Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A Divine and Biological in One for this Covid-19 Pandemic


“ And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”

(Revelation 6:8-10)

The world population increased from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.7 billion today.

The human population has more than tripled in the past 70 years, from 2.5 billion in 1950 to 7.8 billion today


Thomas Malthus Essay:


 In 1798 Thomas Malthus who was an 18th-century British philosopher and economist wrote in his famous essay about food shortage that are unable to cope with the growth of world population which is now called the Malthusian growth model.


He used an exponential formula to project population growth. His theory describes how food production will not be able to keep up with growth in the human population, resulting in disease, famine, war, and calamity.


In his  Essay on the Principle of Population he raised the question of how population growth was not only related to the economy good and bad, but asserted  that population multiplies geometrically and food arithmetically, and hence whenever the food supply increases, the  population will rapidly grow to eliminate its  abundance. He predicted  in the future, there would not be enough food for the whole of humanity to consume and people would starve, and until that point is reached,  the more food being made available, the more the population would increase.


He also affirmed that there would be a fight for survival amongst humans and that only the strong who could attain food and other needs would survive, unlike the impoverished population he saw during his time.


Food Supply and Overpopulation:


The key problem is not just inadequate food in the limited space we have for all, but also over population bring about disease such as Covid-19 we are now facing.


 China, India, United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia and Mexico for instance have the some of the highest population in the world.


India is the country with the largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries with about 200 million adherents.



Population vs. Agricultural Land:



There is  land  approximately five billion hectares, or 38 percent of the global land surface used in agriculture to feed a growing numbers of people in the world.  About a third of this is used as cropland, while the remaining two-thirds are meadows and pastures for grazing livestock.



Some estimates say we have about 27,194,875 sq. km of farmable land left in the world.  Most of it located in Africa, and Central and South America.

This is slightly less than double the amount of land we are currently using for crops according to some satellite observations.


According to one source quote from FAO “the minimum amount of agricultural land necessary for sustainable food security, with a diversified diet similar to those of North America and Western Europe (hence including meat), is 0.5 of a hectare (0.005 sq. km or 5,000 sq. metres) per person”.



“This does not allow for any land degradation such as soil erosion, and it assumes adequate water supplies. Very few populous countries have more than an average of 0.25 of a hectare.



It is realistic to suppose that the absolute minimum of arable land to support one person is a mere 0.07 of a hectare–and this assumes a largely vegetarian diet, no land degradation or water shortages, virtually no post-harvest waste, and farmers who know precisely when and how to plant, fertilize, irrigate, etc.”


(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 



Our problem is there is over crowding by humans on the surface on Earth. It is estimated that in the natural world there is about 8.7 million species of other life forms not just human beings alone that share the surface of this world, but also untold numbers of different types of microorganisms and viruses that too need to live with us, and they have every right to share this world of ours



With such vast biodiversity of life sharing the same home as us, the Creator who is an Intelligent Designer or God who created all of them need to step in to reduce human overgrowth at the expanse of all other life He too created that has every right to be here  



Famine, Plagues and Pestilence:



In a number of places in the Bible, there is mention of plagues, pestilence, or pandemics killing people. For instance, in Lev. 26:25, when Israel falls into covenant violations, God says, “I will send pestilence among you.”


In II Chronicles 6:28, Solomon says if there is pestilence, famine or blight, may God hear from the temple the prayers of the people.


The chapter that follows in II Chron. 7:13, it says that if God sends pestilence, the people can pray and humble themselves (v. 14). But in our current Covid pandemic we fight with Him with our all kinds of unproven drugs and controversial vaccines instead of humbling ourselves



Plague number four on the Egyptians is pestilence on their livestock, and as a result they all die as mentioned in Exod. 9:3-6. This indirectly cut off their food supply and they died.



In II Sam. 24:15, God sends a pestilence that kills 70,000 Israelites because of David’s ill-conceived census. 



Jesus spoke in Luke 21:11 mentioned that there will great earthquakes, famines, and pestilences. Both Ezekiel and Jeremiah spoke of plagues being sent by God.

In Ezekiel 33:27, it spoke of those in strongholds and caves will die of a plague.



In Jeremiah 21:6 it spoke of God striking down those who live in this city, both man and beast, and they will die of a terrible plague.



In Jeremiah 21:9, it is written “whoever stays in this city will die by sword and famine and plague, but whoever goes out and surrenders to the Chaldeans who besiege you will live; he will retain his life like a spoil of war”


In Revelation 6:8 too, there were revelation of the “Pale Rider” that kills a fourth of the earth with the sword, famine, and pestilence.


However, in Psalm 91:1 He gives us protection to those:


“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
 will rest in the shadow of the Almighty…(Psalm 91:1)...”no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent” (91:10).

This assurance is echoed again in 2nd Chronicles 7:14:


“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”                


The Rise of Humans:


Having said all that, I think this pandemic has both a divine as well as a biological purpose to get rid of us with our excessive population at the expense of all other creatures He too have created.



Humans are the most destructive of all creatures on this planet. They way we produce, consume, congest and pollute would cause death not only to us, but to all other life forms that too need to be here, and have every right to remain here including this SARS-Covid-2 virus.



We destroy not just the environment with our excessive greed by building all kinds of structures, factories, houses, buildings, cars, motorbikes and having personal properties here and there, as well as building up cities…etc using up limited natural resources such as forests, jungles, water reserves, meadows and land meant for other life forms as well.



All these structures, personal properties here and there are really unnecessary for our very temporal biological existence at maximum 100 years before we return to the soil from where we came. This world just cannot accommodate for long every individual who starts to collect and accumulate all kinds of unnecessary non-life giving materials for only for himself.



We are short of  agricultural land meant for food production. This planet of ours is not meant for individuals buying and accumulating fleets of cars and having several houses and other unnecessary personal properties for himself.



We just cannot afford all these at the expense of space for other living creatures too that have a right to stay here.





Brief History of Evolution:



Here is a short history on the evolution of various lives on Earth:


4,500 – 4,400 million years ago (Mya). Accretion of Earth

4,200 million years ago (Mya) Atmosphere and oceans form

4,000 million years ago (Mya) Prebiotic chemistry became possible

3,800 million years ago RNA world shown by the first chemical fossil available (viruses)

3,600 million years ago the first DNA protein life came into existence

3,500 million years ago LUCA: Archaea / Bacteria spilt and also photosynthesis (autotrophy) began

2,700 – 1,900 million years ago the first eukaryotes / sexual reproduction became possible

1,000 Mya ?

650 Mya Metazoans

575 Mya Oldest large organisms

555 Mya Oldest sponge fossils

542 – 488 Mya Cambrian Radiation

525 Mya Earliest vertebrates

440 Mya First vascular land plants

425 Mya First jawed vertebrates

420 Mya Earliest terrestrial animals

396 Mya First insects

365 Mya Plants evolves seeds and first tetrapods

354 Mya Insects flight

350 Mya First land-swelling vertebrates

240 Mya First dinosaurs

210 Mya First mammals

200 Mya Pangea breakup begins

150 Mya Archaeopteryx / birds flight

140 Mya Flowering plants

128 – 124 Dinosaurs flight

125 Mya Mammalian gliding flight

105 – 95 Mya Gondwanaland breakup

90- 80 Mya Formation of Galapagos geological hot spot

57 – 53 Mya Whale ancestor

55 Mya Australia breaks away from Antarctica

51 Mya Mammalian powered flights (bats)

50 Mya First fossil Equidae

45.6 Whale ancestor

40 Mya Primate order diverges

35 Mya First grasses evolve

30 Mya Old-world / new-world monkey spilt

25 Mya Old-world monkey / apes split. Also Drosophila melanogaster / D. obscura split

15 Mya Apes migrate to Asia

6 -7 Mya Sahelanthropus

5 - 4 Mya Common ancestors of chimps and humans. Formation of current Galapagos Islands

3.6 Mya Panama Isthmus rise / Lucy fossil / Australopithecus afarensis footprints

2.5 Tool use

1.8 Mya Homo habilis out of Africa

1.6 Mya Homo erectus in Asia

600,000 years ago Human / Neanderthal spilt

500,000 years ago Homo erectus use fire

355,000 Homo heidelbergensis footprints

200,000 years ago. Anatomically modern human

250,000 – 160,000 Homo sapiens

120,000 Homo language possible

100,000 years ago Wolf / dog split

79,000 – 15,000 years ago. Start of Wisconsin glaciations

50,000 years ago. Humans migrate from Asia to Australia

45,000 years ago. Megafauna extinction in Australia

30,000 years ago. Human migration from Asia to North America

14,000 – 10,000 years ago. Domestication of dog and Megafauna extinction in North America

12,000 years ago. Early agriculture

8,000 years ago Domestication of cattle

6,000 years ago Domestication of horse

3,000 years ago Iron tools


We can see humans only came in very, very late when most other life have already inhibited this world, most of them during the Cambrian Explosion 542 – 488 million years ago.


But after the emergence of humans, we became very destructive to the environment and to the ecosystem as we are encroaching and destroying the places and habitats of many other species of life till many have become extinct.


We breed like cancer cells invading into the entire ecosystem of all other life, including ours to destroy ourselves as well as all other lives from the way we produce, consume, congest and pollute


If life needs to continue and stabilize, our human population needs to be in checked. If we do not bother about this problem like in India, the Intelligent Designer who created all life, including us need to step in to periodically cut us down our human growth without mercy by about ¼ of the world population?  


We can see this clearly being executed in the United States and in India where the mortality rates from this Covid-19 pandemic is the highest with 33,515,308 total cases 6,411,702 active cases, and 596,179 deceased in the United States with a population of 330,255,083 as on 11 May, 2021, and 22,992,517 total cases, 3,715,188 active cases, and 250,025 deceased in India with a total population of 1,391,840,895 as on 11 May, 2021


Compared to China her current population is 1,444,085,115 as of Tuesday, May 11, 2021, based on the latest United Nations data, and she has only 90,783 total cases, with just 302 currently active ones, while only 4,636 have deceased as on Tuesday, 11 May, 2021.


Although China has a larger population than India we can see the huge difference between China and India in mortality rates because at least China takes great efforts to contain her population with just one child per couple policy, while India could not be bothered


We can see how the Creator see grace in China for her human effort, and I believe He being a Creator sees this to drastically bring down her mortality rate from Covid there, compared to India where He has to step in to cut down her unchecked human population with very high mortality rate from this pandemic

I think our Intelligent Designer has a divine purpose of stabilizing human growth on this Earth He created for the continuing welfare and survival of all life here on this only home we share together with all other creatures He too created. He too needs to look after them.


Human Growth like Cancer Cells:



We multiply on Earth like cancer cells invading the entire surface of this only home of ours.



Think of each human as a cancer cell multiplying like a cancer cell. Think of the entire world as our only body on which other types of cells that make up the tissues, organs and finally the system that need also to live.



Think of these different cells, not just our own, but they represent other life forms and species on Earth that too have a right to live and survive here.



If our human populations spread like cancer cells left unchecked, what shall happen to this entire world (our body)?  Don’t we think we shall all perish along with all other species of life other than the viruses and the bacteria that were already there between 3,800 million to 3,500 million years ago until today?  


He is like a surgeon who needs to cut off an overgrowing malignant cancer in the body in order to save the rest.



An Evolutionary Threat:



The human race emerged on Earth very much later than all other life species. We were very late comers here, only about 3,000 years ago.


Today, the human race is a threat to all other living species. He kills wild life like elephants for their tusks, tigers for their penises and rhinoceros for their horns for traditional medicines. Other species of life include the Bornean Orangutan, Amur Leopard, Hawksbill Turtle, Cross River gorilla among a long list

Humans kill them using guns, traps, and hunting weapons. These harmless creatures are defenseless against our weapons.

These creatures came between the tiny viruses and bacteria and humans in their evolutionary history but are helpless against our might.

However, as Nature prescribes, the untold myriads of pathogenic bacteria and viruses such as Sars-Cov-2, as if by deliberate design have come in between us and other larger animals to kill off large human population who threatens other forms of life with their guns and weapons


Unto these tiny, tiny viruses no human guns or even our nuclear weapons would be able to get rid of them. Their army such as the SARS-Covid-2 viruses was sent in untold numbers here:



Their presence such as Sars-Cov-2 viruses acts appropriately to kill off large population of humans to keep us in check against other life forms that too need to share this planet as their home. This virus has every right to act on behalf of other animals that we destroy to eliminate us.


Both the virus and the animals too have the right to be here to continue to exist. This world also belongs to them, not just for humans. In what way must they need to give way to us as neither we created this world nor them.


In fact they inherited this Earth a few thousand million years earlier than us. These viruses have every right to get rid of us humans who came in so much later as the last ‘animal’ zoologically-speaking in the evolution of life.


We kill off the larger beasts, but the insignificant-tiny virus is by far mightier than us that no hunting guns can destroy. They were sent in defense of all other life species existing on Earth. It is the Intelligent Designer choice of having His plan by sending a pandemic of viruses down on Earth to keep us in check like proliferating cancer cells here.   


Only for Humans:

Ironically, this virus has spared all other animals from being killed. There have been reports of   animals like cats and dogs, big cats and gorillas in zoos or in sanctuaries,  mink on farms, and a few other mammals that  possibly may have been  infected by SARS-CoV-2, but none of them has been reported dead from this infection.


Some of the animals like bats and pangolins may only serve as a reservoir for  SARS-CoV-2 as healthy carriers, but so far out of nearly 10 million species of animals, none of them has been reported dead even when infected.


Their role is merely to store large numbers of SARS-CoV-2 in their bodies to pass them specifically only to humans to kill us. This speaks volumes about us. .

In short, this virus seems to target only humans, using some animals as carriers to keep them ‘alive’ and pathogenetically potent to attack specifically humans.


His divine purpose of implanting this pandemic here in this world is also in line with the laws of “Natural Selection” proposed by Charles Darwin for the “Survival of the Fittest” as suggested by Herbert Spencer in 1864 in his “The Principles of Biology”.


Natural or Man-Made Virus:


It is claimed by United States that this virus was man-made at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Past President of United States Donald Trump labeled it as “Chinese virus”


Whether or not it was man-made or natural peppered onto Earth by comets from the Oort Cloud it is still directly or indirectly the plan of our Intelligent Designer who may indirectly directs the thinking minds of scientists whom He too created and programmed to create this virus.


The analogy is similar to a robot (AI) that is programmed by us as gods to carry out a specific task for us. We as ‘gods’ may be able to carry out the job ourselves directly. Alternatively, we may also program the robot to do the same task for us. The result is the same.


Divine and Biological Purpose in One: 


We can see this Natural Selection of the fittest being executed in Covid pandemic where the highest mortality were among the elderly, and those with co-existing morbidities, and those who are genetically less fit to survive to give way to the younger, newer and more robust generations.  

Last to emerge, First to Disappear:

Our human race was the last to emerge in the history of Evolution, but we would also be the first to be wiped out from the surface of this Earth because of our unnecessary demands other than food, clothing and shelter and our haughty and proud human nature.

No other species of life on Earth demand the things we do for their simple living.


These other creatures need to give way to us for us to build all types of concrete structures, bridges, cities, cars, machineries..etc., at their expense  


We are the proudest and the most destructive of all living creatures, while the bacteria and viruses are the tinniest,  together with all other lower living that are the humblest and the most meek to give way to us, but they are most blessed in their abundance with an estimated 10 million species among them. We are just one.


 There shall come a time our technology and our sciences will wipe us all out from the surface of this world, and those other lower and the meek creatures like bacteria, viruses, mosquitoes, disease-carrying insects..etc., in their hundreds of thousands of  millions  will take over and overrun us as the most blessed creatures  to inherit this Earth after we are wiped out since they are the forerunners of all life that evolved hundreds of millions of years before us.


Blessed Are the Meek:


They lower the class of life, the more humble and meek they are, not us humans. There shall come a time our technology and our sciences will wipe us all out from the surface of this world, and other lower and  meek creatures will flourish again to overrun us as the most blessed to inherit this Earth since they are the forerunners of all life that evolved hundreds of millions of years before us.


Read an alternative explanation here:




(3,576 words)







Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How Do I Explain the Existence of Ghosts My Way



How Do We Explain if Ghosts Exist?


Recently I started a chat on ghosts among friends

Having said ghosts do not exists here:




There are relatives and friends of mine who insisted ghosts exist.


For instance, my sister-in-law and her father, both are uneducated. They have not read any books, have not been exposed to any other western cultures or foreign belief system, and yet they told me one thing in common which is also shared among all cultures, races, and religions who have seen ghosts in their lives.


What they all described was that the air in the room or in the hall suddenly became very cold and chilly a few minutes earlier before a ghost appeared before them. They also described there was a draft of wind blowing into the room, hall and in house soon after the temperature suddenly dropped, and also objects being moved.


Moments later they saw an apparition that seemed to appear from nowhere. A former schoolmate of mine years ago went further to tell me he too saw the ghost of his grandmother entering the house through the wall and disappeared the same way.


My sister-in-law described to me many years ago, not long after my father died, how on a few occasions she was alone past midnight on the top floor of our two-story shop house in Batu Pahat, Johore, Malaysia when suddenly there was some rustling noises she heard in the second room as if someone was crumbling or playing with some papers or plastic bags in that room. It was  a few  nights after my late father passed away. It was in the same room he used to stay.


She peeped through the frosted glass between the first and second room and what she saw was a face leaning and waving against the frosted glass separating the two rooms.


She thought it was her husband. But it could not be, because he had already gone out of the house  earlier for some work, after which she already locked the main door downstairs. She was then alone in the house. She called out who was there, but there was no answer.


She then decided to check, admittedly quite brave of her.  Moments earlier the air in the hall upstairs where she was became very, very cold, and drafty. Even then, she went to the second room to check, but there was no one there. The noise also stopped when she entered the room. She returned to the hall only to see the face and part of a body again appearing through the glass from the next room. Again there was that rustling noise of some one playing or searching through some plastic or paper bags.in that room.


She called out again who was there. But again there was no answer, except the rustling sounds of paper being crumbled She then look through the corridor outside and there she saw a figure in white somewhat looked like my father emerging from the second room and floated into the stairways below.


I think I remember she told me she went after the figure, and saw it floated down into kitchen before disappearing. I remember she said she witnessed the same thing on a number of occasions even when her late husband was sleeping in another room at the back of  our shop house.


My wife just told me our youngest daughter who was working alone a few times late into the night in her office also heard of rustling noises and objects dropping loudly in the next room, and often she felt someone sitting beside her when she was alone. 


There were numerous stories being told to me by a number of my former school mates who also saw ghosts along our school corridors, in the book shop next to the school science laboratory, and in the school hall upstairs where lights were switched on and off repeatedly, and even the piano being played there upstairs in the dark in the middle of the night, but there was no one there.


Such stories do exist, including one experienced by two Malaysian tourists in our tour group a few years ago inside  their room of a huge isolated hotel situated on a hill top in China. They told us of sudden cold air in the bathroom when they were bathing before the water stopped suddenly, and then ‘something’ appeared in their room.  


The word “ghost” exists in all languages throughout the world, and in all cultures, and even since biblical times during Jesus time.


If ghosts are only a belief confined only to certain cultures, then that word would not appear elsewhere in the languages among other cultures and civilizations because ghosts  had never existed in their cultures.


I have travelled to many countries during my students’ days, and I have met people there who told me their experiences with apparitions and ghosts. Almost all, describe ghosts as restless wandering souls of deceased persons and their encounters were almost similar to each other.


Having very briefly giving a few examples among countless stories I have been told, it rests on me how do I explain all that?


Personally I have never seen a ghost before, but if I am asked how to explain their appearances, the sudden drop in the temperatures, the drafts in the room or house, their ability to come out through a wall, and go through it, here’s what have to offer:


Matter and Energy Equivalent:


It is well know there is a relationship between matter and energy as prescribed by the well-known equation of Albert Einstein. It is given as E = mc2, where E = energy input or output, m = mass of matter being created or destroyed, and c = the speed of light (299,792,458 m /s).


 We can clearly see from this simple equation a tremendous amount of energy is released by the complete destruction of say just 1 gm of matter. This works out to be 9 x 10 13 Joules.


In practice it is far easier to destroy matter to give out energy as in a nuclear reactor, in an atom bomb, or in the fusion of hydrogen into helium in the Sun or in the stars than to create matter out of energy.


However, Oliver Pike, Felix Mackenroth, Edward Hill and Steve Rose have suggested one way  to create matter from energy is to turn photons that are particles of light, into an electron and its antiparticle, a positron? But I don’t think it has ever been done.


Leaving that aside, if ghost exists they must have come from another dimension or another world where they are very capable of changing energy into very tiny  amounts of matter when they materialize here in our world.  


If ghosts and spirits are non-physical entities from outside our physical dimensions unknown to us; and when they appear into our physical world, then they need to obey our existing laws of physics before they can materialize into some kind of hazy matter, perhaps as ultra-fine very light masses such as light or some kind of plasma?


 If that is true, then our laws of physics may not necessary be apply universally in other worlds from where they came or in other parts of the Universe?


In order for ghosts to materialize, they need tremendous amounts of energy; and for every gm of their appearance they will need an equivalent of 90,000,000,000,000 joules of energy?


Hence in my thinking it would not possible for them to materialize into some solid body where we can touch, weigh and measure as this would requires a horrendous amount of energy through energy-matter conversion. This amount of energy would be far, far more than all the energy output from all the nuclear reactors on Earth.


The only way for their appearance, it has to be some kind of a light, an image with a mass of some sub-atomic particles. It may be in the form of plasma, with a mass so light that attempting to touch or capture them  would be similar to trying to feel, touch, or catching light from a lamp source. 

They may use up heat energy in the region around its image, and their presence may be regions around a strong electromagnetic field.


In order they can materialize, it needs to draw a lot of heat energy from the air in room, hall or house causing a very sharp drop in the temperature. It is just a matter of converting large amounts of heat energy into very minute amounts of matter, so fine and light in their mass that we cannot even feel or  touch it.


Then what about the drafts of air my sister-in-law and many others also experienced and described? This is a very simple to answer. When air or any matter cools, it contracts.


When the air contracts inside the room due to the very sharp drop in the temperatures, the warmer air outside drifted into the room to occupy the space. This  causes a draft and the warmer air being drawn will further cooled to provide further energy for their continuing brief appearances. So simple! 


As for objects being moved around, it is the excess unused heat energy from the air that turns the heat into a force for motion since nothing can move without an external force acting equally on it as described in Newton's Third Law of Motion.   


Entering and Disappearing through Walls:



As to what my former school mate told me he saw the ghost of his grandmother entering the locked door of his house, and later disappearing through it, how do you want me to explain that?


As I have already explained, the image of the apparition could possibly be made of ultra-light particles with a mass probably slightly more than the photons of light. They then appear as an image of the ghost seen as light.


 An analogy to explain that phenomenon, is similar to an image of light seen in a dark room where we shine torchlight on the wall. We instantly see the light on the wall as if it came from or through the wall, and when we switch off the torchlight, the light instantly disappears from the wall as if it entered or went through it. It is so simple again to explain.


The analogy of a beam of light turned on and off on the wall, is the same as their image apparently appearing through a wall and also disappearing through the wall. They are just ultra-light particles that glows in the form of a ghost. 


It is often said ghosts appear normally in the dark or in dim lights. Of course it has to, because it is just some kind of glowing plasma emitted from sub-atomic size particles converted by the heat in the surrounding air. The surrounding light needs to be very low for the fainter image to stand out.  


For that matter, it may also be possible for them to be present in the daytime, except the overpowering light of the day makes them too faint to be seen, if not for the reason that ghosts are afraid of us in the daytime as we argued earlier that ghosts do not exist given in the link above.


I try my best using whatever I know in science and physics to hypothesize. If this is not satisfactory, then I have no clue what ghosts are, and if they exist?


I have personally have never seen a ghost myself. I used to work in a room all by myself at the Institute for Medical Research in Kula Lumpur where I did my research. I was told by my colleagues my room was haunted.


I used to work and stayed in my room well after my office hours at 4:15 pm, and stayed there alone till 10 pm or even near midnight to work on the thesis for nearly 3 years for my PhD, but I have not even once seen or encountered a ghost inside my solitary room or heard any noise there except for the low hum of the air-conditioner.  If I had I  would have said “hello” and try to communicate with it.    


I hope my explanation  helps.


I will appreciate it tremendously if readers can give me their feedbacks and comments

A friend from the UK yesterday (20 October, 2022) sent me these two links on the existence of life after life, and also if ghosts exist. Makes interesting reading: Have a look at the views of others too:



Thank you for reading

lim ju boo

The Final Fate of Humanity (Part 4)

  By: lim ju boo Summing up my  essays on “The Fate of Humanity”,  I must say, these realities of overpopulation are both profound and sob...