Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Mystery of a "Star" called Wormwood

A Poisonous "Star" called Wormwood

lim ju boo 

A Poisonous "Star" called Wormwood

I would appreciate your favourably comment on this, together with any other information or inputs and ideas you may have. Thank you, a million Professor AI,

The author (I) uses his combined knowledge drawn from multidisciplinary Sciences in Astronomy, Geography, Oceanography, Toxicology, Physiology and Medicine, Mathematics in his attempt to try to answer what this star “Wormwood” revealed in the Bible is.


A very brief summary on the basic info he knows from these disciplines in sciences and then calculated out to expand on them are spelt out as follows:

  1. Earth has a total of 1.39 X 109 cubic km of waters
  2. 96.5 % are in global oceans = 1.34 X 109 cubic km
  3. 1.34 X 109 cubic km = 1.34 X 1018 cubic metres = 1.34 X1021 litres
  4. Volume of water in 1/3 of all the global oceans = 4.47 X 1020 litres
  5. Earth’s 263 international river basins and major rivers covering 45.3 % (231,059,898 km2) of land surface area has an estimated 2115 km3 of fresh river waters (Groombridge & Jenkins, 1998)
  1. 2115 km3 = 2.115 X 1012 m3 = 2.115 X 1015 litres
  2. Volume of 1/3 of rivers = 7.05 X 1014 litres
  3. Radius of Earth = 6,378 km
  4. Volume of Earth = 1.087 X 1012 cubic km
  5. Radius of Sun = 695,000 km
  6. Volume of Sun = 1.406 X 1018 cubic km
  7. Sun / Earth Volume Ratio = 1,293,468
  8. 1.29 million Earth can drop into the Sun
  9. A small comet 0.5 km (500 metres) in diameter
  10. Volume of a 500-meter comet = 6.55 X 107 m3
  11. Density of comet = 3,000 kg / m3
  12. Weight of comet = 1.965 X 1011 kg
  13. 10 % of a 500-meter comet contains cyanide
  14. Amount of cyanide present in a small comet = 1.965 X 1010  kg

 = 1.965 X 1016 mg

  1. Dilution of cyanide in 1/3 of the rivers = 27.9 mg / dl (litres) – the lethal dose     
  2. Intake of cyanide in fluid intake @ 2.5 litres a day   

= 69.75 mg. (extremely bitter and fatal)

  1. Volume of an average comet:  5 km (5000 metres) in diameter
  2. Volume of a 5000-metre comet = 6.55 X 1010 m3
  3. Density of average-size comet = 3,000 kg / m3
  4. Weight of average comet = 1.965 X 1014 kg
  5. At 10 % content, an average comet has: 1.965 X 1013 kg of cyanide
  6. = 1.963 X 1019 mg
  7. Dilution (concentration) of cyanide in 1/3 ocean waters
  8.  = 0.04 mg / dl (not lethal, but accumulative poison).
  9. Intake of CN in water and all fluid intake at 2.5 litres a day = 0.1 mg (not fatal)
  10. Chemical compounds found in comets like Hale-Bopp include  methane, acetylene, hydrogen cyanide, methyl cyanide, hydrogen sulphides, formic acid, ethylene, and carbonyl sulphides
  11. Amount of cyanide in an average comet at estimated 10 % content = 1.965 X 1013 kg


A Biblical Revelation: 


“And the third angel sounded, and there fell, a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters.  

And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter” (Revelation 8: 10 -11)  


A Holistic Scientific Analysis: 

A search of the scientific literature did not yield much information about the mystery star called “Wormwood” described in the Bible (Revelation 8:10 -11). Neither was there useful and relevant information that could be sourced from the Internet. This ‘star’ thus remains much of a mystery to the scientific world as it is an event that has yet to come to pass.  An analysis of information pieced together by the author from several disciples of science and medicine may reveal a probable explanation to this mystery. 


No single field or key of science, whether it be astronomy, Christian science, physics, chemistry, cosmology, mathematics or even space medicine can open up this mystery about this Wormwood Star. It requires the concerted and integrated efforts from all fields of knowledge including geography to disseminate the mystery. No wonder not even the massive information stored in the Internet provides a satisfactory explanation. Hence all the statements described below need to be referred to the compilation of analytical data set out in the above Table to support the statements.


An analysis of our current knowledge in astronomy tells us that the Wormwood star is probably a typical comet yet to arrive, but it will be one that is going to crash into Earth. We know from our knowledge in geography that three-quarter of the Earth’s surface is covered by water – the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. Earth has a total of 1.39 X 109 cubic km of waters.  About 96.5 % of the waters are in the oceans. 

This means there are 1.34 X 1018   cubic metres or 1.34 X 1021 litres of water in all the oceans of the world. .The Bible tells us that the star will fall into a third of the waters. That implies that a third of the global oceans will contain 4.47 X 1020 litres of water. 


The Bible also describes ‘a great star from heaven’ that fell down (to Earth). Can this be possible? We know from our knowledge in astronomy that this is not possible, given the fact that an average star in heaven is about the same size as our own Sun. The radius of Earth is 6,378 km, and its volume is 1.087 X 1012 cubic km. The Sun, technically a star, has a radius of 695,000 km, and hence a volume of 1.406 X 1018 cubic km. 

The Sun / Earth volume ratio is thus 1,293,468. In other words, 1.3 million Earths can drop into the Sun to be equivalent to its size.  Hence there is no possibility for the Sun or any star to drop into Earth. The reverse is true. This far, for ‘mathematical geography’ of the story to link up. So, we need to look for another explanation. 


Let’s now turn to astronomy. In ancient times anything that ‘burns like a lamp’ in the sky are all called stars. That includes a comet. The presence of a comet since ancient times has also been a suspect of a disaster. It is to the ancient civilization the presence of a comet in the sky is a harbinger of bad omen. They bring disease and death to Earth.  So how does a comet make the waters bitter, and cause death to many men. 


Let us assume it is an average size comet. An average size comet is some 5 km (500 metres) in diameter. Its volume is thus 6.55 X 1010 cubic metres. The density of an average-size comet is 3,000 kg / m3. Hence its average weight is 1.965 X 1014 kg. Now a number of studies on the chemical composition of a comet have already been done. One such study is Hale-Bopp Comet. It was found to contain chemical compounds that include methane, acetylene, hydrogen cyanide, methyl cyanide, hydrogen sulphides, formic acid, ethylene, and carbonyl sulphides. 

It was estimated that about 10 % of the chemical compounds in a typical comet could be hydrogen cyanide or cyanide compounds. If that is true, the amount of cyanides in a typical comet at 10 % would have a weight of 1.965 X 1013 kg or 1.965 X 1019 mg.  

Let's see what happens if an average-size comet were to drop into our oceans.  We already calculated that 1/3 of the oceans contain 4.47 X 1020 litres of water. That means that if an average comet 5 km (5,000 metres) wide were to fall into one of the 3 major oceans – Pacific, Atlantic or Indian oceans, it will contaminate its waters at a dilution of 0.04 mg / decilitre. 


Let us now examine the consequences from the viewpoint of physiology and toxicology. In physiology we know that the fluid intake of an average human adult is about 2.5 litres a day to replace a minimum obligatory urine output and loss of about 800 ml a day. Hence the amount of cyanide ingested through water intake at 2.5 litres a day is a mere 0.1 mg. This, in toxicology, is not immediately fatal, although it could act as an accumulative poison. So, a human drinking from that water will not die instantly. What’s more, no humans drink the salt water from the oceans. So, this explanation doesn’t seem very satisfactory. 


Let’s look at Revelation once again and read carefully what it says there. In Revelation Chapter 8, verses 10 – 11 it did not speak about the oceans. It says: “a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers and upon the fountains of waters”  


So, it is the rivers, and not the ocean that the ‘star’ fell into. But how could a 5 km diameter comet fall into a river? I do not think there is a river wide enough to accommodate an average comet. We know from our current knowledge that comets are of different sizes, and weight. They can be small, as small as only a tenth the size of an average one. 

If we assume just a small comet, as small as only 500 metres (0.5 km) in diameter drops into one of the rivers (fountain of all waters), what will the scenario be like? To answer that, let us return to geography once again. It has been documented that Earth has 263 international river basins and major rivers, covering 45.3 % or 231.059,898 kmof the land surface area (not the ocean area). 


There is an estimated 2115 cubic km of fresh river waters in all the rivers of the world (Groombridge & Jenkins, 1998). There are 3 major rivers with the highest volume of water discharge a year. These are:  the Amazon (6.92 cubic km of water per year), Ganges (1.38 km3 /year), and the Congo (1.30 km3 /year). Other rivers are merely very long, like the Yangtze, Nile, and Mississippi, but they do not mean they have the highest volume of water discharge.  The total volume of all the rivers is 2.115 X 1012 cubic metres or 2.115 X 1015 litres. A third of the total volume would be 7.05 X 1014 litres. 


Since neither the Amazon or the Mighty Yangtze River can  accommodate a 5 km wide comet if it should  falls into them,  a 0.5 km will easily fit into any of the 3  major  rivers. A 500 metres diameter comet with an average density of 3,000 kg / m3 weighs about

1.965 X 1011 kg. At 10 % content, a small comet will contain 1.965 X 1010 kg or 1.965 X 1016 mg of cyanide. In other words, if this was to fall into a third of the ‘fountains of waters’ the cyanide levels in the fresh drinkable waters of the rivers will be in the order of 27.9 mg / dl (litres). This is immediately a fatal dose, and many men will die drinking that water because it was made bitter.


Very Brief Chemical, Physiological, Toxicological and Medical Summary of Cyanide Poisoning:   


Let me now move you from geography, astronomy, chemistry, to the medical aspects of cyanide poisoning. How does it work? Let us just describe it briefly: Please bear with me as we need to shift from one branch of science to another. 


  • Chemistry of cyanide: 

Hydrogen cyanide / prussic acid: extremely bitter. Taste like bitter almonds, extremely toxic and highly soluble in water


  • Toxicity:

Lethal concentration of gaseous hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in humans is between 100 – 500 ppm (parts per million) within a few minutes due to respiratory failure.  Lethal oral dose of cyanide compounds in solutions, say in water, is between 0.5 – 3.0 mg / kg of body weight. The lethal dose for an average 60 kg (150 lbs) reference man at 0.5 mg / kg body weight = 30 mg in a single dose 


  • Mode of Action:

It binds with a number of body enzymes. Primarily, its action is by inhibiting the cytochrome c oxidase, mainly by binding the ferric ion of the cytochrome.  This interferes with tissue oxidative phosphorylation as it blocks the electron transfer in the energy-rich phosphate ATP / ADP biochemistry. To make this simple, short and sweet to understand, death is due to respiratory inhibition, mainly oxygen deprivation to the tissues, but more importantly to the brain. 


  • Fluid Loss:

   Obligatory fluid loss in urine per day in an adult human = 830 dl (830 ml.)


·         Fluid Intake: 


Average fluid (water) intake of an average man = 2,500 dl (2.5 litres), depending   on humidity, temperature, physiological needs, exercise, lungs and skin output, gastrointestinal, kidney output, osmol (salt) load, medical conditions, etc. About 2.5 litres a day is about right and about the average intake for a reference man. 


  • Signs & Symptoms:


Cyanide acts rapidly on the tissues, respiratory and nervous systems. In high concentration, there is a dramatic increase in the rate and depth of respiration. This compensatory response mechanism against tissue respiratory failure is so powerful that it overrides the casualty’s normal ability to hold his breath. Fierce convulsions set in within 20-30 seconds with cessation of respiration within a minute. Cardiac failure sets in within a minute or two. 


In lower concentrations, HCN acts on the CNS (Central Nervous System) leading to serial neurological events such as motor weakness of the lower extremities (legs), vertigo (giddiness), nausea and headache, loss of neuro-motor coordination and unsteady gait. 

The reflexes are altered, and there may be convulsions followed by coma. These signs and symptoms very much depend on the concentration of the cyanide ingested, body weight, and body constitution. In high doses above 0.5 mg / body weight, death is the ultimate sequel. 




 From the chemical and medical summary above, we know that cyanide is an extremely bitter substance. It tastes like bitter almonds. 

Doesn’t this fit the description that the star is called ‘Wormwood’ because the waters were made bitter? Doesn’t that fit the picture of a bitter star that fell onto Earth?  When it does fall into the rivers, does all these calculations presented here tell us exactly how much it needs to pollute the total volumes of a third of the rivers in such an exact dilution  that  “many men died of the  waters, because they were made bitter” (Revelation 8: 11).  


Doesn’t our knowledge in physiology and nutrition tell us that we cannot but are forced to drink a minimum quantity of water to replace an obligatory loss of 800 ml of water daily, whether or not we like it. Invariably many men are going to die from this.


As the author pointed out, most scientists or doctors specialize only in one field of science or medicine. With that myopic, cross-eyed and un-holistic view they will never see the sights that came down from heaven as in my separate story about the SARS Virus as An Alien from Outer Space. 


September 4, 2003

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Effects of Graphene Oxide- laced Vaccines Absorption and Retention-Wise

Thank you, Prof Dr KC Ng, for this video and numerous other videos and articles sent to me that claimed some of these Covid vaccines are made from almost 100 % graphene nanoparticles.

I am unsure about these claims.


If these are true, let me give my personal feeling about these graphene nanoparticles-laced vaccines.

I really cannot imagine how these vaccine producers went to the extent of introducing graphene nanoparticles into their vaccines?

First of all, let me explain: graphene is an allotrope of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice in a nanostructure.

 These nanoparticles of graphene are actually meant for industrial uses, such as in semiconductors, electronics, in computer systems for faster and precise sensors, as anti-corrosion coatings in paints, in solar panels, and faster DNA sequencing.

However, limited amounts with ‘think-over again’ reservations are used as a drug delivery system in desperate cases in certain types of chemotherapy.

They have never been used for global mass vaccinations until now.

These particles cannot even be absorbed through the intestines. They are blocked by the intestine-blood portal barrier, let alone deliberated being injected in. Allow me to explain.

Nanoparticles can range in sizes from several to hundreds of nanometers (nm) to just 1-10 nm (one nanometer is 0.000,000,001 meter).  

Graphene nanoparticles are about 100 times the size of a glucose molecule. We know that glucose other than water is the most common substance being absorbed by the body.

Glucose from sugar present from breakdown of carbohydrates in foods can easily be absorbed directly by diffusion through the intestines without even the need of ‘active transport’ unlike substances with more massive molecules.

To be slightly more technical, structurally glucose is a 6- carbon ring molecule with typical carbon-carbon bond lengths of 0.15 nm and an overall molecular size of roughly 1 nm as measured by the long axis of the cyclic form or the length of the open chain form.

In simple language this means the size of a single molecule of glucose is just 1 nm.

Because of their relatively small size the mean absorption rates of glucose and galactose are relatively fast at 26.5 and 43.8 mumol min-1 30 cm-1.

Another way of putting this in very simple language is, this means that it takes only 2 or 5 minutes for glucose to be absorbed directly when a glucose solution is drunk, before there is a rise of plasma glucose concentrations from 30–40 min in males to 120–180 min in females, after which it enters into the Hans Kreb Cycles to be metabolized directly into water and carbon dioxide, or stored as glycogen if in excess.  

Even after a mixed meal, the blood sugar (glucose) levels begin to rise within 15 to 30 minutes, but only if the meal or snack includes carbohydrates.

Most nutrients, like fats (fatty acids), proteins (amino acids) too are easily absorbed after being digested and most of them are excreted through the kidneys (urine) after being metabolized (chemically broken down) by the liver. Most water-soluble vitamins and minerals are excreted by the kidneys unchanged. Fat-soluble vitamins need to be metabolized first before the kidneys can handle them.

Most water-soluble drugs (polar drugs) like gentamicin (antibiotics) and digoxin (cardiac drugs) do the same. They are excreted directly unchanged into the urine through the kidneys as they do not need to undergo biotransformation to increase their water solubility.

Before we go to explain about graphene in these vaccines, allow me to go into very simple pharmacology. Please bear with me. We shall make it as simple as possible.

In pharmacology there are two main branches, one is pharmacodynamics (mechanism of actions) the other area is called pharmacokinetics which is the study of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized (chemically-broken down) and excreted. We will not go into pharmacodynamics, but we shall deal with their excretion, because our objective here is to show that neither graphene nanoparticles can be absorbed or excreted.

Drug excretion is the final step in the ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion) process and consists of a series of pathways that remove a drug and, or its metabolites from the body. Excreted drugs are either eliminated in their original unmetabolized form, or they can be eliminated following a series metabolic pathway.

How it is cleared from the body depends on the size and molecular structures of the drug? Some of them that cannot be excreted directly unchanged by the kidneys, or even after being metabolized, take another alternative route through the bile. We will not go into all these systems as they are highly technical unless you are a pharmacologist (not pharmacist) or a biochemist.

Another reason why graphene oxide is unable to get across the intestinal barrier is, it is not water soluble since all substances must be water-soluble first before entry into the bloodstream. Even fats need to be broken down by lipases into very short chains fatty acids to be soluble. Fatty acids made up of ten or more carbon atoms are nearly insoluble in water.

In short, all water insoluble substances cannot get through the intestines into the portal system. Even many water-soluble molecules need some form of active transport system to be absorbed rather than through simple diffusion.

Graphene particles are completely not water-soluble and can never cross into the bloodstream unless injected into it

Once injected, they remain insoluble and float around in blood. By-and-by, they may begin to aggregate with each other through intermolecular forces, trapping fibrinogen, blood cells, and other clotting factors to form matrices of blood clots.

That may be the reason why there are so many reports of blood clots and death associated with these vaccines. If blood clots occurred, we may suspect it may be the graphene oxide vaccine that was used.

This is just my personal hypothesis. There may be other additional reasons that need to be investigated

Having given ourselves some of these examples how nutrients and drugs are absorbed and excreted, there is one important lesson we learn, and that is, it is far easier for any nutrient or drug to be absorbed from the intestines through the portal system into the liver before distribution throughout the body than for them to be excreted.

Having said that, I did a small study on my own over the last 4 days to find out how many drugs can be excreted directly by the kidneys or via the bile if they are unable to be broken down.

What I did was to take 165 different types of drugs listed in the pharmacopeia, randomized their selection (random sampling) to 25 %, and look at their pharmacokinetics to determine which among them cannot be broken down (like graphene) and those that can be excreted directly into the urine.

What I found was, only 8 % can get out directly either through the urine or via the bile. The rest of the 92 % need to be broken down first due their complex molecular structures

Now the interesting part of the story I need to tell. None of the graphene can be absorbed, let alone excreted via any system. The intestines just block them from entry in the first place.

The Intestinal villi (small, finger-like projections that extend into the lumen of the small intestine), approximately 0.5–1.6 mm in length, and their microvilli (brush border) simply form an intestinal-portal barrier to block them from entry into the bloodstream because as I have already explained it is much easier for any molecule to enter than to be excreted.

Nature has designed our body in such a way to be doubly-triply protective not to allow any substance it cannot excrete out to be absorbed. That includes all graphene particles.

The interesting horror part of my story is, neither graphene can be absorbed, excreted, broken down by any enzymatic pathways or decay by themselves. They stay put in the body forever to insult, injure and compromised the immune system into exhaustion that too was trying to take an alternative route to ‘digest’ them

Now these scientists produced all these nano-sized graphene to by-pass the oral route to be injected directly into the bloodstream as so-called “vaccines”.

I think the rest of the story I need not elaborate as I have already written quite a number of articles in considerable semi-technical detail in my blog here about what happens if some foreign substances, especially foreign proteins cannot get out from the body and continue to challenge the immune system.

That's just my personal view as I have written nearly 1,000 similar semi-technical articles for ordinary lay-readers, and nearly 60 research papers for doctors and scientists to advance their knowledge, and they merely need to look them up for themselves.

Thank you once again Prof Ng for the video. 


Monday, December 6, 2021

RNA / DNA, Sequencing and Mutation and Evolution of Life Explained in a Ridiculously Simple Way

Of and on, I get readers here and elsewhere asking me questions on the meaning of sequencing, PCR, and structures of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the various tests for Covid, and about mutations and variants based on these terms.

I thought I had mentioned and explained them in bits and pieces here and there in chat groups, but I still have people asking what these terms are often arising from this Covid pandemic.

I know molecular biology is not for everyone, but for the toughest who evolve as the fittest to survive understanding. Hence our purpose here is to make the understanding of DNA / RNA, about mutation of the virus ridiculously simple for everyone 


This simple explanation about DNA or even RNA is dedicated to  Dr.  Janet LCK  my former colleague, and  to  active, appreciative and contributory  participants in my “Golden Ox” WhatsApp chat group.


This may also be shared here for the general lay readers in this blog.


First of all, there are four chemical bases, namely Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G) that make up the DNA. Among the four bases, A + T always pair-up as one base pair, and C + G always pair-up as the second base pair.


These pairs are called ‘nucleotides’ which are the building blocks of long strands of DNA or single-stranded RNA, giving the double-stranded DNA a double helix shape when the base pairs in each strand of the DNA are connected.

Viruses can either be made of DNA or RNA. In the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus it is an RNA polymer, meaning long chains of repeated units of nucleotides.

There are some differences between DNA and RNA, among them generally are:  

1.       RNA unlike double-stranded DNA is a single-stranded moleculeconsisting of much shorter chains of nucleotides even though they can by base pairing, form intra-stranded double helixes such as in tRNA.

2.       The sugar-phosphate component of DNA contains deoxyribose, whereas the RNA contains ribose. Ribose has a hydroxyl (water) group attached to the pentose ring in the 2' position, whereas deoxyribose does not. The hydroxyl groups in the ribose backbone make RNA more chemically labile than DNA by lowering the activation energy of hydrolysis.

3.       In DNA, the complementary base to adenine in DNA is thymine, whereas in RNA, it is uracil, which is an unmethylated form of thymine.

Hence, we shall use the DNA model instead of RNA because most people have heard of and understand DNA more than RNA. Furthermore, most of the organisms are made of DNA rather than RNA.

Hence, using DNA as a model makes it more generally applicable. This makes it easier for us to understand, and can be applied for RNA-based organisms also as in the case of SARS-CoV-2 virus which is a polymer structure of RNA only as already mentioned.


Of course the molecular structure of the Covid virus is not a double helix DNA.


As already explained, it is an RNA with a single-stranded (positive-sense) RNA associated with a nucleoprotein within a capsid composed of matrix protein, but we shall not complicate this explanation here. 


However, the  CoVs virus has  the largest RNA viral genome, ranging from 26 to 32 kb in length.

We shall instead of using the RNA for this SARS-CoV-2, we shall use DNA for general purpose as in molecular biology to represent the RNA also. 


The pairing is the base by which the DNA is copied when cells divide. The entire length of the DNA is called the genome, and they can be very long. For instance, the human genome consists of 3 billion base pairs arranged in various ways called ‘sequence’.


The base pairs provide instructions on how the structure of the organism ought to be, and how they should function and maintain.


The sequence also provides the genetic information that is carried in a particular segment of the DNA. For instance, sequencing provides information on which stretches of DNA contain the genes and which stretches carry regulatory instructions like turning genes on or off.


Furthermore, the sequence data can show changes in a gene that may cause disease or cause an organism or a virus like the SARS-CoV-2 to change or to mutate.


If there is any change in the sequence or ‘arrangements’ of the nucleotides in the DNA or RNA this is called ‘mutation’.


The Music of Life: 

Evolution of life through mutation of RNA / DNA is like writing a musical composition.

Firstly, in music there are only 7 notes, namely: A B C D E F G

If these notes whether neutral, sharpened or flattened are randomly arranged on a musical scale whether on the treble or bass clef, they will produce a mixture of sounds which may be pleasant or unpleasant to the ears. That technically is music. Further emergence of the sounds of music may be produced using different arrangements or repeating them an octave higher or lower.

An octave, in music, is an interval whose higher note has a sound-wave frequency of vibration twice that of its lower note. The international standard pitch A above middle C vibrates at 440 hertz (cycles per second); the octave above this A vibrates at 880 hertz, while the octave below it vibrates at 220 hertz.

If we arrange the A B C D E F G sequence of these musical notes whether an octave higher or lower, with or without the notes being sharpened a little higher, or flattened a bit lower in different ways in a planned order, we get a musical composition coming out of these arrangements as much as we use the alphabets from A to Z in different combinations to construct meaningful words, and sentences. We then get a story evolving like what we are now typing and reading.

It is a matter of how we arrange them to get music out of them.

Let us now imagine each musical note in the scale represents the nucleotides and only 4 bases consisting of adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T).

If these 4 bases are arranged in a certain sequence, we get an RNA or the double strand DNA emerging.

If there are any changes in the sequence of these musical notes, the alphabets in a word, or the bases in RNA / DNA we get different types of music, stories, or species of life emerging out of these planned or randomized arrangements.

This is exactly how different types of life are evolved through variations in the mutations which is just any change in the sequence of the nucleotides of an DNA

Hence, we can clearly see the similarity between different music, different stories and different life evolving by merely changing the positions or the sequence of A B C D E F G notes for music, A – Z for sentences, and A C G T bases for an RNA / DNA to be composed.  

For words, sentences and stories we may need or may not need all 26 alphabets, for music only 7 notes, and for all tens of millions of lives on Earth only 4 bases of their DNA. 


Hence, music is similar to the evolution of life, conversely, life is similar to music.

In short, evolution is nothing but just the composition of the music of life.   


By changing the order or sequence in a DNA, it will give rise to a new strain of an organism, and if this is done multiple times by random chance due to environmental threats to their existence, or to their continued survival, as probably have happened  since 3,500 million  of years ago, they give  rise  to different species of life in the course of evolution, especially between 542 – 488 million years ago during the Cambrian Radiation when there was an explosion on the biodiversity of life on Earth.

Viruses may have  already existed 3,800 million years ago when the first RNA world shown by the first chemical fossils came into being, and it was not until  3,600 million years ago the first DNA protein life came into existence


In fact, mutation is the key to how various life came into existence. It was these mutations over the course of 3,600 million years that  the history of life was naturally written out like a story.


In  the same vein, the order in which we change the sequence or arrangements of the base pairs, we get different types of diseases emerging, or  the mutations of the Covid virus into variants, especially if we threaten their natural sequence with antiparasitic drugs like antimalarials like chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, antiparasitic ivermectin,   antivirus drugs like remdesivir, lopinavir, and other HIV protease and nucleotide inhibitors like ledipasvir, and even with baricitini used for treating rheumatoid arthritis. 

Similar changes will occur  if  we attempt to keep this virus in check with various types of vaccines when different types of  antibodies elicited will force them to change their mutagenic-pathogenic profiles.  This is how the power and might of Nature operates to keep all life on Earth in check and balance 


These challenges with drugs, social distancing, lockdowns, movement restrictions, quarantines, face masks only threaten the virus existence, causing them to become more adaptable by mutating into the fittest variants for them to continue to exist and survive.


Thus, sequencing means determining the order of the four chemical building blocks - called "bases" - that make up the DNA molecule, and it is this sequencing we are able to determine whether or not the virus has mutated into various variants as we can see clearly see the emergence of various variants in the Covid-19  since this pandemic emerged in the late of December 2018.


I hope we manage to explain in the simplest way for ordinary lay readers although I need to apologize for using the arrangements or sequence of A – Z alphabets as an analogy which may not be quite technically correct as there are 4 bases, not 26 bases. The principle remains the same. 


This analogy is the best we can do to demonstrate multiple mutations of alphabets into words, and from words into sentences, and from sentences into a simple explanation / story like this one for illustration.


This is also how the first life was evolved into biodiversity, and so shall this virus if we are not careful but continue to challenge its existence with various drugs and unnecessary vaccines.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Laws of Sciences May Not be the Same Elsewhere in Other Worlds


Are the laws of science ubiquitous throughout the entire dimension of the Universe? 

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation for instance controlling the motions of the planets and heavenly bodies and the Sun and Moon is constant as far as we know. The gravitational attraction between two bodies depends on the sum of their masses and inversely as the square of their distances is based on a gravitational constant at 6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

A simple example is our tides that sweep round the Earth twice a day depend on the tidal force of gravity of the Moon on Earth. The Moon together with the Sun at varying angles of alignment cause Spring and Neap tides. 

Most of these laws in physics hold true for nearby bodies, and even for stellar systems within the Milky Way Galaxy. For instance, based on these known laws, a lot of exoplanets discovered outside our Solar System were due to the effects of gravity on light called microlensing. 

A microlensing exoplanet is a planet orbiting a star other than our own Sun that is detectable due to the effects that the gravitational field of its planetary system has on the passing light of a distant background star. The microlensing technique is particularly well-suited to finding low-mass planets and planets around distant or very dim stars.

An example is the Einstein ring or Einstein–Chwolson ring created when light from a galaxy or star passes by a massive object on the way to the Earth. The light is bent due to gravity called ‘gravitational lensing’ and diverted, making it seem to come from different places. The light appears as a ring.

Standard Model: 

Even  the Standard Model in astrophysics  and particle physics describing three of the four known fundamental forces - the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions (omitting gravity) in the universe, as well as classifying all known elementary particles extending to our understanding throughout the latter half of the 20th century with the current formulation being finalized in the mid-1970s upon experimental confirmation of the existence of quarks and top quark (1995), the tau neutrino (2000), and the Higgs boson (2012) still left a lot of questions unanswered even when the Standard Model has predicted various W and Z bosons with great accuracy.

For instance, the Standard Model does not entirely clarify baryon asymmetry. It also does not include the full theory of gravitation as described by general relativity, nor does it account for the accelerating expansion of the Universe. Additionally, does not integrate neutrino oscillations and their non-zero masses among others. 

Many of these findings and laws may not even apply elsewhere near the edge or beyond the edge of the Universe?


Scientific Laws Outside Our Worlds:


But do this and other laws in physics and in other branches of sciences too hold true in other remote parts of the Universe tens of billions of light years away?

Remember the Observable Universe is colossally and incalculably huge, spanning a diameter of at least 27.6 billion light years. Some estimates put it as high as 93 billion light years across?

We estimate that the Observable Universe has more than 100 billion galaxies. In our Milky Way alone there are 300 billion stars and astronomers put current estimates of the total stellar population at roughly 70 billion trillion (7 x 1022).

More recent estimates have up-graded the number of galaxies in the observable universe to 2 trillion, though many of these are tiny, fluffy galaxies with fewer stars. If the typical galaxy had 100 billion stars, then there would be 2 x 1023 stars in the observable universe, three times as much as earlier, and perhaps at least 10 or more habitable Earth-like earths within the Goldilocks Zone in each stellar system.

In such a colossal scale does our earthly laws in physics and other sciences remain the same throughout the Universe? 

Even in biology and chemistry life on Earth is carbon-based, mainly because each carbon atom can form bonds with up to four other atoms simultaneously. This attribute makes carbon well-suited to form long chains of molecules that serve as the basis for life as we know it, such as proteins and sugars

However, there are also proposals that silicon-based life elsewhere in the Universe may also be possible as the next alternative to carbon?

My Personal Thinking:


Oftentimes  I have thought whether or not all those various physical, chemical and biological laws we know on Earth apply in other worlds beyond ours?

For instance, we assume that the laws of gravity applies throughout the Universe, or the laws of biology and life are the same as in other worlds such as  we look for water as signs of the existence of life in stellar systems harbouring Earth-like planets within the Goldilocks Zone

The same with the laws in chemistry where we cannot change one element to another like the alchemists tried to do using the Philosopher's Stone to  transmute lead into gold, and their attempts to discover  the Elixir of Life to bestow immortality on the person who possessed it

Most of these laws in all branches of sciences, from physics, chemistry, biology and even in medicine we only assume would be exactly the same in the untold myriads of other worlds across the 93 billion light years of our Universe

I gave this another thought only this morning using the miracles Jesus created who showed us the contrary when He came to our world

Miracles of Jesus that Defy All Laws of Sciences:

For instance, Jesus clearly told us His kingdom is NOT of this world (John 18:36) and also Jesus revealed:

'in my Father's house (in another world) are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you' (John 18:36).

Jesus came from another world where all our laws in sciences from biology, life, chemistry and physics do not apply on Earth. He clearly demonstrated these by defying all known laws in science when He brought His laws from another world to show us they exist with these miracles

Let us now have a look at some examples in chemistry where we know that it is not possible to change or transmute one element to another, let alone an inorganic compound like water into an organic compound like wine. But Jesus did it.

 In  the gospel of John 2:1-11 he described how Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana, not just a few drops, but six large stone water jugs, the kind used during ceremonial washing, each holding from 20 to 30 gallons.

How did He do it by defiling one of the most unmovable laws in chemistry as we know them on Earth

I have written a short article on Jesus First Miracle here:

In biology too we read in John 11:38-44 how Jesus Raises Lazarus from the dead

It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. “Take away the stone,” he said.

“But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odour, for he has been there four days.”

Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”

So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me.

I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” (from another world to this world of ours)

When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!”

The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.

Jesus said to them, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.”

This very complex miracle is a combination of biology and chemical laws that are fixed and unchangeable probably only in our world

When I was reading forensic science at Cambridge, I bought a book on what happens to the chemistry in a living body when death comes

The chemical changes are complex and lengthy and completely irreversible during death to describe here, but we may have a brief idea here:

"Chemical Decomposition taking place after death"

But Lazarus was already dead for 4 days, and we can imagine the state of chemical decomposition already in place, and these broken down molecules are completely irreversible

But Jesus reversed them and literally commanded all the molecules to reverse themselves in the tomb and come together again, that's not just defiance of the laws of chemistry, but also biological laws too by pumping back life into Lazarus dead body. 

Another account where Jesus raises the dead was found in Luke, Mathew and Mark.

“Soon afterward, Jesus went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a large crowd went along with him. As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”

 “Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!”  The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.

(Matthew 9:18, Matthew 9:23–26, Mark 5:21–24, Luke 7:11-17, Luke 8:40–42)

An example in physics  where the law of gravity does not apply to Jesus is found in these verses where He walked on water.

"Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.  After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.  When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.


But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

 “Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” 

(Matthew 14:22–33; Mark 6:45 – 51; John 6:16 -21).

And of course, in medicine the numerous occasions how He heals the sick, the blind, the paralyzed, and the woman who has been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years,  and though she had spent all she had on physicians, no one could cure her. She came up behind Jesus and touched the fringe of his clothes, and immediately her hemorrhage stopped (Luke 8:43 - 48), among others by instantly reversing the pathology of diseases by just His touch or His words. 

All these miracles defiled the various laws of medicine and sciences and are far beyond  the best of our scientific understanding. 

Awesome, awesome, simple awesome at least to my understanding.

Another example in biology, food and in nutrition was when He multiplied food which once had life in them until we killed it as food, was when He multiplied 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread to feed 5,000 people who went up a mountain to hear His Sermons of the Mount (Matthew 14:13-21). In short, He was able to create food from life to feed all 5,000 people

Having thought of the above possibility before penning the above article, then just 2 days ago I found new findings that the laws of physics may not be the same in other reaches of this Universe as scientists found in the references below:

Discoveries in science are always evolving beyond even the previous thoughts of Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.


1.       Law of physics is not universal as new research by Polish scientists finds:

2.       New findings suggest laws of nature not as constant as previously thought:           


3.       Nature's laws may vary across the Universe:


4.       Laws of Physics Billions of Light Years Away Are Different to Those Here:

5.       New Tests Suggest a Fundamental Constant of Physics Isn't the Same Across the Universe:






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