Friday, December 22, 2017

Dear Vincent

This letter (answer) is for you. Read carefully. It is also a very useful medical education for the rest in this chat group.

First, I am sorry on  your mother’s death due to a liver disease although you did not tell us exactly which disease of the liver?

 There are over 100 different types of diseases of the liver such as cystic disease of the liver, fatty disease of the liver, viral A, B, C and autoimmune hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcohol-induced, alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency,  Alagille syndrome,  fatty liver disease, galactosemia, Gilbert’s syndrome, hemochromatosis Gilbert’s syndrome, hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, liver cancer, lysosomal acid lipase deficiency, Wilson disease, haemochromatosis…etc, etc…down the long list. Which one did your mother suffered for ten long years?

However I suspect it was cirrhosis of the liver from the way you described “my mum has hardened liver” (where the liver becomes fibrotic and harden like a piece of leather).  Am I right with my clinical suspicion?

You mentioned she was under a physician’s care for 10 years which makes me suspect cirrhosis, which is probably the only liver disease that takes such a long time to harden (fibrosis).
Cirrhosis itself has so many causes, and I shall mention a few later.

You also mentioned “I remember very well all the 10 years of treatment, no vitamin support was ever prescribed” Be careful of this also. I shall briefly explain later.

You also said you no longer trust conventional medicine, and that alternative medicine and vitamin should also be given to her? Also be careful on this note. 

Not all alternative medicine can “care”. Same with conventional (allopathic) medicine.

However if you can give me her medical records on the investigations done, I may be able to tell if alternative medicine and vitamin support should be given that would have changed  her prognosis (forecast outcome of a disease).

Ten years of treatment is a very long time. In that period your mother would have a lot, a lot of chances  under a knowledgeable doctor who may take an alternative treatment pathway(s).

If that was actually cirrhosis (if my guess is not wrong from the two sentences clue you wrote), then  a lot could have been done  to brake, alter the course of cirrhosis (if that was the disease) or even reverse its pathology. But I do not know what her doctor did  for her?

There are just 3 main causes for cirrhosis of the liver.
1.       Chronic alcoholism
2.       Viral infection, especially hepatitis B, A and C
3.       Prolonged and low dose ingestion of toxic substances

Examples of liver toxins  in foods are: aflatoxins or other mycotoxins, and in drugs and medications are (examples):  indomethacin, ibuprofen, cimetidine, salicylates, ranitidine, nifedipine, antithyroid drugs…etc, etc…down the long list).

Hypervitaminosis:  An excessive intake of vitamin A very much over the recommended daily allowances in foods may also injure the liver.

The  liver already stores a lot of fat soluble vitamin A (retinol). Vitamin A in low doses is very protective against most liver diseases, but is toxic in very high doses over many years of intake (hypervitaminosis).

Even synthetic chemical inhalants like cleaning products, benzene, petrol vapours, pesticides, and hair sprays…etc, etc  inhaled over long periods and exposures can injure the liver, and probably other organs as well.

Always remember all diseases including liver disorders have a single, butt in most cases multiple root causes.

In the event of early stages of the disease, her doctor should try to identify the root cause(s) as the first step, and then teach her how to remove or avoid the ROOT causes first.

This is the first and most important step in the practice of good and ethical medicine, not just give some medicine for 10 years to block the symptoms.  

Once the root cause(s) has been removed through education, then a protective diet has to be instituted to assist the body (liver) to recover on its own.

Fortunately the body especially the liver has a great capacity to rejuvenate on its own. 

In fact the liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate most of it parenchyma (soft tissues and cells)  even when  almost severely  damaged by infections or toxins, unless it is already very severely damaged to its end point over a very long period of exposures, leading to extensive scaring and fibrosis.

It is made worse due to neglect or inappropriate treatment using a lot of drugs that injure  it even more.  In the first place there is no drug treatment for cirrhosis of the liver.

Hence merely giving drugs for 10 years to manage cirrhosis is completely absurd without removing the root causes, something I have already briefly mentioned as the first line management.

This is to be followed by dietary intervention with appropriate protective nutrition to reverse its cellular chemistry and pathology.

I lot could have been done in that ten years for your mother if these steps were instituted by a knowledgeable doctor who is not blinded only by drug-based approach.  

Vaccination against hepatitis B may be the only exception as a prophylaxis, but not for treatment.

A well-balanced, low-fat diet high in fruits and vegetables and rich in antioxidant content especially in vitamin C and broad-spectrum carotenes maybe the best approach in liver-disease prevention, as well as in early stages of the treatment.

 But do not overdose with vitamin A, D, E, K and other fat-soluble vitamins as supplements. They just accumulated in the liver, being fat soluble, they cannot get out through the (water soluble)  urine, and these causes toxicities in the liver and fat tissues.

Be very careful on this approach when you said in your Whatsapp chat “no vitamin support was ever prescribed” for your mother. In small regulated doses, vitamin support is  a positive yes, but not in toxic high doses especially with vitamins A, D, E and K. The chemistry and pharmacodynamics (mechanism of action) we shall leave out.

Another treatment adjunct is to get rid of excessive body fat as this  can infiltrate into the parenchyma (soft cellular tissues) to cause fatty liver, and finally cirrhosis. This is the next step to hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer).

I have in the course of my career as a research nutritionist and medical researcher successfully treated about 6 or 7 cases (not very much) using a combination of dietary, natural therapeutics, and herbal medicine, combined with counseling and health education. 

I did this completely free-of-charge for the patients who came to seek my help. I prescribed and educate (free), they buy the medication

But whether alternative medicine or vitamin support alone (as you believe in your Whatsapp comment) without integrating this with conventional medical approach that has supportive drugs in critical cases, this is a very risky question to answer.

Since I am using WhATAPP with limited space, it is not feasible for me to describe how I successfully managed to reverse all the 6 – 7 liver cases who sought my help.

There was one an accidental case I saw deep, deep in a village at the fringe of the jungle where there was not even basic medical facilities available. I was the only one there with my nurses and a team of medical lab technologist during our health surveys.  The other doctors were stationed at the village Community Centre.

I was there in that district somewhere in Perak with the rest of my medical colleagues to conduct health surveys, and  not to treat the community.  

His case was so characteristics of an acute liver failure – jaundice, abdominal swelling (ascites), spider naevi, pedal edema (water retention on lower extremities), nausea and vomiting, malaise, loss of appetite, inability to answer questions as the classical clinical features.

It was a straight forward diagnosis based these clinical presentations even without the need for any further imaging, biochemical, or HPE (biopsy) as done in a major hospital.

  Where can you get these sophisticated diagnostic facilities when you are working deep, deep into the jungle-villages. You just have to rely entirely on your training and clinical acumen, and nothing else.

Fortunately I happened to be trained also in natural medicine. So I just taught his family to boil some weeds  (a medicinal herbs – P. amarus) available just outside his village hut, and give this to him 3 times a day. 

That’s all I could do for him inside a jungle without any medical facility. It was a make-shift treatment using the best of my trained knowledge and in medical research.

To even my own surprised,  he fully recovered after only a month. By then I was back to my comfortable office at the Institute for Medical Research in KL,  and forgotten his case.

One morning, a month later, I received a totally unexpected phone call from his son, a Malay gentleman  who was working  in Petronas. 

To my surprise,  he  told me of his father’s total recovery, and ring me  to thank me very profusely for my help..  I did not expect that myself as I have by then forgotten him, but busy analyzing my research data collected in the survey.

I have lots and lots to tell you about these few cases I met, but since I am using a smart phone (that always make a clown out of me with my English, grammar, spelling, omission of words, repetition of the same words, substituting  some  words or terms with its “smarter” auto-correct),  it is not possible for me here to give you a detailed account, except through a few hours talk.

If you let me know specifically what liver disorder  your mother succumbed to, and I shall be able to tell you if alternative medicine (as you believe) would have helped.  

Please remember alternative medicine is not a miracle system of medicine. The same for conventional medicine. 

It all depends on the disease. Many are not curable whichever the medical system. Some are even down right bogus and a cheat. Just be very careful.

I shall tell you later how I was incorporated into a powerful joint  technical committee consisting of representatives  from WHO-MOH-IMR in the early 1980 -90’s when I was working at the IMR to evaluate all these systems to be integrated into the mainstream health-care system of this country.

Our years of laborious efforts have bore  fruits today,  with many alternative systems of medicine now officially recognized for lawful practice through an Act of Parliament in this country. They should thank us for our years of meetings after meetings of evaluation.

I have lots and lots to tell you about these few cases I met about liver diseases, but since I am using a smart phone (that always make a clown out of me with my English, grammar, spelling, omission of words, repetition of the same words, substituting  some  words or terms with its “smarter” auto-correct words).

it is not possible for me here to give you a detailed account, except through a few hours talk.

Maybe I can continue later at another chat session.

Regards and take care on your health

Jb lim

Ancient Mysteries in the Bible

Dear friends 

In my Whats Up Doc Whatsapp some of you don't seem to agree with me when I casually mentioned that we all descended from Adam and Eve 

Some merely quoted what scientists told them that the human race came from Africa, yet others who are even more confused by their "scientific" brief, argued that homo sapiens were evolved from the apes, but remained silent about the missing link between the primates and the modern man as if the transition between the apes and humans was completely seamless.

But when I briefly explained in just one or two sentences that we were all descended from Adam and Eve, it created a storm among some.

They refuse to agree with me 

Let me explain again starting with just a few verses below:

"After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden Cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life"

(Genesis 3:24)

"So Cain went out of the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of the a Garden of Eden"

(Genesis 4:16)

But where then was the Garden of Eden?

This has been debated for some time already among theology, archaeology, geographers, sociology,  anthropological experts.

Initially it was thought to be where the rivers Euphrates and Tigris were n the Middle East.

But since the Middle East is quite arid, dry and infertile where hardly plants can grow, let alone a beautiful garden like in Eden where there were plenty of trees of all sorts including the Tree of Knowledge,  this idea was abandoned 

Scientists including myself now believe the Garden of Eden, and just east of it where Adam and Eve were driven out, was in the very fertile land, probably in the Nile valley where the River Nile flows

And the Nile is in Egypt on the top of the African continent where a lot of ancient mysteries happened. 

Anthropologists also think that this was the place where humans first came from  -  the African continent

This theory fits very well with what I too think, based on the description given in the Bible.

Further east of Egypt are the countries in the Middle East where Moses led the Israerites who are the children of God to settle in the Promised Land.

And that was where all the descendants of Adam and Eve..Cain, Abel, Seth, down to Enoch, Enos...etc, etc. came to settle down 

Moses who came later then led the Israelites wandering even more eastwards into the deserts for forty years until Noah time

They were all driven out of the Garden of Eden to the east into Africa which I have already explained was in the fertile land of the Nile valley in the African continent

It was from where (Egypt) Moses led the children of Israel towards the Middle East a journey which took them some 40 years in the wilderness.

By the time Adam and Eve genealogy came to Noah's generation, humans already began to multiply greatly and populate over the surface of the Earth as God 

"And God bless them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply; and replenish the Earth, and subdue it....over every living thing that move upon the Earth" (Genesis 1:28).

That was also when the sons of gods came and mated with the pretty daughters of Adam and Eve descendants

"that the sons of gods (alien beings from another world) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and the took them wives of all which they choose" (Genesis 6:2)

As a result of this ungodly reunion between the sons of gods (alien beings) and the fair daughters of men (human-kind prior to Noah), they produce giants and nephilim 

Nephilim are ungodly beings neither humans nor earthy beings as the result of union between humans and "sons of gods" 

They were the giants who were capable of building the pyramids such as the Grand Pyramid of Egypt,  and other engineering feats around the world such as the Oblex of Axum and Aswan, the Stone of Pregnant Women in Baalbek, Lebanon, the Saksaywaman, Peru, the underground church in Lalibela in Ethopia, the Teotihuacan  in Mexico...and much more, since by then the human race have already multiplied and populated the surface of earth as the Lord God commanded as I have already explained (Genesis 1:28)

I have much, much more to say about the origin of man on earth and how it fits in so neatly from what the Bible tells us so briefly,  and yet so precisely and deeply,  and what Science tries so hard and at great length to believe

As a research scientist myself, the more I think about what my scientific counter parts tried so hard to postulate,  the more I find such beautiful union between the Scripture and Science

Scientists need just to ask the Lord God to give them wisdom and spiritual vision and not knowledge, and they can instantly see the reunion with Him in Spirit and in Truth

The Scripture is an inspired writing given by God without burden to anyone who believes first before they see, while scientific knowledge is acquired by unnecessary very hard research and toil by scientist who insist on seeing first before they believe,  yet they see so little

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest....for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" 

(Matthew11: 28 - 30)

May the good Lord God gives you that same vision and wisdom as He gives me in my daily prayer.

So shall this be!


Lim Ju Boo

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Body and Soul

The Body and the Soul

Dear friends

Yes, I know you would not believe me when I briefly Whatsapp you that there is a soul within all of us 

All civilizations and cultures believe in ghosts as the spirit left behind by a dead person, and I mean what I said to you previously 

In the King James Version of the Bible the word "ghost" is mentioned 108 times. 

However some claimed  that this word  does not mean the disembodied spirit of someone who has died.

For instance some said that “to give up the ghost,” means “to die" This, I beg to strongly disagree 

In most versions of the Bible describing the last moments of the death of Jesus, it either says Jesus gave up his ghost or gave up his spirit

Spirit equates ghost, and ghost equates soul

"Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost" (Matthew 27:50) and (John 19:30) KJV

 It is so clear here in King James Version of Jesus death and in almost all other versions of the Bible too, the alternative word "spirit" is used instead of "ghost"

This, to my mind means Jesus ghost, spirit or his soul got separated from his physical body

Demons and spirits exist too  because it is clearly written that Jesus cast out demons who possessed man

(Matthew 8:28 - 34; Luke 8:26 - 37; Mark 5: 1 - 17)

There are a lot of references too of mediums and spiritists in biblical times such as found in  Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:11; 2 Kings 21:6; Isaiah 8:19, etc, but God  warns them against such practices except towards communicating with God only who of course is a Spirit.

There are always an opposite of everything

For instance, males and females, hot and cold, light and darkness, big and small, positive and negative, fire and water, love and hatred, forgiving and the unforgiving, black and white...etc, etc, including even spiritual beings like God and Satan.

But what is more important is something we cannot see, namely, a physical body, and a spiritual half that is firmly cemented into our body as one

The opposite half of our physical body is our soul or the ghost within us

This spiritual part of our body is actually the breath of God that gives our physical body life, and the two together as our living soul.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul (Genesis 2:7)

This part of the body is the spirit that is firmly clued to the physical body as one which cannot be separated a long as we still have the breath of life

The opposite part of the body is the
spirit that can ever be seen, felt, detected or measured by science because it is non material. It is beyond science

This is attached to the body as one entity

This means whatever action we do or even think in life is copied into the soul

The body is the template of the soul as much a strand of DNA is the template that serves as a mould or a pattern for the synthesis of complementary strand of nucleic acid or the expression of a protein.

While the soul tries to guide what our body should or should not do, our body oftentimes refuses to obey by an opposing spiritual force, and that action is imprinted into the soul, as much as epigenetic controls the expression of genes

This means whatever we do, even think or write, is being duplicated as a mould, a carbon copy or a template which is then imprinted into the soul

The soul is part of a living body as one, as much as man and wife is one in flesh, and no man shall separate the two

Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6

Thus the breath of God was pumped into our body as a living soul. It was put there by God, and it remains there

The two can never be separated except in death, freeing the indestructible breath of God which is the spirit or the soul which then returns to God; the body made from the dust of the soil, then returns to where it came

The soul thus mirrors the image of the body and its words and actions

Once our actions or sins are  copied into the soul it cannot be erased except by God or by his forgiveness..

For instance even if you read this sentence and understand, it is already incorporated firmly into the storage memory of your soul which is actually your better half.

Of course neuroscientists looks it from the neurochemistry point of view which is the physical or material aspect

Whatever we do or lust for, or deny ourselves, our works of charity or our iniquity, our love or our hatered, our joy or sorrows, our sins or our godliness, our  forgiveness or our unforgiving spirit, are all firmly imprinted into our soul

All these records serve as evidences for or against us. We cannot remove them as this is our template that mirrors our physical life just before we die.

In short, all our actions are already copied into our soul which returns to God whom he can "download"

Our soul will carry them with it before it separates from our body

However, a copy of our life will be played before us as evidences from the time we were born till our soul departs from our physical body for us to "see" for the last time.

We may see our lives on Earth flashing before us when we give up our ghost 

Since our soul is spirit it will not be constraint by time. The scenes of our life shall be a fleeting moment even though we may have lived a hundred years

"A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or a watch in the night" (Psalm 90:4)

So is our soul, a spirit

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away" (Psalm 90:10)

The entire scene of our short life since birth, what we actually do or think, our pain, our  joy and labour shall flash back before us in just a fleeting moment before our soul flies away

Our soul shall bear evidence for or against us, including what we think and understanding, or refusing to understand or believe

Our soul duplicates all our actions in life. It mirrors our entire life..It is a template.

Our soul that shall bear witness for us was already put there as a breath of God pumped into our physical body, and what God puts together let no man put asunder, be it man and wife as one flesh, as much as matter, energy, space or time as one continuum as God's creation.

Nothing God created can be destroyed, although it can be transformed from one state to another such as mass into energy

(Mark 10:9; Matthew 19:6).

We may destroy the body but we cannot destroy the soul.

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul..." (Matthew 10:28)

It is not about going to Church or proclaiming to be Christian that is going to give  us spiritual knowledge

For knowledge of the  bible interpreted in a literal sense is a hindrance to our spiritual vision

We need to pray for a vision we cannot see beyond the barrier of a physical dimension 

We read books and go for education for knowledge of worldly things,  but for us to see spiritually, we need wisdom in prayers seeking for foresight 

There are many records of people who encountered near death experiences and are able to give vivid  accounts of their lives being flashed back before them during the last moments of their near death 
Let this be!

Lim jb

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Origin of Human Race: Adam and Eve or Africa?

Dear friends 

In my Whats Up Doc Whatsapp some of you don't seem to agree with me when I casually mentioned that we all descended from Adam and Eve 

Some merely quoted what scientists told them that the human race came from Africa, yet others who are even more confused by their "scientific" brief, argued that homo sapiens were evolved from the apes, but remained silent about the missing link between the primates and the modern man as if the transition between the apes and humans was completely seamless.

But when I briefly explained in just one or two sentences that we were all descended from Adam and Eve, it created a storm among some.

They refuse to agree with me 

Let me explain again starting with just a few verses below:

"After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden Cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the Tree of Life"

(Genesis 3:24)

"So Cain went out of the Lord's presence and lived in the land of Nod, east of the a Garden of Eden"

(Genesis 4:16)

But where then was the Garden of Eden?

This has been debated for some time already among theology, archaeology, geographers, sociology,  anthropological experts.

Initially it was thought to be where the rivers Euphrates and Tigris were n the Middle East.

But since the Middle East is quite arid, dry and infertile where hardly plants can grow, let alone a beautiful garden like in Eden where there were plenty of trees of all sorts including the Tree of Knowledge,  this idea was abandoned 

Scientists including myself now believe the Garden of Eden, and just east of it where Adam and Eve were driven out, was in the very fertile land, probably in the Nile valley where the River Nile flows

And the Nile is in Egypt on the top of the African continent where a lot of ancient mysteries happened. 

Anthropologists also think that this was the place where humans first came from  -  the African continent

This theory fits very well with what I too think, based on the description given in the Bible.

Further east of Egypt are the countries in the Middle East where Moses led the Israerites who are the children of God to settle in the Promised Land.

And that was where all the descendants of Adam and Eve..Cain, Abel, Seth, down to Enoch, Enos...etc, etc. came to settle down 

Moses who came later then led the Israelites wandering even more eastwards into the deserts for forty years until Noah time

They were all driven out of the Garden of Eden to the east into Africa which I have already explained was in the fertile land of the Nile valley in the African continent

It was from where (Egypt) Moses led the children of Israel towards the Middle East a journey which took them some 40 years in the wilderness.

By the time Adam and Eve genealogy came to Noah's generation, humans already began to multiply greatly and populate over the surface of the Earth as God 

"And God bless them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply; and replenish the Earth, and subdue it....over every living thing that move upon the Earth" (Genesis 1:28).

That was also when the sons of gods came and mated with the pretty daughters of Adam and Eve descendants

"that the sons of gods (alien beings from another world) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and the took them wives of all which they choose" (Genesis 6:2)

As a result of this ungodly reunion between the sons of gods (alien beings) and the fair daughters of men (human-kind prior to Noah), they produce giants and nephilim 

Nephilim are ungodly beings neither humans nor earthy beings as the result of union between humans and "sons of gods" 

They were the giants who were capable of building the pyramids such as the Grand Pyramid of Egypt,  and other engineering feats around the world such as the Oblex of Axum and Aswan, the Stone of Pregnant Women in Baalbek, Lebanon, the Saksaywaman, Peru, the underground church in Lalibela in Ethopia, the Teotihuacan  in Mexico...and much more, since by then the human race have already multiplied and populated the surface of earth as the Lord God commanded as I have already explained (Genesis 1:28)

I have much, much more to say about the origin of man on earth and how it fits in so neatly from what the Bible tells us so briefly,  and yet so precisely and deeply,  and what Science tries so hard and at great length to believe

As a research scientist myself, the more I think about what my scientific counter parts tried so hard to postulate,  the more I find such beautiful union between the Scripture and Science

Scientists need just to ask the Lord God to give them wisdom and spiritual vision and not knowledge, and they can instantly see the reunion with Him in Spirit and in Truth

The Scripture is an inspired writing given by God without burden to anyone who believes first before they see, while scientific knowledge is acquired by unnecessary very hard research and toil by scientist who insist on seeing first before they believe,  yet they see so little

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest....for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" 

(Matthew11: 28 - 30)

May the good Lord God gives you that same vision and wisdom as He gives me in my daily prayer.

So shall this be!


Lim Ju Boo

Sunday, October 15, 2017

A New Heaven and New Earth and The End of Time

We all know that Einstein has shown that space and time is one continuous flow of everything in this universe from the largest to the smallest galaxies 

This space-time mathematical model joins space and time into a single idea called a four-dimensional continuum, which is so unlike the non-relativistic classical mechanics, that uses Euclidean space, where time is treated as universal constant  independent of the state of motion of an observer.

But in a relativistic universe, time cannot be separated from the three dimensions of space.

While sitting down to ponder on this model on the working of our entire universe, I was thinking what happens when God destroys His entire creation when heavens will roll up and wrapped up like a scroll? 

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, the elements shall melt with fevent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2 Peter 3:10)

"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together (including time, space and matter as one as we only now know); and every mountain and island were moved out of their places" (Revelations 6:14)

This "rolling up like a scroll" is exactly the opposite of "in the beginning" precisely and exactly the opposite of the Big Bang theory of the beginning of the universe

I am now just wonder why do people speaks of "end times" rather than just say the end of the world or the end of the universe without including time?
Why did they include that canny expression "end of time" as well?

Did they actually know it or was it just a coincidence? I just wonder?

Cosmologists also believe the universe will collapsed together when the powers of indestructible gravity finally pulls them all together once again to just one singularity as it was in the beginning

This is what I like to coin it as The Big Collapse

This to me is very similar to the Big Bang postulated by cosmologists as the birth of the universe for every thing including the beginning of time.

There were also verses in the New Testament where God said "I am Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End", meaning He is the beginning of everything and the end of all things

(Revelation 1:8; 22:13)

What a mind blogging similarly between Christianity and modern Science, even though the Book of Revelation was written not long after the death of Jesus. I

This was clearly an inspired writing that is so similar to what Science now tells us.

But actually what I wanted to say here is that,  we can imagine matter or even space being destroyed because they are something we see or at least perceive them.

But how do we imagine time being also destroyed together, even if we try to imagine as hard as we try?

Before Einstein time was treated separately from space and matter; they were not related

Has anyone think or written about this thinking before? What is the picture or a scenario like where there is not even time? It would be completely void as it was first described

"And the earth was without form, and VOID; and darkness was upon the face of the deep" (Genesis 1:2).

But that is not the end.

A new universe will be born, probably not a physical one, but a spiritual heaven and earth where there will be no matter, space or time, all of which has a boundary pegged onto the tethers of each other

Once that limitation of time is removed then "time" shall be eternal

It will be well outside the boundaries of the laws of physics of even Einstein wrote. I believe this shall be the scenario.

The presence of water is considered by all scientists worthy their salt as the most important ingredient for the existence of any physical life anywhere in the universe

But a spiritual life in a new spiritual world would no longer require any water

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were pass away; and there was no more sea" (Revelation  21).

This is just my thinking as I sit to ponder. 

I like my gentle readers to think over this and kindly write to me your views in my comment column.

Thank you for reading

Lim Ju Boo

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Existence of Life After Death

The Question:

"It's up to an individual's belief...
For Budhist , it has never been said.." towards the end of the road ".they are two branches..

Rather its called a dead end.. it's layman view..without wisdom It is up to an individual's belief...

For Budhist , it has never been said.." towards tge end of the road ".they sre . two branches..

Rather its called a dead end.. it's layman view..without wisdom."

(David and Egr Ong Geok Soo)

For the evolutionist, when they come to the end of the road, there are two branches. Burial or condemnation

(Tan Seng Khoon)

The above were two views sent to me in my whatsapp chat group

My answer:

Dear David, Egr Ong Geok Sol, and Ir. Tan Seng Khoon 

Thank you to  both of you for your views whether life exist after death

Allow me to share my views whether or not it is the end of the road once you suffer a physical death

I can only  briefly explain. I cannot write much using this small smart phone of mine because it is always changing whatever I write with its auto correct, and I cannot even switch it off

First, let me quote you a verse in Genesis:

"And the Lord God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul" 

(Genesis 2:7).

This apparently is a very " simple" verse to most people, but to me it has a very profound meaning 

When Adam was created, he was just a dead body made of dust or from the soil of the earth just as in the carbon cycle of life we learn in biology class in school..There was no life in Adam initially when the Lord God made him out of clay so to speak. 

Adam was initially a dead body like you mentioned when we die but are we really at the end of the road after being buried or cremated?

Both methods reduce us into the soil. But is that really the end of life? Think, think again. Read that verse many times, analyse it and think again 

The Clue:

Let me give you another clue with this verse:

"In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return" 

(Genesis 3:19).

Now the above verse is what you literally believe, that when we die we  return to dust into the soil, be it through burial or through cremation. 

Literally and physically speaking based on this verse alone this is correct. 

Spiritual Wisdom:

Unfortunately this is the belief read and interpreted by a person without spiritual wisdom. A person without spiritual wisdom is blind and he cannot see beyond what science believes and teaches  him.

He reads and interprets the verse literally and in the physical sense pbecause he cannot see beyond his physical dimension

This is no different from Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews who came to Jesus by night wanting to know  how he could enter heaven

Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God

(John 3: 5 - 6)

Nicodemus answered Jesus how can a man be born again when he is old....and enter his mother's womb again (John 3: 1 - 4)

Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Nicodemus, though he was a member of the Jewish council he could not understand the deep spiritual meaning of being  born again of water and of Spirit.

It is known to Science that 60 percent of the human body is made up of water, but in this verse it could also mean cleansing through baptism with water. 

Water as a universal solvent is the most important ingredient for the existence of life.

Water is also very important ingredient for physical cleaning as well as for spiritual cleansing as in baptism. But let us talk about this later

Spirit of Life:

Let us get back to the first verse once again

"And the Lord God formed man of dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul"

(Genesis 2:7).;

Did you see the meaning of that verse there that says..."and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul"

Now tell me, what does that tell you as it instantly revealed to me.

No clue?  Well, let me refer you to another verse elsewhere to help you.

It clearly says,

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth

(John 4:24)

Now have you got the answer. Not yet I suppose?

Let's go back to the first verse again.

"and breathed into his nostrils the breadth of life"

I suppose you now got it. Yes, no?

If not, let me explain. When the Lord God created Adam out of the soil, he had no life in it yet..He was only a physically dead body.

The Chemistry of Life:

But a physical body need something far far higher and much more complex than what Science has to offer. 

Science has no answer how the music of life went inside a set of compounds from the soil..

Neither has Science any answer to the existence of a ghost or spirit inside us as long as we are still living. 

Science is just a systematic study of matter and energy, nothing higher. It cannot detect the presence of  many entities in us, let alone measure them.

One of these is life, not in its physical form but its spiritual presence inside a physical body which is  the initial breadth of life God blew into Adam body.

It is some kind of life force or life energy residing in a living body. 

This has nothing to do with chemical energy from the food we eat daily that powers our body biochemistry

Two Ingredients to life:

In order for a dead body to have life, it requires two ingredients, namely a physical dead body (about to be buried or cremated as we believe) plus  a "life force" pumped into it

This second un-measurable entity must continue to reside with the physical body as one,  until both part, wherein the soul, spirit or ghost escapes,  and the dead  physical body returns to the soil from where it originally came as described in Genesis 3:19

But what is that "life force" driving a living body to allow it to continue with physical life as we know it . 

A living soul as I know it is;

A physicial dead  body +  an aura of energy inside, driving the physical laws of chemistry of life inside.

Of course this means to me, life  has nothing to do with all those complex biochemistry and the chemical energy derived from food we eat, scientists can only understand in the physical sense.

If that is so simple an answer, why then should all those biochemistry not go on as usual when the "force of life"  God first pumped into the Adam leaves the physical body together with all those biological chemicals inside?

After all the biochemical reactions and their metabolic pathways together with the protein gene expressions and their highly complex signalling pathways have been proceeding beautifully without stopping until death do them part.

 Why then did all these biochemistry and their biomolecules stop working almost immediately and completely if derived from the bread he eats alone, and returns to the soil from where it came.

Man shall not live by bread alone. I quote the verse once again

Earning a Physical Living:

In the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread (working to earn a living), till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shall thou return

(Genesis 3: 19).

Let me challenge my learned scientists who are my counterparts, why did all those body chemistries refused to proceed as usual after "something else" inside leaves the body,  but were forced to crumble down to return to the soil from where it originally came?  Was there something very wrong with those biochemistry?

Did something else much, much higher than the food they eat that drove those chemistry of life that was actually ordering those chemistry of life to halt immediately and to return to the soil?

In short, the laws of chemistry has to be obeyed. But then why did it now refuse to obey, and the chemical reactants start breaking down, composed to return to the soil where their elements and nutrients came? 

This, to my dear scientists and medical expert counterparts need to answer me with a conscience in their hearts  Forget about all those biological, nutritional, biochemical and medical sciences they learn in the university. 

I too have undergone all those lectures, learning them forward and backwards, and forward again, and taken count less examinations across five universities to satisfy my countless external examiners from my undergraduate, post graduate diploma, my Master' s to my doctorate degrees. But today I am not satisfied by what they taught me I have a mind and a still small voice speaking to me all the time.

Why then must these chemicals of life obey this verse in Genesis  instead of obeying their own chemical laws?

There is something not quite right here then. Something much,  much higher residing inside the physical body must be ordering these biomolecules then, when to proceed, how long to go on and when exactly to stop. Isn't that queer to the best scientific brains if they think again.

But it is  not with our  scientific knowledge that is helpful, but it is the spiritual wisdom the Lord God gave us  to see clearly.

Ghost inside  a Body

It is the spirit of God he breathed into a lifeless physical body made up of tens of thousands of different types of biochemical molecules, proteins of all sorts, nucleic acids, DNA....etc, etc ....together with their highly complex metabolic and signalling pathways that controls all of them. Something much, much higher is controlling all the laws of chemistry in our body.

To me today, seeking for wisdom is  my daily prayers, because  I realize I have been imprisoned by the limitation of scientific knowledge taught to me over 15 years in five different universities, together with my 25 years in medical research.

There is something very grossly missing in all those scientific and medical knowledge taught to me.

That life shall  remain in our physical body as "a living soul" till a physical death do us.

The body then returns to the soil, the soul, spirit or ghost if you like returns to God who gave that initial spark of life.

Another way of putting it. The body separates into two.

The physical dead body as originally in Adam, plus the spirit of God which God  pumped into his nostrils.

The spirit then escapes back to God where it came from after physical death,  and this can never be destroyed.

Thus, "what therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder" (Mark 10:9).

"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soil, but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"

(Matthews 10:28)

"and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it"

(Ecclesiastes 12:7)

The spirit was never judged to return to the soil because it was breathed into Adam by the breath of God. The body return as dust but the Spirit escapes elsewhere.

The spirit, soul, life force or ghost can never be annihilated or become extinct. It will remain throughout all eternity because it is the breath of God. Everything about God or is part of God is eternal.

The Soul of the Body

Our soul is part of His breath and is made to live forever as a spirit

"The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life giving spirit"

(1 Corinthian 15:45)

Jesus Holy Ghost

"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said , It is finished: and he bowed his head , and gave up the GHOST

(John 19:30)

And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father into thy hands I commend my spirit : and having said thus, he gave up the GHOST

(Luke 23:46)

Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, YEILDED UP THE GHOST

(Matthew 27:50)

Now, doesn't those verses recorded in John, Luke and Matthew  speak for itself that there is a GHOST or a spirit in Jesus, and that ghost will appear in body form again in Jesus after his death when he appeared again before his disciples besides the Sea of Galilee.

This is now the third time that Jesus shewed Himself to His disciples after he was risen from the dead

(John 21:14)

All these verses clearly tell us there is a ghost in Jesus and in us too that will unite with us in Jesus one day

The Lamp of Life:

Life forces or the"breath of life" 
is exactly like a flame of a lamp..

The lamp represents our complete body. The wick represents the pathways the biochemical reactions takes as it draws nutrients to be burnt which is the flame of life itself.

The oil in the lamp are all the fuel and nutrients from food we consume,  being stored in the body to be metabolized as a flame

The  warmth and the light of the flame is life itself.

The lamp if not lit is just a dead lamp with no life, no light and no heat.. nothing. So is a dead body

Each lamp if placed in a row remains unlit until the flame of life is transferred from the first lamp to next lamp until the entire world is aglow with lamps of life.

The spiritual flame once lit cannot be destroyed. It is transferred into  into another body or to another lamp to give it the flame of life.

This is exactly how a living creature has to sacrifice itself as food in order to transfer its life forces to another creature in order to give it life

If you take a cow for instance, it has to  sacrifice its life, but only once in order to give its life to another living creature, say to a human being who eats its beef But that fuel of life is limited

The Eternal Flame:

But not with Lord Jesus,  His life is eternal and His spiritual fuel is unlimited.

So when people ask me how can Jesus who died only once over 2,000 years ago can give eternal life to  countless billions of people who believe in Him

My answer to them is simple.

Jesus life is unlimited. He is an Eternal Flame that can never be extinguished.

If there is a  lamp that continues to burn an eternal flame, that lamp can continue to transfer its flame from lamp to lamp without any end. So is with Lord Jesus

Unfortunately there is no life on Earth where its life forces is unlimited.

It can only give its life  just to the next living body as food to drive the chemistry of life that scientists know very well.

Wisdom not Knowledge:

For the elite and learned scientists seeing is believing, but for me, I only seek for wisdom in my daily prayers in order to believe

So for me, I believe first, only then I see.


I am sorry this is just a quick answer to three people who wrote into my Whatsapp chat group telling us that when we die it is the end of everything after being buried or cremated.

As I am not quite comfortable with such thinking, I quickly use my cheap smart phone to churn up my answer so that can be shared by anyone who may equally believe the same end of life

Unfortunately my cheap smart phone does not allow me to switch off the auto correct

Hence there are plenty of errors here and there in spelling, grammar, missing or repetitive words, irrational construction of the sentences among many others

I have no access to my home computer for nearly four months now as I am now hospitalized for a venous stasis leg ulcer which is extremely difficult to manage.

When I get home I shall edit and  polish up this article considerably and largely expand it I have much, much more to add my thoughts.

I therefore apologize on behalf of my smart phone which is forever auto  correcting against what I intend to write

But this is temporary till I can get home to use my computer so long you can figure out what I am trying to pen here

Thank you for reading


Lim Ju Boo

The Final Fate of Humanity (Part 4)

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