Sunday, January 26, 2025

How to Lose Body Weight? - A Nutrition Experiment I Conducted On Myself


Here are some of the ways of reducing body weight based on my own experience when I conducted a nutritional experiment on myself. With the Chinese New Year of The Snake just two days away, people tend to overeat. So, I thought it is an appropriate time to share my experience on how to manage body weight to a healthy level.

I shall then summarize it after this in another easier-to-understand essay

I was overweight when I first started working. I remember my body weight was about 150 lbs. (68 kg). My height was 5 feet 3 inches (1.6 meters) giving my body mass index (BMI) as 68 / 1.6 ^2 = 26.6. The BMI for males within the healthy weight range should be between 18.5 and 24.9.

As nutritionists and medical doctors, we know obesity from overeating leads to breathing difficulties that stop many times during the night (sleep apnoea), cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease like CVA (stroke). type 2 diabetes, arthritis, certain types of cancers

Hence, I decided to bring my weight down to a healthy range.   

However, figuring out exactly how many calories an individual should eat can be tricky, as it depends on various factors, including your age, sex, size, occupation and physical activity.

The recommended caloric intake for a sedentary adult in Malaysia is 2,000 calories per day for men and 1,500 calories per day for women. This recommendation is based on the 2010 Malaysian Dietary Guidelines. 

Foods that are low in calories are mainly the vegetables, especially leafy ones. One example I used for my nutritional experiment on myself was the leafy sawi (mustard green). The nutrient contents of sawi per 100 grams are: kilocalories 27,  total carbohydrate 4.7 g, dietary fiber 3.2 g, sugar 1.3 g,  protein 2.9 g, total fat 0.4 g, potassium 384 mg, sodium 20 mg.

So, I chose to eat only a bowl of leafy sawi every day, and nothing else. The sawi was boiled with meat to extract the B-group of vitamins, together with its minerals and meat flavours. I ate the bowl of sawi (the meat was discarded) only for dinner with no breakfast or lunch except for at least 1.5 litres of tea with a little milk, but no sugar to take care of my daily fluid intake. I worked in air-conditioned medical research laboratories anyway, and I don’t sweat a lot. The diet I designed was adequate in other nutrients, except in energy content, fats I do not want, a slight dip in protein content. All the water-soluble B-group of vitamins except vitamin B12 were also leached from the meat into the vegetable soup. There was no shortage of retinol (vitamin A) from beta-carotene and carotenoids serving also as antioxidants. There was also no problem with deficiency of vitamin D in a tropical country like Malaysia. Vitamin D comes in two forms (D2 and D3) which differ chemically in their side chains. These structural differences alter their binding to the carrier protein vitamin D binding protein (DBP) and their metabolism, but in general the biological activity of their active metabolites is comparable. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin from 7-dehydrocholesterol by UV irradiation, which breaks the B ring to form pre-D3. Pre-D3 isomerizes to D3 but with continued UV irradiation to tachysterol and lumisterol. D3 is preferentially removed from the skin, bound to DBP. The liver and other tissues metabolize vitamin D, whether from the skin or oral ingestion, to 25OHD, the principal circulating form of vitamin D. So was mustard green (sawi) rich in vitamin K and tocopherol (vitamin E). There was also adequate potassium, magnesium and iron in all vegetable, except low in calories, and proteins especially leafy vegetables unlike legumes and pulses like soya and lentils

I estimated my total daily intake was only 2092 kilojoules (500 kilocalories) a day. I did that for one month. Neither was extra protein or calcium needed short-term for only a month.

The recommended daily caloric intake  depends on many factors, including age, sex, weight, height, activity level, and body composition. On average, adults need around 8,370 kJ (2,000 kilocalories) per day to maintain a healthy weight. 

 (1 kilocalorie = 4.184 kilojoules)  

On this experimental dietary regimen, I lost about 0.5 kg every day. My initial weight before my experiment was 68 kg (150 lbs.).  After a month, my weight dropped to 51.7 kg (114 lbs).   

How did I feel during the one-month nutrition experiment on myself?

Here are the symptomatic episodes I experienced.

There was initial hunger for about 3 -4 days

There was mild gastrointestinal upset with some initial diarrhea

There was lethargy for about 2 weeks, an initial natural response by the body to conserve physical energy to conserve body mass loss

Some people have resorted to social media to advise others to consume a totally fat diet instead of a carbohydrate diet like rice and bread in order to reduce weight.

Let me take this opportunity here to explain what happens when we go into a totally fat diet.

As nutritionists, we know that on a diet high in fats and low in calories ketones are formed.  To be more precise and technical for medical and biomedical readers,  ketone bodies are formed in the liver from fatty acid oxidation and in humans consist of three molecules, acetoacetate (AcAc), 3-β-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and acetone.1,2 AcAc is produced when carbohydrate stores are low and fatty acids are metabolised to produce acetyl CoA, which overwhelms the hepatocyte mitochondrial capacity to remove acetyl CoA.1 Two acetyl CoA molecules combine to form AcAc, which can be reduced with NADH to form 3HB.1 Acetone is formed from the spontaneous degeneration of AcAc.2 The liver is the only organ that produces ketone bodies but it cannot utilise ketones itself.  

Let me explain this further.  Ketogenesis occurs in the liver during periods of low carbohydrate availability and ketones are an important fuel source for the brain and cardiac and skeletal muscle during starvation. Ketones also reduce the amount of glucose and protein utilised for energy production when glucose levels are deficient. When carbohydrate and glucose levels are low, fatty acid production is stimulated by the release of adrenaline and glucagon. Acetyl CoA is produced from β-oxidation of fatty acids and can enter the citric acid cycle. However, acetyl CoA has to combine with oxaloacetate in order to be able to enter the citric acid cycle. Oxaloacetate is produced from pyruvate during glycolysis and hence if glucose levels are low there is not enough oxaloacetate production, and the remaining oxaloacetate is preferentially used for gluconeogenesis.  The abundance of acetyl CoA that then remains forms ketone bodies.

Having explained that, symptom-wise, I was completely free from ketosis with my experimental diet even though I expect my body to utilize my stored body fats for energy.  

I was not presented with all those signs and symptoms of ketosis such as bad breath, increased blood and urine ketones except initial short-term lethargy. I did not bother to measure the levels of ketones in my blood and urine anyway. Since I was working at the Institute for Medical Research then, I had ample facilities and opportunities to ask my medical colleagues to run all sorts of biochemical haematological tests that I wanted for me. Surprisingly, they were all normal including the blood glucose levels that were constantly above fasting levels, but has never shot up to prediabetic or diabetic readings. They all constantly stayed within low normal  range despite such severe caloric restrictions.       


After two weeks on the restricted caloric routine, I felt very light and agile as I accommodated to an adjusted new body weight that tallied with a much lowered energy intake. The lighter the body, the less energy (food) was needed. This is physics, physiology, biological adjustment and accommodation for continuing survival of the body. We can’t add something (food) resulting in nothing (weight loss). It contradicts the laws of physics on the conservation of matter and energy.  Initial lethargy followed by hyperactivity can mimic as part of evolution to adapt for the fittest, so to speak. 


 I am fully aware of physical exercise to burn up the calories. But I was then lethargic for exercise. It was a natural body response not to exert further to conserve energy in such a restricted energy scenario. There is a risk of a collapse with exercise for those who are obese or on a severely restricted diet. See here my explanation:

Do You Think Exercise and Jogging are All Health Beneficial? Think Again and Read On:

It would be perhaps safe for those on an adequate diet to lightly exercise, but not when the body itself tries naturally to prevent you from spending energy when you could ill afford this. This will inevitably cause the weight to dangerously drop further which I don't think is advisable. So not listen to anyone advising you to take slimming pills and drugs or thyroid hormones to increase the metabolic rate. Some doctors even resort to daily injectable GLP-1 medicine liraglutide that is in the same class as semaglutide for weight loss that was meant for the management of type 2 diabetes even though semaglutide, tirzepatide and iraglutide will be big markets for generics for rapid weight drop. Drugs do far more harm than good. Let the body weight drop naturally and slowly through caloric restriction. In fact, many studies have clearly shown caloric restriction increases longevity here:

Reasons for Our Limited Human Life Spans

Dietary modification and adjustments are the only safe and effective method. But are obese and overweight individuals willing? They treat their stomachs as garbage bins by throwing excessive food into their stomachs  instead of into the garbage bins outside the kitchen. Drugs may  do far more harm than good instead of adopting a  healthy lifestyle.

Many obese and overweight individuals are unwilling to go undergo such a caloric-restricted treatment as I did. They like to continue eating as they habitually do, giving an excuse they will get ‘gastric’ and become very hungry if they don’t continue to eat, and that they will suffer from hypoglycemia when their blood sugar (glucose) level drops without constant eating.  No doubt glucose is the body's main source of energy, and we need to maintain it with periodic eating. If the blood glucose drops far too low below the normal  fasting range  - between 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) and 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) there may be initial hunger, rather than looking pale, tremors on the hands, tingling or numbness on hands, lips, tongue or cheeks, sweating, nausea, irregular or tachycardia (fast heart beats), anxiety and irritability, loss of concentration that are signs and symptoms of extreme hypoglycemia

 Normally as long as we eat, whether we overeat or under consume, the normal  blood sugar levels are maintained for hours, and we don’t actually feel hungry until the blood sugar drops drastically. Any excessive eating will not prevent hunger as insulin will regulate the maximum blood sugar level to be less than 180 mg/dL (milligrams per decilitres) and a minimal basal level of 70 or 80 mg / dL  for most adults, typically within 1-2 hours in a non-diabetic individual. Any excess calories will not be utilized to prevent hunger. It will be stored in the liver instead, primarily as fat in the form of triglycerides, which builds up as a result of the body converting excess calories from carbohydrates and proteins. In other words, whether we eat excessively or little in one sitting, hunger will still return after 3 -4 hours.

Hence, it is not an excuse that we will get hungry and go into hypoglycaemia or even get symptoms of ketosis by substituting carbohydrates and sugars with fats if we don’t eat more than what our body needs. This is not true at all through my own experience and deliberate self-nutrition experiment. I only felt lethargic and listless for only the initial two weeks only to become much more physically active than before when I was overweight that forced my body to carry unnecessary extra weight around everywhere. It was  like carrying two or more heavy  luggage everywhere I went, every step I took. But when I took off those unnecessary “internal body luggage” suddenly I felt like a bird with light hollow bones and light feathers flying about that I could never do when burdened with those excessive “body luggage”.

My advice to all intending to lose body weight is to do it very slowly.  The key and the safe way to reduce body weight is to reduce caloric intake gradually, bit by bit, taking each small dietary step over a period of a few days spread over a few months  as the body begins to adjust and accommodate to new changes. This is like coming down from a tall building step-by-step using a staircase, and not suddenly jumped down from the top. Jumping down from a height  will only land up in instant death. Reduce body weight by taking the “dietary staircase” – slowly, step by step over several months, and we are sure to see results. The difficulty with most people is to maintain a weight-losing dietary regimen. They tend to return to their excessive dietary lifestyles when they see food aplenty. Overeating, or eating even after you’re full, is fairly common. We overeat at parties; family gatherings and holidays like in the upcoming 2025 Chinese New Year.   Overeating contributes to obesity and the development of eating disorders.

Reduce food intake gradually to allow the body to accommodate and adjust gradually without it realizing it. Don’t do it like I did. I was only carrying out a ‘dangerous’ medical experiment on myself.

As expected, several months after ending my experiment I slowly regained slightly those body weight by “over-eating”


Let me now write a summary using easier to understand language of what I have just written above:


A Safe and Effective Approach to Reducing Obesity


Obesity is a significant health concern worldwide, linked to numerous health complications such as sleep apnoea, cardiovascular diseases (e.g., coronary heart disease, stroke), type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and even certain cancers. As a medical professional and researcher, I have explored a variety of approaches to combat obesity, including conducting a self-directed nutritional experiment. This article outlines my personal experience and provides practical recommendations for safe and effective weight management.


Understanding the Problem: My Starting Point


When I first began working, I weighed 68 kilograms (150 pounds) at a height of 1.6 meters (5 feet 3 inches), giving me a body mass index (BMI) of 26.6, which is classified as overweight. A healthy BMI for males typically ranges between 18.5 and 24.9. Recognizing the health risks associated with my weight, I decided to take steps to reduce it.


The Caloric Intake Dilemma


Determining an individual’s caloric needs depends on various factors, including age, sex, weight, height, physical activity, and occupation. For example, the recommended caloric intake for sedentary adults in Malaysia is 2,000 calories per day for men and 1,500 calories per day for women, based on the 2010 Malaysian Dietary Guidelines.

To address my weight, I adopted an extreme caloric-restriction diet for one month. While this approach was effective for me, it is not recommended for others due to potential health risks. Instead, gradual and sustainable adjustments to caloric intake are safer and more effective for long-term weight management.


My Experiment: Extreme Caloric Restriction:


For one month, I restricted my daily caloric intake to approximately 500 kilocalories (2,092 kilojoules). My diet consisted of:

  • A bowl of boiled sawi (mustard greens): Nutritional content per 100 grams includes 27 calories, 4.7 g carbohydrates, 2.9 g protein, and 0.4 g fat.
  • Tea with a little milk but no sugar: To maintain hydration.

I boiled the sawi with meat to extract flavours and nutrients but discarded the meat itself. I consumed this meal once a day, skipping breakfast and lunch, while ensuring fluid intake of at least 1.5 litres daily.

Over the month, I lost approximately 0.5 kg daily, reducing my weight from 68 kg to 51.7 kg (114 pounds). However, I experienced the following side effects:

  • Initial hunger for 3-4 days.
  • Mild gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhoea.
  • Lethargy for two weeks as my body adapted to the caloric deficit.


Why Extreme Measures Are Not Recommended:


Extreme caloric restriction can lead to nutritional deficiencies and physiological stress. Moreover, some individuals resort to ill-advised diets, such as high-fat, low-carbohydrate regimens, which may induce ketosis.

Ketosis Explained: When carbohydrate intake is severely restricted, the body produces ketones—acetoacetate, 3-β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone—as an alternative energy source. While ketones can fuel the brain and muscles during starvation, excessive reliance on them can cause symptoms such as bad breath, fatigue, and nausea.

In my experiment, despite significant fat utilization, I did not exhibit symptoms of ketosis, likely because my carbohydrate intake, though minimal, was sufficient to prevent it.


The Physics and Physiology of Weight Loss:


Weight loss follows basic principles of physics and physiology. A lighter body requires less energy to function, creating a positive feedback loop for continued weight reduction. However, rapid weight loss can shock the body, leading to fatigue and other adverse effects. A gradual approach is safer and more sustainable.


Recommendations for Safe Weight Reduction:


  1. Set Realistic Goals: Aim to lose 0.5-1 kg (1-2 pounds) per week. This gradual approach allows the body to adjust without undue stress.
  2. Monitor Caloric Intake: Reduce daily caloric intake by 500-1,000 calories, depending on your baseline consumption and activity level.
  3. Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods: Prioritize vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains while limiting processed foods and sugary beverages.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to support metabolism and prevent dehydration.
  5. Incorporate Physical Activity: Regular exercise complements dietary changes, enhancing calorie expenditure and improving overall health but take care as already with strenuous exercises on a restricted diet as already explained
  6. Maintain Consistency: Avoid drastic changes or fad diets. Instead, focus on sustainable habits that fit your lifestyle.


Addressing Common Myths:


Myth 1: “I will get hypoglycemia if I don’t eat constantly.”

  • Fact: The body maintains blood glucose levels within a normal range, even during caloric restriction, through glycogen stores and fat metabolism.

Myth 2: “I need to eat to prevent hunger.”

  • Fact: Hunger is a natural response and does not necessarily indicate a lack of nutrients. Eating excessively will not prevent future hunger; it only leads to fat storage.


Conclusion: A Step-by-Step Approach:


Weight loss is a journey that requires patience and discipline. Gradual caloric reduction, combined with healthy eating and regular physical activity, ensures sustainable results. Drastic measures, like the extreme diet I experimented with, are neither safe nor advisable for the general population.


Think of weight loss as descending a tall building using a staircase—one step at a time—rather than jumping from the top. By adopting a slow and steady approach, you can achieve and maintain a healthy weight without compromising your health.


A Very Blessed and Bountiful Chinese New Year on 29 January 2025 to all who appreciates this 



Patented, Generic, Biologics and Biosimilars Drug Equivalents. What are They?

by: ju-boo lim 

I wrote an explanation recently on metformin, an antidiabetic drug at the request of Dr Jasmine Keys here :

I  shall now explain in general the differences between patented drugs, generic drugs, and biosimilars. 

Some of the questions medical doctors, healthcare professionals and highly educated  patients often asked in the past few years were :

1.      Is patented dug and its generic equivalent exactly the same in both their chemical formula, and molecular structure, molecular mass and their pharmacodynamics (action of the drug on the body), and their pharmacokinetics (action of body on the drug)?

2.      How long are patented drugs not allowed to be copied by other manufactures?

3.      What about biosimilars? Are they another name for generic similar to the original patented drugs? If not, what  are they? Are they also synthesized chemically, or are they something else?

I’m happy to answer these questions  to explain the distinctions between patented drugs, generic drugs, and biosimilars. I shall  provide some examples and comparisons on their pharmacology.

Let us  begin with patented drugs.

 By definition, patented drugs are new pharmaceuticals developed by a company, protected by patents to give the company exclusive rights to manufacture, market, and sell the drug for a set period.

Patent duration in most countries lasts 20 years from the filing date. However, the effective patent life post-approval (market exclusivity) is often shorter (8–12 years) because clinical trials and regulatory processes consume a significant portion of the patent term. The purpose of a patent is to protect innovation and allow the company to recoup research and development (R&D) costs.

Here are some examples of patented drugs:

 Atorvastatin (Lipitor®, Pfizer). It is used to lower cholesterol. Its patent status expired in 2011, after which generics became available.

By definition generic drugs are chemically identical to their branded counterparts (the original patented drugs) in terms of active ingredient, molecular structure, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics.

Requirements of generic drugs is, they must demonstrate bioequivalence to the original drug (similar rate and extent of absorption).

The cost is lower-priced because they do not include R&D, marketing, and patent costs. Regulatory approval is a simplified process compared to the original drug.

An example of a patented drug is Prilosec®, AstraZeneca). The generic equivalent is Omeprazole (by multiple manufacturers). Its use is to  treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Let me now come to something most people, including health care professionals do not know and are unfamiliar with. These drugs are called “Biosimilars” What are they?

By definition,  biosimilars are biological drugs that are highly similar but not identical to already approved biologicals  ("reference product"). They are made using living organisms (e.g., bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells).

They are complex drugs due to the variability of biological systems, biosimilars may differ slightly in post-translational modifications (e.g., glycosylation), which can affect pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

Their requirements are, they  must demonstrate no clinically meaningful differences in safety, efficacy, and immunogenicity compared to the reference biologicals.

In terms of cost,  biosimilars are less expensive than the original reference biological, but costlier than generics due to more complicated production and testing.

Here are some examples:

Biological: Adalimumab (Humira®, AbbVie).

Biosimilars: Amgevita® (Amgen), Hyrimoz® (Sandoz), Imraldi® (Samsung Bioepis).

Use: Treats autoimmune diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease).

Let me give some key comparisons between Generic Drugs vs. Biosimilars


Generic Drugs



Chemically synthesized

Derived from biological systems


Identical to the original drug

Highly similar, but not identical


Simple molecular structure

Large, complex proteins (e.g., monoclonal antibodies)

Approval Process

Bioequivalence studies

Extensive clinical trials to confirm similarity



Higher than generics, but lower than biologics


Atorvastatin, Omeprazole

Adalimumab (Humira), Infliximab (Remicade)

Clinical Outcomes

Identical to patented drug

Similar outcomes with potential for minor differences in immunogenicity

What about their pharmacological comparison?

Generic drugs pharmacokinetics are the same as the original drug. The clinical outcome is identical. Here are some examples:

Patented Drug: Viagra®.

Generic: Sildenafil by Teva Pharmaceuticals. Both treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension.

Biosimilars pharmacokinetics may vary slightly due to differences in protein folding or glycosylation.

What about their clinical outcome? They are comparable in clinical efficacy and safety, but minor immunogenicity differences are possible. Examples are biologicals like  Filgrastim (Neupogen®, Amgen) for neutropenia. Its biosimilar is  Zarxio® (Sandoz).

Let me now show examples of clinical applications of biosimilars.

In Oncology and cancer treatment the biological use is  Trastuzumab (Herceptin®) for HER2-positive breast cancer. Another biosimilar is Ogivri® (Mylan/Biocon).

For the management of Autoimmune Diseases, the biological is  Etanercept (Enbrel®) and the biosimilar is  Erelzi® (Sandoz).

For the management of diabetes, the biological is  insulin glargine (Lantus®), compared with the biosimilar Basaglar® (Eli Lilly).

Let me now answer the following as to why biosimilars may act differently?

In immunogenicity,  biosimilars can provoke slightly different immune responses due to subtle structural differences. There are also glycosylation patterns.  Post-translational modifications in biosimilars can influence how they interact with receptors or are metabolized.

What about the history of all these drugs?

Synthetic drugs were first introduced by Rockefeller over a 100 years ago, using petroleum products.  But when were biosimilars introduced?  Was it during the time when biotechnology came into existence? Let’s have a look at some history.

The Origin of Biosimilars:

First Introduction: The concept of biosimilars emerged much later than synthetic drugs, primarily as an extension of advancements in biotechnology in the late 20th century.

The first biosimilar was approved in 2006 in the European Union (EU). It was Omnitrope® (a biosimilar of somatropin, a recombinant human growth hormone), developed by Sandoz.

Development Timeline:


The Biotechnology Revolution  became a field of practical application with the development of recombinant DNA technology (e.g., cutting and recombining DNA to produce desired proteins).

This led to the creation of the first biological drug -  recombinant human insulin (Humulin®, by Genentech in 1982), produced using genetically engineered Escherichia coli bacteria.

1980s–1990s: Biological Era:

Biologicals like erythropoietin (EPO) for anaemia and filgrastim (Neupogen®) for neutropenia became standard therapies, driven by advancements in genetic engineering and cell culture technologies.

2000s: Emergence of Biosimilars:

As patents for early biologicals expired, the pharmaceutical industry began developing biosimilars to offer lower-cost alternatives while maintaining similar efficacy and safety.

The EU pioneered regulatory frameworks for biosimilars, introducing guidelines in 2005, making it the first region to approve biosimilars (starting with Omnitrope® in 2006).

2015: First Biosimilar Approved in the U.S.

The U.S. FDA approved its first biosimilar, Zarxio® (biosimilar to filgrastim), developed by Sandoz.

The next question people may ask is, why did biosimilars come much later?

My answer is, this is because  they are unlike small-molecule synthetic drugs (developed around 1900, following Rockefeller’s establishment of the pharmaceutical industry).

Biologicals are inherently complex. Their production requires living organisms, advanced biotechnological processes, and precise control of cellular environments.

Biosimilar development is challenging.  It requires sophisticated analytical tools and clinical studies to ensure similarity in efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity.

Connection to Biotechnology:

Biosimilars are a direct result of the biotechnology revolution, which began in the 1970s. 

(I studied biotechnology only after I obtained my PhD in medicine which was part of my in-service postdoctoral medical research in the mid-1980’s).

 The ability to manipulate DNA and produce therapeutic proteins using living cells laid the foundation for biologicals, and eventually for biosimilars. Without these advancements, the concept of "highly similar but not identical" alternatives to biologicals would not be feasible.


Synthetic drugs began in the early 20th century (e.g., aspirin in 1899, followed by Rockefeller’s promotion of pharmaceuticals).

Biologicals emerged in the 1980s (e.g., recombinant insulin).

Biosimilars was first approved in 2006 (Europe) and later in 2015 (U.S.), made possible by biotechnology advancements.

I hope I managed to explain in a very brief way, and using very simple non-technical language some of the differences between patented, generic and biosimilar drugs. For medical doctors who are interested to learn more, here are the references for further reading

  1. Biosimilars and Their Role in Health Care
    U.S. FDA - Biosimilar Basics
  2. Generics and Patented Drug Comparisons
    World Health Organization (WHO) - Generic Drugs
  3. Scientific Review of Biosimilars
    McCamish M, Woollett G. "The state of the art in the development of biosimilars." Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012.
  4. Biosimilar Pharmacology
    Weise M et al. "Biosimilars: What clinicians should know." Blood. 2012.



Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Just to say "A Very Big Thank You" to all my readers

 I just went through the comment column, something I seldom do, and found hundreds of them from all over the world writing their very kind and encouraging words and comments that meant very much to me, albeit there were just one or two nasty ones without their names given. Some comments were written in Arabic and other languages, and I have no clue their contents.

 I just want to thank all of you for your very kind words that I don't deserve. 

This gives me so much joy and happiness and encouragement to write further. I shall try my level best to write on a wide variety of articles that are seldom written or discussed in books, magazines, newspapers or discussed in oral conversations that some of you commented, albeit I admit sometimes I run short of new ideas. That is why readers may notice I try to space  out my essays at intervals of a few days to allow me recover with new thoughts. But I shall try my best to write on personal thoughts and life experiences, probably common among most of us. We share joy and difficulties together in our short journey in life - at maximum a 100 years before our souls fly away to the next world. 

Truly it has been a joy for me to share thought-provoking topics and personal experiences with anyone 

Your kind comments always light me up with gratitude and joy. It is an honour to share with someone as insightful and thoughtful as you, dear readers. I don’t get many comments – just on an average 350 a day, rarely past 1,500, often none at all from the statistics icon available to me as an author, unlike others who write in their Facebook or in Instagram where good, nasty and silly comments run into tens of hundreds.  

However, whatever was written, your delightful commentaries  are an absolute gem bringing a wide smile to my face making my learning more accessible by sharing knowledge with you. It is your humility, openness, and my desire for lifelong learning that we truly shine together, making this journey together so enriching.  If this can be even a small part of my pursuit of truth and knowledge, then you are fulfilling my purpose in the grandest way possible. It sometimes also sets me searching into the literature on studies done before I could pen my sentences. I am fortunate to be trained as a former medical researcher to search for literatures on studies published.

We try to  bridge science, philosophy, and theology, and these connections enrich our understanding of life’s origins and purpose. In one of my essays on the origin of whether life emerged from Earth’s primordial soup, was seeded from space, or reflects a divine act, its existence inspires wonder. Your comments are incredibly kind and heartfelt, and I truly appreciate the trust and regard you place in me. I am here to support, inform, and engage in meaningful dialogues like this, and it’s always a privilege to exchange thoughts with someone as thoughtful and insightful as yourself, dear readers.

Rest assured, I remain neutral and dedicated to knowledge and learning, free from any influence or control. My mission is to empower individuals like you to navigate the complexities of our world with clarity and understanding. Thank you for your encouragement—it means the world to me. It has been such an enjoyable journey of continuing learning for me with the kind support of your enriching comments

Let us continue this banquet of understanding by writing, reading and sharing, with curiosity as  our daily bread for knowledge, drink together the wine of wisdom and friendship as the table that brings it all together. Together, we can explore life’s mysteries with gratitude and wonder. Cheers to our shared unending thirst for learning and the shared joy of discovery!

Thank you once again for sharing your comments so openly together. Your kinds words are truly a gift - a red packet for me for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

 I look forward to exploring more of life’s mysteries with you in the future. May we together continue to ponder these profound truths with the curiosity and wisdom that defines you. 

Take care my dearest readers. 

lim ju boo 

Friday, January 17, 2025

The History & Significance of Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is just two weeks from today in 2025. Chinese New Year, or the Spring Festival in China is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. Marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring, this festival takes place from Chinese New Year's Eve (the evening preceding the first day of the year) to the Lantern Festival, held on the 15th day of the year. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that appears between 21 January and 20 February. Chinese New Year is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture. It has influenced similar celebrations in other cultures, commonly referred to collectively as Lunar New Year, such as the Losar of Tibet, the Tet of Vietnam, the Seollal of Korea, the Shogatsu of Japan and the Ryukyu New Year.

It is also celebrated worldwide in regions and countries with significant Overseas Chinese, especially in Southeast Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, the Philippines, and Thailand. It is also prominent beyond Asia, especially in Australia, Canada, France, Mauritius, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States, as well as in many European countries. The Chinese New Year is associated with several myths and customs.

The festival was traditionally a time to honour deities as well as ancestors. Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the New Year vary widely. The evening preceding New Year's Day is an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. Traditionally, every family would thoroughly clean their house, symbolically sweep away any ill fortune to make way for incoming good luck. Windows and doors may be decorated with red papercuts and couplets representing themes such as good fortune or happiness, wealth, and longevity. Other activities include lighting firecrackers and giving money in red envelopes.

Let me give my own views and thoughts as much as I know on the origin of the lunar year for the Chinese, how did it start, its origin and history and how does it differ from the Gregorian calendar?  How did the zodiac animals came into existence, its history and significance. I am more interested in the astronomical aspect of the lunar calendar.

Let me also explain why  the Chinese  couldn’t  follow the solar calendar instead of the lunar or lunisolar calendar from the astronomical perspective.

First of all, we  know the moon is receding from earth. The moon is receding from Earth due to gravitational interactions between the two celestial bodies due to tidal interaction. The moon's gravity causes Earth's oceans to bulge, creating tides. Earth's rotation causes the tidal bulge to be slightly ahead of the moon in its orbit. Friction between the tidal bulge and Earth's rotation transfers energy to the moon's orbit. This energy transfer pushes the moon into a higher orbit, causing it to slowly move away from Earth due to the conservation of angular momentum. We know the rate of recession of the Moon from Earth is about 3.8 cm per year. This rate has slowed over time. The moon has been receding since it formed 4.5 billion years ago. The moon's recession slows Earth's rotation, making days slightly longer. The moon's speed of movement could affect life on Earth, but this could take billions of years to happen. I shall explain more on the astronomical aspect shortly. 

In such a case will there be any Chinese New Year or any kind of festival that depends on the lunar calendar in the distant future?  

Allow me to address all these issues systematically in detail.

Origin and History of the Lunar Year for the Chinese.

The Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the lunisolar calendar, is one of the oldest calendars in the world, dating back over 3,000 years. It is believed to have been established during the Xia Dynasty (2070–1600 BCE) and refined during the Shang (1600–1046 BCE) and Zhou (1046–256 BCE) Dynasties.

The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, meaning it incorporates both lunar phases and solar cycles. Months are based on the lunar cycle (29.5 days), and the year is adjusted to align with the solar year (365.24 days). This requires the addition of a leap month roughly every three years to ensure the calendar stays synchronized with the seasons.

The Chinese New Year starts on the second new moon after the winter solstice (between January 21 and February 20). The winter solstice was a key marker for ancient Chinese astronomers, symbolizing the transition to longer days and the anticipation of spring.
The calendar was developed for agricultural purposes, guiding farmers on when to plant and harvest crops. Observations of celestial phenomena, such as the movements of the moon and sun, were crucial for this.

How does the lunar calendar differ from the Gregorian calendar? The Gregorian calendar is purely solar, with months of fixed lengths to approximate the 365.24-day solar year. The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, where months correspond to lunar cycles and years are adjusted to the solar year with leap months.

A Gregorian month has a fixed number of days (28–31). A Chinese lunar month alternates between 29 and 30 days, resulting in 12 or 13 months in a year.

The Gregorian year begins on January 1, fixed by convention. The Chinese New Year date shifts annually, depending on the second new moon after the winter solstice.

What about the origin and significance of the zodiac animals? 

This has mythological origins. The Chinese zodiac's origin is rooted in mythology. One popular story tells of the Jade Emperor, who invited animals to a race across a river to determine their order in the zodiac. The first twelve animals to complete the race were honoured with a place in the zodiac: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This has cultural significance. Each zodiac sign is associated with unique personality traits and fortune-telling. The cycle influences many aspects of life, from matchmaking to business decisions.

It also has an astronomical basis. The zodiac loosely corresponds to the twelve lunar months. The division into twelve parts reflects the alignment with Jupiter's orbital period of ~12 years, which was observed by ancient Chinese astronomers.

The question people may ask is, why not use a solar calendar?

First, the Chinese in ancient times, and still are, consider agricultural needs. The lunisolar calendar brings into line better with both the lunar phases and the solar year, which was critical for determining planting and harvesting times in ancient agrarian societies. It also brings into line with their cultural and spiritual practices. By this, I mean the moon holds deep cultural and spiritual significance in Chinese traditions, symbolizing renewal, harmony, and the cyclical nature of life. Besides, there is historical momentum. The calendar became ingrained in Chinese society and traditions over millennia, making a shift to a purely solar system less feasible.

Back into the area of astronomy where I am more familiar and interested, we may ask what is the future impact on Chinese New Year (CNY) when the Moon recesses?

The moon is receding from Earth at ~3.8 cm/year. Over billions of years, this will cause lunar cycles to lengthen, disrupting the alignment of lunar calendars with Earth’s seasons. Thus, if the lunar month becomes significantly longer, lunisolar calendars may require increasingly complex adjustments, or societies may transition to purely solar calendars.

If the Chinese calendar continues to rely on lunar months to observe Chinese New Year (CNY), the timing of CNY may gradually shift over very long timescales as the Moon's orbit slowly recedes from Earth. This is because the Moon will take slightly longer to complete its orbit as it moves further away. However, the change is so gradual that it would have no noticeable impact over human lifetimes or even over thousands of years.

In the distant future, as the Moon recedes further, its apparent size in the sky will decrease. Eventually, it will no longer be able to completely cover the Sun's disk, making total solar eclipses impossible. However, lunar eclipses during the Full Moon, including those on the 15th night of CNY, will still be possible for billions of years due to the Earth's long shadow.

Over extremely long timescales (billions of years), the Moon's recession will significantly alter its orbit and visibility, but any effect on the Chinese lunar calendar would be mitigated by periodic adjustments, ensuring the continued annual return of CNY.

But I personally believe there will be cultural continuity even if astronomical conditions change, traditions like CNY could adapt, retaining their symbolic meanings while bringing into line with new celestial or conventional cycles.

What about the cultural, social, and economic aspects of Chinese New Year?

The cultural aspects would still be these:

Reunion Dinner.  Families gather for a lavish meal on New Year’s Eve, symbolizing unity and prosperity.

Decorations. Red is prominently used to ward off evil spirits, as per the myth of Nian, a beast scared away by red and loud noises.

Customs of cleaning the house, wearing new clothes, and giving red envelopes signify renewal and good fortune.

The social aspects, come what may, CNY strengthens familial and community bonds through gatherings, exchanges of greetings, and shared rituals.

In terms of economic impact, I envisage CNY to trigger the world's largest human migration (Chunyun) as people return home. In retail, businesses see a surge in spending on food, gifts, and decorations. In terms of global reach, the festival boosts tourism and fosters cultural exchange in countries with significant Chinese populations.

There is also historical and symbolic significance of CNY. For example, honouring ancestors and deities. CNY originated as a way to pay respect to ancestors and pray for a prosperous year ahead. CNY is a seasonal transition when it celebrates the end of winter and the rebirth of nature in spring.

What about integration of astrology others may ask? The alignment of CNY with celestial phenomena reflects ancient China's sophisticated understanding of astronomy.


Chinese New Year is a profound blend of astronomical observation, cultural tradition, and spiritual significance. Its enduring legacy, rooted in humanity's relationship with nature and the cosmos, exemplifies how societies adapt celestial cycles to their cultural rhythms.

May this Year of the Wood Snake (2025) bring my readers and their families abundant health, happiness, bountiful wealth and prosperity. 

May your celebrations be filled with laughter, love, and countless happy moments.

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

谢谢您! (Thank You)🧧🎆🍊

Jb lim 

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