Monday, September 25, 2017

God existed before time and matter began

Some months ago I was invited to give a dinner talk to a group of doctors, scientists and members of the academia in an elite club

It was on the subject pertaining to our human existence since the evolution of life on Earth. I spoke at length on this subject to an highly interested audience.

During the lengthy Q and A session a doctor stood up boldly asking me whether or not God existed before time, space, matter, and even before the heavens were created.

When I replied in the affirmative, and the next question I already knew he was going to confront me was who then created God?

I have no hesitation in answering him at some length, but briefly here was what my answer

The question as to who then created God before He created heaven is illogic.

It is not uncommonly for people to ask this, including learned scientists whenever the subject on the creation of universe and the genesis of life on Earth propped up.

When scientists start to question this, frankly I do not think they are really learned as far as their spiritual understanding is concerned.

Our spiritual vision can be clouded by our understanding of material things. We become like a frog in a well because we  cannot see beyond our enclosed physical entities.

Everything around us has to conform by existing physical laws for an explanation.

But let us remind ourselves that God is spirit and is not a material being like ourselves.

God being the highest spiritual being is not confined or has to conform by any existing physical laws of science to explain His existence

He himself created everything in heaven and on Earth,  and also created laws to control everything under His creation. He is above all things and above all laws

"God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24)

When I quoted Genesis 1:1 in my previous write up  "in the beginning God created the heaven and earth..." it was already instantly very clear to me that God  has no beginning, and it was the heaven and the earth he created that have a beginning.

I instantly saw God as eternal. He has no beginning and no end.

Think of it this way. If God haven't existed before the heaven and earth he would not have  been there to create anything, let alone the  heaven and earth

In short, nobody will be there..not even God. Just remember God is the most Supreme spiritual being, and being the highest, he does not require anything higher to create him. He is spirit. He is not physical or material that requires certain physical laws to explain.

Without his eternal existence everything will be time, no space, no dimension, no energy...nothing.. all void, not even time, let alone matter, space and energy.

So we need to reckon there must be a non material being already in existence to create everything, and put them into physical existence, whether it  be from a point in time as explained in the Big Bang theory as astronomers believe, or from the scripture. Look at  it another way even from our material vision.

Matter, space, time, and energy is just one single entity before the Big Bang or even before God created the heaven and earth according to the Bible.

Einstein specifically tells us that time and matter and space are all one entity in a continum although Isaac Newton always thought that time has no beginning.

So if we follow the theory of Einstein, even time did not exist before the "beginning" because matter in the universe or heaven if you like,  must come together as one, and not as separate entities.

This already clearly tells us there was no time before God created the heaven and earth.  It was only when he created heaven and earth was the  beginning of time

In other words, time, matter, space and energy all started together as as one in the same instant.

Once began, everything must obey the laws of physics or Nature which God himself also created to control all his creation as much as we create law and order to control the creation of our civilization. It is often said the king of a country is above the law. Likewise, God is above all laws of his creation.

Being a Spirit, and he is above all laws he also created to control the harmony of heavens  as on Earth

His existence is eternal, from the "beginning" to the "end" He is already there even before he created everything material including time. Time started only when heaven and earth began

Allow me to quote a few verses in the Bible:

"Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God" (Psalm 90:2).

Similar verses on the eternal nature of God are also found in 1 Timothy 6:16, Hebrew 1:10 -12, Hebrew  9:14, and Psalm 102:25.

Then there are two more verses:

"And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with glory which I had with thee before the world was " (John 17:5)

"....the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world" (John 17:24).

What does John 17:24 tells us? It clearly tells us that Jesus and God exisited as one, even before the beginning of time and heaven.

I managed to answer the doctor to assure him that God,  Jesus  and the Holy SpIrit is ONE, and they have already existed even before time, and even before the heaven and everything else was created

Matter in the universe and time existed together from the very beginning only from the moments of creation, be it from the Big Bang offered by scientists where everything including time began, or by the simple Faith by way of divine revelation in Genesis.

I explained  to the doctor once again  God is spirit, not material or a physical being.

God does not require any material being to create Him or use the laws of science to work out his existence or beginning.

Naturally he was very amazed by what I told him. I thank him for being able to glorify God to the highest since then

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