Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How Do I Explain the Existence of Ghosts My Way



How Do We Explain if Ghosts Exist?


Recently I started a chat on ghosts among friends

Having said ghosts do not exists here:


There are relatives and friends of mine who insisted ghosts exist.


For instance, my sister-in-law and her father, both are uneducated. They have not read any books, have not been exposed to any other western cultures or foreign belief system, and yet they told me one thing in common which is also shared among all cultures, races, and religions who have seen ghosts in their lives.


What they all described was that the air in the room or in the hall suddenly became very cold and chilly a few minutes earlier before a ghost appeared before them. They also described there was a draft of wind blowing into the room, hall and in house soon after the temperature suddenly dropped, and also objects being moved.


Moments later they saw an apparition that seemed to appear from nowhere. A former schoolmate of mine years ago went further to tell me he too saw the ghost of his grandmother entering the house through the wall and disappeared the same way.


My sister-in-law described to me many years ago, not long after my father died, how on a few occasions she was alone past midnight on the top floor of our two-story shop house in Batu Pahat, Johore, Malaysia when suddenly there was some rustling noises she heard in the second room as if someone was crumbling or playing with some papers or plastic bags in that room. It was  a few  nights after my late father passed away. It was in the same room he used to stay.


She peeped through the frosted glass between the first and second room and what she saw was a face leaning and waving against the frosted glass separating the two rooms.


She thought it was her husband. But it could not be, because he had already gone out of the house  earlier for some work, after which she already locked the main door downstairs. She was then alone in the house. She called out who was there, but there was no answer.


She then decided to check, admittedly quite brave of her.  Moments earlier the air in the hall upstairs where she was became very, very cold, and drafty. Even then, she went to the second room to check, but there was no one there. The noise also stopped when she entered the room. She returned to the hall only to see the face and part of a body again appearing through the glass from the next room. Again there was that rustling noise of some one playing or searching through some plastic or paper that room.


She called out again who was there. But again there was no answer, except the rustling sounds of paper being crumbled She then look through the corridor outside and there she saw a figure in white somewhat looked like my father emerging from the second room and floated into the stairways below.


I think I remember she told me she went after the figure, and saw it floated down into kitchen before disappearing. I remember she said she witnessed the same thing on a number of occasions even when her late husband was sleeping in another room at the back of  our shop house.


My wife just told me our youngest daughter who was working alone a few times late into the night in her office also heard of rustling noises and objects dropping loudly in the next room, and often she felt someone sitting beside her when she was alone. 


There were numerous stories being told to me by a number of my former school mates who also saw ghosts along our school corridors, in the book shop next to the school science laboratory, and in the school hall upstairs where lights were switched on and off repeatedly, and even the piano being played there upstairs in the dark in the middle of the night, but there was no one there.


Such stories do exist, including one experienced by two Malaysian tourists in our tour group a few years ago inside  their room of a huge isolated hotel situated on a hill top in China. They told us of sudden cold air in the bathroom when they were bathing before the water stopped suddenly, and then ‘something’ appeared in their room.  


The word “ghost” exists in all languages throughout the world, and in all cultures, and even since biblical times during Jesus time.


If ghosts are only a belief confined only to certain cultures, then that word would not appear elsewhere in the languages among other cultures and civilizations because ghosts  had never existed in their cultures.


I have travelled to many countries during my students’ days, and I have met people there who told me their experiences with apparitions and ghosts. Almost all, describe ghosts as restless wandering souls of deceased persons and their encounters were almost similar to each other.


Having very briefly giving a few examples among countless stories I have been told, it rests on me how do I explain all that?


Personally I have never seen a ghost before, but if I am asked how to explain their appearances, the sudden drop in the temperatures, the drafts in the room or house, their ability to come out through a wall, and go through it, here’s what have to offer:


Matter and Energy Equivalent:


It is well know there is a relationship between matter and energy as prescribed by the well-known equation of Albert Einstein. It is given as E = mc2, where E = energy input or output, m = mass of matter being created or destroyed, and c = the speed of light (299,792,458 m /s).


 We can clearly see from this simple equation a tremendous amount of energy is released by the complete destruction of say just 1 gm of matter. This works out to be 9 x 10 13 Joules.


In practice it is far easier to destroy matter to give out energy as in a nuclear reactor, in an atom bomb, or in the fusion of hydrogen into helium in the Sun or in the stars than to create matter out of energy.


However, Oliver Pike, Felix Mackenroth, Edward Hill and Steve Rose have suggested one way  to create matter from energy is to turn photons that are particles of light, into an electron and its antiparticle, a positron? But I don’t think it has ever been done.


Leaving that aside, if ghost exists they must have come from another dimension or another world where they are very capable of changing energy into very tiny  amounts of matter when they materialize here in our world.  


If ghosts and spirits are non-physical entities from outside our physical dimensions unknown to us; and when they appear into our physical world, then they need to obey our existing laws of physics before they can materialize into some kind of hazy matter, perhaps as ultra-fine very light masses such as light or some kind of plasma?


 If that is true, then our laws of physics may not necessary be apply universally in other worlds from where they came or in other parts of the Universe?


In order for ghosts to materialize, they need tremendous amounts of energy; and for every gm of their appearance they will need an equivalent of 90,000,000,000,000 joules of energy?


Hence in my thinking it would not possible for them to materialize into some solid body where we can touch, weigh and measure as this would requires a horrendous amount of energy through energy-matter conversion. This amount of energy would be far, far more than all the energy output from all the nuclear reactors on Earth.


The only way for their appearance, it has to be some kind of a light, an image with a mass of some sub-atomic particles. It may be in the form of plasma, with a mass so light that attempting to touch or capture them  would be similar to trying to feel, touch, or catching light from a lamp source. 

They may use up heat energy in the region around its image, and their presence may be regions around a strong electromagnetic field.


In order they can materialize, it needs to draw a lot of heat energy from the air in room, hall or house causing a very sharp drop in the temperature. It is just a matter of converting large amounts of heat energy into very minute amounts of matter, so fine and light in their mass that we cannot even feel or  touch it.


Then what about the drafts of air my sister-in-law and many others also experienced and described? This is a very simple to answer. When air or any matter cools, it contracts.


When the air contracts inside the room due to the very sharp drop in the temperatures, the warmer air outside drifted into the room to occupy the space. This  causes a draft and the warmer air being drawn will further cooled to provide further energy for their continuing brief appearances. So simple! 


As for objects being moved around, it is the excess unused heat energy from the air that turns the heat into a force for motion since nothing can move without an external force acting equally on it as described in Newton's Third Law of Motion.   


Entering and Disappearing through Walls:



As to what my former school mate told me he saw the ghost of his grandmother entering the locked door of his house, and later disappearing through it, how do you want me to explain that?


As I have already explained, the image of the apparition could possibly be made of ultra-light particles with a mass probably slightly more than the photons of light. They then appear as an image of the ghost seen as light.


 An analogy to explain that phenomenon, is similar to an image of light seen in a dark room where we shine torchlight on the wall. We instantly see the light on the wall as if it came from or through the wall, and when we switch off the torchlight, the light instantly disappears from the wall as if it entered or went through it. It is so simple again to explain.


The analogy of a beam of light turned on and off on the wall, is the same as their image apparently appearing through a wall and also disappearing through the wall. They are just ultra-light particles that glows in the form of a ghost. 


It is often said ghosts appear normally in the dark or in dim lights. Of course it has to, because it is just some kind of glowing plasma emitted from sub-atomic size particles converted by the heat in the surrounding air. The surrounding light needs to be very low for the fainter image to stand out.  


For that matter, it may also be possible for them to be present in the daytime, except the overpowering light of the day makes them too faint to be seen, if not for the reason that ghosts are afraid of us in the daytime as we argued earlier that ghosts do not exist given in the link above.


I try my best using whatever I know in science and physics to hypothesize. If this is not satisfactory, then I have no clue what ghosts are, and if they exist?


I have personally have never seen a ghost myself. I used to work in a room all by myself at the Institute for Medical Research in Kula Lumpur where I did my research. I was told by my colleagues my room was haunted.


I used to work and stayed in my room well after my office hours at 4:15 pm, and stayed there alone till 10 pm or even near midnight to work on the thesis for nearly 3 years for my PhD, but I have not even once seen or encountered a ghost inside my solitary room or heard any noise there except for the low hum of the air-conditioner.  If I had I  would have said “hello” and try to communicate with it.    


I hope my explanation  helps.


I will appreciate it tremendously if readers can give me their feedbacks and comments

A friend from the UK yesterday (20 October, 2022) sent me these two links on the existence of life after life, and also if ghosts exist. Makes interesting reading: Have a look at the views of others too:


Thank you for reading

lim ju boo

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