Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Body and Soul

The Body and the Soul

Dear friends

Yes, I know you would not believe me when I briefly Whatsapp you that there is a soul within all of us 

All civilizations and cultures believe in ghosts as the spirit left behind by a dead person, and I mean what I said to you previously 

In the King James Version of the Bible the word "ghost" is mentioned 108 times. 

However some claimed  that this word  does not mean the disembodied spirit of someone who has died.

For instance some said that “to give up the ghost,” means “to die" This, I beg to strongly disagree 

In most versions of the Bible describing the last moments of the death of Jesus, it either says Jesus gave up his ghost or gave up his spirit

Spirit equates ghost, and ghost equates soul

"Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost" (Matthew 27:50) and (John 19:30) KJV

 It is so clear here in King James Version of Jesus death and in almost all other versions of the Bible too, the alternative word "spirit" is used instead of "ghost"

This, to my mind means Jesus ghost, spirit or his soul got separated from his physical body

Demons and spirits exist too  because it is clearly written that Jesus cast out demons who possessed man

(Matthew 8:28 - 34; Luke 8:26 - 37; Mark 5: 1 - 17)

There are a lot of references too of mediums and spiritists in biblical times such as found in  Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:11; 2 Kings 21:6; Isaiah 8:19, etc, but God  warns them against such practices except towards communicating with God only who of course is a Spirit.

There are always an opposite of everything

For instance, males and females, hot and cold, light and darkness, big and small, positive and negative, fire and water, love and hatred, forgiving and the unforgiving, black and white...etc, etc, including even spiritual beings like God and Satan.

But what is more important is something we cannot see, namely, a physical body, and a spiritual half that is firmly cemented into our body as one

The opposite half of our physical body is our soul or the ghost within us

This spiritual part of our body is actually the breath of God that gives our physical body life, and the two together as our living soul.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7)

This part of the body is the spirit that is firmly clued to the physical body as one which cannot be separated a long as we still have the breath of life

The opposite part of the body is the
spirit that can ever be seen, felt, detected or measured by science because it is non material. It is beyond science

This is attached to the body as one entity

This means whatever action we do or even think in life is copied into the soul

The body is the template of the soul as much a strand of DNA is the template that serves as a mould or a pattern for the synthesis of complementary strand of nucleic acid or the expression of a protein.

While the soul tries to guide what our body should or should not do, our body oftentimes refuses to obey by an opposing spiritual force, and that action is imprinted into the soul, as much as epigenetic controls the expression of genes

This means whatever we do, even think or write, is being duplicated as a mould, a carbon copy or a template which is then imprinted into the soul

The soul is part of a living body as one, as much as man and wife is one in flesh, and no man shall separate the two

Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6

Thus the breath of God was pumped into our body as a living soul. It was put there by God, and it remains there

The two can never be separated except in death, freeing the indestructible breath of God which is the spirit or the soul which then returns to God; the body made from the dust of the soil, then returns to where it came

The soul thus mirrors the image of the body and its words and actions

Once our actions or sins are  copied into the soul it cannot be erased except by God or by his forgiveness..

For instance even if you read this sentence and understand, it is already incorporated firmly into the storage memory of your soul which is actually your better half.

Of course neuroscientists looks it from the neurochemistry point of view which is the physical or material aspect

Whatever we do or lust for, or deny ourselves, our works of charity or our iniquity, our love or our hatered, our joy or sorrows, our sins or our godliness, our  forgiveness or our unforgiving spirit, are all firmly imprinted into our soul

All these records serve as evidences for or against us. We cannot remove them as this is our template that mirrors our physical life just before we die.

In short, all our actions are already copied into our soul which returns to God whom he can "download"

Our soul will carry them with it before it separates from our body

However, a copy of our life will be played before us as evidences from the time we were born till our soul departs from our physical body for us to "see" for the last time.

We may see our lives on Earth flashing before us when we give up our ghost 

Since our soul is spirit it will not be constraint by time. The scenes of our life shall be a fleeting moment even though we may have lived a hundred years

"A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or a watch in the night" (Psalm 90:4)

So is our soul, a spirit

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away" (Psalm 90:10)

The entire scene of our short life since birth, what we actually do or think, our pain, our  joy and labour shall flash back before us in just a fleeting moment before our soul flies away

Our soul shall bear evidence for or against us, including what we think and understanding, or refusing to understand or believe

Our soul duplicates all our actions in life. It mirrors our entire life..It is a template.

Our soul that shall bear witness for us was already put there as a breath of God pumped into our physical body, and what God puts together let no man put asunder, be it man and wife as one flesh, as much as matter, energy, space or time as one continuum as God's creation.

Nothing God created can be destroyed, although it can be transformed from one state to another such as mass into energy

(Mark 10:9; Matthew 19:6).

We may destroy the body but we cannot destroy the soul.

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul..." (Matthew 10:28)

It is not about going to Church or proclaiming to be Christian that is going to give  us spiritual knowledge

For knowledge of the  bible interpreted in a literal sense is a hindrance to our spiritual vision

We need to pray for a vision we cannot see beyond the barrier of a physical dimension 

We read books and go for education for knowledge of worldly things,  but for us to see spiritually, we need wisdom in prayers seeking for foresight 

There are many records of people who encountered near death experiences and are able to give vivid  accounts of their lives being flashed back before them during the last moments of their near death 
Let this be!

Lim jb

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