Monday, December 26, 2016

A Poem for Christmas 2016 by me to me

Christmas for me 

Each morning I wake up is Christmas Day for me.
Unknowingly I have sinned the night before
Each morning I need Christ to be born again in me
To remove the sin the night before

Born again each day in me
A new life in Christ to lead

The multitude sings and dance
In the streets and shopping malls
Hailing Christ birth only once a year
They matter not to me

The path of least resistance
Surely is the easiest way 

For it is written
“Enter ye in at the strait gate:
For wide is the gate, and broad is the way
That leadeth to destruction
And many there be which go in”

So they sing and dance all through the night and year

Each morning till my breath of life stays
I shall take the hard and narrow way

In remembrance of Christ birth each day
Who came to Earth to suffer for me

Surely I shall follow Him
Carrying my own cross along with Him

Through life journey in Christ till the end

To be born again each day in Him

Till I reach home to Him

That’s Christmas each day for me – jb lim


Unknown said...

Amen! Absolutely wonderful poem. May we all realize that we are God's most lovable creation and no-one but we ourselves can cure us provided walking in a knowledgeable path guided by a mentor.

Dr Jasmine Keys said...

I fully agree Dr Lim is not just a doctor, researcher and scientist but a very unique poet as well

What a gorgeous poem for Christmas never been written before. He also wrote another one on "Moon Cake Festival" somewhere in this blog. Needs the internal search engine to look for that beautifully written peom

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