Thursday, September 27, 2012

625 Sextillion Worlds Out There

Thank you Mr. Sylvester Goh for this BBC video on the Universe

Amazing view of Universe captured **

The Hubble Space Telescope has produced one of its most extraordinary views of the Universe to date.

My thinking after seeing the video, and to share my thoughts with others is this:

 I wonder why man on this infinitesimal earth fight each other over property, wealth and all sorts of political and other temporary powers when there are approximately 250,000 million stars (suns)  in each galaxy.

That’s not all. There are as much galaxies in this Universe, as there are stars in each galaxy. It is estimated there are about 250,000 million galaxies in our known Universe.

Each star harbors about 10 Earth-like planets in each stellar system like in our own Solar System.

In short, there are approximately:

(2.5 x 10 11) x (2.5 x 10 11)   x 10 = 6.25 X 10 23 = 625 x 10 21 or 625 followed by 21 zeros (625 sextillion) worlds existing out there for over a period of 20 billion years as the Age of this Universe.

Why do we then want temporary chicken-feed power and wealth in this extremely small world?

Why don’t we look up among those stars, and try to inherit an eternal world out there?

But there is definitely no place in heaven for any person who fights and kills each other for whatever reason, wanting only earthly power while they are still temporary in  this world. My still small voice tells me this is absolutely for sure.

Give up everything we have in this temporary world, and invest on eternal peace and happiness out there among the stars. That would be far, far more meaningful and eternal.

Unfortunately, most of us  are  spiritually blind and imprisoned by our  own faith and conviction that we can no longer can see, or allowed to see for us to break away free from this bondage.

Humanity is like a frog in a well with blinkered vision


A True Doctor is One Who Teaches, The Best Healer is Your Own Body said...

Exactly Dr Lim,

The maths you wrote out below is simply mind-boggling where the number of galaxies, stars etc are concerned.

And your quote reminds me very much of that of the philosopher/mathematician, humanist and social activist Bertrand Russell (he had also visited China before WWII and subsequently wrote about his experiences there in a book entitled The Problem of China.

He of course had high regard for China, its people and culture and always said that China is not just a country but a CONTINENT!). After witnessing so many internecine conflicts of mankind (and sometimes triggered off by trivial issues), he said that we ought not to forget that when put in its proper perspective, we humans are but specks of dust in the infinity of the cosmos.

Trust in the Lord and all will be well.


Sylvester Goh

James said...

I admire the valuable information you offer in your articles. I will bookmark your site!!
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