Sunday, December 12, 2021

Effects of Graphene Oxide- laced Vaccines Absorption and Retention-Wise

Thank you, Prof Dr KC Ng, for this video and numerous other videos and articles sent to me that claimed some of these Covid vaccines are made from almost 100 % graphene nanoparticles.

I am unsure about these claims.


If these are true, let me give my personal feeling about these graphene nanoparticles-laced vaccines.

I really cannot imagine how these vaccine producers went to the extent of introducing graphene nanoparticles into their vaccines?

First of all, let me explain: graphene is an allotrope of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice in a nanostructure.

 These nanoparticles of graphene are actually meant for industrial uses, such as in semiconductors, electronics, in computer systems for faster and precise sensors, as anti-corrosion coatings in paints, in solar panels, and faster DNA sequencing.

However, limited amounts with ‘think-over again’ reservations are used as a drug delivery system in desperate cases in certain types of chemotherapy.

They have never been used for global mass vaccinations until now.

These particles cannot even be absorbed through the intestines. They are blocked by the intestine-blood portal barrier, let alone deliberated being injected in. Allow me to explain.

Nanoparticles can range in sizes from several to hundreds of nanometers (nm) to just 1-10 nm (one nanometer is 0.000,000,001 meter).  

Graphene nanoparticles are about 100 times the size of a glucose molecule. We know that glucose other than water is the most common substance being absorbed by the body.

Glucose from sugar present from breakdown of carbohydrates in foods can easily be absorbed directly by diffusion through the intestines without even the need of ‘active transport’ unlike substances with more massive molecules.

To be slightly more technical, structurally glucose is a 6- carbon ring molecule with typical carbon-carbon bond lengths of 0.15 nm and an overall molecular size of roughly 1 nm as measured by the long axis of the cyclic form or the length of the open chain form.

In simple language this means the size of a single molecule of glucose is just 1 nm.

Because of their relatively small size the mean absorption rates of glucose and galactose are relatively fast at 26.5 and 43.8 mumol min-1 30 cm-1.

Another way of putting this in very simple language is, this means that it takes only 2 or 5 minutes for glucose to be absorbed directly when a glucose solution is drunk, before there is a rise of plasma glucose concentrations from 30–40 min in males to 120–180 min in females, after which it enters into the Hans Kreb Cycles to be metabolized directly into water and carbon dioxide, or stored as glycogen if in excess.  

Even after a mixed meal, the blood sugar (glucose) levels begin to rise within 15 to 30 minutes, but only if the meal or snack includes carbohydrates.

Most nutrients, like fats (fatty acids), proteins (amino acids) too are easily absorbed after being digested and most of them are excreted through the kidneys (urine) after being metabolized (chemically broken down) by the liver. Most water-soluble vitamins and minerals are excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Fat-soluble vitamins need to be metabolized first before the kidneys can handle them.

Most water-soluble drugs (polar drugs) like gentamicin (antibiotics) and digoxin (cardiac drugs) do the same. They are excreted directly unchanged into the urine through the kidneys as they do not need to undergo biotransformation to increase their water solubility.

Before we go to explain about graphene in these vaccines, allow me to go into very simple pharmacology. Please bear with me. We shall make it as simple as possible.

In pharmacology there are two main branches, one is pharmacodynamics (mechanism of actions) the other area is called pharmacokinetics which is the study of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized (chemically-broken down) and excreted. We will not go into pharmacodynamics, but we shall deal with their excretion, because our objective here is to show that neither graphene nanoparticles can be absorbed or excreted.

Drug excretion is the final step in the ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) process and consists of a series of pathways that remove a drug and, or its metabolites from the body. Excreted drugs are either eliminated in their original unmetabolized form, or they can be eliminated following a series metabolic pathway.

How it is cleared from the body depends on the size and molecular structures of the drug? Some of them that cannot be excreted directly unchanged by the kidneys, or even after being metabolized, take another alternative route through the bile. We will not go into all these systems as they are highly technical unless you are a pharmacologist (not pharmacist) or a biochemist.

Another reason why graphene oxide is unable to get across the intestinal barrier is, it is not water soluble since all substances must be water-soluble first before entry into the bloodstream. Even fats need to be broken down by lipases into very short chains fatty acids to be soluble. Fatty acids made up of ten or more carbon atoms are nearly insoluble in water.

In short, all water insoluble substances cannot get through the intestines into the portal system. Even many water-soluble molecules need some form of active transport system to be absorbed rather than through simple diffusion.

Graphene particles are completely not water-soluble and can never cross into the bloodstream unless injected into it

Once injected, they remain insoluble and float around in blood. By-and-by, they may begin to aggregate with each other through intermolecular forces, trapping fibrinogen, blood cells, and other clotting factors to form matrices of blood clots.

That may be the reason why there are so many reports of blood clots and death associated with these vaccines. If blood clots occurred, we may suspect it may be the graphene oxide vaccine that was used.

This is just my personal hypothesis. There may be other additional reasons that need to be investigated

Having given ourselves some of these examples how nutrients and drugs are absorbed and excreted, there is one important lesson we learn, and that is, it is far easier for any nutrient or drug to be absorbed from the intestines through the portal system into the liver before distribution throughout the body than for them to be excreted.

Having said that, I did a small study on my own over the last 4 days to find out how many drugs can be excreted directly by the kidneys or via the bile if they are unable to be broken down.

What I did was to take 165 different types of drugs listed in the pharmacopeia, randomized their selection (random sampling) to 25 %, and look at their pharmacokinetics to determine which among them cannot be broken down (like graphene) and those that can be excreted directly into the urine.

What I found was, only 8 % can get out directly either through the urine or via the bile. The rest of the 92 % need to be broken down first due their complex molecular structures

Now the interesting part of the story I need to tell. None of the graphene can be absorbed, let alone excreted via any system. The intestines just block them from entry in the first place.

The Intestinal villi (small, finger-like projections that extend into the lumen of the small intestine), approximately 0.5–1.6 mm in length, and their microvilli (brush border) simply form an intestinal-portal barrier to block them from entry into the bloodstream because as I have already explained it is much easier for any molecule to enter than to be excreted.

Nature has designed our body in such a way to be doubly-triply protective not to allow any substance it cannot excrete out to be absorbed. That includes all graphene particles.

The interesting horror part of my story is, neither graphene can be absorbed, excreted, broken down by any enzymatic pathways or decay by themselves. They stay put in the body forever to insult, injure and compromised the immune system into exhaustion that too was trying to take an alternative route to ‘digest’ them

Now these scientists produced all these nano-sized graphene to by-pass the oral route to be injected directly into the bloodstream as so-called “vaccines”.

I think the rest of the story I need not elaborate as I have already written quite a number of articles in considerable semi-technical detail in my blog here about what happens if some foreign substances, especially foreign proteins cannot get out from the body and continue to challenge the immune system.

That's just my personal view as I have written nearly 1,000 similar semi-technical articles for ordinary lay-readers, and nearly 60 research papers for doctors and scientists to advance their knowledge, and they merely need to look them up for themselves.

Thank you once again Prof Ng for the video. 


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