far more important is not merely continuing to give booster doses where the body cannot retain the antibodies elicited, but we need to understand the body remembers for a very, very long time its first exposure whether to a live infection or via an attenuated virus through the first dose of the vaccine.

This the body does through its immunological memory where reinfection at any later time leads to a rapid increase in antibody production and effector T cell activity. These later infections become very mild or even unapparent as we can see with the Omicron variant of this Covid-19 virus compared to all the previous other variants.  This is probably due to the herd immunity in place after over 3 years of pandemic exposure.

Immunological memory follows after a primary immune response against the antigen. Immunological memory is thus generated after a previous initial exposure, to either a life infection or through just the first dose of the vaccine.

The result of a secondary immune response is similar to primary immune response through the body’s memory B and T cell.

These cells recognize the antigen presented through its peptide (spike or other infective proteins). After the primary immune response has disappeared, the effector cells of the immune response are eliminated. However, there remain the antibodies previously generated by the body that represent the humoral component of immunological memory (to produce more antibodies as needed), and it is this that comprises an important defensive mechanism in subsequent infections, and not by the vaccines, no matter how many multiple doses were given.

In adding to the formed antibodies in the body there remains a small number of memory T and B cells that make up the cellular component of the immunological memory.

These stay in blood circulation in a resting state and at the subsequent encounter with the same antigen or even the mutagenic antigen (virus) these cells are able to respond instantly and remove the antigen. Memory cells have a long life and last up to several decades in the body.

This explains why we get immunity to chickenpox, measles, and some other diseases for life.

However, immunity to some diseases may eventually wear off. The immune system's response to a few diseases, such as dengue, counterproductively makes the next infection worse (antibody-dependent enhancement).

As of 2019, researchers are still trying to investigate why some vaccines provide life-long immunity, while the effectiveness of other vaccines drops to zero in less than 30 years (example mumps) or less than six months (for H3N2 influenza).

However, I think the current Covid pandemic is slowly weakening after over 3 years of infectivity even as more and more variants are evolved whereby with each variant being created, our collective human immunity, variedly called herd immunity, societal immunity, combined immunity, shared immunity…etc began to weaken them. See my explanation here:


I hope I have managed to explain in +lay’s man language why booster doses of vaccines is really not necessary if we can understand how our body is wonderfully and fearfully made (Psalm 139: 13 – 14).


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